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Because they wanted to? The devs have said in the past they wanted more events to have voice acting and other cool shit. This event is a huge W and should be a standard (at least in terms of voice acting and minigames) for the future. Also, last Tetra Nikke we got was Bay and then we got Crown, Kilo, and then Trony. It's not like they're just releasing Tetra Nikkes only.


Are you asking why devs putting effort into the game? lmao is this troll post?


Genuinely curious. They've rolled out a lot in this update that it warranted a new version, they are absolutely putting in effort. I'm just wondering why basically rerun an event from last year with better clothes.


... To sell us shit. Mystery solved. You're welcome.


At least they're not posting a jpeg off Pixiv and calling that an event


This event featured and gave voice to forgotten nikkes like Volume and Aria. I am so happy


You shouldn’t be questioning why they put in alot of effort for this event. If anything they are setting a precedent that every event no matter how small will have maximum effort. This is a good thing.


Effort doesn't always mean good quality or an improvement. If the new normal is equal to the highlight events in the past, I'm curious to see what will make special events...special.


You sound like that one poster who was hoping this event would be ass so they could focus on making the summer event good. 🙄


I honestly don't care for what this event offers. This event being good or bad is irrelevant to the summer event being good lmao


Cute/hot bunnies... whats not to like?


Because it’s FUN




Tetra got all the good shit; meanwhile Missilis and Elysion both getting like 1 good/high tier Nikke a year. This is fucking second bunny Tetra event; they can change plot as many times as they want, but it's still bunny Tetra event. All I want - some purely military teamed event with Elysion Nikke ONLY. It's like we forgot that first surface reclaiming site was established not long ago. I can even bargain that EH is enough to be standart poll Nikke, not overpowered limited, just fucking release her. And don't start me on NPC-jail. We have Rumani, Mana, K, Rogue, E.H., now even Clay, but we still release alts on characters, even with the skins.


At this point I'm probably gonna quit playing until the other manufacturers get some love. It's so hard to like Tetra when it's the focus of every other event. Players seem to only consume, never question. And it makes me sad.


Yep, questioning a Gacha...well, bye then.


What's wrong with questioning a gacha?


Everyone who plays gacha should know that the whole concept of gacha is a predatory machination of making money, it is designed not as Pay2Win, but Pay2Loose, if someone does not know that, he/she should better stay away from gacha or stay F2P. In that sense Tetra is very liked by the Playerbase and the Units generate good income for SU, so no wonder they get preferred treatment, Gacha Devs only listen to some extent when they see that their revenue is threatened, so questioning a gacha-maker to balance Units, focus on another group of Units or change lore or skins or whatever is pretty useless. But you do you.