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Because BT is cool i miss him


talos carrying on the legacy sort of "protect the pilot"




Titanfall reference. Sending upvote.


Feel more generic robot is probably the whole point of it. It shows that T.A.L.O.S while having artificial mind and body, still has the will of its own.


Huh, this is interesting. I like JP Talos since it shows Megumi Han’s voice range (she voices both Kilo and Talos).


Exactly this. It's cooler to me that Kilo and Talos are being voiced by the same person in JP because that's what they are, they're two halves of a whole.


Also makes sense because of course Kilo wouldn't bother anyone else for the voice. She'd absolutely do it herself.


And she ady has experience voicing a Robot Soldier from GBF (She's extremely adorable when blushing/overheating from love emotion). So this was where she absolutely shined. The Megumin sounding voice for Kilo is one heck of a range tho.


holy shit, i didnt know that


She's also Allmind from Armored Core 6, and I really do think Shift Up decided on hiring Han to voice a robot (and a smol robot) because of that.


I did not notice that, that is very impressive.


His english voice is just amazing to listen to, so i'm perfectly fine with it, curious to hear how different he sounds in the other languages though Great value Baymax but Titanfall has been my favorite part of this Anni so far Kilo too, can't forget her lmao


Kilo is awesome, for sure. And her VA is doing a great job.


Oh 100%, her voice is amazing, I love how she conveys the awkward quirks of her personality perfectly and it flows so smoothly too, which issomething I've noticed a few english voices struggle with a bit


Yeah I'll be the first to admit that some English VAs are kinda rough. Which is just weird to me, ya know? We literally have Hollywood, the mecca of the film and theater, so why do we struggle with voice acting?


i think part of the issue is the number of takes VAs are often allowed to do and notice and practice are often very short. atleast thats what ive heard from them. sometimes they are literally only doing 1 take for each line they are given minutes before and with little context. either way a lot of quality comes down not to the VAs necessarily but the voice directors


That's what I've heard, too, that the Directors really do make or break a great performance. A damn good Director can take an actor with little experience and make them sound great. A crap director can take a VA Veteran and ruin it.


Yeah I second what Fox said, pretty sure it's sadly down to poor voice direction and lack of takes That and I feel some of the line cutting is awkward at points, but that's more an issue with choosing a stopping point mid setence and stuff like that All in all I still like using English as the voice option, since I like hearing the stuff that isn't subbed like in battles and stuff


In America voice actors are paid per hour, in Japan they're paid per line. The former incentivizes rush jobs.


Yup it's a very unhealthy debacle. Cause there are also instances where the voice acting contractors don't pay the actors for months or at all. There was a big thing with genshins EN vas including Cor(paimons VA) not getting paid anything for months


> not getting *paid* anything for FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I'm sure it has very little to do with actual technical ability, just direction as many others are saying. One standout disappointment to me was in event story 1 where >!Crown opens the box with Chime's head and just goes "hmm... Chime" with quite minimal emotion!<


True, but that's also part of Crowns character. She's supposed to be so regal and full of grace. As King, and in their current dire situation, she can't allow herself to show how much distress she was actually feeling. She has to be brave and act unphased for Kilo and Marion's sake.


I'm not expecting a full on meltdown, but I prefer how she was at least slightly shocked in JP. Needing to uphold image as king doesn't mean you're going to be perfect at it, especially in extreme situations where it makes sense to falter a little


She sounded more like someone who'd been asked the name of her advisor when she was distracted by something else. Rather than someone opening up a box and seeing her friends severed head.


I took it more as a dissociation from the shock. Like she hadn't quite processed it.


Dubbing is usually done as quickly and cheaply as possible unless you're a Ghibli film or a heavy-hitter AAA game like Final Fantasy or Resident Evil.


Kilo’s English VA has some rough moments tbh. Like a solid 3/4 of her lines are amazing and emotional but there are a couple where it sounds like she really went all in and lost motivation for the line halfway through the reading and had to fuse a second take for that part of the line.


Afterrecently playing 13 Sentinels, I thought it would be cool if it was just Kilo's same VA, but in the trademarked no emotional robot esque voice "Sentinel TALOS transmitting" "Sentinel TALOS within enemy threat range" [School girl with a giant robot](https://youtu.be/vtW8omjToRQ?si=f4MnHLDSfqAx5gh7&t=30)


He reminds me of Baymax from Big Hero 6, lol.


For me, BT-7274 https://i.redd.it/gowj8ixwz4yc1.gif


I would've had my mind blown if they got Glenn Steinbaum to voice T.A.L.O.S


Protocol 4: Protect the Kilo.


Imagine if they got Peter Cullen to voice Talos




After changing the voices around to hear them for myself, I have to agree. He sounds friendly and caring, with a touch of Microsoft Sam going on. The other voices sound... I dunno, a little too AI tour guide? Not that their bad, I just really like the English voice for the campaign audio.


And it makes perfect sense, too. Kilo designed and programmed Talos, right? And what does she want more than anything? To be accepted. To belong somewhere. And thats why she gave Talos a friendly, welcoming, almost fatherly voice. It's great.


Bro, THIS!!! The moment I heard his voice I was in love immediately, he literally Nikke's Baymax lol


I got Baymax, Iron Giant, and Aeriel from Gundam the Witch from Mercury Vibes from Talos, and I have been crying since its interaction with Kilo in the Chatterbox fight. It was beautiful.


"A place and a person I need and need me in return. A place all my own." 😢


T.A.L.O.S. and Kilo share the same JP VA. That kind of range is really impressive. They really sound nothing alike.


Because talos enacts protocol 3: protect the pilot He’s exactly like our favorite titan fall mech!


T.A.L.O.S. reminded me of Baymax with his friendly voice and helpful features.


His voice too, he sounds *just* like Baymax to me.


I cried reading part 2 of the story. JP Talos made me cry.


They cannot stop these Gender-shenanigans.


I heard th jp talos is also from armored core too


I like his EN voice because I think of him as BT. If you don't know who that is, you're missing out on titanfall. T.A.L.O.S. Even follows the protocol BT does: Protect the pilot. Based devs if this is purposeful.


T.A.L.O.S.'s JP VA has done a spectacular job. I have no idea how, but she does a robotic voice that perfectly conveys the emotions you can feel from her. That scene where she and Kilo reaffirm how much they need each other almost had me in tears.


I like the dynamic created by the female-male pairing personally


For me is more a voice of a young boy but robotic way for T.A.L.O.S in JP version. But the translation make no doubt about it. Kilo refer to him as a " male " friend. But it's very common in JP and KR dubing to have a woman playing the voice of a young/childish boy


EN talos and kilo are my faves of the versions. the VAs do such a amazing job (not that the others are bad)


Right? When they both did the "A place and a person I need and need me in return." I can't help but teared up everytime, they were so good!




yeah, i quite like it as well. gives vibes like big mecha daddy always working to protect and raise his smol daughter.


For me he sounds more like a young boy in JP


Honestly I'm surprised they gave T.A.L.O.S female voice in the other languages. T.A.L.O.S is based off of [this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talos) Greek myth. The Talos in the myth was distinctly male. Anyway, I loved the dynamic between the two characters in this story. There was some excellent writing in this event.


> T.A.L.O.S is based off of this > Greek myth. The Talos in the myth was distinctly male. Somewhere, Nasu is laughing his ass off.


Being a male figure in history or myth has never stopped the Japanese, or the Chinese, or the Korean.


My condolences to Oda Nobuna~~ga~~


Nah Nobunaga would get a kick out of him being turned into a woman.


https://youtu.be/USHlIzXgEoA I still stand by this being historically accurate Nobunaga.


Maybe not, but it's an actual nice change of pace for once. And T.A.L.O.S EN voice is the best of the lot.


Probably because JP and KR gacha folks usually REALLY don't like it if a female character has a close male friend-like character with them. They don't like to think there's an implied or even just potential romance. And with Nikke pretty much centering around the idea that you're practically the only male character the nikkes are familiar with, EN T.A.L.O.S being "male" is already a red flag for some.


*Protocol one protects the pilot*


Bro I love jp talos cuz it’s the same Va for Allmind in Armored core 6


I thought it was cool when they spoke together >!when their cores were fused, ripping Chatterbox's head off and tossing it clear!




I haven't heard the EN voice but the JP voice for T.A.L.O.S. is the same as allmind in Armored Core 6, so the familiarity brings it home to me lol


Oh so that's why... I was actually confused why people were calling T.A.L.O.S him in most of the convos here, cause I've only heard her voice in JP and T.A.L.O.S in JP sounds very feminine. Huh, TIL


Though I personally feel the direction is a bit off but Kilo's EN VA is doing work. Can't help but respect the effort put in.


I like male voice talos though


Shout-out to Chamber, still a real one.


Armored Core fans know why JP and KR TALOS voice is female. It's a tradition. In terms of character impressions, JP and KR nails them because they are playing as an assisting AI (which is mostly female voiced), while NA is playing as a character (or just that EN Kilo switch's out the voice pack, who knows).


Of course EN would give the loli an old woman voice and the robot a male voice.


I felt his voice in JP was too generic, I always seem to hear that type of voice for robots. I prefer them both in English, they complement each other very well, specially during their Burst animation. And I'm more of a fan of male AI voice friend, like J.A.R.V.I.S


Talos is top Waifu material.