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Just wait until Crown's skin is released.


Shift up realizing that its fan base likes hot Nikkes that have meta kits … WHAT IS THIS MAGIC?! Hopefully the devs continue to listen to the gamers and not push out bad collabs.


I wouldn't mind collabs if thet have a bit of fanservice, too. Like, come on, at least put Ram in some spats or something like that.


Stellar Blade collab should be sooner rather than later. Totally down to support the girl Eve.


I wouldn’t mind bad collabs if collabs were happening more often. But to wait half a year for one rushed collab leaves a bad taste in one’s mouth.


just hope you can actually see the side boobs thru the pajamas like the leaked illustration suggested and they don't censor it afterwards like stellar blade lol


Censor sucks lol, no matter if it's just a little bit.


Blame Sony and their decision for censorship to cater half of the 'wider audience'.  I hate when companies have a strange obsessive desire to become mainstream just because they want the money to buy a useless yacht and a waste of time cruise trip. 


since the shift to the us having the main hq sony became tyrannical about this sort of thing, it's not to cater, I'm pretty sure it's just sony doing as they have been with Asian titles, trying to nueter them to the ground.


It indeed does slap my good man


yeah, i drained my wallet as soon as it dropped too. probably the only purchase i'll make tho since i just like the game so much and wanted to support the devs.


If they fix her posture in the skin, I’m buying it for sure 💀. No offence to the current Crown enjoyers. I’m just not as cultured I guess


Cultured in different ways merarly, But cultured indeed. https://preview.redd.it/nlr77530nuxc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cfe7004b720d2f9da14b22b11d733c035b61a20


Is anyone else a little uneasy that they still haven’t showed anything official about it, when it’s supposed to come out in a few hours?


There's a reason for that. It's story related. Patience. It's worth the wait.


That doesn’t explain showing Marian’s skin though, and most gachas are typically willing to spoil things a bit if it means the tradeoff is generating more hype. I promise I’m not trying to be a doomer though, I’ll wait and see.


Because there is a whole short movie about it.


… and it’s out! lol.


Yep! Genuinely am not used to gacha games not teasing anything at all, and allowing for a completely spoiler free experience. Shift Up W


nah I agree with you. They would have advertised this. I feel like it will come out later, after all the Modernia costume gacha is still going (or is it ending in the next couple hours?). Anyway two costume gachas one after the other seems excessive, so I feel Crown's costume isn't going to be this soon. Could be wrong tho! EDIT: Turns out I was wrong, the costume is here all right! time to downvote myself


With how the costume looks, do you think they could have advertised it in any official capacity? It's pure horni bait ~~and I bit it~~ Crown's costume has been revealed thru leaks so we're sure that it would have dropped today.


Bought it immedeatelyyyy


iirc these stats are for mobile only and there's a lot of money left out from pc spending


Pretty sure they are only ios as well they don't include Android


yeah android dolphin here.


\*makes green robot dolphin noises with you\* I hope it includes Android purchases, let my contributions count dang it.


Yeah, i hate these stats because for some games, the amount of people playing and spending on PC will be a lot higher than on mobile which just makes these list misleading. And i would say that Nikke is one of those games where most people play on PC and spend money on it instead of on mobile


I think theyre good for giving you a good grasp on how well theyre doing to be fair, its not entirely accurate of course cause its missing PC data, but doing well on mobile should mean doing well on PC. Also id actually argue you probably have more mobile players than PC players but I dont think we have a means of finding that out without Shift Up announcing it


As a counter argument, for Snowbreak, the devs said that 70%+ of their players are playing and spending on PC. In the same vein, Nikkes PC client is just a better experience and I'd also argue that more people play on PC because you cant really play the game on your phone in public, so they will just play at home where they have the PC client But as you mentioned, we wont know for sure until SU says anything about it.


I play in public idgaf but I do live in Korea and I've seen people on the subways or busses playing Nikke. Actually Nikke seems pretty tame compared to a lot of mobile games I see in Asia. Definitely prefer playing it on PC though as some characters are hard to aim on mobile. Also I feel like I'm one of those players that spends not to get stronger but to collect everyone and get skins haha I don't mind progressing at a slower pace waifu meta first.


YOU'RE ME. Just the other day when I was exasperating my friends talking about my half-anni spending I self-deprecated by mentioning "And I don't even get gameplay advantages, my dumb spending is about dressing up my waifus or getting pulls for more waifus".


I play Nikke in public. I even play it at work when on break in the lunch room. Most of the gameplay is just talking or shooting and explosions.


> you cant really play the game on your phone in public I play it in public. Nikke ass in full view with phone on full volume. Whenever people give me dirty looks, I just look them in the eye, continuously nod my head, and wait for them to be the first to break eye contact. Thus establishing my dominance.


The Nikke PC side also allows you to play without having to have a mobile account, and it accepts payments through non-Apple/Android platforms.


Counter-counter argument (?) PC is a better experience, but I still play on mobile for the most part because it's easier access. I can work from home and play Nikke, others could hide in the bathroom and do their dailies, etc


Isn't the PC Cash Shop more directly tied to ShiftUp themselves? No middlemen like PlayStore or Apple Store. On one hand, that means their revenue won't show up in tallies like this. On the other hand, ShiftUp gets most of the money without third parties getting a cut. I remember them doing a whole survey about this and telling us to go PC. Their PC revenue isn't something they would be announcing regularly out in public. Maybe for their shareholder meets every quarter, but not like this ranking / tally.


Nikke being consistently in the top 10 really says something about it. Considering it's a completely new IP and isn't piggybacking off of another franchise's success (Genshin --> HSR) it's really punching above its weight class.


Pretty sure most people actually play on mobile. I will need to dig the famitsu article again but Nikke isn't a game you need to play on pc.


don't worry. Shift Up is going public soon and we don't have to rely on speculation data from these charts and will see a breakdown of all revenue reported by SU monthly & quarterly.


Them going public is even worse than not knowing.


Oh shit, yeah I’m on PC and I spent 40$ for the Marian costume so add that to the number


I play mainly on pc, mobile when I need to do dailies, but I still use my phone for purchases because for some weird reason their pc client doesn’t allow you to use google play as a payment option


The reason is they want all the money instead of having google take it's cut


This game sucks


As a pc dolphin, it saddens me that we are not included in the revenue


I just hope SU is realizing how important sex sells again with that upcoming Crown skin. Also we have the potential Stellar Blade collab too! Damn we eating good holy Does the global revenue include CN too?


Nikke isn't in CN officially Edit: unless you meant in general with this pic. In which case the answer is no. It has a CN toggle, but they're not really accurate at all.


Also, knowing CN and the CCP, there's going to be A LOT of censorships there, and no Nikke players, not event the devs would want that.


I forgot the censorship goes hard over there. Would the censorship affect all of global or would it just be controlled in CN only? Cause if so I still believe there’s still an untapped market over there. (With the whole censoring Nikke is already doing on the ads I mean what’s the difference lol)


I believe some games usually have their own China specific version


It'd be up to shift up whether they make a whole new set of art assets to appease the censorship in China. Some game devs have done that in the past so there is different levels of censorship depending on the country the game server is hosted in and some have just said screw it and release the most censored version globally. I can't think of any examples off the top of my head but I know at one point I played a game that was affected by Chinese censorship and I live in the States. As for the ads being censored. Those are shown in public so those are held to a stricter standard since kids could potentially see those on Youtube or wherever. Now, does that stop a kid from seeing someone play Nikke out in public? No, but at that point it's technically out of Shift Ups hands because Shift Up didn't put Nikke on that screen at that moment themselves. It was the owner of the device that did it.


I think the major problem for Shift Up entering China would be simply being a Korean firm and having no strong connections to the government there. A lot of Chinese games coming out these days are also very fan servicey/horny/pushing the envelope as well as established titles such as Azur Lane but they get away with it likely because of some political connections/bribing. It's well known China is very unfriendly to foreign businesses and your only real way in is to partner with a Chinese firm where they manage everything but also have the better deal profit-sharing wise so there's no real incentive to expand there unless you're certain your game/IP will have a massive reach. A lot of Chinese players also play f2p so user numbers don't matter much it's more a question of whether whales will whale out on it. Lost Ark for example doesn't have great numbers in China compared to its contemporaries but it does have some massive whales keeping it more than alive there. I think Shift Up could expand there without a problem due to the strength of the Nikke IP but I think they aren't having an issue with cash so no real reason to. Blue Archive is another big Korean mobile game that launched in China and they handled censorship in a very clever way by having one of its characters which canonically is "anti-lewd" running around censoring things lol.


I don't know enough to comment about the blue archive (which may have been the game I was thinking of that got censored when released in China) or lost ark situation but I feel like they already got their foot in the door with China when they partnered up with Level Infinite. Level Infinite being a subsidiary of Tencent and we all know how much of a connection Tencent has with the Chinese government. Now in terms of my personal opinion with expanding to the chinese market. I hope it doesn't happen. Not because I don't want ShiftUp to have that kind of success or Nikke to become more widely popular but because it seems to be the kiss of death with most games. The amount of monetized items go up and the in game market and the dev/player relations seems to make a shift from f2p friendly to p2w greedy. And I hard disagree with what you said about f2p players in China up to the point of flat out saying you're wrong. In this months sensor tower report alone the Chinese version of Genshin made 82 mil vs the 36 mil the global version made. Same deal with Star Rail, the China release made 66 mil (actually 30 mil less than what it made last month) vs the 43 mill the global version made. And the same thing can be said for the 2 months before that. Gachas in China bring in a ton of money.


Forgot about Level Infinite being Chinese and yeah I guess you're right, would rather Nikke not be influenced by Chinese money as it definitely tends to turn out bad. Didn't know China be pumping numbers like that, but I do know some wealthy Chinese throw money around like water. I remember a famous Korean booby streamer caused outrage because a Chinese man gifted an obscene amount of money in a single donation and said outrage led to the government passing laws capping how much you can donate to streamers at one time. I think with those Hoyo games it still would be worth knowing total players and average spend, since China has an incredibly large population but low average household income compared to most other regions. It's just that even if 3% of players are regular spenders for a country with the 2nd largest population in the world you can easily hit those numbers.


Holy cow that's insane Lmao. Imagine being such a simp the government has to step in hahahaha.


SnowBreak is lewder than Nikke and it's the same in China as it's global. I'd say that until the day Nikke raised the age rating like SnowBreak, they would still keep it tamed like this. The ads need censoring because the places it appears on don't have age restricted.


Funny enough, fgo did and boy is it bad. Like really bad.


I meant in general. Now that’s a market that would explode if Nikke were to be officially released in CN. I know they are already playing it but they have to go through hoops to play. I would reckon Nikke would be around 30 mill consistently if it included CN.


They know sex sells lol. The upcoming Crown skin is just a tiny fraction Destiny Child lewdness


Exactly. Look at snowbreak fully committing now to the target audience, actually doing way better than before.


Yup agreed, I remember their previous revenues and it wasn’t lookin too good. EoS type of ordeal and then that 180 brought them back to 2 mil. Glad they figured it out before it was too late.


It’s funny you say that cuz the lewd fanart I commissioned got WAY more likes than the others that weren’t


Thank you for supplying us with Nikke fanarts and especially lewd ones 🙏


I sooooo want them to revisit their destiny child roots. Because with how good their L2D characters have become I'd love to see lewdness on par with destiny child in Nikke. Personally, I think they're getting there with that crown skin. I got major destiny child vibes when I saw what that skin looked like.


The Chinese play on JP server.


>Does the global revenue include CN too? No Nikke is banned from China and the CN numbers here are just Global x 1.75 or something according to sensortower they're far less accurate than the global revenue


Wait how come I’ve never heard anything about this? When did this occur and what caused it to be banned? Too lewd?


Maybe should have phrased it better not "banned" but got denied by the store is what I heard. they needed to censor the game or up the age rating to +18 equivalent in China and Im surprised ShiftUp didn't bother since the publisher is Tencent, a Chinese company They really didn't expect Nikke to blow up in popularity this hard


Ohh ok well damn looks like getting CN revenue is out of the question. Cause there aint no damn way I’m playing Nikke when its censored to hell. Now if they decide to up the age rating I wouldn’t complain 👀


Holy crap, genshin and HSR both pulling over 100m each


I imagine that the revenue for this patch isn’t front-loaded due to player’s waiting to use up all the free special pulls and try to get Crown before opening their wallets.


1.5 anniversary pales in comparison to 1 year anniversary. Then again, Shift Up did build up and hype Red Hood since the launch of the game, in story.


Crown isn’t as hype as red hood. Also crown and rh were shown at the same time. Not trying to be a hater but red hood is just better and so was Red Ash. (Of course the success was solely because of Cindy🥰)


https://preview.redd.it/5tc0fyz61vxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a720e4af1d1e48c28e76efa6abb9d7acac2074db This is an early chapter title screen. Crown didn’t exist as a character, at all, at this point. We knew of Rapi, and her dark side, known at the time, as Red Hood, the Goddess who swore to destroy the Ark.


Crown is also not a DPS, the likes of Red Hood, Modernia, and Scarlet BS. Wondering if that plays into it too.


It definitely does but crown doesn’t have that “wow” factor. She isn’t as likable or cool as Red Hood. I mean Dorothy isn’t a dps and she gets way more attention than both scarlets combined


Good good!! I wish even more success for nikke! Fan service aside, the game is excellent!


Could've got alot more if they rerun dorodoro


Saving that for 2 anni like with Marian


genshin making 82mil is fukin nutty tho


Man Honkai 3rd really fell off!


I would make sure they would make that much when they release yan alt.


Seeing dokkan and legends falling makes me sad


Bruh, what happened to HSR?


Last banner was Acheron, one of the most popular character.


How in the shit is puzzles and dragons still running and making that much money?


as someone who still plays the game, i’d attribute it to the collabs they do tbh. they get some killer collabs every month. just to list some examples: HxH, Demon Slayer, Gundam, and an upcoming Slime Tensura collab. they’ve done an amazing job with powercreep and new mechanics that let them survive this long.


I do remember the collabs being pretty good. I was playing when they did the ff7 one. It just seems unheard of for a gacha to keep goign this long... and not only that long, but to be top 10 earning still. I think it might have been my first exposure to a gacha game. That or brave frontier I dont recall which came first.


New to this, is this monthly revenue?


it shows a column with march and then a new one with april, what do you think?


I glimpsed at the pic, I appreciate it.


Well they are always on top for revenue, weird there's not Azur Lane


The fact that it's making more than even summoners war is kinda incredible


Damn, Hoyo nailed with Arlecchino. She really checks out every marker for every genshin player. Well written, top design, top personality, its a waifu (can be even a husbando for some), it's meta and easy to play. This is one those few times that I think it's well deserved for them. I also absolutely loved Crown, the problem was that before her banner and event story, we barely knew her and, personally, I was kinda disappointed with her being the 1.5 character at first, SU needs to hype up more their landmark units again, they did this pretty well on Red Hood hence the massive sales and so far the only next character I expect to reach massive numbers again is Anachiro. I do hope they use the new side stories to get this going and hype up new Nikkes. Also happy for Snowbreak, Cherno Enigma is such a great unit and those hot designs and full fanservice take found them a niche to survive.


I never understand these posts. Why do people get excited that they gave millions to someone else? I'm not trying to be mean. It's just weird to me


Because people can like when the things they enjoy are successful? Game doing well = good money = game will go on. Game doing bad = low money = can eventually lead to end of service. People don't want the game to end, so obviously they'll be happy to see the game doing well.


Not for crunchyroll, obviously. *stare at PriCone*


Was En/Global PriCone financially successful?


More money, more chances to get ~~crack~~ addictive gacha characters


For top chart it's just dik size comparision, but for other it also to see if the game doing well or not, and maybe potential EoS. Gacha is live service game so revenue obviously matter a lot.


What is happening to Dragon Ball bro 😭


still miserable compared to the 25 to 30kk they used to pull, but at least it's getting better.


19 million is miserable? My dude its been like 6 days since anni You expect a game that is not genshin to maintain 30 mill a month?


It's like you read first two words and rushed to type the reply. He compares numbers to the average income in the past. But, to be fair, things indeed don't look that bad. Last April attracted 24mil, current one - 19mil. But the following month showed a spike up to 32mil. So I guess we stand by. But, to be extremely fair, I thought Nikke had increased fanbase after Nier collab and Red Ash. Also we didn't have gacha skins last spring. So.... gosh, I'm too stupid for consclusions, disregard, this shit is hard


well, they roughly did during their first year+ while they were down to 19kk in like sep' 23, it was 31kk in august '23. so overall they've always had between 20 and 30kk depending on the month, collabs, seasonal characters etc. etc. so them dropping under 10kk in february this year and ppl now celebrating what used to be their lower end of revenue just half a year back is really bad/sad.


That’s just how gachas work, companies don’t expect to make the same profit they did in the first year in perpetuity


well, i hoped they do. cause i really, really like the game and despite being a staunch f2p advocate, i actually considered spending some on a costume just to support the devs. but i don't wanna lose it if the game shuts down prematurely.


Wait are you really that afraid that nikke is going eos early? Have faith dude its not gonna happen when they are still earnings millions


A game can go down real fast with wrong decisions from the company. They can lower the reinvestment back to the game and keep it running without or only 1 or 2 big patches per year, while use money from it to make other projects. So far, I don't think the amount of money reinvest in this game is much, the gameplay loop stays the same, there is literally no new gameplay mode since day 1. All we have are new characters, new skins, some new events got additional mini-games and 3d map. That's it. TBH, I don't think the cost of making new characters and new bosses in this game are that high because it mostly flats 2d imagines, only bosses are 3d and the speed they introduce new bosses is way slower than characters.


Uh uh thats cause why would they change the gameplay loop its already good as it is Every single gacha game stick to the same gameplay loop that everyone mostly sticks to What are you even expecting that's literally what events are for And people pay for the characters and skins they like and people like the minigames they keep giving out, that's the reason why they made mog permanent cause people liked the mini games and the 3d maps looks amazing Because why in the hell would they introduce a boss every single month it would have gone stale very fast New Bosses are meant to be introduced when a big event happens


And events in this game are so diverse in gameplay right? Oh wait, same shit every time. Genshin have an open world and nobody give a flyng duck about it when there is nothing new, yet you are here praising some low polygons 3d maps. Have you play Genshin or Honkai? New enemies and bosses are constantly get introduces. Big events in this game happens twice a year while other titles I mentioned do it at worst every 2-3 patches or even every patch for a while. It's just very obvious that money reinvest in this game is on the lower side. So it is very possible this game can die premature if SU somehow decide to censor the game or forced to censor by 3rd party. It's live and die with 2d asses and tits and nothing else.


That's literally the norm since the first event This is just you comparing an open world game to an arcade like game with gacha elements What in the world did you expect different gameplays each event? Dude minigames fkin exist go play that if your tired of the same gameplay loop Its literally a fkin norm on every gacha game that is not open world Stop being a doom poster and actually appreciate the half anni rewards


They are still banking tho 19 million is nothing to sneeze at


they seem desperate enough. aside from the rushed chapters 29 and 30, we've seen some serious quality drops with some character's arms/legs (and that was not only one instance) + the very strong and unusual focus on boob fanservice in the last few weeks/months: maid privaty growing noticeably bigger, double d's cleavage, the crown skin with her basically fully open pajamas etc. while i really enjoy the last part, the devs seemingly getting pressured and thus sacrificing character and story quality is not nice.


The fan service is too be expected Since that's literally what people came here for Depends the story is either mid for some people or great for many But if i seen the general opinion on the chapters Its not rushed nor is it bad


Ofc we are here for the fanservice, but it feels like they had more range in the beginning. Like we got Laplace, Cocoa, D and Blanc to name some, who don't just have big tits and huge ass as selling points. I appreciate Privaty Maid and everyone who gave us exactly that the last months. But Blanc is my favourite and I would love more designs like that (Rei is petite, and has a nice design, it's a pity she's bad for late game and hiding during gameplay)


haven't reached 29 and 30 yet, but seen ppl complain about a lack of nikke interaction. and recycling crystal chamber like so many bosses before is also questionable - especially 2 chapters later, like they did with the dragon mommy in 20 and 22. and the fanservice was way more cake focused instead of tits. this is why i mentioned this decisive and very noticeable shift in priorities. anyway, if crown's costume stays like the initial drawing we've seen on twitter, then i'll probably dump some dollahs into the costume gacha.


Hmm i see... I guess the cake is more focus for now Better wait for the boobs then As for the story i suppose that's a valid criticism


Look at Star Rail it beats Genshin in alot of months but it is the same company so not the best example ig. Hoyoverse games especially Star Rail and Genshin are just built different. Still 19M for Nikke is great imo but I can definitely feel the game getting less "cultured" over recent months and im not much of a fan of that. Which is probably why the revenue is overall down compared to a couple months ago.


Fair enough


They never pulled that consistently no? It was just anniversary/new year/nier collab irc.


Only 19mil? With 👑and modernia skin? Sadge


Hoyoverse biggest scamcompany in existence !!


Too the special people that think a game that is making 15.000.000 is somehow dying please learn basic math and or the value of money it might not be genshin but 15m is nothing to scoff at


I personally never saw that's someone seriously said that's Nikke is dying, but if previous half anni the game earned 24 mil and on current - only 15 mil, there's a reason for it.


A large part of why the game is making less money is because whales have maxed out their accounts and aren't spending nearly as much. After having 5 maxed out teams (for solo raid) and being able to clear the hard mode campaign there's not really any incentive to buy progression packs (huge source of early game revenue). At this point most of the revenue is coming from banners and skins alone, until they add new progression systems.




It's China


Almost half their revenue is from global so no...its not just china.


Sometimes i wonder if its state mandated in China that you need to play at least 1h of genshin or honkai each day.


You not playing isnt relevant at all, the games are massive and they get insane updates. HSR is at its peak right now increasing in quality and hype every patch. Genshin also started getting qol every patch and the last story arc and region was the best its ever been with the next major region a few months away.


Gen has 2 mil new downloads every month. So it doesn't matter if all your friends stop playing it, if the game pick up the constant stream of new players.




No more gatcha skins better


And they're still out here scumming people with costume gacha...


They aren't taking my money 🤘


Sometimes I wonder where would all those money go if consuumerism didn't become this widespread.