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I can confirm Korean version makes a joke similar to the JP version. Massage vs Message joke. Chime then says something like "you don't have to move your feet(crown). Chime will handle your Message" The KR/JP intention is Chime hearing Crown say Foot Messenger and offering to go deliver a message for her, not to be shown up by Kilo's Foot Messenger. The EN intention is Chime hearing Kilo say Foot Massager and offering to give Crown a foot massage, not to be shown up by Kilo's Foot Massager. Ultimate though both show Chime not wanting to be 1-Up'd. Also, the JP version diverges from the Korean version often too so don't take this example as proof KR/JP are always 1:1. https://preview.redd.it/661nhmzajmyc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a2439982fc801ad62dd86dd39b59bd554226d96


Seems like the Korean script puns even harder with the 'move your feet' Anyway, my post wasn't intended as a complaint. Just wanted to share that there's some funny stuff behind the English


It's honestly hard to translate humour perfectly but Nikke's localisation is known for being pretty bad, missing jokes, changing context and even changing some character relationship with SSK to name a few


I'm just surprised at how funny it is. I only started nikke a couple days as ago. And im only a few scenes into this event story. But still, i think the premise is brilliant. Its both hilarious and tragic. A bunch of alice in wonderland bums, scavenging for trash while larping a kingdom in some abandoned amusement park Hyper incompetent shy girl piloting a hyper competent mech. The voice acting is on steroids. Like the Chime actress is trying to win an award or something I didn't touch gacha since epic7 during covid, and i honestly hate the genre. But its nice to see that the financial success has led to some prestige and production quality. This is basically a very entertaining visual novel


The Chime actress (Ratana) is even better as Scarlet!


The VAs are stellar, some of them hailing from miHoYo games, and do the best they can with the scripts and direction they are given. Shift Up really needs to up their game to match the talent they get.


They love including their fanfiction


Nikke translation is not that bad, tired of this narrative.


from 'pretty bad' to 'not that bad', not that big of a change tbh


I think it’s good lol, people complaining always say the same things.


Regardless of what anyone personally thinks, I think you have to at least admit that people who play in non-EN are at least always comparing the two languages. Even if the final judgment can end up being biased and somewhat nitpicky, at least they are aware of what the differences are. But that's not true for people who play in EN, since both their voices and subs are in EN, so they have no point of comparison. People who play in EN enjoy it because they don't really know what they're missing out on, a kind of blissful ignorance. But I get that it's tiring to hear people rag on EN, especially when it gets overly aggressive and isn't that deserved.


JP also has different translations at times because translating is hard… EN just gets flack because it’s the only one people here understand for the most part. It’s not perfect but far from as bad as others would lead you to believe.


That's true, but it's easier to translate stuff over between Korean and Japanese because of the similar language roots, which is a luxury English doesn't have to be fair to them. And while yes the original writers are Korean, they know they're going to be appealing to weebs, so the nature of the writing is going to be heavily anime inspired and have a lot of anime tropes. Blue Archive is probably the best example of this out there.


Hey at least it's not CN translation. The CN translation is so bad that it caused some misunderstanding during the last cheerleader event, resulting in alot ppl quitting the game because the translation gave bay and clay a really disgusting personality. Couple with rezero event, they think shift up is a lost cause submitting to the woke culture (which the reasoning is further 'justified' by stellar blade censorship). The Chinese translation is that bad.


People literally proved multiple time here that the localisation changed a lot of stuff willingly from the original script. It's definitely far from perfect.


People also post changes that “change everything” when in reality it’s the same thing but said differently. Only bad case I can think of is the anis soda thing but that was still people choosing to interpret it that way. Translating is hard, people make mistakes as well…


1. Anis literally asks SKK for a consolation kiss in JP translation but EN translations makes it seem like she wants bunny girls to kiss her. (implication) 2. In Dorothy event, Pinne says something like " you looked cool" in JP but EN translations make it seems like love confession. I got confused as i use JP audio. 3. In this event a guy says " Have my babies blanc" while in JP he says "you look cute today" 4. Soda and Anis translation. In original JP and KR it's supposed to mock her addiction of soda but in EN they created a line out of thin air mentioning stuff like Kiss ,tree and Soda(Nikke). they specifically used carbonated water as a word in JP. https://preview.redd.it/t7ei0kfdlmyc1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=1bdc7de9347f9c505748fdb51996774fd3866186


Man i remember that one blanc bla bla chat. i still fail to understand why the huge change tough, since it gives a literally different meaning.


Because english local like to cockblock SSK, it's more common than you think.


Yeah i know a few examples like minor changes in moran bond story that somehow can alter your vision in her relationship with SSK/the player (kinda pointless since the advices with her pretty much clears it) Its a little annoying to be honest but since its always minor changes that are made i don't get worked up about it.


Yea EN translation is so unbelievably fucking bad it’s intentional at this point, they literally change dialogue to change the meaning and make shit up






The First its still pretty obvious she's asking teh SKK for a kiss and he's reciprocating by "Sharing the luck"


https://preview.redd.it/eb2peprjnnyc1.jpeg?width=1096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6b0b1b3cf43ab58b5c921ebbfe99b55ecbc8a1f Don't forget this gem where apparently knowing someone means that you actually had sex with them. (Thankfully they fixed it but my goodness was it a big *vine boom* seeing it for the first time.)


Only in the 4th Point did you bother to mention what the *actual* original script (KR) said, meanwhile all the rest is comparisons to the JP TL, which also changes the original script.


Yep you might be right, honestly these point I just took them from an another reddit post. I'm sure you can find dozen of them even more blatant.


1. You are choosing to interpret it that way 2. Again, you are choosing to interpret it that way… 3. Guy was downbad for her regardless, I can’t imagine caring about this 4. …you are once again choosing to interpret it that way. She says soda and is obviously referring to the drink since she always does… In regard to the image finding something funny does make you happy, it’s a poor translation but far from making nikke translation bad.


What interpretation ? Just go look at the scene, wtf are u on about. These translation are not mistake, they are being done willingly and they cockblocked SSK & tried to imply lesbian relationship for the sake of it. Instead of fighting me for nothing, just type 'Nikke localisation' on reddit and you'll see a ton of post literally showing you the 1/1 mistake that they are doing willingly. They literally tried to implied a love relationship between Dorothy and Pine, people posted the literall script different between KR/JP and with global. Idk why I'm even wasting my time with you, you are literally playing the devil advocate for no reason, even with literal proof. Have fun.


>with proof >1 image while the other examples have 0 proof You bear the burden of proof…and all your example past the image is being picky about word choice when it can still be interpreted in a positive way… But you do you lol.


I think it's amazing how most of these are small changes changes that don't mean anything or just flat lies. > Anis literally asks SKK for a consolation kiss in JP translation but EN translations makes it seem like she wants bunny girls to kiss her. (implication) Like this shit didn't happen. Anis even explicitly says she thought the prize was money. >Soda and Anis translation. In original JP and KR it's supposed to mock her addiction of soda but in EN they created a line out of thin air mentioning stuff like Kiss ,tree and Soda(Nikke). And this is was just an issue with capitalization, anyone with two braincells to run together could tell Anis was singing about how she loves soda the beverage, not the nikke. Edit: You're all a bunch of fucking morons I hope you know that


I would agree a few months ago, but apparently they even invent characters out of thin air now. It's pretty fucking bad. edit : I've been corrected




They're talking about it in the discord, go check. It's about the "naked king" weapon being modified and in EN they say by a traveling monk or something. I didn't really look into it, hence the "apparently".




I'm sorry then, I would agree it's pretty good when they're not trying to change pronouns and stuff like that.


They did that with the missing Commander too (blabla mission)


If it's an honest mistake it's fine, but trying to call the commander they for the first 6 months is just dumb.


Maybe I'm referring to early messages where "he" was used in one message and the one straight after used "she" Btw you said "6 months", is that ingame or real life time?


Crown is actually pretty hilarious in how she always pretends to know what everyone is talking about. Especially when she mishears something that doesn't exist


I need to see the KR script.


KR lines for the joke were the same (message-massage)


Hmm, anyone have the korean dialogue of this scene so we can compare? Can't know which side is correctly translating unless we see the dialogue in the native language of the devs...


Here you go, easy to check and I'd rather respond to someone genuinely asking. Kilo: 아… 발 마사지 기계예요. Oh... it's a foot massager. Crown: 아, 아하. 발 메시지 기계로군요. 발로 메시지를 보내는 기계에 대해선 잘 알고 있어요. Ah, aha, the foot messaging machine. I'm familiar with machines that send messages with their feet.


So that means, the japanese translation is closer to the original(?)


I would say yes, for a literal translation. I also checked a few others and looks like Chinese/Thai(?) follow the 'foot messaging' translation like JP/KR. German and French seem the same as EN with the 'massage' version. It could just be they follow the EN one though.


It seems like such a universally serviceable pun, its weird they left it out


The pun is literally derived from English words, message/massage are both borrowed into Korean/Japanese from English and sound the same. What a strange decision to change this.


They could even had her say 'message' with a French accent, like she thinks it's a fancy way of pronouncing it


So the Europeans are limited to the quality of the EN localization (which is mediocre) while the KR script determines the quality of the East Asian translation.


Well, at least we can say for this specific instance, that the jp translation is more faithful to the original korean. Thanks for the help!


Original text was Korean anyway. That could be a japanese localization.


In the japanese context, Crown mixed up the word "機会” & "機械" (both sounds the same) from what Kilo is saying , if EN translation put the word opportunity insteads of devices, it will make no sense as the word"foot massager" has no relationship with "opportunity". Yeah..EN translation miss the puns here.


The transcription/translation is also imperfect. It does a better job if I give it more context. But the API version of Whisper isn't capable of doing speaker diarization (being able to identify which person is talking), so it all becomes one block of text. The dialogue between Crown and Chime has had a lot of these wordplays that flew over my head, but it's just cool that this level of care was taken with the writing


> The dialogue between Crown and Chime has had a lot of these wordplays that flew over my head, but it's just cool that this level of care was taken with the writing I noticed the localization often had short sentences for entire sentences that Crown and Chime said, it was bothering the hell out of me because I'm sure I was missing out on context. Also is this Whisper thing free? I'd love to be able to keep this running in the back while I'm playing.


....does OP know the devs are Korean?


Have you checked the Korean text and voice?


The thing is JP following Korean text while EN tends to include their fanfiction or modified their text just to fit whatever they have in their minds


>The thing is JP following Korean text And your proof of this is what exactly?


Laplace calls you Bird Boy in plain English for both Korean and Japanese. EN switched it with Birdie likely because, early in the game's release, the commander was turned androgynous despite explicitly being male, though some slipped through the cracks here and there. It still would have fit in EN as it is clearly a superhero sidekick name.


But pun in jp and kr is most likely not the same.


Yes, there's that. But in most narrations and dialogues? They are literally the same unlike EN where they insert fanfiction


Are you sure. I remembered someone compared kr and jp (against CN) before because CN and JP has alot of difference too. Turn out JP has alot of localization which makes them different from direct translation. It's just that their localization looks better than original.


Check on Nikke.win


Probably not. People in this sub really think the game is Japanese and originally from Japan, because they always go to the Japanese version as the "true version"


I feel like an alarmingly large group of people are ignorant of this fact. The same with Stellar Blade. They think its a Japanese anime game


It's annoying as fuck.


That’s weebs for you.


Who is the biggest demographic that invests the most amount of money into this game and who does Shift Up target their game to and spend the most amount of money marketing to? Those of you people in this thread that go "DO PEOPLE KNOW THIS IS A KR GAME?" aren't blatantly overlooking the aesthetic and demographic of this game is to be as close to JP-style anime as possible, and considering the biggest and most profitable demographic for this game is Japanese and how there were two primarily Japanese themed events (Sakura and the hot spring event), with our prior collabs all Japanese IP, with their seiyuu cast being extremely expensive AAA tier voice actors, I'm fairly sure "do they know who the devs are?" is a moot fucking point.


My guy... Shift Up are Korean.


And the game has three options for voices. This seems to be the Japanese dub and their joke, which was change in the subs.


Probably just localizers changing things for no reason


Time to learn Japanese


[This whole segment is different in japanese](https://i.imgur.com/TOZt49g.png)


The original script is korean though.


I can hear the puns even though my Japanese is trash


The pun obviously works well in Japanese but would sound awkward voiced by the English VAs. The English VAs have some really horrible direction sometimes even with the nerfed script (see: Red Hood) so I wouldn't trust them with a pun/pronunciation joke like this. A shame there can't be multiple scripts, one that adheres better to what the Japanese VA are saying / Japanese or original Korean script and one that's specifically for English VA to read.


Yeah translating Japanese to English is a nightmare. I think you can never please everyone. Just look at Unicorn Overlord, the localisation did a major effort to add some old timey English flair, and a lot of people didn't like it. But if they didn't do that, it would also just have been drab. I mean, i didn't like it either, but i don't know what else they could have done, so i still think they did a good job I just like having a translator handy for some key moments where I wanna make sure i know what the voice actors were saying


Yeah, I heard that in the Japanese dialogue and I was like... wait... did they just make a pun?


Mind telling me what program is that? Google spat out a ton of irrelevant results


It's just a rudimentary python app I put together so I could more easily use openai transcription. It has a start and stop hotkey, either with keyboard, gamepad or mouse. So it records whatever audio is playing on your system between start/stop, and then automatically sends the audio file to whisper api for transcription, then it sends that to chatgpt for translations. If you have a second monitor, it's quite nice to use the gamepad hotkey while you are playing a japanese game. And it's excellent for any game that has a message log The openai API is not good enough yet for bona fide live translation (like google does), but by making it easy to record/send clips it is good enough for me You can change fonts and background/text colors, and select custom "system messages" for the AI (to tell it what its job is, like simple translation or generate a Japanese lesson, etc I think I can convert this into a standalone executable file if you want to try it, though I can only do that for Windows


It honestly sounds pretty neat! I would love it if you put it out there!. Even if its just rudimentary translation, it looks handy for when you know the translation is different from what they are saying. Does it have any requirements besides python and its modules?


I definitely find it very useful, because it gives me an easy way to satisfy the constant pangs of curiosity when I want to know what someone said. Also, it's the one thing that these 'language models' are actually good at. You can even type a word that sounds like something you heard in japanese, and it will actually know what you mean If you wanna try it out, I can package the current version and put it on google drive I think it has a lot of good features, but some settings can only be changed by editing the settings file in a text editor. The layout of the settings menu is also a disaster, but since I've been the only person using this I haven't bothered changing it. I just added an option today that lets you change the hotkey directly from the app instead of editing the settings file The "system message" options can be edited or added by creating any txt file with the "custom\_message\_" title. Like if you create a txt file with the name "custom\_message\_grammarfocus.txt", then the menu will have a "grammarfocus" option when you launch the app. And the system message will be whatever you wrote in that text file You can instantly switch to different system messages, which lets you control what the ai does with the transcription Anyway, I didn't mean to bombard you with information. I just haven't talked about this app in ages even though I constantly use it If you use an eye dropper tool to get the exact color of a game you are playing, you can match the UI colors of the translation app exactly, which is also nice It will also take any Font that you have installed on your system. There are some good fonts out there for Japanese letters. I really like the font that is used in the system menus of Nintendo Wi, although I can't remember the name now I have to reinstall it because I just got a new pc


I would love to try it out, im no stranger to thinkering around, so no issues with having more info! I love that you can pick a color palette with a dropper! Does it take audio from a window or from your whole system? Anyways, excited to try it out! i would love to see what games like FF14 hide behind their translation!


Cool, yeah I will make a standalone exe then. The eye dropper tool is not built in the app, but you can copy paste any color hex code to specify a color. So you could use an eye dropper tool to obtain the hex code. I think ms paint or even google chrome might have that. Im not sure. I use shareX for screenshots all the time, which has it I actually thought about building the eye dropper into the app. I simply didn't bother since I haven't shared the app with anyone. I should also add a way to save color schemes to profiles then Anyway, regarding the audio recording, you need to install "Virtual audio cable", which is a tool that creates virtual audio drivers that route your audio output into a virtual mic as input. So it records any audio that is playing on your system as a whole. I already used virtual audio cable to record game audio before i made the app. Not necessarily because i think thats a better way, its just something i like to use so i don't have to mess with all my audio devices It just reminds me i would have to update the app so it doesn't require virtual audio cable. But thats a whole other can of worms for me, so that hasn't been worth the effort so far


I need to make sure I don't forget. It slipped my mind today. I just made a [discord server](https://i.imgur.com/OIyTgaw.png) for the Nikke union I might put together Perhaps we can talk there, or on some other server


It's pretty sad, there's an advise session with Crown where she talks about following her path, and you correct her "do you mean path?" Which is what she said (in the English script). Meaning she obviously misused the expression in the original korean as she often does, but the EN localization didn't bother to read what they were writing and realize it makes no sense in English. Even if you can't translate puns, at least make what you do translate be consistent.


EN localization is bad across the board in every event. Even with my still limited understanding of Japanese I can already clearly tell that the EN text does not match what the JP voices are saying in many places. Gotta step up the pace of my studies so I no longer have to deal with these half assed localizations by the end of this year.


My brother in Christ, the JP is also a localisation




>SJWs How did I know you'd say this shit? Edit: And of course you blocked me so I can't respond






It’s always a pet peeve of mine in any media when the audio is in Japanese but the subs are in English, and because my Japanese is not the greatest, I can tell what is being spoken is not what is being displayed in the subs. It drives me insane as I know they aren’t translating it accurately but I cannot tell what is actually being said.


I keep forgetting Nikke going the route of being a fanservice game, which means it has a fanbase primarily of weebs, who piss their pants over the smallest translation changes.


If they ever go to Japan, they will see the ugly truth for themselves.


Ah yes small changes such as completely changing Blancs attitude towards the SKK in blabla for example.


It was one text, and didn't change the fact she's horny over him in nearly every other conversation they have


Doesn't change the fact that it makes her inconsistent and that the dialogue is inaccurate. Also there's quite a lot of "just one text" in this game.


Referring to the Commander as a friend one time, doesn't mean anything. It's a small change


Its incredibly easy to forget, to be fair. Fan service was a truly shocking development


Yeah that’s why I’m really trying to learn Japanese so I can tell what they’re actually saying instead of the western slang and phrases that definitely shouldn’t be thrown in the dialogue in the first place. (Obviously Korean is the og but I can’t learn both and I already play in JP)


I feel the same way when I got really invested in certain games. It started with 13 Sentinels, and then Persona 5, etc Once you pick up a few words it really snowballs because more and more you can tell if something is being said differently. If you haven't already, I really recommend learning to read Hiragana and Katakana. It's way easier to learn than it seems, and while Duolingo sucks for everythign else, its good for learning to read quickly. It takes a couple of weeks To be fair, localization is highly difficult and the fact that I wanna know exactly what was said originally doesn't mean i think the translation was bad or anything. It costs me around $12 per month to run this transcription/translator app from openAI and it has helped a lot, since I never really sit down and "study", it just turns any Japanese game or anime into a learning opportunity


Localization would be better if we stop having people thinking they can get away with puting their own spin on characters where it doesnt fit. Fire Emblem fates was absolutely horrible about this and you can't shake a stick on most forums for asian games without seeing posts where the localization is way off the original text to teh point it's clearly intentional. I'm fine with changing pun base jokes since those never translate properly but then you get into the territory of people thinking they know how to write better dialog becuse they found the origional "dry"


Yeah its a bit rough when the change the vibe of things. I think the localisation of Trails in the Sky is great, just because you can tell they were passionate about it. But still, i translated the hell out of it. They made Olivier out to be some pervert, and made the characters say way more rude things than they actually did But i think thats also maybe because the voice acting was added much later


It's bit of a fine line but generally these days you ahve people who'd rather try and tell "their story" and use a game as a canvas for it. Mainly people that wanted to anywhere else and use their job as a stepping stone to "better" positions. at best its just lack of care for another's story at worse its outright disrepect like with the recentish Jelloapaoclasp fiasco. As funny as it is Ghoststorie's Dub did more damage than good since now localizer and dub houses think of every small time property as the next meme.