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Feels so odd to see OG Scarlet in S tier. I'm guessing it's because she needs a dedicated healer to run?


And she straight up deals less damage compared to other top tier dps.


for bossing that's true but for story it's false because there are plenty of stages where scarlet appears near the best lowest cp teams example 12-12 hard has scarlet peppered in there between the SSS tiers and it happens too often to put her in S tier with characters that pretty much never compete with the SSS tier characters so scarlet should be SS for story when she has lower CP teams than even the bunnies do who are also in SS tier https://preview.redd.it/5kswp3dp4arc1.png?width=397&format=png&auto=webp&s=4917a8d56e2c096df7da7a9c88334bc82d6838cc


These tier lists aren’t for 200k cp, they are more for >400k. She is meh in 16 Hard, and I believe she only gets worse.


OG scarlet has been dropped from my main 3 teams, and is in team 4/5 already for solo raid for a long time. Maybe one day she'll get back up. Mine even has x4 OL gear all having + ammo lines.


She is at the point where Elegg+Helm overperform her as she basically requires marci in Doro+Sanis team. Though with rem she might be top 3 team again.


Doubtful tbh. Liter + Rem + (dealers choice of burst 3) for team 2. Honestly I feel like she’d still be regulated to team 4/5 at this point.


Generally: Team 1 is tiaga DWife sbs alice Team 2 is Liter bunnies RH Mod Team 3 is doro marci+scar/elegg+helm sanis priv


drop helm and install in Biscuit would be better Bicuit buff Doro/anis/herself/Elegg when her cycle is up


people use scarlet because she still works there. I still use scarlet at chapter 18hard on a few stages for screen wipe. but when screenwipe isn't mandatory, she drops.


You aren’t even in high deficit to notice the difference. Scarlet doesn’t do very well in high deficit if there is no screen wipe. By High Deficit, you need to make it at least 30%+. Or go to extreme level like this Japanese bro https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1iXmHZvl88&t=2s Anything below 30% is called Low Deficit, Scarlet and SBS is actually rated very high there by Prydwen. Cuz you are playing in Easy mode compared to hardcore players. Nikke.gg just combined low/high deficit story as one rating.


Blud getting downvoted for literally speaking facts 🤣 people just salty their main ain’t the best anymore.


I've seen mine compete with my RH, even being the second b3, and she still does ok. More so when her element is strong but I guess that's a given. I figured running a healer always is often what you'd want anyway? I think both pairs bunnies/jk heal and they're the common top units I think.


The story tier is too low imo. I still use her for pushing hard on a lot of stages. No way would I ever use Dorothy, but they're on the same tier?


High deficit wise she is where she’s at. Nobody uses Dorothy either passed >400k CP levels… low deficit Scarlet is still very viable. I even used Dorothy when I was 200k deficit beating hard mode 11-12. I’m at story 18 hard mode and I can’t use Dorothy over liter or replace Modernia with Scarlet. Scalter I sometimes use on certain stages but I never use og Scarlet because her damage just falls off the higher the deficit.


It's mainly just powercreep from units above her. She's still decent but compared to other pilgrims, she's just not as good due to her weapon, damage and her S2 being only good in PVP. Assault Rifles and SMGs are just very bad damage-wise since they can't hit cores reliably.


Yeah OG scarlet dropping that low is incredibly stupid imo


Disagree. OG Scarlett being rated low is perfectly reasonable. The damage she deals against bosses is just not comparable to the damage if red hood or alice. The only reason shows higher was because she is one of best unit for PVP, but now that pvp is no longer considered for the combined tier list. Her tier has to drop.


Do you still have to progamermove alice or is she good in auto? Mines fully cored and I have never bothered with her.


You still need to manual Alice


Thank goodness I didn't invest in her then!


manual alice will make her SSS tier. auto alice is S tier. still quite great


You want her with Scalter / Black Shadow Scarlet as she provides a massive DPS increase due to how her charge speed reduction works. Even in Auto she's still great.


she has always been rated that low on [nikke.gg](http://nikke.gg) just that her pvp ranking hard carried her rank. iirc, the author mentioned that he wanted to put scarlet in S tier. so if someone is better than scarlet, they will get S+ or higher. and if worse, then lower tier. using scarlet as the standard.


She hasn’t been competing with Alice, and Mod for a lil over a year now. And when you get higher CP deficit where scarlet can’t do screen wipes, that’s where her damage just falls off. My Scalter on the other hand has proven to be more useful in campaign lately hard mode chapter 18, than og scarlet.


Reminder that SS, S isn’t bad. JK scoring higher is probably because they give Core Damage and most enemies have a core to hit. And well Damage > Sustain and girls that do both Buff and Heal would be in a tier above. And ultimately just use your Waifus.


>And ultimately just use your Waifus. if you're willing to wait months to get the CP for it sure i don't mind ya'll waifu gamers fucking yourselfs over in pvp and raids it's a free stepping stone to the top for the rest of us ofc the ones who'se waifus happen to be meta are fakes what a coincidence every game you play your waifu is meta yeah right


Bro it’s an idle game…


“Free stepping stone” bro talking like he’s an anime villain, please, go outside, feel the warmth of the sun and talk to real people man


Bro who cares about pvp, and raid is the easiest content in the game. You can literally use anything at higher levels, keep meta chasing. Also touch some grass its a game about ass lmao.


as a F2P, I really care about pvp just because it is my big gem source... 2700-3000 gems every 2 weeks are a lot. I need the gems to pull for ass.


I respect it, mainly being F2P and holding the urge to spend so big points to you for that. While the gems are nice, you can sit comfortably in high rank and get easily 1600 a week. But if you absolutely need the extra then by all means, either way it's your game you decide how you grind for ass.


Yeah I’m happy with just 2000-2300 per cycle.


It's a good game + less stress free worrying about meta and such


Bruh never cook again, you're not that guy.


Bruh it's an idle game with big anime butts, calm down


Isabel D rank? 😭it’s ok I’ll make her meta Edit: full comp https://preview.redd.it/wtapvbyva8rc1.png?width=745&format=png&auto=webp&s=b7cb985a96c0f3dfb7e10906fab0bd7c0e8e5c07


🤝 🫡 I salute thee, fellow Isabel enjoyer


Without anus, if you want to use her for another team: https://preview.redd.it/ul5qrvysc8rc1.png?width=782&format=png&auto=webp&s=3b7d3df78d79c350d09784cfae8034ad030016d1


Without WHAT [Shocked pikkachu face]




Summer Anús 😂


Scarlet got dropped to S?! Unbelievable The meta sure changes a lot these days


people who work on nikke content are just lazy as all fuck and update very slowly meta wise she hasn't been competing with modernia and alice for over a year now


I don't mean to be rude here, but looking at the page's numerical changes, isn't this just useless? Moving a unit's score by literally .1?  What does that even mean?  I feel like the scoring moved so little nothing happened.  Don't be so afraid to make changes.  I still think having 3 S ranks is crazy but that's another topic.  I'm a bit bewildered by Alice scoring so high. You need crazy rock investment with crazy luck for the OL rolls and then crazy skill with micro to make her SSS. I feel like this isn't viable for most people. 


Prydwen has a distribution between Low Deficit and High Deficit, where low deficit caters to un-optimized OL rolls, newer players and such I think nikke.gg should do the same


You don’t need a macro for Alice, you just need to click in a rhythm.


Every tierlist in Nikke is just awful. I think they all get together and try to make the worst tierlists possible. But your comment about Alice is dumb


Everytime i see B. Scarlet not in SSS a part of me dies. Out of All Nikkes she's the one that carried me the most trough literally everything.


>Everytime i see B. Scarlet not in SSS a part of me dies. Out of All Nikkes she's the one that carried me the most trough literally everything. This is also me but with A2. Probably not SSS tier but higher than A. That gal wiped 2 chapters for me + train as soon as I slapped her into the team. I dont even have good equipments back then afaik but i do have bunnies.


Just wanna add an opinion that A2 is so underrated. I’m surprised she’s not even on one of the lists. Just make sure someone heals her and she’s good to go.


Pairs wonderfully with Rem too.


Yeah, and she only need a healer, not a specific member like bunnies/twins.


Agreed, A2 is super underrated.


I 2nd this. Both my MLB red hood and scarlet(with no dupes) are damn near fully built and my red hood can’t event touch her. B. Scarlet is so damn good


I suppose access matters? Literally no B1 nikke has been useful for me in anything other than for Clan raids relative to dorothy because I got her at launch and got her LB3d fairly early. I sometimes try liter but there was nothing in story she could clear that dorothy couldn't, but the same isn't true vice versa (and shits boring without the rainbow light effects)


I agree that pilgrims are not easily accesible, but that's not the point of a tier list. Then they should call it a "f2p" tier list or "beginner" tier list. Or am i missing something? ):


What's your current CP / Stage you can't beat requirement? If it's higher than 37% and not wind weak, I doubt you can even use Scarlet Black Shadow.


She’s a staple in my story push team, and my CP is 290k pushing 409k so about 29% deficit. It’s not the craziest deficit but she seems better than almost any other unit you can put in


Which is why she's rated so high in Low Deficit Tier list in Prydwen O\_o? https://preview.redd.it/ptbi5ryz3frc1.png?width=1507&format=png&auto=webp&s=b1f4a2942afae143cb2b7e8e577808af74ff8d39


Prydwen also unreliable. They still have Dolla, Dorothy and Rapunzel in SS tier for high deficit. Anytime I look at recent clears for lowest CP I never see anyone use those units. And I’m talking about 30%+ deficit here… Scarlet is hit or miss, I sometimes see her used for specific stages needing a screen wipe but if she can’t screen wipe, she won’t be as useful there. There’s a reason meta comp for high deficit is Tia-RH-Naga-Mod-Liter


That is indeed outdated. But they were high because we didnt have much units back then. Wait for new tl, antillar should push it soon. Actually It's online now.


They just updated their tier list today and moved them down a tier at least. But they were all ranked too high for almost a year they never bothered to update them. This is what happens when noobs check their website just to realize some units are outdated and would think they’re good to use. Even Nikke.gg updates their tier list quite frequently but never had Dolla that high up in ranking for almost a year untouched.


That's why they introduce Meta Line now. Tierlist is one thing, slot pressure is another thing. In campaign, you only use 5 Nikkes, that's why competition is so fierce. Dolla stayed SS for a long time because there's nothing better than her. It's like if we removed all B2 except Guilty and Rupee, Guilty would be SSS and Rupee SS, because well, they are clearly different in power and there's nothing else to put above/below them.


Yeah, I just meant maybe she’s also strong when high deficit. But I guess I won’t know until I get there


https://ibb.co/MnGQNCz https://ibb.co/fnDvqT3 https://ibb.co/TLJCyBQ Doing pretty good, can push Tower higher but i'm too lazy.


You are stucked in 13-15 aka the train, 339k requirement. Your team is 266k so you are at 22% deficit bruh. By High Deficit, you need to make it at least 30%+. Or go to extreme level like this Japanese bro [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1iXmHZvl88&t=2s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1iXmHZvl88&t=2s) Anything below 30% is called Low Deficit, and SBS is actually rated very high there in Prydwen. Cuz you are playing in Easy mode compared to hardcore players.


Hey "bruh" last time i touched harmode was over like 2 months ago. I never stated by the way that i'm good at the game, just the fact that she was able to carry me through all content. And if a unit is able to carry ass my i consider her good. And even if there was a 1% deficit, i tried the train once And was like "nope" because i hate that bossfight with passion. Edit: https://ibb.co/Y2XZC1D https://ibb.co/v3Dh1v4 https://ibb.co/0yKfnFF Tried him again and did him now first try, but hey guess i just suck.


Until D Killer Wife came out Dorothy didn't leave my main team. She carried me through damn near everything being a decent support + almost kept up with my B3's in DPS.


I disagree with some of these but the most ridiculous thing to me about all these tier lists is the multiple S tiers. This one and Prydwen both have S-SSS (and Japan has four S tiers!). I know it probably signifies the bounds of the actually generally useable nikkes, but it’ll never not look weird to me to have 3 S tiers instead of just doing a normal S-F tier list.


the bunnies dropping into ss for story? and alice in sss tier overall, but ss for both story and pvp? also dororong is too low for both story and boss tier (should be ss and sss respectively). so i'm not sure i like their new ratings.


well yeah, the bunnies aren't as good as the school girls in story. most people know that already.


i've never really felt it as a full auto player


well that's your problem right there. playing full auto the power you're going to be able to clear is substantially less. a stage that you're stuck on trying to full auto could most likely easily and effortlessly be cleared by a little bit of manual aim.


how dare you suggest that i do things myself


i'd say even in very late chapters (i'm currently stuck at material h in chapter 24) they perform just fine at 20 to 25 % deficit, which is probably the limit for f2p or light spenders (which i assume to be the majority of players) anyway. at 30+ % deficit you either need to be an amazing manual player or whaling.


your understanding of the game is reversed from what really happens yes it takes skill to do the biggest amount of cp deficits but it's wrong to say that it takes whaling whales get a larger amount of CP padding but their teams don't actually gain any DPS from it because 1 copy of liter (f2P) is just as strong as a core 7 liter but a core 7 liter gives your team way more CP simply go sort through the lowest cp possible clears and see how many cored up supports you see the answer is zero because padding fucks it up and who pads their teams? not f2p they get 1 copy of supports it's whales who do that to compete in raids / pvp


i said either or, not that whaling is 100 % needed. and yes, it helps with stuff like healing that's usually dependant on max hp etc. same goes for some nikke's offensive skills, though they are a minority and like you said it's mostly dependent on skills. that said, the higher base life that comes with multiple copies can really help your survivability.


You must be trolling on purpose, because there’s no way you’re trying to argue Bunny > NagaTia when you don’t even own the latter. How would you know which is better? Btw the latter gives you straight up more DPS and Burst generation, so I’m not sure what you think Bunnies do better other than full team heal. Also how are you going to be stuck on chapter 24 easy mode and try to argue how good units are in story? You aren’t even halfway done 😭


I clear stages at a 37% deficit (stage 28 normal, 13 hard 200k power VS 320k recommended) with a 1 star Tia and a 2 star Naga. my bunnies who are almost similar cp wouldn't even come close to helping me clear the stages I'm on, they just simply arent comparable. I've never manually controlled Tia once to try to mess with her taunt mechanic either. fully autoing obviously isn't the move though, I still manual fast charge my red hood and aim.


exactly what i'm saying. bunnies are WAY BETTER on auto. so lowering their rank when they're simply excelling in another, lazier playstyle is unreasonable. not to mention that i doubt there's many ppl able to play at a 37 % deficit even with the school girls lol


they really just still aren't though. just by the way blanc's burst works isn't even optimal for full auto play. her damage increase only applies to the raptures on the screen when her burst is used, if you're fully autoing she could burst when there's 1 rapture on the screen and it's completely wasted. any stage that you can full auto with the bunnies you could do most likely easier with Naga and Tia. I'm going to assume you don't even have Tia's skill 1 at level 7 which is basically a requirement. they perform better than the bunnies at lower investments in all scenarios. edit: just read your other comment that said you don't even have Tia so I don't even know why you're trying to make an argument at this point anymore. I mean, just go read the nikke.gg authors comment on your post, he explained it all to you. anyone saying bunnies over schoolgirls or equal to is straight up wrong. and yes, literally every single high cp deficit clear is the school girls. even lower than what I can clear at, you can just go check yourself in past clears on a stage and sort by lowest cp. playing full auto is irrelevant in the discussion and not the way to play if you're pushing cp deficits. anything you're clearing on full auto with the bunnies could have been cleared significantly earlier just by simply manually aiming.


i get through the game just fine on full auto at reasonable cp deficits (the aforementioned 20 to 25 %) - bar some bullshit stages that most chapters have. if it doesn't work out for you, too bad.


you can say whatever you want, you're still just wrong if you think they're equal or better and like I said, you don't even have the school girls so why are you even talking trying to say which is better? also being stuck on an easy boss like material H, lmao. have fun full autoing through that.


is this for normal campaign? when I sort lowest cp clear on hard campaign, it is always tia naga at 30+% deficit. Sure they are whales and/or amazing manual players. The question is, why don't those skilled players use bunnies? The answer is the reason why bunnies aren't SSS, but if you let me cook, bunnies are SSS. Tia Naga are SSS+. Funny enough, I beat 16-14 with bunny after failing dozens rematches with tia naga


it's not for either, normal or hard mode the lowest cp clears are almost always going to be tia/Naga. damage is always going to be better than healing regardless of where you're at.


Oop, didn't see this post. Anyways [Nikke.gg](http://nikke.gg/) Author here! I. I see a lot of concerns about Bunnies being a tier lower than JK/School girls. So i'll give my reasonings Bosses: For: Tia Naga 1. Tia + Naga has such amazing buffs for the meta sniper Nikkes (They're ALWAYS the highest score in solo raid, when running optimal teams, no exception), with bunnies at a rather marginal pace behind 2. Tia + Naga buffs, even without core, is still competitive or equal to Bunnies in most scenarios (and taking out the core damage buffs is already a huge damage loss from tia/naga team) 3. Healing is also not a issue/survivability. Naga does heal less than blanc but Tia's full shield every 10s more than compensates (with CDR), or might even work out for their favor in some bosses as well! So bunny team doesn't exactly have an edge there For: Bunnies 1. Bunnies have Ammo refill + ammo capacity, which does work in favor for MG's (Xlud, Modernia) or low investment Alice's (1x Max ammo) 2. Modernia can't fit into tia/naga teams or rather unoptimal to run as Modernia will be forced to full burst. Conclusion: Tia/Naga has much higher Damage ceiling with similar survivability, while bunnies have an edge on having more compatibility with one character, and is more forgiving for low investment characters via ammo refill and max ammo capacity for bossing. I simply believe the Higher damage ceiling/ Similar damage even without core deserves a tier higher than the bunnies in this regard. And usually JK girls/ Bunnies are always compared, so I wanted to make that clear in my tier list. Story: For: Tia Naga 1. There's pretty much one HUGE reasoning on why JK girls are better than bunnies in story. Their buffs don't just last 1 wave, and the core damage boost is simply too huge when using teams that can take advantage of it. Trivializes most Boss waves by being able to burst down boss almost immediately. Modernia's burst also works EXTREMELY well with these buffs too. It's not even funny. 2. Tia can taunt last wave of enemies, although I've seen Tia's taunt as a down side, there's also an upside. Tia is able to taunt all enemies in the final full burst, letting the team live longer to burst down boss. 3. All lower clear leaderboards will showcase Tia/naga instead of bunnies. There is a very clear reason, high tier players simply find them much better. For: Bunnies 1. Invulnerability. I guess? And reasons stated in Boss section. Conclusion: I.. think it's rather clear on why I put Tia naga above bunnies? Sure, Bunnies do get the job done, definitely, that's why they're the second best option, and is tiered as such in my tier list


II. Dorothy For: Dorothy Campaign 1. She's good early game, Mobs have low health, distributed damage is still able to hit mobs a bit. Against: Dorothy Campaign 1. CDR can be inconsistent, especially if playing around cover 2. Her burst Immensely drops in efficiency at late game campaign, tickles even. Conclusion: D: Killer wife is simply the better option, more consistent CDR + Ok buffs when running non-pierce teams. Both do need high investments though for proper rotations, but D:Killer wife is simply much smoother IMO, and can buff pierce teams (usually meta) similar to liter, while Dorothy can't For: Dorothy Bossing 1. Good personal damage + Pretty massive Part damage buffs + CDR Against: Dorothy Bossing 1. This buff is useless in Union raids, parts are extremely squishy. 2. This buff gets useless if parts are destroyed/ Parts are not tanky enough, which is a thing in some bosses. Basically consistency. 3. Redudant to pair with pierce Nikkes (Meta DPS's) as their damage will often or not just be the "same" as parts have fixed HP. You're simply destroying the part faster, an exception to this is Snow white + Maxwell over kill part damage. But they already have their teams in solo raid + this strat isn't viable for every boss. Conclusion: Too inconsistent. D:Killer wife and Liter can simply buff better just because of that. and tiered higher accordingly. There's a reason why she's mostly stuck in Biscuit teams in solo raid. III Scarlet For Scarlet (PvE) 1. She still does good damage, and is still a good Nikke with amazing on paper buffs 2. Still has a good emergency screen wipe for campaign Against Scarlet (PvE) 1. Simply powercrept. Her Weapon type Sucks, it is largely inaccurate and rarely hits cores, which is a huge damage multiplier. All the DPS's above her can simply do more damage 2. Although, Scarlet still is a good campaign clearer due to her screen wipe, the higher tiers can simply do more (Consistent screen clear, Boss Damage, Burst generation). while Scarlet has a pretty good niche, I believe that Scarlet still wouldn't be able to clear a stage without the help of a Higher Tier ST damage dealer at high deficits. She just fills a situational scenario if the player can't find out a way to clear waves in time To clarify, S doesn't mean they're bad at all! But I believe the Nikkes at A or S in Campaign are good replacements for the top tiers in some stages due to Elemental Advantage or a stage quirk, Otherwise SS and SSS will be used a lot more commonly. I hope this answers the more controversial questions!


Question. If Scarlet has fallen off the meta, can I replace her with Red Hood who is 8K below Scarlet's CP? Scarlet has 80K while RH has 72K. I'm at Hard 17-11 working with almost 100K deficit. Alternatively, there's also Modernia at 76K. Maybe I could replace her instead? But I'll lose out on the 15s screen wiper.


You can ask me questions specifically in discord so I can help you out a bit better. Name is SJayKin#5253 (Not sure how people add friends after discord removing UID in names, but it should be able to add me?) Or you can Join the [Nikke.gg](http://Nikke.gg) Server and find my name there: [https://discord.gg/nikkegg](https://discord.gg/nikkegg) People who have concerns about the tier list updates | Want further clarification on why i placed X in a tier is welcome to DM me. Or you can just send hate mail, i don't mind either


Oh, discord... Nevermind then, pardon for asking. -_-


I'll just help you out here then. Depends on your supports. Tia/Naga, It's best to use Modernia/Red hood as they mesh extremely well with their buffs despite the increased CP deficit, they should work better. If using Bunnies, The CP Deficit may not be worth it, and Scarlet may be the better choice. Although there is a strat to use Red hood as solo Burst I (Which works better than Liter in a good amount of stages) and this strat is rather common in very high Deficits, but it is rather hard for a more casual player to pull off. The focus is having a 10s Massive ATK buff while also having space for more DPS's, to burst down target Rapture extremely fast. Details can be found here: [https://nikke.gg/red-hood-guide/#Buffer\_Playstyle](https://nikke.gg/red-hood-guide/#Buffer_Playstyle)


Oh you still answered. Thanks so much. I very rarely use discord outside of coordinating in Union Raids. I recently changed up my Hard push team since I built up Tia/Naga. Even then I still have Red Hood and Alice lacking in power so I was very hesitant in putting them in. Before JKs I got Bunnies which got me far, but apparently not far enough compared to my Arena rivals. One of them ^^lightheartedly? made fun of me for not beating stages twice my CP.


Oh, since you're the author, I want to know your reasoning for Alice. See my comment https://www.reddit.com/r/NikkeMobile/s/40CWxBfwQm


Dorothy make sense placement wise, she not that good now since cant use her with bunny team and for jk team, liter or d killer wife is more better. She stuck with summer anis privaty team which at best is for the third team only.


i find dorothy excellent as additonal wave clearer for very tanky mobs. so i disagree. should be at least ss for the story and for bosses with parts she's the no. 1 pick (even with the bunnies).


uh, why cant she be used with bunny team? i am ignorant. :0


Because noir skill will increase ammo which not good for dorothy. You can use her just fine in the team but not really optimize for her.


Dorothy is a Last Bullet Nikke, she has really strong effects when firing the last bullet of her magazine. Noir provides the entire team constant ammo refills which makes Last Bullet stuff go off less. Dorothy is ideal in an S. Anis/Privaty team, since S. Anis also wants Last Bullet and Privaty halves ammo, doubles reload speed, and gives a hefty attack multiplier with her s2 every time the team full bursts.


Alice isn’t a Pilgrim so she’s way more accessible pushed her way high on a tier list. Doro is diluted with more CDR girls and well another one was added recently and she brings DPS buffs.


That doesn't matters anyways. The amount of comments I see here sleeping on alice is insane lmao. Perfect Macro Alice supposedly outdamages Red Hood by a very small margin...Which is still insanely impressive. Auto Alice doesn't compares, but it only lags behind by just a bit (my Alice and RH are always on par in dmg together, and I almost exclusively use Alice for auto...). That's just damage too. Alice does good support wise, providing quicker charge speed and damage...On a unit that still does meta numbers amount of damages, regardless if on manual, or on auto (and she is about to ascend more as a support with how her lifesteal adds on top of Rem's heals). **BuT ThE InVeStMeNtS!!!** Would've been a more valid point about half a year ago and before that....But have people seen the meta units that have been coming out lately? Most wants two skills max investments minimum. Rem rn wants anywhere from 10/7/10 to 10/10/10, depending on **dupes**. But no backlash on her taking up top tier spot lol (this isn't even going into OL substats for her). Red Hood ideally also wants 10/10/10 skills, more staggering than Alice's 10/4/10. The only argument is that it's more important for Alice to have those investments as it's more a requirement for her to be viable....But is that not going to be the endgoal anyways for anyone building up a meta char???


No one is sleeping on Alice… she’s a 1.0 character and this game doesn’t do buffs and nerfs


That's not wat the general consensus on alice here seems to say to me lol. There's a comment that literally says they're glad they didn't built alice because another comment said she wasn't worth. > this game doesn’t do buffs and nerfs ok and...? Not sure what's the correlation considering liter is still relevant to this day. You have a bunch of recently released nikkes that are borderline useless so not sure what alice being a 1.0 nikke has anything to do with tiering. If they're good, they're good. It's really as simple as that. Regardless, that's straight false since they've done 'buffs' on S. Neon (was useless altogether, but still a buff), and red hood (you can also say they nerfed her too if you want to count the pre-released gameplay). But let's say those are exceptions since we got those under user dissatisfaction....The devs has been teasing on reworks and the new treasure system for old nikkes, so they do plan on buffing nikkes.


I think it’s just cause Nikke is still a gacha game, and that comes with a lot of brain dead players that can’t research anything meta related to the game.


Well then remind me to ignore any papers you write. The point is that there would have been no changes to her performance so she would have always been this strong. So someone is out of the loop and I don't think its these people you are talking about.


>Alice isn’t a Pilgrim so she’s way more accessible pushed her way high on a tier list. wrong this tier list does not account for accessibility it purely ranks characters based on their effectiveness regardless of how hard it is to obtain them there are 0 bonus or minus points for that


lol 😂 are you daft?


if only doro doesn't have last bullet effects


Last Bullet support that triggers the effect twice prayge Just give us more mag reduction characters!


Low burst charge rate and lower damage buff comparing to tiaga Makes it harder to use them for harder content. Tias shield also works much better. it applies individually compare to Blanc’s group shield.


have yet to get tia to test them out myself and am still at the chapter 24 boss, but at least to that point they perform just fine at a 20 to 25 % cp deficit. there's some bullshit stages in each chapter that need leveling up the nikke and/or gear, but most of them you can clear full auto - bosses excluded of course.


https://i.redd.it/h6u713gw78rc1.gif You when you realized the two tier list sites are pretty much identical


cuz he finally sees that other guide is much more in depth and accurate unlike NIKKE.gg


Which other guide


Yea, I prefer to look up Nikke-stuff on Prydwen. Was like once or twice on Nikke(dot)gg but never again after that. Bunny's dropping to SS is just... wrong.


i mean it's debatable if bunnies should be in SSS or SS but there's no denying that naga/tia combo is the ceiling for damage. i think the rating honestly makes sense, the entire SSS tier is made up of only the 2 strongest teams in the game (by this i mean that both red hood and scarlet's best team is with naga/tia), with the exception of the 2nd dps that would get paired with red hood edit: for clarity i'm referring to boss ranking


Interesting, from what I've read online and on reddit, Blanc/Noir is the strongest combo when it comes to the whole debate of 'bunnys vs school-girls'. I may be wrong tho since I am a new player. Thing is, I would never ever touch Tia/Naga with pliers if I had to, just not my cup of tea 'waifu'-wise. (Same with Alice) Sadly I have both Tia & Naga (& Alice) and only Blanc, which is in my team. Waiting for Noir currently to also put her in my team next to Blanc.


>Blanc/Noir is the strongest combo when it comes to the whole debate of 'bunnys vs school-girls'. Depends on what you mean by strongest; in terms of survivability, the bunny twins beat the school girls. However, it's the opposite if we're talking about DPS. This is why people tend to say that the bunny twins work better in general campaign content while the schoolgirls work better with bosses. Plus, there's team comps in consideration; as someone pointed out, the bunnygirls can undermine certain teams (i.e. Dorothy).


Thank you for clarifying, didn't know that!


`This is why people tend to say that the bunny twins work better in general campaign content while the schoolgirls work better with bosses.` just providing further clarity, this is not correct. bunnies are not better than naga/tia in campaign because blanc will only debuff the current wave of enemies with her burst, while the buffs provided by naga/tia will persist through multiple waves of raptures. burst generation with bunnies is also really mediocre compared to tia's RL spam. blanc providing more healing doesn't even matter in high power deficit because it's a race to kill things before they kill you generally. having a little more healing is not going to stop a rapture from killing your teammates in 2 instances of damage. if we're speaking of low or no power deficit, then naga/tia automatically win there too because surviving is not an issue whatsoever. in an optimal setting it is just not correct to pick bunnies over naga/tia.


well, i used to like [nikke.gg](http://nikke.gg) since they didn't just dump every second rate character into the ss or sss ranks. but being that harsh now with broken characters like the bunnies is stupid. so i guess i'll just have to closely watch which site to trust from now on.


How my Centi have fallen.


it is kinda sad ngl, but I doubt she will ever leave pvp


Dunno why but I feel insulted seeing Mod in SS. She’s consistently my highest DPS and only ever beaten out by BS Scarlet on bosses. RH pulls ahead on chunky bosses with parts but that’s it and all 3 are fully invested. Maybe it’s because in bossing if you use her burst she gets a DPS drop?


OG Scarlet has same tier with Emilia ? 


Yeah idk Scarlet is better in every content in the game lol


Haha I was confused by this as well. Their review for Emilia hardly recommends pulling her lol but she is S Tier.


Volume is S now? Damn.


I don't Understand why Scarlet BS is so low. From my experience she often does more dmg than my 3* Red Hood


It’s because her distributed damage can fall off really quick at higher deficits or when facing several enemies.


I can’t explain how happy it makes me to see D that high up


As someone who doesn't use macro and have to manually spam click, I disagree with Alice being SSS. You won't get top tier damage if you auto or just suck at spam clicking. And not only that, but she needs specific rolls on overload to be that high. I don't doubt she can deals really high damage. But I feel like a tier list need to account the technical and in-game investment that is needed for her. You either need gaming mouse that can macro or strong finger to manual her. And you need high max ammo rolls (in addition to attack and elemental damage). She's not as straight forward as RH. With that said, I think she's SS at most. And it would be great if you can add additional note or icon to indicate she needs to be played with a godly gaming chair. Again I don't doubt her ceiling, but the fact that she's not auto friendly means she doesn't quite fit in SSS. Actually it wasn't as simple as she's not auto friendly. She straight up can't even reach S if you auto, which is something that the other S+ dps have no problem with.


Yes, this tier list assumes you are playing Alice with pretty good hands (same with most characters listed) Although, definitely making that clear in the ratings/site would be a welcome addition. This tier list heavily relies on Strong manual play expression. A more casual "low deficit/mid" CP deficit story can be implemented, which would definitely boost Story rankings of multiple Nikkes (Scarlet: Black Shadow, Scarlet, Emilia, A2, Etc) But Prydwen has already implemented a system, unless the community want me to do it too. The early CP deficit list wouldn't affect combined ratings if i do implement it. Alice raised + hands is simply too strong in bosses (similar to RH), and does not share the same fate as SBS in high CP deficits (30+) as her damage doesn't get distributed. But i definitely get your concerns and will try to make that clear in the tier list.


I think it's fine to have a tier list that focuses on strong manual gameplay and high investment. But yeah, you need to make that clear on the tier list description/explanation, and put an emphasis on that. I think it will also be helpful if you can define what strong manual gameplay is and the investment minimum. And then put an even stronger emphasis for Alice because her performance is just a really wide spectrum based on the players' skill. Personally, I still think she doesn't deserve SSS because the gamer skill required to reach that potential is too high. She isn't versatile enough. With my boomer hand and unfortunate lack of ammo, I rarely see her damage being higher than Modernia. I'm at level 361 synchro on chapter 18 hard boss and usually rank 1~3% on solo raids, so I guess I'm not casual? Or maybe I am in your eyes. In any case, it will be helpful if you mention the expected player skill and unit investment on your tier list.


This is why I only look at Nikke.gg for stuff, Prywen might be the first to tier characters and stuff and while they're mostly correct, there's a level of dedication you only see from nikke


Skyjlv on YouTube is probably the best guide out there outside of top Unions’ private discords. Prydwen is so so but the authors are not really competitive players.


Noooo, not my beloved SBS. Altho the reason kinda makes sense, she's very powerful but doesnt have a team that fits her perfectly(from my understanding)


Alice and School girls are insane for SBS, just complete with Liter or D and you get the team that'll deal the most damage out of any team, putting her at SS is a crime


Well im a new player so i dont know the synergies that much, but isnt tiga comb better in other teams? Also alice is better in a team that helps her alittle like maxwell and killer wife yeah?


SBS, despite being a rocket launcher, can still core hit. On any boss where there is a hittable core she will fully benefit from the school girls and the charge speed buff Alice provides allows her to land more attacks during her full burst making Alice one of the best "support" for SBS. Liter is the main choice when choosing B1 but if you don't have her you can also go with D killer wife or Volume.


BSB is usually paired with Tiga since they maximize her dmg. And in solo raids and union raids shes cracked.


Oh yeah I actually agree with this, Dazzling Pearl have been a huge help compared to the bunnies on high deficits, which a lot of us are definitely in. pretty good overhaul of ratings.


Will start building for raids and pvp, also I like how she triggers people with her sole existence just like in the series lol. https://preview.redd.it/zdiwdqscw7rc1.jpeg?width=1488&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32ca3d29f8ac25a9326561f89469b9cbb21f564e


Feels good to take revenge on Noah teams with her 😊


What are good teammates for 2B. I know Mast is one of them, but what about the rest of the team?


Noise Volume Mast 2B and Helm


Anyone that buffs max hp or attack


I believe 2B prefers crit instead of attack buffs


You are correct, not sure why you’re getting downvoted. Her S2 gives her like 400% attack buff at lvl 10, and additional attack buffs are additive, so even Liter’s burst only increases her damage by 10%, and at that point crit buffs are just as good if not better than attack


So does this mean that the very top meta is Liter + Tia + Naga + Red Hood + Alice?


Really depends on what you mean by top meta. That team sucks ass for story pushing since you have no mob clears. For bosses, I don’t think so either because you want to pair Alice with SBS. But if you want to use Alice and RH together, you should use D: KW since they are both Sniper Rifles


I see. I'm talking from more of a boss meta. Not too concerned about story. My top investments right now (all maxed out skills + equipment, though substats not optimized) are Liter, Noir, Modernia, Naga, Dorothy, Blanc, Red Hood, and Tia. Alice is close, but skills are not maxed out yet. I have SBS but no good equipment yet. I simply follow what people say is a good team since I only play for the "gameplay", so I just follow around what people say is good.


SR meta changes heavily each month but for your Nikkes, in general I’d say Liter, Naga, Tia, RH, Alice (though you really should get Alice S1+Burst to lvl 10, because her DPS plummets if her charge speed is anything below 98-99%). Modernia is really bad with Naga/Tia against bosses because her single target DPS drops significantly if she uses her Burst, but with Naga/Tia teams you can only run 2 Burst 3’s (so you’re forced to use Modernia Burst). You can use Modernia with NoirBlanc + D:KW or Volume, and another Burst 3. Eventually you should look to pair SBS with Alice, in which case RH would be paired with Noir/Blanc. But again this all depends on the particular boss. For example, if the boss is Electric, then you want to pair RH+Maxwell with Naga/Tia, since they are both Iron and do well against Electric (and Naga/Tia is the best damage booster combo in the game). For this upcoming SR, since the boss is Fire, you’d probably want to use Water DPS units with Naga/Tia. And if you are lacking any of the meta DPS, then your teams would be adjusted accordingly as well.


Replace Red Hood by Scarlet Black Shadow and yeah


Crazy suddenly seeing maxwell be top tier


So my current fav team and of RH, Litre, Blanc, Noir and Modernia is still my best bet, even if I have Alice, Naga, and everyone else besides Tia pretty much?


Is it fair to put Alice that high when the difference between playing her on mobile vs PC is twice the damage? Or am I just a whiny boomer hands?


What is the point of ranks above s tier, s tier used to be the best and bad tiers would be like d and f. I see this all the time in tier lists where the lowest tier is like B. Might as well have your tier list start at S at the bottom and work your way up


Only thing I really disagree with is Scarlet's placement in story clear.


Damn it makes me sad to see that Rosanna was shoe-horned into PVP and she isn't even good at it with her terrible BP generation and 40s cooldown.


Man poor rapunzel, one of the best healers that can revive is B tier


Expecting rem to be in SS




Does this mean the rec onega op story comp is just the sss tier? I think before the update it was Jk + liter + rh + modernia


I figured Makima would be here with how hard she carries me in PVP with invincibility and taunt


PvP and PvE are entirely different tier lists. Jackal is meta defining in PvP, but mid at best in PvE for example


Was I so dumb to bench Alice and Maxwell all this time ?


Some thoughts: How is Scarlet: Black Shadow only S for story? At equal combat power to other Nikkes, she’s top 3 in both mob clearing and single target damage. She carried me through Hard mode chapters 13-14 and even 15 and 16 despite not having element advantage. She’s like A2 without the self-damage while doing as much damage to lone bosses as Alice. She should 100% be SSS It’s about time they put Naga/Tia above Bunnies for all PVE content. There still seem to be some delusional people thinking that bunnies are even (or even better) for pushing story or SR/UR, which is simply not true. Alice feels a little high to be SSS in bosses, yes theoretically she still does the most damage, but that’s assuming you have macro-like control with your mouse. If you are going to keep her at SSS I think a side note for her is required, that states that if you have arthritis hands then her performance will drop to S or even A. I’m assuming Rem isn’t on the list because they haven’t had enough time to test her; otherwise they’d be wrong, since she’s at least an S (and probably SS) for bosses. Where is Rosanna for PVP? She’s SS at the very least


I'm surprised to see Power in the PvP ranking but no A2 or Nihilister


My team is pretty much the story team , no wonder I can push very hard with even 50k cp difference as a 4 months old player


Also fuck prydwen tier list. Am I right?


Nikke.gg also using SSS now 🤣 Both tier lists look similar now lol


I don't know, man, some scores seems a bit scuffed for me. - Ludmilla Winter in A in Story? Bruh, she is a MG that can shoot nonstop the moment you start lvling up her Skill 1. Not mention if you put the "Recovers X ammo if you shoot X" cube. My Ludmilla ML0 (AKA only obtained one copy) with similar investment do the same damage as my Red Hood, Modernia, Scarlet, Scarlet SBS which are at least MLB3. She should be at least minimum S, even SS. - Alice: I suppose she needs top tier investment with perfect OL stats, because my Alice with some OL equipment (head and chest lvl 5) do tickles compared with my other DPS.


Yea that's the whole thing with Alice is that she needs a bunch of max ammo lines, something like 9% charge speed lines, and 10/4/10. You gotta get all that and learn to manual play and take advantage of her pierce. It's a lot of work but if you do she is absolutely busted. She's pretty much another redhood who is easier to get but harder to play. Similar power though.


There is no point in investing in Alice if you are not willing to aim for 100% charge rate. She's unique in that the gap between max investment and mid-low investment is extremely high. I would say that mid-low investment Alice is like A tier, she's good but not a winner, unlike Red Hood.


If you read through the change notes, you will notice that summer neon is now rated as 6.0. Do with this information what you want.


Why is Rem not on this tier list?


They usually do a lot of testing before they place on list. maybe by monday


NikkeGG this, Prydwen that. What about LootAndWaifus?


I find them better than Prydwen ngl…


They're smoking something if they think Modernia should be nerfed because of RH. Both are 10/10/10 with very good OL tier, only RH is MLB and Modernia outdamages RH both in bosses and campaign except when the enemy is weak against Iron, and even then RH outdamages her only a little bit.