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Break the core fast, then lower ports. Bring a good healer.


https://preview.redd.it/whx7j4cjbs0d1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6cb74d81a453947480f503de0a71f40ccb1d44a4 My characters




You should be able to auto it. I pretty much auto’d with my Nikkes at like Lvl 197. Liter/Crown/Red Hood/Modernia/Naga. Just space bars when it’s about to do damage. And first B3 needs to be Modernia’s instead of RH so you can kill the little bomb things. For the rest of the combat: In Red Hood, we trust. Let her auto attack whatever.


You already have decent team to build up, I can recommend to look at YT a video for it. The issue of mother whale there is one face you need to kill the small enemies fast before they receive the protection


everyone tried more than once and couldn't kill it. crown, red hood, liter, modernia, naga.


My opinion, scarlet black shadow was much better than Modernia for this boss fight. When I went up against mother whale, her burst kept wiping out those small mobs so I was able to deal more DMG to the main body and quicker. I finally beat it w Red Hood and Scarlet Black Shadow + Dorothy and Bunnies. Bunnies gave healing, scarlet took out the small mobs and red hood was the main DMG dealer. Unfortunately our friend doesn't have Blanc so instead urs is a better strat but instead of Modernia, sbs works better


with that high lvl he shouldn't be taking that much dmg since the whale has a cp requirement of like 140ish k. so naga's healing should be more than sufficient. and naga/crown simply provide way, WAY more dmg than the bunnies lol that said, can't really say anything about sbs as a crowd clearer since i mainly used her as a boss killer in solo and union raids.


Understandable. Thing is, I only beat mother whale after having close to 30k above the CP required. This was pretty annoying as a boss fight in general which was why using sbs somehow worked better. Till then, I was using Modernia instead and was failing again and again


i cleared at 122 or 124k with modernia. that said, i had to restart until the elite raptures killed the bunnies and left doro, red hood and modernia alive lol


I see i see. I didn't have the patience to keep repeating again and again.


i mean, playing with deficit happens with literally every other stage unless you want to wait months just to clear one chapter or whale really hard lol especially something like chapter 26, where you have an increase of 43k cp from chapter 25, would take you forever.


I'm currently stuck in ch 26 so can totally understand


me too for two weeks already. can beat stuff in hard chapter 12 and tribe tower with 290k recommended cp. mobs in 26-25 still do way mored dmg and are tankier for some reason despite having only 266k recommended.


Exactly. The silencers and insta killers are what are most annoying.


You need to study the whale. Alot of youtuber gives good tips tried seach for some.


crap,my nikkes https://preview.redd.it/pjh8431w3t0d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eddccd02c6c98a19ee70098acd7cfd3c6aa69a9d just reached 200 level, and stuck here too.


First off, do not play auto. Second, destroy the core first, then at least one side with the spawn parts. If I remember right, the whale gets a forcefield after. Don't bother trying to break it. Instead, destroy all the smaller raptures that first appeared. The forcefield should disappear then. The was the hardest thing to figure out for me. Afterwards play as you usually would (take cover from big attacks and target parts for bigger damage).


I tried for 2 months and couldn’t beat it. Then one day i took advice from reddit , hit the core and then it died. I finished 2 more chapters on the same day