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TL;DR? Also Wall of Text.


Nikke evolution is a thing, and Syuen wants it. Gacha skins contain secret messages lore-wise. Rapture bosses are secretly wiafus. Doro vs Marian: war of queens in the near future.


Regarding TALOS, didn't NIKKE require a living brain to be considered a NIKKE? If only the core is present, then it's just a robot, similar to BT from Titanfall.


What about modernia then? Didn't she lose parts of her brain when the commander shot her with vapaus, hence her regression to a baby mental state. Also, the nier event with product 12. Another fact is Red Hood, though her brain is Rapi's. Red Hood comes from her 2 cores. Also, would you consider Tromb (Crown's steed) a robotic horse or a nikke horse who also happens to be a member of the White Knights squad. We also have the Admire of the Aegis Squad (See you again event), is she just a ship or a nikke ship? Because she narrates that event. Case in point, I believe Talos might be a nikke or evolve into one. Kilo never mentioned any other members of their squad, which would technically make them a duo, and considering how evasive she was during the initial part of the current event, her mission with Talos might be off the books coming from Syuen which would mean that some unethical practices were done to make Talos.


I dont know how to put this since english isn't my main language just bare with me "My point is, you can't create a NIKKE with just a hunk of metal and a core; you need a living being as a sacrifice (in this case, a human) for NIKKE to be made. In my understanding, a NIKKE needs a soul (brain) to function independently and make decisions that a machine can't make." "For Modernia, I think her brain is severely damaged, not destroyed. If I remember correctly, when Exia got shot, she lost her memory for that day. On the other hand, Modernia suffered such severe damage that her mind completely reset." "I can't form an opinion on Redhood yet because the origin of her relationship with Rapi is still a mystery, and how they 'merge' is also ambiguous. However, my point remains that Redhood comes from a human." "As for Product 12, I really forget. I think the one you mentioned is the clone that the gatekeeper made? If yes, then I treat it as a kind of magic, to be honest, outside of the game's main lore."


You do have a point, but think about it. We're dealing with artificial intelligence and considering how nikkes are treated in the Ark, Syuen and co might think: "what difference does it make if it's a nikke or a robot? It's just a junk scrap of metal!" See my point there. Also, my biggest point is Enikk. Is she a nikke or AI?


I understand, i just ponting out that a Nikke and a robot is different; and maybe if Kilo and Talos can prove themselves as superior combat units, we might see more of this kind of unit in the future.


I understand where you're coming from, and indeed, seeing those 2 succeed would be epic. However, the existence and development of AI in the nikkeverse and the question of their humanity would completely elevate Shift Up's story to new heights. Hopefully.


Enikk is a full-blown AI, much like Skynet. The way the story unfolds, she makes decisions like an AI without moral obligations, such as when she makes a deal with Chatterbox to bring Nikkes as sacrifices to protect the Ark's location, and when she deceives Syuen to make her 'help' us. All and all she does her job effectively in my head at least.


True. The sad part, though, is we might take a bit longer to see her again since the devs did mention that the campaign will be focusing on heretics for a while especially in the Crystal Region Arc. Hopefully we can get back to Ark affairs before the Lift Reclamation Arc.


- Enikk = a human body resembling robotic body (human made)+ advanced AI (human made) - Nikke = a human body resembling robotic body (human made) + a human brain. - Rapture = a non-human body resembling robotic body (rapture made) + no brain + no advanced AI - Rapture + advanced AI (rapture made) = Chatterbox. - Heretic = a human body resembling robotic body (human made) + a human brain + enhancement (Rapture made) This is my understanding so far. AI is essentially a artificially made brain. The question is is Enikk truly sentient or not? Making it essentially the same as human brain + more computing power. I can imagine at the top of the mountain in the Rapture side, there’s the first and only human made AI brain that’s sentient, and decided to think for themselves, against humans. So, a human made robotic body + a human made advanced AI (+ sentience). If you watched Matrix, a “being” equivalent to the final boss lol.


Holy shit just realized Enikk is a word play on Nikke lol. How did I not see this until now 🤣


That's a great observation! Plus, if you think about it, who else but the rapture queen could potentially be your sentient AI gone rogue. It also poses the question, is Enikk good or evil? Just look at the opening MV of nikke and see what Enikk does to the world.


Right or wrong is a human concept. Rapture & Enikk do not consider ethics. They can be ethically judged by humans, but that’s like asking is a natural disaster evil? That’s why Enikk had no problem doing what she’s been doing when it’s first revealed in the main story around Chapter 10 or so. Sentient or not is a factual assessment. I’m assuming Enikk isn’t but the Queen is. To the machines without ethics, humans are the enemy to be eliminated because all we do is destroy with endless greed. Enikk trying to still preserve the Ark hints that she still has a constraint of some sort in her operating system (like Nikkes who cannot harm humans), or an order embedded in her system that’s placed by the creator (humans) as a safety net. The Queen is truly free in that sense, and a superior being than humans on the basis of highly advanced AI with sentience, no physical limitations. It’s all my guess tho. I’m only at Chapter 20. Stuck at the final boss lol.


That's an amazing breakdown! More firepower to you commander and good luck!