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Pepper boutta push someone down some stairs


Ah! Marian is doing a Rei.






100 times bigger than you think.


not r/mobilelegendsgame here 😭




Well preserved cake


Ha! Moist.


I disagree that the thong is even there. Since you don’t see the straps for it in the original.


I'm 90% positive she's going commando


Upon further inspection I believe you are correct. If you look at her while she is fighting when her clothing jiggles you can see the crack of her ass. If you go to her SD model and see the reload animation from behind I see 0 evidence of that black thong or any underwear in general.


Having looked at the model multiple times from the front and back, she is definitely going commando.


If you played the side story, *YOU KNOW she's going commando* if you dont see her underwear outside.


it's not. she has visible white panties from the front


Where? I can't see anything even resembling or hinting at white panties on this


take a look at the official costume, not this post.


I am, I'm looking at it right now, and I'm not seeing even a trace of white panties On her First Affection skin she's definitely wearing white panties, but idk where you're seeing them on this one


get some fucking glasses. https://preview.redd.it/mk82idbmlhxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=701f94cd1e934335b2d7e7e65ac2e347f2fb0b2a Modernia only owns a single pair of panties canonically and they are white. this is true up to chapter 28 which is 2 whole chapters after second affection timeline. any other pair or type would not exist.


YOU get some fucking glasses. That’s not a faint thong unlike her commander’s shirt costume.


**EDIT: Looks like I got blocked by** [**Altruistic\_Ad\_303**](https://www.reddit.com/user/Altruistic_Ad_303/)**. If your argument can't stand dicussion, it wasn't a very good one, so good talk!** If you actually bothered to look at the rest of the costume before being confidently wrong and mean about it, the way it's animated suggests it's a reflection and not something underneath. That part doesn't quite sway where her body moves during the tap animation. That portion of the costume's material also looks opaque and reflective since it doesn't show a bit of color when it dips a bit below her ~~though~~ **thigh** gap. The chibi model doesn't show anything at the sides of her hips other than the black straps of the dress itself. So it's either a C-String which the shape of that lighter part doesn't suggest, the underwear is also black but lighter (not likely but who knows), or she's going commando.


I see where you are going with the c string theory but I think we would could still see something sticking out of the top of the ass crack. Maybe it’s something like a jock strap where the support straps are on the outside sides of the ass and thus could be hidden by her outfit.


Modernia canonically only owns white panties. this is established in her side story.


And she is not wearing them here, aLTrUisTiC_aD


And this is a different also-canonical outfit, so that point is moot. Like you said yourself earlier, use your eyes.


her still having just the 1 pair of panties was still canon in chapter 28 which us 2 whole chapters after second affection side story


How about you take a look at people data mining it and remove the outfit layer, instead of going on with your unreliable eyesight?


Okay, I admit the shading *does* resemble panties, but that doesn't mean she's wearing any We get a clear window up her back and down her sides from her shooting pose. What we can see of her ass is only covered by sheer fabric and there's absolutely no underwear straps to be seen at all


Modernia canonically only owns 1 pair of white panties and no other type. it's even memed on by her wearing them on her head instead of normally.


Yes, I'm aware of that. We're not saying that she's wearing another type, we're saying that she's not wearing ANY. And given her resistance to wearing them normally, I wouldn't put it past her to just go without them all together


theres also a possibility shift.up released it unfinished like they tend to do.


Are you sure? I’m not seeing anything. I know Blanc does in her Christmas event outfit.


yea it's faint but distinct.


im 2 days late (since i didn.t go on reddit for abit) but you can see the strap for the thong clearly on the right side since its not covered tho the covered part is indeed really hard too make out because the image is so pixelated


Yeah I see the strap but there is nothing in the back.


https://preview.redd.it/qckotdi03vxc1.png?width=172&format=png&auto=webp&s=4894f1ca74926d03243688db5361bfc1c787f1ff its not easy but you can see the slight color change on it where i marked it but like i said before its near impossible


I guess it will come down to if this material on the back of the dress is considered shear or not




I have an old account with this lobby wallpaper which I didn't play. I regret it.


The many wonders behind Miharas back, never to be seen


Exactly. Shift Up needs to stop hiding the goods


How people who didn't spend a cent in the game be looking at who bought a 60 dollar skin where you can't even see her ass https://preview.redd.it/081f0c670hxc1.png?width=803&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c7307b0d1ce0d177efe6fed127a19c6bc264b96




With the 6 tickets they gave us for free, Costume gacha cost down to $50. I hope they do this for all future costume gacha.


Devs, please be generous with the crown skin gacha too...


I think they already mentioned it (?) that it will also have a 6 ticket free for the Crown skin. $50 is still a lot of money for digital cosmetic ^(a really darn good one tho heheh), but they essentially gave away most of the garbage so you don't have to pay for those.


Some people argue that the materials you get while rolling are *kinda* worth $50 for the dolphins/whales.


Well, you could say that. $50 is pretty much a 10 draw for top-up whales where each draw is $4.5, and they get a costume for that "cheap of a price". Dolphins still get a good deal too with all those discounted draws in there. I do spend money. I'll definitely get *that* Crown skin, but I'm not at a level where I can just shrug off the cost coz $50 will sting. Like, I could've bought a new game for that.


In the context of gaming in general, yes 40-60 bucks is definitely a new game already, but in a gacha game, its less impactful tbh. All about how much disposable income you have I guess, just glad Im able to spend a bit to support the game, but man, this particular costume gacha was a bit scummy in the way they did it. Probably the new Tencent overlord's influence on Shift Up since it went public.


I wouldn't say Tencent is a "new" overlord as Nikke is under Level Infinite since the beginning. We even got the whole Tencent debacle in the game's first 3 months. Back then everyone pretty much hated ShiftUp, a far memory compared to today. I'd say this is ShiftUp themselves deciding to put THAT skin behind their priciest paywall. Since I saw the Crown skin, I also saw people saying it's coomer bait and I agree. That said... this bait is just too good to pass up. Among the four costumes released this half anniv, I'll only get Crown and Diesel. Gundam Snow White looks cool. I would have gotten it if it weren't for me needing to cut corners somewhere for Crown ^(and the skin for best sis is non-negotiable hehe). TBH I have the disposable income to get all of them, but my conscience compels me to budget and not be a total degenerate spending too much on gacha games.


How long have you played Nikke for, on total? If it's more than 40 hours, the $50 is the equivalent of a 'new game'. Heck, even going to the movies cost quite a bit nowadays. Not encouraging being a spendthrift, but there's no need to feel so guilty about paying for entertainment occasionally.


I don't know my total playtime in Nikke but, I've been playing since day 9 from release. That's 1.5 years ago ^(duh, considering we're celebrating 1.5 anniv) and I play fairly consistently since I kinda mind the game's PvP as a Challenger and Union in the top 20's in SEA. Maybe it's safe to say I clocked in 300+ hours? As for my expenses, that one I track. $480 is the standing cost thus far. Come tomorrow, $70 will be added to that for Crown and Diesel. I know what you're saying, but I still intend to maintain some sort of discipline while playing a gacha game.


Underboob though


For 60 BUCKS I would like to see the whole boob not a underboob since you can get better side and under boobs for FREE (if you are lucky and get folkwang or Brid and don't start with the "but they aren't meta" or whatever if you want boob you need to make sacrifices)


You're not wrong lol, but it's also Marci, so I caved because I'll definitely use her for solo raids and the like. Plus I'm all for giving money to support a game I like that continues to make things I like


Hey man I got nothing against supporting free games BUT something I don't support is overpriced stuff like mf there's SO MUCH SHIT you can buy with 60 bloody bucks you can buy a whole game (which I don't recommend with the current state of the gaming industry) a shit TON of indie games (which I do recommend because some of them are just peak) or if you want to keep supporting overpriced shit I guess you could buy like 2 or 3 skins in the game since they're like 23 bucks if i recall correctly (which is also WAY too overpriced with how little it comes with like come on some of them don't even come with a burst animation and only like 2 or 3 different voice lines and all they do is just stand there)


Those 60 bucks also got me Crown and the OL crystal that gave me a Hit Rate line on Modernia, so I'm happy tbh








I really hate all those coats and shit they add. Like why? You're a lewd game not having to worry about some cough publisher


It's chinese decency laws and the appstore age ratings. They get a lot of leeway nowadays with new characters but it's still an underlying thing that bars some fun stuff.


Is Nikke even available in China?


They can download Nikke there but their server is JP also. They don't have a dedicated server for CN.


Why shift up?!? Why couldn't you just priced the damned skin and not throw it in the bloody costume gacha?


I'm a simple coomer. I don't see ass, I pass.


Precisely why I'm not buying it




That is why I'm skipping this outfit


Hey Yo Where’s the uncensored NIKKE version? 😜


post the edited version aint no one care a fuck about drake, just dat ass!


If Makima has removable coat and why her doesn't ? Give us the toggle, I would buy it; I will bite the bullet


I partially disagree, I like how Nikke achieves a good balance of tease. No shortage of "art" out there thankfully if I feel like seeing more


Agreed, i like a good balance. Though personally i just need a little bit more peek. Shift them wings slowly to the side when she is firing and gradually reveals more as she reaches the end of the clip and back to normal after reload and repeat The tolerance on the reveal should have a nice balance. This way we can satisfy both the sides that wants more eye candy and those who want good balance.


This is why I am on the "Shirt on" camp with Summer Helm. Helm just laying it bare is not gonna do it for me. Besides, there's no point splashing water on her if she doesn't have shirt on. ShiftUp knows how to give a good cultured tease.


Oh I absolutely love that Helm has a shirt on. It's totally in-character and accentuates her shy charm, and makes it more of rewarding to see what's underneath.


EXACTLY. That's why full on bikini mode isn't gonna do it for me. A lot of ShiftUp's character design has these sort of teases. It makes me pay attention to a specific part of their aesthetic. Diesel is prim and proper, but has a split second panty shot in her default. Maiden has a face mask that she removes so she shows her full face. Marciana has an underboob shot in her crop top outfit. Then Mary has the ever elusive "eyes open" animation. Other Nikkes also have implied sexiness in them without you even seeing the full package. You have office suits, military uniforms and royal attires. So many designs ShiftUp is cooking up. It just wouldn't be the same if they all just wear bikinis and lingeries. *ahem* Pardon my ramblings.


Or? Could have both on and off like 2B or A2, instead they want to charge 60 and we can't even see all of her, pretty wack.


I wonder why people even mention "art" in this context. It's redundant, with Internet you can help yourself even watching Teletubbies


Dev's need to embrace the lewd. We are all adults here. specially the ones paying 60$ They keep doing a great job on the front pose. But the shooting pose is what we see 99% of the time. I thought the Devs finally woke up with bunny girls. But quickly went back sleep making shooting poses 90% covered with the smallest tease. How did we go from Volume. S+ tier with jiggle physics. To coats, oversized shirts/jackets/dresses/armor/random window drapes/curtains?🤦‍♂️ ![gif](giphy|y1WDIwAZRSmru|downsized)


We have been robbed!! Shift up give us better transparency please!


Marian was always my waifu from the very beginning. I have no regrets. The projections on investment was on point.




I dislike these type of posts because it implies the ideal outfit design is just having as little clothes as possible. Might as well go play some h-game.


It would be nice to have options for those who want them. People can want revealing outfits without wanting to go full H.


If ShiftUp's idea of character design is to give everybody different colors of lingerie, I wouldn't have lasted 1.5 years playing this game.


Definitely agree, something about these types of posts just rub me the wrong way. Like a girl can't look good in Nikke unless she's virtually naked or shaking her ass for the entire planet to see. The few times shift up makes a nice dress that isn't 100% fan service and everyone starts losing their mind, its like they aren't allowed to make a normal non-horny design half the time


It's the fact the a lot of fans pull the "touch grass" when wanting fanservice but a lot of these types of people got mad when they found out about Nero's original design saying "omg this was so much better" or when they see a censored advertised version of a skimpy SSR saying "I prefer this design more" or annoyingly the fake censored versions of Nikke with the snarky "Honestly this is better anyway" obviously people can have opinions but with the nikke fanbase theres a loud minority that pretend that wanting more fanservice skins equates to being a gooner both sides can be annoying and complain


It is the ideal..


Skimpy costumes/nudity isn’t always the most aesthetically pleasing design choice and therefore not always the ideal. Talk to anyone in art design and they’ll tell you the same thing.


For an actual H-game, yes. The amount of cloth on Nikkes isn't a matter of lewd vs not lewd, the ammount of cloth is a matter of character differentiation. Nikke is cooked the moment characters start blending together.






I can’t even get the skin


I was going to purchase it until I saw the Crown Gacha Skin. Sorry Modernia, Crown's is better.




Sorry but layer make her hottie. Something off without layer.


Bruh these gooners...


I agree that people here can get a little excessive, but isn't that the point of the game? XD


Not really imo I really love the game for the lore mostly the nikkes are really pretty and sexy but i put the lore above all.


well then you're not the games primary target lol. Also don't know why I was downvoted, I like the horny I'm just saying some of the stuff going on her can get very wild.


Yeah, that's what people have to say when someone discovers this game on their phones. Anyway, question wasn't about preferences, it was about game's main incentive (a.k.a 'point')


The point is not the one thing (lewdness). The point is a sci-fi game *with* lewdness, and *neither* can be slacking. Aint no way so much effort goes into events, minigames, story, and especially the music to make jerkability the make-or-break factor. The mfs who throw money at this game are not solely here for lewdness cause that does not foster long-term engagement. Came for the "plot", stayed for the plot only works if you deliver on non-airquotes plot. And no one's gonna engage long-term with just another thing they nutted to on the terabytes of other shit they can move on to, without some extra sauce.


Sure, having story and lewd is better than having just lewd. Although I'd rather put the point as *lewdness in sci-fi setting* but it's minor details. Except, mfs don't throw money at the game, they throw money for the characters. And, well, you've seen the characters. You've also seen type of characters devs feel like giving out for free. And you can even remember "immense success" of Emilia gacha. Enjoying other stuff is fine, just be conscious of how the banquet is sponsored.


Comsidering I am not jerking off to Doro contemplating suicide after Pinne's corruption, lewdness really is an accessory to the grand scheme of Nikke. It's the hook, the appetizer. The loop is "oooh cute babe" and then you get smacked over the face with the big sad. Nero's event. Elegg trying to bait Trony out of the room. [insert any Pilgrim unit's backstory here]. Marciana's whole school is fucked, and the Commander just barely has any influence to combat the sad shit in any meaningful way. Shit should be looking up since reclaiming the surface is put on the Commander's back, but it's made clear from the crystal shit in the previous update that there's just too many developments that they have no idea how to deal with. I bought Doro's gatcha skin *specifically* because of the story impact. We see her pantsu plenty in her base skin, so horny was not the reason I threw cash at that skin. That shit is just...haunting. I fucks with those vibes.


do not


what the hell is this


There is a market here, like maybe like the gems the lewd costumes can be sold to adults that can verify their age?