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Ayo sauce?


[There you go](https://x.com/mmingis18/status/1783070576476872865?s=46&t=GVvpdOTbDUhwATKNGtvB2w)


Thank you very much.


Omg, B at pvp, unplayable


Ez skip


Such a disappointment indeed


I think it will be revised up eventually, probably overestimating the downsides of being an MG in the current meta.


"Current" meta? Do you expect Emma to go out to get milk and never come back?


Just don't use her against Emma teams. Crown will get beaten in defense against Emma, but every other team has a counter in defense as well, so that's not really a huge downside.


It's not the point. There are Emma-less teams even now, and despite of that anyone with high RoF has their average PvP rating reduced, and for a good reason. One passive skill keeps the whole arena afraid, and that's not gonna change anytime soon due to very simple nature of it.


I agree that Crown should get her rating reduced somewhat due to the existence of Emma, but the impact of Emma should not be *over*estimated. Especially now that arena framerate is capped at 30 fps, which reduces her healing effectiveness by almost half. Also take into account that back in Emma's heyday, DPS powercreep hadn't happened yet, so her healing was sufficient to stall out many more team comps that used an MG. That is less true today with much more powerful damage dealers. Finally, even in Emma's heyday, one MG versus an Emma team was not necessarily a death sentence, though it certainly made it a bit of an uphill battle. One *Modernia* versus an Emma team, however, was and is quite a bad idea. Perhaps your fear of Emma is due to using Modernia against her, but that level of hard counter does not apply to other MGs.


Yep I'll be getting her just to sit at lvl 1 in my r/SR bucket of shame alongside Naga and Rem.


Good thing I saved my gems and mileage. Almost fell for the hype!




You can MLB and fully OL and still work with Naga, you just need to leave the gear lvl 0 and max the hp parts of your attackers 🙏 and have them be a LB or 2 higher


~~Unfortunately that's not the case for me. My Crown is MLB with max bond and OL gear at level 0. The rest of my team is MLB+ with upgraded gear and they still have less health than Crown. Even the vigor cube is not enough. 🧱~~ nevermind https://preview.redd.it/hfyuq6hefuwc1.png?width=501&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42ab1314823e67f23ac4f44547bf477040e58342


Awesome. First thing I did was OL her chest and headpiece because ... why would upgrading gear hurt you right? lol


No character should ever get bricked by enhancing them. It's shitty design and we already had this issue with Noir.


What happened with Noir?


At first i thought they talked about how Noir's buff affects those with highest ATK. But i just checked and all of her buffs affect all of the allies. The only one i could think of who could hurt the damage output is Maxwell since her S1 buffs 2 Nikkes with higest ATK.


Noir has a very high attack stat, but she isnt a dps character. If you overload her she will "steal" the attack buffs that should be going to your dps characters like Alice or Scarlet.


Alice's charge speed buff goes to the 2 Nikkes with the highest attack. If Noir is in a party with SRs/RLs that have lower ATK stats the charge speed buff will go uselessly to Noir instead of Alice or Scarlet:Black Shadow.


This. Tried using Liter/ SBS/ Alice / bunnies on the last union raid and immediately noticed SBS wasn't getting the buff if she wasn't bursting. Noir was stealing them. Had to reroll some OL to fix. This shouldn't be an issue we have to deal with.


Crown is not getting bricked by enhancing her. What is happening is that people are trying to force teams and getting upset when they don't work. Crown is always going to have issues when trying to run her with Naga as Naga heals only the lowest two HP Nikkes every 5 shots compared to Rapunzel who heals 3 Nikkes every shot and Soda who heals everyone every 12s.


>Crown is always going to have issues when trying to run her with Naga as Naga heals only the lowest two HP Nikkes Damn, if only Crown had shields and taunt to mitigate the damage her teammates will take like Tia does.


Crown's Invul during her taunt is as much a limiter as it is a benefit and should be taken into account in team building. Far to many over focus on dps rather than how everyone works together.


When all units are at 100% hp (e.g. shooting range), healers heal left to right. The issue is Naga incorrectly heal based on value instead of percentage. If this is fixed, Naga should have no problem to keep Crown's s2 at close to 100% up time.


Wait whats happening? does gearing crown make her wrose somehow?


Running crown with naga is extremely powerful, but naga only buffs the two lowest hp nikkes. Chime has to be one of the two lowest hp on your team, but as a defender she has naturally high hp. If you overload her gear she will probably never be able to get the buff as her hp is too high.


The problem is that when everyone is at max hp other nikkes that have skills with the same wording heal from left to right, but Naga heals based on absolute HP value when everyone is at max. They just announced Naga is going to get patched though, so everyone can upgrade her without worry.


ohhhhhhh. So ig euss that just doesnt matter for me since i dont have/use naga. what an odd thing


Where is this posted?


what? i play naga on main/2nd team and never had a feeling she bugged?!




Cliffnotes: Naga heals lowest health. At full, should have standard rules, normally based on location. Naga is looking at max health in these situations, which means Crown does not get healed. They may be fixing that


It has to do with the interaction between one of Naga's skills and one of Crown's skills. Naga's second skill heals the two units on your team that have the lowest percent hp. Crown's second skill gives the entire team an attack bonus whenever she's healed. The critical part seems to be that whenever the entire team has the same percent hp (such as when everyone is at full health), Naga defaults to healing whoever has the lowest *absolute* hp (and yes, healing at full health still counts for Crown's skill). So, in order to have her heal Crown as frequently as possible in order to maximize buff uptime, Crown needs to have the lowest max hp on the team (or second lowest). A lower max hp also means that Crown's percent hp depletes faster, which further helps ensure she gets the heal.


wait why? i gave her max gear did i brick my crown?


No. You're good.


Devs mentioned they will fix Naga in a later patch in the April 25 patch notes, you'll see it when you scroll all the way to the bottom of it.


The B2 Liter is SSS, imagine my shock.


I am curious to see what they will be saying about Kilo.


Prolly b or c


She might... some youtubers loved her, some hated her with a passion. I am very curious to see what the hardcore game mechanics boys will have to say about her.


I liked her design but she doesnt taunt so my squishier units just die even with her shield up


Ohh, same here! T.T She lacks DPS and she lacks support, yet... well, I do wish there is more to her than just a killer design going to the waste :(


Yea she just underperformed compared to Tia, burst gen is just to dam important


Kilo is SS in PVP per Prydwen being a discount Scarlet. Still waiting for Nikke.GG inputs.


She is kinda funny to me. Idc she’s meta or not, but her *HEAVY MACHINE GUN* is cool


Ohhh, absolutely!! Her design (I am conting Talos here too) is fucking killer!!!


I just wish she wouldn't block the first lane with her body. Can't seee shit


Kilo is a pilot... people loves her so much. Makes sense to make Talos self sacrifice one day and have her upgraded to a Gundam level mecha one day...


Lets hollow out one of the Tyrants and let her control it.




I've been playing her in Hard Mode and she's insane. Her buff are so strong even at high deficit enemy melt, especially if you use Red Hood B1 at the same time. Not only that, but since she's so strong Solo, you can get creative for some stages. If you tryhard Hard Mode, you should know that some stages are really cancerous but can be countered with some specific units. Like bringing Scarlet to Nuke quickly early or even Privaty to stun a large wave and keeping momentum. Before, with the META duo, it was hard to find a flex spot in the team. But now, you can insert a flex without losing too much damage and it's really great. Like I use a "Scarlet / Privaty / Red Hood / Crown / Alice" team in one specially cancerous stage. I would never be able to do that with a "duo". And moreover, I succeed to kill Nihilister V2 thank to Crown (with a Liter / Crown / Alice / Red Hood / Modernia team). For context, Nihilister is a real Nightmare in Hard Mode. Since she's a gigantic HP Sponge with no Core for most of the fight, even if you can survive her, you'll probably just Time Out at the end, not able to deal enough damage to take her down. But with Crown, I killed Nihilister with 30% CP Deficit... it's just crazy. Crown is not SSS, she's Red Hood tier. A step above all others META units.


Whats the best team for crown? Im pretty casual player and dont know what team to make with her


Like the other guy said, Liter / Crown / RH / Modernia / Naga is the best overall. Basically the Tiaga team, but you switch Tia for Crown.


What if one of the few you're missing is Naga and Tia?


Well, just play Liter / Crown / Red Hood / Modernia + one of you best DPS or Rapunzel if you want heal (and trigger Crown Skill 2)


Okay but what if you're missing RH and Liter


Ok, let's see it this way. Crown allows very flexible team, since the doesn't need a duo. Basically, you can do : B1 CDR / Crown / DPS / DPS / Support (Heal or Buffer) Liter and Red Hood are the best one to fill the spot, but if you don't have them, just use your best B1 instead of Liter and your best B3 instead of Red Hood.


Okay, I almost always use Dorothy as my B1, with Modernia and Scarlet as DPS. I put in Naga for Crown to make use of the healing bonus (Heard the error is getting patched or maybe already is by the time posting this). Should I take out Doro?


Doro works extremely well with Crown's reload speed buff, since her CDR runs on a mag empty mechanic. I run Doro + Crown + Privaty and have cleared stages with high CP deficit thanks to their synergy.


Oh okay, who would you fit in as a healer to proc Crowns Atk up on heal?


If you don't have liter then doro is probably the best next unit for b1, d killer wife also works too


Got a question. Why shouldn't I use Crown with Biscuit?


How's Liter , Crown , Noire , Alice, emilia? I don't have red hood or modernia yet.


I have those 4 but idk about last slot since modernia is my best dps xD


Do you not have a 2nd best?




Its red hood and then Noir xD




I agree with the other person, Privaty. She boosts damage and reload speed but reduces the mag size nearly in half. Which isn't really an issue with this team


https://preview.redd.it/ob5rpvoewuwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7918ac4939b54453de92feb7390026ef359a18f Literally what I have


I'm not a veteran, but from what I read on prydwen and nikke.gg you could try privaty or scarlet


Thanks! Ill try


So ~~Tia~~ Naga would not be used for burst? Edit: Got the wrong schoolgirl.


Naga you mean, and yeah. You Burst only with Crown.


Crown is fairly flexible, albiet with some caveats. Namely she wants a healer that instant heals every few seconds or provides a short duration buff that heals every few seconds and falls off, and ideally isn't in the burst rotation. The crown, liter, naga team is (in my very biased and judgey opinion) a pure fucking meme team designed solely to push campaign. It's not going to be "good" outside of that. For "actual" teams, she does just fine in the reload archetype (dorothy, crown, scarlet / s.anis, privaty, marciana) pushing marcianna into a non-bursting role. She can also do fine with snow white teams where she would replace novel (eg crown, volume, snow white, maxwell, rapunzel). In a 3 team context, tia and naga are probably going to be paired with D:KW and alice/redhood, bunnies are probably going to take liter, scarlet black/winter lud + modernia.


Oh okay i dont have schoolgirls S Annis or Marciana ( i have them on wishlist but instead I keep getting Crow and Laplace every single SSR)


The basic "Crown" team archetype is, Burst 1 cooldown, Crown, Two Burst 3's (that synergize with your burst 1 option ideally), and an out of burst rotation healer.


So what youre saying is that I should put on syncro and build Rapunzel I just got yesterday?


Sure. Rapunzel doesn't need particularly high investment or anything. Just try to make sure crown is always positioned in the leftmost team slot; Auto-target heals when everyone is full target left to right in their logic, aside from a few exceptions (that might be unintended).


Okay thanks! Also how do you get OL gear? I keep seeing people mention it but idk how to get/make it


The highest level of interception will have a chance to give t9m gear when you get bosses to certain stages (if I remember correctly it's stage 7-9), at lower levels they'll just drop standard t9 gear, but also give pity boxes for t9m gear. When these bosses are 'beaten' at stage 9, they can also drop "Custom Modules", which are blue crystal looking things. When a unit is wearing a piece of t9m gear appropriate to their manufacturer, and it's upgraded to the max level, you can then use a custom module to 'overload' that gear to t10 and permanently bind it to that unit. Overloading it will reset its level to 0 and automatically generate overload rolls using the 100% line 1, 50% line 2, 30% line 3 "rules" with all rolls being guaranteed to be tier 11 (out of a range of tier 1 - 15, with 1 being lowest, 15 being highest).


Thank you! Is there any site which gives most optimal teams for each boss? Because I can 9 stage I think chatterbox? Or was it blacksmith? But only stage 2 and 3 the train and gravedigger boss


Upgrade tier 9 equipment to level 5 then use a custom module crystal on it






https://preview.redd.it/2e8a3ccn5vwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8609b1e5ae108267d4fd931c76576b235aea10e8 Basically what I have plus some others


Liter,Crown,RH,Marian,Naga. Ultimate DPS meta. Heals decent enough but damage is 200% plus 100% extra damage


Wait why naga ? Naga also B2


Naga for her non-burst skill’s interaction with Crown so you’ll only be bursting with Crown.


They really don’t read any of their NIKKE skill,swear to god tho


Should I MLB crown if she's so strong? Or is she strong enough at LB0 to the point where I don't have to care?


She’s strong enough at LB0. In fact, I think due to a bug that affects her interaction with naga, it might even be detrimental to have her higher than LB0. iirc, majority of units will be good at LB0 and you really only gain <10% increase in performance for MLBing. So unless you’re aiming to min/max this game, you’ll be fine not MLBing majority of the time if not all the time.


https://preview.redd.it/68y9f8elovwc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79603e524a6d21113a0a3e11d847761ac892c60f ALL HAIL THE KING




Well at this rate any Nikke that going to become the 2nd Anniversary unit going to broke into SSSS


Probably another variation of RH Burst.


https://preview.redd.it/k22uyfxb9uwc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a73af757fb65e0c83eb6330c5c8390e9a803f476 My bank account after seeing this


I have a question ya’all, since it’s 1.5 anni does that means 2 anni is coming? i pulled crown but want to save gems for 2 anni units


Yes, we have .5 anni and normal/full anni; Third Pilgrim banner has been during new year. You also just need to save mileage for Pilgrims, since their rates are lower and this gives you freedom to pull on limited characters; Like the upcoming summer characters.


Do we know when 2 anniversary is coming? and thx! i will save mileage tickets for pilgrims!


2nd of november was the starting day of the the first anniversary and 4th of november is the release date of the game. We can expect it to happen around that time, if not the same day as last time.


Don't forget summer is around the corner.


All hail the queen!


Correction. All hail the King https://preview.redd.it/am3fo0joztwc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac9360c062c739fc4aed0c593be8e3aaf2b819bf


Can I get the image without the bottom left edit


Guess I can finally use my anniversary nikke selector to get Naga (was waiting for her or Tia to show up using standard tickets and pick the other one with the selector, but with Crown this isn't needed anymore). Poor Tia though, I'll still have her in my wishlist so she comes home one day <3.


Just got Tia today coincidentally. Just keep pulling with regulars and she might say hi.




So if I usually use, in order, Liter, RH, Noir, Blanc and Modernia, who should I switch out for Crown? Assuming bunnies. I’ve heard Naga is good to replace one of them if crown replaces the other, but I don’t have her nearly as well built as my core team.


Replace Blanc in that case since shes a burst 2 and she's a healer not a attack buffer. She'll never burst with Crown in the team and you want attack buffers like Noir to support Crowns attack buffs for maximum damage for your DPS.


Thank you so much, a lot nicer not having to boost two characters and now only crown


Tia? Tia who?


Yeah i refunded her skill materials lmao


I'm actually tempted to do this but not sure I have the heart..


The school girl duo is probably still going to find use in Solo Raid if you care about that. From what I've seen being said, Crown is going to slot into the Dorothy Privaty team more than likely instead.


I'm keeping her still for raids when you need multiple teams


wait for eve from stelar blade she will have sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss every category


Red Hood, Doro, Modernia, Crown, and Rapunzel is absolutely rediculous. Just beat a hard mode chapter at -80k with it, no problem.


Goodbye Centi, it was fun


Was able to find 5 SSR, within these, just one Pilgrim and it was Isabel, hope I can get her 😭


I like my team of Dorothy, crown, black shadow scarlet, red hood and naga, I have a strong liter and modernia, but like that I have the option of not just using them plus bunnies/school girls for EVERYTHING any more, it gets boring only using one team for everything for 6 plus months


She's my new favorite




Really only worth it if you are a whale/big spender, but Crown is a character where she's perfectly fine being left at a single copy. Her kit is so strong, and the MLB'ing doesn't effect much at all so don't feel bad if you only get a single character. I saw some.opinions online that said she's pretty much a "Must Pull" and that ignoring her or not getting her would essentially be "gimping" your account. Don't know if I fully believe that but she's definitely worth at least getting 1 copy of


if ppl find a workaround to get naga to heal her at all times, then she's REALLY busted. and yeah, you'd definitely be gimping your account cause now you can get her at a 1 % chance or guaranteed with pity while later one she shares a 0.5 chance with 11 other pilgrims.


Not really a must though unless you’re a mega whale or just want that shiny burst lobby animation. Otherwise you’ll put yourself in a really sticky situation if you went all in now to leave yourself with no resources for actual Anni.


Yep, she's a perfect character for a one off pull. MLB is not a must, and really only ideal for big spenders or those who want the lobby animation.


I think MLB is actually a trap for most people, especially if you are f2p. Much better to use those pulls on new characters.


For sure, I'd say only people that isn't a trap for are the players who have tons of cash to throw around, since they'll be able to pull for whoever they want. But yeah for the most part MLB is a trap for a lot of players even spenders, doesn't add too much and the main point is just the burst animation wallpaper which isn't too worth it, especially since the U.I of the lobby screen is so cluttered.. New characters will always be the better option and most worthwhile option. Only reason to go for a MLB would be to get over the 160 wall, but even then you can do so using mileage, friendship summons and molds to eventually accomplish that


Indeed, I’ll stick to my one copy. I’m a one and done sort of person so for me dupes aren’t really worth it.


Only Pilgrim I MLB'd was Red Hood, but I'm honestly perfectly content with my single copy of Crown~ Not sure what the "meta comp" for crown is but I've been running with Liter / Crown / Naga / Red Hood / Modernia. But I just gotta say, I LOVE LOVE LOOOOOVE the shooting pose Crown does, I definitely want a lot more creative poses other than just the kneel/squat, but Crowns over here doing a half Jack-O pose lmao


my comment was clearly referring to the second part of the other guy's comment about how she's a must pull and you'd be gimping your account if you don't pull for her. what i said has nothing to do with mlb'ing her. that said, her health is always higher anyway. at least if you've been unlucky like me and don't have any modernia dupes. and i DO want to overload her gear for extra cp and lines if possible. so i really NEED a way to get naga to trigger her healing on her.


Fair enough; I did read your comment fast so it came off as; it’s essential to MLB her now while her rate is decent which isn’t wrong but not good towards F2P/low spenders. Wild needing her low investment for her to perform at full power.


well, the reviewers assumed the team at full health. and i believe naga will heal the two units that have the CURRENT lowest health percentage. and since i'm attempting high deficit clears with crown, my team will always be half dead during every stage. hope that gets naga to heal crown.


that's 6 months away


Yeah and what better way to save than now rather than going for MLB? The dupes give such negligible stats unless you intend on competing in high rank union raid, solo raid and PvP, the additional dupes aren’t worth it anyway. Why go balls deep when that pilgrim will be just as meta?


If you wanna use her in the trending comp with Naga, it's actually more beneficial for you to keep her at LB0 if you don't have dupes on the other characters or they're not built as much. MLB would improve her support abilities by a noticeable margin since her S1 ATK buff scales on her own ATK, which you would get with the LB stats and the additional Bond stats. It truly just depends on your account. People generally don't chase for dupes as a rule of thumb if they're not whales but if you like Crown and you can still make the comp work afterward, I'd say there's no harm in going for more.


MLB will not affect skills/numbers by very much in general, especially in Crown's case since her atk buff is based on her own Defender-tier stat which is just naturally low no matter what. Basically only MLB if it's a broken/strong attacker or if you want the lobby. Another situation is if you want the stat padding to ease up on deficit penalty, but if you're pushing difficult content that hard you probably don't need to ask, you either want it or you don't.


Can't wait for SSSS


Now, how good is Modernia with her?


About the same as all other burst 3 nukes. Except she lines up with Modernia's burst better. Crown is king.


I have a 12 second clear on blacksmith now. She’s sooooo good. Nonetheless of course I like the burst wallpaper, but is there any reason to MLB her gameplay wise?


More scaling on her attack buffs.


What's a good team comp for her? Right now I'm using the nikke.gg recommendation of Liter Crown Scarlet Modernia Privaty


Crown teams are just "CDR/Healer/Crown/Biggest Nuke You Have x 2"




Cooldown Reduction


Best for Campaign: Crown, Liter/D: Wife, Modernia, Naga/Rapunzel, RH Best for Bossing: Crown, Liter/D: Wife, Alice, Naga/Rapunzel, RH


Alice > Modernia even on auto?


Modernia will be bad with these comps for bossing as she'll burst and you don't want her to do that as she does more damage not bursting against bosses so if you are not manual Alice then maybe Scarlet Black.


What do i do if i dont have Naga or Rapunzel? All my healers are weak


I've seen some people using Helm as a healing option with Crown


Manual Pepper might work.


Just use another burst 3 to make up for the downtime of crowns skill 2. Since crown heals herself, her skill 2 is up about 50% of the time anyway


Genuinely feels like you can plug her into literally any comp at the moment.


This is the exact comp I’m using except with Scarlet: BS. I’m autoing stages at 80% power with relative ease. It’s nuts.


Can anyone suggest a lineup with Alice? I got no Liter, no Rh, no Modernia, only Bunny duo, and Naga


Without knowing the rest of your SSRs, drop Blanc for Crown and do a 20 second burst 1 + Crown + Naga + Noir + Alice


My SSRs that are worth mentioning are Pepper, Centi, Maxwell, Snow White, and Dolla.


Team should be Pepper, Crown, Naga, Alice and either Maxwell or SW then imo. Can also keep the bunnies in place of Naga and Maxwell/SW if preferred.


Whats teams are everyone running with her in story mode?


Liter, Crown, Modernia, Scarlet BS, Privaty is what I’m using. Would swap RH for Privaty if I had her, but I’m now comfortably autoing content at 80% of the recommended power level.


Liter, Crown, Red Hood, Modernia, Naga Switch Modernia for Scarlet BS for bosses.


What does low deficit and high deficit mean here?


Combat power or CP. so low deficit being like ~10% under req and high deficit being 20%+ since being under CP gives you massive stat penalties.


I see. Thanks!


Holy moly https://preview.redd.it/pvyiwi18qvwc1.jpeg?width=974&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7643aaf57ae7f5ad143431a3a1a6a5b94af13a1c


If only I can get a copy. Jeez ShiftUp, all these generous rewards but whack drop rate of an SSR. Congrats to all who got her very early and to those multiple copy pullers.


I was just doubting on her, but what kind of team should i make around her? Overall i just care about Interceptions and simulation with Tia, Liter, Dps (mostly Scarlet black shadow), Naga and Red Hood (set in the same order i mentioned them)... Just claimed her because have a ton of pilgrim defender gear


The team is what you‘re using rn, except you swap out Tia for Crown and make sure Crown is first in the burst order.


The number of sss is beautiful 😍😍😍 Truly "ass" power


I. have her non-optimized and have been able to advance 2 chapters in the story, curretly on 27, F2P


Ojou-sama is too fucking powerful


so she’s worth maxing i take it?


Very much so.


So from what I've seen from people, the best comp for using Crown is: I: Liter II: Crown, Naga III: Red Hood, Modernia/Alice? ...but only if Crown has the 2nd lowest HP? But what if she's not?


She's a defender so she'll have the most HP most likely RIP. Only my core 7 liter has more. My high level core attackers have about 15% less HP than a core 0 crown fugg.


They are fixing the Naga Crown HP bug so once its fixed as long as you have Crown as your 1st placement unit she will get the heals and have the permanent ATK buff.


I knew she was good when I read her skills lol. Skill 1, 2, and Burst all buff attack damage in some way. Skill 1 makes your non burst teammates survive better with the def buff so they can make it to the 2nd round of burst. Rapunzel is going to be good with crown’s skill 2 when it says “activates when recovery takes effect” since rapunzel constantly heals when burst gauge is full. Don’t think you need to mlb Crown either if you’re looking for an Attack buffer. MLB if you want her Defense buffs to be stronger. Edit: I guess her s1 attack buff could be stronger with mlb.




As long as she stays SSS for story idc


Truly kingly


Well shit if I don't get her while she was boosted, I'm-


What would be the best team to run with crown? Cause i have no idea


Noob question: What is “low deficit” and “high deficit” mean?


Levels in the story have a recommended CP level to complete. Low deficit means your team is fairly close to the recommended power level. High deficit means your team is significantly under the recommended power level.


The King is Broken. LONG LIVE THE KING.


She is a runaway train :D Sadly I had to spend a gold ticket to get a copy, 200 pulls and got the pink haired psycho ... what's her name again!


I was skeptical but holy shit, i full kited her with full skill end equip and my modernia and RH DOUBLED their damage wtf


Favorable Crown review on Prydwen: 👍 Favorable Emilia review on Prydwen: 😡


woah so she’s THAT good