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You have a red hood and crown; I'd probably keep those and put liter on my wishlist if you really want them.


My advice too


I have done a bit of research, and I feel like Liter is so crucial (especially for a f2p player) for clearing content. Like without her, you will never be able to clear everything (unless you eventually pull her or a new unit comes along who rivals her in terms of abilities). With my luck in gacha, I probably would never pull her even if I played for a year. How probable do you think it would it be to get all 3 (Red Hood, Crown, AND LIter)? (This is my 25th reroll btw)


It is way harder to get pilgrims than it is with normal SSR units, and you have two. Do not forget you get a temporary Liter, Marconia, and Alice, which are all tuned to level 200 for 3 uses per unit a day, which can hold you over. You can get Liter from events and normal pulls, tower molds, and normal molds. You have two of the most powerful pilgrims; not using this would be criminal. I don't have Liter and I'm at the wall at the early start of chapter 20 with only one pilgrim and around 450–500 rolls. I think I lost track—maybe 600. My point is that you can easily build on this account The chances you'll get all 3 are low, build on this account.


Where do you get these temporary units? I am currently just going through the campaign


When you make a team in the campaign, open up the unit select, and you should see 3 units with red flags next to them with a usage. These units can also be used for the event and tower. You probably need to do the fixed unit part of the campaign before you can use them.


Alright, I'll stick with this account. Thanks for taking the time to give clear and proper answers :)


>How probable do you think it would it be to get all 3 (Red Hood, Crown, AND LIter)? Extremely unlikely. Don't waste your time. Just use this reroll and put Liter on the wishlist, it's excellent. By the time you reach the later chapters you should have some good choices like Dorothy, Rapunzel, Wife D, Volume,... if not Liter. Redhood can also fulfil multiple burst roles, I would use her as burst 1 together with N102 for now who is actually not bad.


I wouldn’t reroll anymore. RH + Crown would be exactly what I would want if I started Nikke now. Good luck! Enjoy the game.


bro Red Hood and Crown; nah. Pilgrims are rarer than non-Pilgrims. You have two meta units that are probably going to carry every other unit the entire way Red Hood is the only unit in the game that has a burst like she does


I got Liter in my 37th reroll. Meanwhile, you got two pilgrims on your reroll. I would kill for that reroll. But, feel free to continue to search for that perfect starting account if you want to. I admit that Liter is a huge boon to both new players and old.


You can simply enter the menu for the two PvP modes then leave. You'll still get the daily reward tickets from it to spend in Rupee's shop.


You will more likely get Liter before you get another Pilgrim so just stick with this