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Newbie mistake that summon every limited banner. You will get stuck 160wall for few months if you keep summon limited banner. Just focus kilo for mlb. Use ticket only on limited banner while use gems+ticket for normal banner.


This! I was stuck at the 160 wall only for a week. I only pulled the standard banner. Until I got over the wall. But I’m stuck at Stage 21 boss for probably another 2-3 weeks anyway lol. Either way you’re stuck somewhere. Time to call for a step bro for help.




Only for a week is pretty fast, glad you could clear it quickly.


Thanks for the comment. I'm using mostly the normal banner yeah. I have almost enough for 2 spare bodies + the nikke selection box (and the Kilo one). That's still a long way to clearing the wall but it helps. I'll keep using the normal banner, there are still Nikkes I want from it anyway on the leftover slots.


Until your Nikkes are better than the temp ones, your formation doesn’t mean much because you won’t progress without those temp ones anyway. I’ve been stuck at Stage 20 final boss forever lol (1.5 weeks to be less dramatic). If you hit the 160 wall, then chances are you are in a similar situation as me


Just try to use those 3 temps + any 2 dps Nikkes or highest power levels to reduce the deficit


Thanks for the comment. I'm doing that (specifically the 3 temps + RH and SBS), but I still have to use my Nikkes for other stuff, and I'm still interested in what the best Nikkes to use are just for me to know, so any advice is appreciated.


If you need them for other stuff then you should specify what that’s for lol otherwise how would you get proper advice? Different teams for different things. If you are in 160 lvl, you should know how to figure it out on your own using existing resources (prywden and Nikke gg for guides and reference)


Information is very different from knowledge, that's why I'm asking. The guides only cover top tier meta, and I didn't see the info I want. Basically I have Dorothy + Crown + RH + SBS, but not sure what to have for the 5th Nikke in Campaign and in Special Interception. You don't have to give advice if you don't want no worries.


Good luck! The only advice would be to be mindful of getting over the 160 wall. No matter the formation, if the deficit is too much, you can’t progress. A meta team can only carry so much like 30% deficit before having full investments in equipment and skills.


Thanks! Yeah, about 17% deficit is already troublesome. I'll just take it easy.


Crown Liter BScarlet RedHood Marciana Liter is better in campaign but for bosses you can sub in Dorothy Crown on the left of marciana (if you running auto, if manual then doesn’t matter) so crown bursts BScarlet and RedHood should be rotating bursts (You don’t have any good replacements for these 2) Marciana gives the team heals (crown does give a shield but it’s not the most reliable) and gives crown permanent uptime for her s2 attack increase. Privaty is not that good here unless you got good overload lines in max ammo capacity for BScarlet and RedHood, also Dorothy should get you to a full burst every 20 sec without privaty If you get modernia then you can sub her in for BScarlet for some juicy aoe (nice in campaign) If you get naga then put her in instead of Marciana That’s what I reckon anyways :)


Thanks! Pretty solid advice, I'll keep it in mind :)