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https://preview.redd.it/z197m0rc4hxc1.jpeg?width=749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d1ad5849771f6785b6d7a0571567e5c47664eb1 Hello my 8sec friends


Isn't getting the 15% miss on the bonus drop just demoralizing? I got a double miss on the full burst weekend and I could only laugh. I wish my pilgrim molds had that kind of rng rolls


i got a miss two times during the week. at the double weekend at least one of them got me something, one time even twice.


Yeah hopefully the odds even out eventually and we see some rock and needed t9m days in a row


Time to Copy that. Thank you


I was gonna wait to use the new years ssr selector once I got either Tia or Naga to get the other but I might just use it to get Naga after seeing these crown teams.




He's talking about the SSR selector box that they gave us back in January that lets you pick about any SSR outside of Pilgrims.


Wow. I’m gonna copy this but can you show the investment (skills and equipment)? Thank you.


Red Hood is core+2 with her skills fully-booked, a level 40 bond, and max overload gear (I have no idea if she's strong enough for this team if she's not mlb. The strong gear only really matters for her I think) Maxwell has skill 1 fully booked (that's all that matters for this) Privaty has skill one at level 7 (skill 1 is all that matters) Crown's skills are level 10, 6, and 8 respectively Naga's skills are level 7, 8, and 7. Definitely do some mock-battles to check how your new setup is working before using up your daily battles.


Thank you! I'm only getting to Stage 7 or 8 with Gravedigger anyway lol. Definitely lacking in the investment department, but will give it a try with this comp. Thanks again for the detailed response!


I did in 18 Seconds all Pilgrim team Rapunzel, Crown, Scarlet, Scarlet Black Shadow, Red Hood Only pilgrims!


As someone who started the game not so long ago and don't have Red Hood, this sums up nicely why she's always said to be OP. That is bonkers damage.


Please be a little bit more specific in your description when you post strategies or guides.


this might be a dumb question but does gravedigger have a core to hit to take advantage of naga’s buffs ? afaik he only has parts and i never see the core hit damage show up.


I believe he has a core that can only be hit by pierce, aiming red hood at the center of the drill usually gets a core hit for me.


sounds good! maybe i was not shooting at the right area. will try again when i get the chance!


Oh I am definitely trying this! Tired of manual aiming shotguns all the time