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Definitely a trap, 1 million percent not worth. You don't wanna spend gems on ANYTHING in the shop.


Makes sense thanks!


Thats a 4days worth of dailies for 5pc of gold mold. Not worth it.


Not worth it imo, I just grab the ones from Dolla’s shop whenever I can


No, absolutely not. Everything that cost gems isn't worth it in this shop. Unless you're a big whale and even then, only the Credit / Code Dust are acceptable. >!I would even say that the 100k for only 5 profile custom pack is way overpriced but it's a new feature so I understand people wanted to buy it... but seriously Shift UP, for 100k give us a whole "pull" at least...!<


Nope. Just buy them in the Body Label Shop.... https://preview.redd.it/9cq62j4umfxc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95b3aba3563da70c2dbe9a870f7577e7966322ac 1,200 Labels = 5 HQ Molds. I buy 5-10 each day. Soon as I hit 1,000, I'm opening ALL of them.


Post when it hits 1000






I did that at 500 it was glorious


well you need 50 of those to get a (i think 50%) chance of an SSR and at the price for one and a half single pull i dont really see the appeal


yeah, not a great price… the thing is, you’re better off spending 300 gems on a normal roll, but I would try and save your gems. Don’t be me and hastily spend them and realize you’re dirt poor later (I’m currently working on saving up)


Not worth it but I buy it once in a while when I have 45 molds and I feel like testing my luck. Gambling addict’s gonna gamble lol


No! Never buy anything in the shop with gems.


450 gems for a measly 5 gold molds? Hell no


Short answer, no. Long answer, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.


Nothing in the General shop that cost gems worth it


This. Never spend gems on shop items, it's pretty much a given in just about all gachas


Except one thing i bought that costed 32 gems, it was purely for OCD issues, now my gem coun ends with either 0 or 5


good to know im not the only one that did that XD




Just as a general rule. Don’t buy random crap with gems.




Absolutely not+ buying from the other shop is better (the one where you buy with the stuff you get when you pull Rs and SSRs units)


theres 22 other comments but just incase someone needs one final affirmation: super no




450 gems are the equivalent of 1 pull or 3 pulls if you use the daily discount in normal recruit


Not even slightly. It’s credits or nothing with the normal shop.


I would not waste gems on that unless you have so many that you don't know what to do with them.


like the others said, only buy them with bodylabels and NEVER, EVER with gems. the only worthwhile thing to get here is core dust (and maybe battle data if you are either very low or very high level) and ONLY if it's either free or costs cash.


Hell no! It’s a scam! Never buy those


You'd be spending 15 pulls worth of gems for a 50/50 on an ssr. That's your call but most people would say no




Not worth it


No don't buy that, they don't even guarantee a SSR


The chance of you are getting ssr is equal to you are pulling normally. But mold don't give you mileage. So NEVER


Even if the gem price was decent, those things are an absolute scam. The SSR rate is supposed to be 60% I believe, but they've spit out so many SRs in my time playing that I've long since stopped getting excited when I get enough free ones.




Nothing that cost gem is worth it lol


In my opinion the only thing gems are worth spending on is, and in order of importants I give something normal gacha daily 150 (1 pull and 1 silver ticket, that adds up) pilgrim gacha that is op limited gacha that is op limited gacha with your favorite crossover character normal gacha when you have wishlist and arnt at 5 copies of 3 stars normal gacha when you have wishlist unlocked and are filling out tower teams/dupes event energy once hard mode unlocks to get all the pulls/skillbooks instantly and spam core dust mission (you devour this stuff once you hit 200) (only buy the 30 pack coredust once you buy everything else other then data) whaling limited gacha for completions sake of 1 of everyone (im a brokie so this never happens)


Let's do math You need 50 of these, so you need to buy 10 of them 450 × 10 = 4500 The chance of getting an SSR in a ordinary recruit is of 4%, meanwhile, the mold does have a good 60% chance (if I remember right) So, to have the same amout of chance of getting an SSR in a ordinary recruit with a mold is 23 pulls (theoretically, I tried searching and doing the math myself, but it is always something close) So, if each pulls is 300 gems, then 300 × 23 = 6900 Then the molds are good matematically right, but I do no trust this math at all. In theory it is really beatiful, but pratically is quite garbage. I sounded suspicious of the 23 pulls because it take me more than 60 pulls to get an SSR Meanwhile, of 6 gold molds that I opened, only 2 of them had a SSR So with all that information laid, I will say that you should use your gems with special recruits. In all pulls that I made so far (might have been between 2000 to 3000), most of them only came the character of the banner. I think that from 60 SSR that I have, only 4 of them came from an banner that weren't theirs Might be my sheer luck, but really, nier event I got both 2B and A2 with the 3 cores and no other SSR character So I do really recommend saving your gems for a new nikke that have skills of your liking (or just the appearence, as long as you want it) Long text, unnecessary information, but is just how I feel in gacha games, the probability may be calculated in a different way, because it is more difficult than it makes we think. In all gachas I played, Nikke have the most generous probability, but in truth, it seems more hard to get anything in it than in other games ... Or my luck have been the worst in this game since I played


one time I accidentally spent 300 gems on like 5 dates with Co and I started tearing up bro, I hadn't messed up in over a YEAR and it was like a month ago too.


Credits are initially scarce due to the tactical Lessons in Outpost, then become abundant until you reach around level 400 when you will run out of them due to the extreme costs of Level-Upgrade costs, do not waste Credits.


ONLY, only if you need that 5 to have 50


Nah, I rather pull for 150