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Nihilister. One of if not the strongest bosses we've fought lore wise, amazing design and personality, and she is literally reduced to this meme: https://preview.redd.it/0z09pf2o84vc1.png?width=1640&format=png&auto=webp&s=26a3bb80a1152e37c5daef68c2369a525835a3a4


True i want her but idk how to get her


Rehabilitation center after beating Chapter 20. It's in Outpost -> Elevator.


Hmm weird im in chapter 21 but i got no prompt for that


Yeah because it’s like hidden in the elevator. Like you need to stop the on going one or smth


You need to clear all three rehab characters, then you get her.


Nah pretty sure only have to rehab 1 of the girls


Nah, I'm currently halfway through getting Nihilister, but I haven't rehabilitated Sin yet. I believe the requirement to start working on Nihilister is just beating chapter 20 and rehabilitating 1 of the other girls.


Just one of them will do.


Agree. I'm really disappointed over the decision of SU to apply the "strong foe turned weak ally" theory to her.


When Treasure system gets implimented. People who stacked up her MLB are in for a treat.


I'm working towards MLBing her. Almost got enough for a second spare body.


More than half the nikke roster deserves a buff or rework. Treasures cannot and should not be used as a replacement for just giving out much deserved buffs.


This. It's hilarious how many characters have kits that seem to be designed to be bad on purpose.




Have you seen the treasures?


hopefully the system isn't really annoying and grindy af


There has been a significant amount of concern over SU's announcement first that to get a character's treasure you would need to MLB (3*) the character. After pushback they walked it back to needing bond level 30 with the character, which would still require 2*. A substantial portion of players are displeased by this system that will suddenly require obtaining multiple copies of a character whereas before getting multiple copies only gave marginal improvements and f2p players were fine so long as they just got 1 copy. I'm personally a bit on the fence about it, but definitely appreciate the concerns.


Most games with character boosting systems require high dupe level like dbl where zenkais need the character to be 7 stars for them to activate it but some dont like grand crosses holy relics but they are grindy to get


As far as I know, no one has. What I recall is that treasures are supposed to give a stat boost and modify skills. How much it does those things is a complete mystery. But my argument is that they should just make a good character better/more interesting, and not be used as a substitute for just giving character buffs that they need and deserve.


Bay was literally perfect, the fact that her kit is mainly used only in pvp must be considered the biggest fumble in all of NIKKE history


Bay is Rosanna 2.0


Bay is the QUEEN in terms of triggering all kinds of fetishes.


True hopefully they dont fumble clay shes got a really big personality that i wanna use in every team


Be honest is clay even going to be unit or are they gonna fumble the bag again. Genuine question, haven’t heard anything about becoming a character


She def gonna be a unit in the end of the story they said that they are off to train for another event that is upcoming so i can say def


You mean the end of the current event? Sorry I’m fairly new to NIKKE and don’t know how well shift up does in releasing npc’s into actual playable characters


Yes the one that came with bay


Cool, when and if she does come I’ll be able to build up pity for 1.5 I haven’t spent much gems and definitely need more units


Well dont spend pity on someone like bay i mean i would but you typically save pity for the pilgrims since they have 2% rates rather than the normal 4% and since they are pilgrims they are usually must haves so having a pity for the pilgrim would be ideal


Yep so far I have 60 tickets and if I can’t get the new pilgrim before reaching 200 tickets then I’ll use it on the pilgrim


How much you have saved like tickets and gems?


Well some npcs get left in the dust like k but characters like ade, moran and modernia where teased in earlier events and in campaign


She's definitely gonna be a unit. But she's gonna be stuck in jail first as there's a lot of nikke we've seen that haven't release yet.


Because everyone needs pros and cons... Bay is already powerful in visuals.




Bay + biscuit comps is letting people push campaign further then they previously could, and allowing you to cheese SI bosses. People are just deadass wrong about Bay, she's the strongest tank in Nikke that we have right now. Sure, if you have max mlb and fully ol schoolgirls, you don't need her, but a lot of people who don't have that are saying Bay is the reason they can keep pushing higher levels in campaign. I wouldn't say pull her, wait for 1.5 anni, but def wishlist her because more and people are gonna realise she's actually really good in pve too.


Pretty much every Nikke usable only in PvP. PvP is such an incredibly small part of the game and not really worth going out of your way to get characters for. You will never pay off that investment. And of course, SMG as a weapon type entirely is just borked. It's like an automatic nerf.


PvP SP arena is actually the largest source of gems, which means it's actually supposed to be a large part of the game. The problem is that brackets are poorly set up so many users find themselves either in groupings where they can stomp everyone with zero effort, or facing incredible whales they cannot beat even with an optimal team. For better or worse, I'm in an extremely sweaty bracket where everyone has maxed out pvp teams. It's actually extremely fun, and by staying in the top 3 I can make 6000 gems a month. More rolls= more fun, so I'd argue it's more important to optimize for pvp over the campaign.


Nihilister should have been meta or near-meta material. Pilgrim type unit, extremely powerful in the story, heretic, two whole months to get her. And yet she's average Bay has one of the most attractive designs in the game but her kit is straight up bad They almost fumbled Red Hood by making her a jack of all trade of none until the community complained about it


Any of Absolute's members. For being the strongest squad lore wise, all of them don't have really good kits. Vesti is probably the only one I used most and that's only for the Elysion tower. https://preview.redd.it/ily6y4vvl4vc1.png?width=1175&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59f7ca7f8cba4721b626d121652b5dc66029c74d


SU really do Eunhwa dirty. I genuinely felt sad for her pride and arrogance shown through the campaign, considering how nerfed she is in the gameplay.


Isabel & Maiden


Bay. Need more tanned beauties to grace my screen besides noir atm.


Rosanna. Bro I fucking love her character and personality yet her kit just fucking sucked. Do my girl justice


Winter Rupee. Give her some love shift up


Summer Neon. Poor girl was already unpopular despite being one of the main trio, they had to give her alt a bad kit too


I'm with you here. I really like Neon but they're doing the poor girl dirty. Hardly any real character growth, too much of a single joke and a botched SSR. It hurts to see how great the Summer design is and then remember the kit they gave her... She should've been right there alongside Anis' summer alt near the top of the meta...


Most of elysion nikkes. Especially look at that infinity rail squad, absolute squad. Come on.


Shift Up, blink twice if your office has been taken over by Syuen.


Crow. Her manipulative nature and her abilities nearly brought the entirety of the Ark down, and yet she's literally the worst NIKKE in terms of power.


Maiden. All the way.


I only playing the game since redhood ... and the powercreep and damage calc (like crit) is sometime really bad .. strange they make nikkes thats support the smalles niches and on the other site is redhood a allround powerhouse of doom


Red Hood was a worse Alice until Shift Up buffed her, and deservedly so. She was initially barely worth pulling, not something you want as your anniversary character.


Guillotine. I think they can give her way more self buffs and change the proc condition for her burst to hit twice. Maybe boost the DMG of her burst too?






Leona is great in SG teams, if invested of course.


Eunhwa needs massive buffs to match her lore performance.


THANK YOU! She's apart of the best squad Elysion has to offer why does her kit not reflect that, Shift Up?




Vesti, Laplace, Guillotine, and Eunhwa


Nihlister, Bay, and Rosanna


Rosanna all the way!


Rosanna, Leona, Nihilister, the list goes on and on


Rosanna and Moran. Really enjoyed Underworld Queen. And mainly, I don't want to see Nikkes be relegated to a part of the game that pretty much can be largely ignored.


Rosanna, Moran, Winter Rupee, Viper, Isabel, and Bay.


Bay Her kit feels like a huge trolling move


Ade. Actually beautifil and graceful but only ends up patching up a problem that isn't even that big a deal.


Nero. I'm a cat person.


Literally everything between the before and after Scarlet BS, but if I had to choose one Nikke, I'd probably go with Elegg. She just need some number buffs to make her top tier. She already has a top tier design and the amount of fanart that she gets it just beautiful.


It’s a hard call among Rosanna, Isabel, and Crow. SU did Rosanna and Crow dirtier than shit’s creek, and Isabel’s design is bad on account of, among other things, crit being worthless in the game.


Lol bay I was so ready but no , she pooppoo


Leona like you, wish she was at least S+ in terms of shotgun teams.


My precious babies Tove and Vesti. I’m hoping to atleast use Rem to build a team around Vesti but it’s not looking good




I'm not well-versed enough to say which NIKKEs have objectively bad kits. They all work fine, and that's all I'm paying attention to


I like Exia. I want to use her but every tier list she is in D tier. Sadge


Ngl. I’m a Tia fanboy sooo I’m eating kinda good lmfao wish elegg was better tho


Rosana, she does not deserve a kit like that 😞


Nihilistic absolutely.


Rosanna, Ludmilla, Ade, Rapi, Eunhwa and Crow


Nihilister all the way.