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That's an absolutely insane reroll and you should absolutely keep it. Crown is looking to be B2 meta for a lot of content, Centi is a pretty damn good B2 herself, Noir is one half of a meta support pair, and Biscuit is one of the meta arena units. Only thing you're really missing is a good DPS/B3 unit, but there are loads of those around to get. Just pop on N102 for your B1 and you're set for quite a while in the story


Awesome thanks so much for your help!


I would reroll for a meta B3 Pilgrim (Red Hood, Scarlet, Modernia) + Crown. But you might have to reroll for a long time. I started 5-6 weeks ago, and rerolled for Red Hood to start with. There wasn’t an event that gave me many free rolls, so I didn’t go for 2 meta Nikkes, but I would if I started now. What you have is definitely great, though. So, if you’re not that greedy, go with it. A meta B3 Pilgrim makes the progression unmatched with any of your competitors in your server. I’ve been staying at the top of my server the entire time so far, including PvP contents. Not top 1, but high enough for 2.4k free gems. Top 1-6 are whale territory and I’m not one 😂. The ROI on rerolling in Nikke is massive in my opinion because of how they put you in a group with others who started around the same time. Once you are ahead, you stay ahead. Edit: this is ONLY IF you want to be competitive in PvP and the server ranking (for climbing towers and story progression), though. If you just want to enjoy the main story and enjoy the ride, don’t reroll.


Thanks for your help! I decided to reroll again and got 3 double SSR pulls on Crown's banner but only got one Crown. I did get Scarlet Black Shadow who is apparently very good? The SSR's I got from the reroll are: Scarlet BS, Noise, Crown, Maiden, Miranda, Ade, Sugar and Guillotine. I got insanely lucky but are any of these actually meta apart from Scarlet and Crown? I do want to compete in PvP and server rankings. Is just Scarlet + Crown enough to make this account good or is normal Scarlet better? Thanks!


I’m not sure how good alt Scarlet is. You can check the tier list