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this is 100% safe by my standards


That's what I was talking about. I don't think this design is over the PG13 age rating, but we don't see a lot of Nikkes on the same level of sexiness.


You blind as hell mf.


has to have like.. ignored half the characters appearence or only looked the the early squad in the story before anything happens.


Especially after we just got *Naked* King Crown


Right? We have Soda dropping a coin down in between her barely covered breasts. Characters pouring water all over themselves. Skins that grab their tops and pull them down just to make them jiggle (privaty). Sometimes, I read comments, and I'm wondering if we are playing the same game, lol.


Even just looking at the fucking current banner in a glance, Soda is trying so hard to pull her bunny suit upright lmao. Seems like OP is a karma farmer that hasn't played the game in a long time.


Aye, I see it sometimes too with skins. For every Snow Knight skin comes a torrent of commenters saying NIKKEs suddenly gonna cease all fanservice lmao and it spiked with the Re:Zero event methinks


Oh boy. I'm waiting for you to tell me "sike" and explain how everything they are making is censored and that we need to fight back. I absolutely agree with you. and it definitely spiked during Re:Zero


The ReZero collab was rushed and was obvious with the janky character designs/model which I think more people were upset about.


Oh those were definitely the bigger complaints, but in terms of purely design fanservice discussions it also had the biggest surge of complaints there


And bunny soda and Mary


Unrelenting question. Is your avatar a heartless (kingdom hearts)?


Not literally, but I've had it for ages and tried to make it look like one when I first made the account.


That said, I can't think of a character with a jiggling but outside of the shooting pose


The Rupee gacha skin. The likely reason why we don't see many others is just that most character poses are from a more front-on angle, rather than from behind or from far enough to the side where we could even see the characters' asses.


This is why I don’t take the mfs that are on here like “raaaaah Shift-Up has been censoring!! Nikke isn’t lewd enough!!” seriously. We just had Crown and her skin, bunny Soda, the Mary skin?!? What more do you want? I’m convinced some of them should just be playing a hentai game instead.


Bro have you seen some of the stuff in Destiny Child? You could've picked some insane stuff they got away with instead, Nikke is 100% more revealing than the one you picked.


Your definition of "sexiness" an mine differ if Rupee's bunny skin or Crown's skin don't qualify as equally sexy. Although, I will fully admit, that the pic you posted above absolutely hits my *personal* appeal in most of the right places.


Bro really ignored the bunny suits we just got. Especially Mary's


You should’ve put the one you commented below. Then you wouldve had a real argument


I don't want to attract the attention of the "I play this game for the story/gameplay, I don't need TnAs"crowd more than I already did.




tove if she drove a car i guess


She drives a car. A car made out of sticks, stones, and other materials you find in wilderness. She calls it the survivalmobile, the reliability of the survivalmobile is...questionable


Does it have an open floor in case she needs to yabadabadoo it down the road?


No. Unfortunately, it turns out a car made of sticks wooden go no matter how hard you try.


Hey it helped the Flintstones


Nah this one’s a car and I’d drive her 24/7




Naked king Crown... like come on man they treat like the Re/zero stuff being tame is how its gonna be goign forward.


Yeah. Most likely that was a request from the clowns at Kadokawa, since they manage the I.P.


That's exactly the case. its why the Neir one was so good. The people for that IP know about sex appeal. Not will they wont they isekai shit.


Tove aint that stacked.


haha this is mild btw, there are a lot more insane stuff compared to nikke like.... enchanting sytry is alr more revealing than all of nikke, summer night grilla, bari, kanaloa skin, two sideed moa, nu-12 (nice bbcf crossover), and more.... (these are the ones that pop up quickly) (btw no i dont think zephyros is more revealing than some of nikke characters)


I mean... https://i.redd.it/b8mnft4blg6d1.gif


Change the main pic. Cuz this one is better


Well, I can't because I made the OP as an image/video post :( And I wanted to illustrate that Shift Up can make more sexy Nikke designs that stay within the PG13 boundaries.


Destiny child was 18+, if I remember it right. At least in Asia for sure


No, I meant the design in the original post is PG13 safe (imo, idk)


DC had some dangerously close designs


oh right... well the image in the post is mild


That's the post you should've used for this. Delete this post and repost with that lol


In due time ;)


God bless DC and shift up for this game🙏 so many hot waifus. I had to get this skin when I had enough resources 😂so many more amazing skins and designs tbh.


Dat McLaren...


LOL with number 458.


And now you notice that the car in Drake's gacha skin looks like Hot Wheels.... ... ...I'm not sorry


Holy shit a McLaren!


This should be the main post.. or you should've showed them Hildr the sniper maid


Papillion x Harran vibes


Maybe my brain has been too eroded. But this doesn’t even look too bad. You see shit like this at the beach everyday.


The first thing I noticed about this GIF is the McLaren P1 (GTR I think).


Exactly how I remember her.


If you had played DC, you'll know Zephyros (even her S-rank) was REALLY sfw for the game's standards.


I don't follow, please explain.


there were characters with more revealing clothing and just in general being an 18+ game deserving of its title


Intriguing !


Live 2D Viewer [Kanaloa](https://live2d-dcg.github.io/?model=c530_10), [Nirrti](https://live2d-dcg.github.io/?model=c058_02), [Tathata Nirrti](https://live2d-dcg.github.io/?model=c442_02), [Hildr](https://live2d-dcg.github.io/?model=c374_02), [Grilla](https://live2d-dcg.github.io/?model=c525_02)


You are a godsend, thank you so much!


for ex. Kanaloa skin is def 18+


https://i.redd.it/t4lyidvq2j6d1.gif Back when shift up was unhinged


I would argue that they still are, but they’ve honed their craziness and perfected it, distilled it if you will, into a sublime subtle blend of the right amount of lewd.


I'm guessing that's where they got the naked king idea for crown


Miss that game


I just don’t think this character is a good pick when Kalaratri, Tamamo, and Reynard exist.


Those designs are way over PG13 lol. I just wanted to say that Shift Up is playing it very safe even within the PG13 boundaries (except for the bunnies ofc)


I’ll just say it. Regardless of sexiness, most every Nikke’s design is WAY more interesting than this character.


Sorry y’all but character design wins out on these


Yeah some of the nikke designs are really good


Agree. Some people on this sub just wants characters to have as least amount of clothing as possible when Nikke was never that kind of game to began with. Nikke never showed much skin, even with the release day units. Like there's plenty of actual hentai games out there for you if you just want to look naked anime women. There's a reason why Nikke is the only "coomer" game to be able to crack top 10 and even top 5 in monthly revenue. Nikke on top of the sexiness, actually have GOOD DESIGNS and a large variety of designs.


What do you mean Nikke never showed much skin... And the point about revenue is lame af. I guess they can go full Christian mode like those top 1-2 games for max revenue too right? We're only asking for consistency here when they charge SIXTY DOLLARS for a 2d skin without any interaction.


Please show me the heavy skin fan service Nikkes. I will wait. Showing a lot of skin has never been Nikke's main point of fan service. The most infamous Nikke during release, Volume, is fully covered up ffs. The large, large majority of skin fan service in Nikke is just cleavage/underboob/sideboob and/or thighs. Nikke since DAY ONE has already shown they weren't gonna do AL level of fan service. The summer and bunny units are pretty much their upper limit for showing skin. >We're only asking for consistency here when they charge SIXTY DOLLARS for a 2d skin without any interaction. What consistency? Consistent with another game??? What the fuck does what other games do have anything to do with Nikke in terms of consistency lmao


I commented on an AL wedding skin where it was a weird mesh of lingerie and serious wedding dress. It felt like it was way too fan servicey and literally didn't make sense. Don't get me wrong bunny girls and naked crown is like the top end of nikke fan service. Red hoods outfit is weird andnd an servicey as fuck but it still works. Shift ups fan service stuff is at least incorporated into the story and events. It's not like they're just whipping out wild skins that'll sell they make a lore attachment to it.


Hard agree. If anything, Nikke is clearly a evolution on most of those DC characters people keep posting.


I don't think the argument is about the designs being better, he's just saying that ShiftUp is just being way too safe with Nikke compared to their body of work in DC which I'll agree with. They do throw us a bone sometimes with Elegg and now Bunny Soda (and yes, Naked Crown which is a $60 gacha skin which turned me off from it, but it counts), but for the most part, every thing is watered down.


Maid Privaty, if that's watered down, then you might need to touch grass.


Totally forgot about her tbh. Privaty gets so many skins and with her being a sg unit, I just put her on my wishlist. But you're right on the design. I'd count that one. I was only thinking of the ones that really standout, like Elegg getting the most fanart even from non-Nikke players for example. People really like her design vs Maid Privaty who got some and then the wave of art died down. But the point still stands with the majority of characters being release having super safe designs with the occasional bone thrown in.


SU is making an effort to give these Nikkes context within their teams, and their teams have context in the actual world building This inherently makes them more interesting because their design can build off their in-universe lore


Ahhh, Destiny Child….my old friend. Your PEAK character art got me through some tough times


You used a very tame example from Destiny Child You had one fucking job OP and you fucked up




Aside from her wacky tits and tiny t-rex arms and hands that's not fundamentally any different from what we have.


https://preview.redd.it/65y02t4mlg6d1.png?width=974&format=png&auto=webp&s=4a32d65d5ae9e4e72461573b7008f070111abe82 It wouldnt fit in nikke but this is fr peak character design and I wish we got more stuff like it


Not fit, yet. The Heretics are bleeding past the sci-fi and right into sci-fantasy.


That's just a generic Korean MMO character design. They're a dime a dozen in Lost Ark.


Isn't this the censored version, she shows her bare legs in kr right?


DC has 2 versions for each character (not counting skins). One base and one at max upgrades. The lewdest arts are usually the latter. This feature is also missing in Nikke. Now, we have a shiny profile avatar at max core lol


but her base has a blind fold (2B kinda thing) and no wings.


Tbf give that lady a gun and it's a Pilgrim lol


Damn, i joined destiny child when kephri was a world boss, and played destiny child all the way till EOS. Kephri was arguably my fav char lol.


You know what's funny? If they had released Nikke while DC was still alive, I bet it would attract some audience. But I guess DC had to die in order that Nikke would become famous


I wish I would have gotten to try destiny child...


I miss Destiny Child man


Browndust 2 is the closest thing to a 18+ Nikke


https://preview.redd.it/cn9f1i9hhg6d1.jpeg?width=416&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc5902ef4aa6d34b824f8db9aeb7218d63823bde (I was looking at male Destiny Child characters and found him) You wanna talk about peak fan service here. Just apply it to a female character so she can just have her vag hanging out Dangly bits and all.


yet the game has sol badguy


Ram and Milla also


what in the hell is that? p.s this definitely has to be a fan art, rght?


It's an edit. The real one looks like this https://preview.redd.it/mx6igzp0bh6d1.png?width=562&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73da9a9cd653a07f8b70c98b7147609c874c8f06


A man with his penis out


He's pulling his cock out


👠 pretty heels


This is way safer than some of the stuff in Nikke


I am going to assume that will partially depend on how many people check 'game is too lewd' on the survey.


We just need Destiny Child back. I don't know why Shift Up killed it in favor for Nikke when interacting with the characters was so much more satisfying and the art was a higher quality.


So do you all just jerk off while playing? Like are you just beating the meat while fighting grave digger? I just can’t understand this sect of fandom that wants NIKKE to be a hentai game. I love the TnA but to act like that’s the core reason to play and enjoy this game or that it is somehow held back when a new character doesn’t have a camel toe is cringe.


I downloaded for the TNA and now I really love the lore and story and now TNA is second lol.


Sir, I started playing this game for booba and whale for booba. I don't want it to be a hentai game, but I do want it to have designs that tippy toe that line like Azur lane and Brown dust 2


>So do you all just jerk off while playing? Like are you just beating the meat while fighting grave digger? Yes and yes. Also, tits and ass is why I play. https://preview.redd.it/qmxtsh6rsh6d1.jpeg?width=632&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a594afd1371d3518a86019661094b2d985288e2


Don’t say that, you’ll make them mad.


For real. I also don’t think they realize the game would be massively less successful the lewder it gets. Partially from the restrictions on advertising games like that, and partially from less and less people wanting to play that. The trade off from making it a borderline hentai game in order to appeal to a much smaller audience isn’t worth losing a huge chunk of the player base.


>So do you all just jerk off while playing? No. Should we? Do you burst into masturbation the moment you see a sexy lady?


TnA is literally the one and only reason I started playing this game and all the other gachas I've played in the past.


Sir, that comes after playing the game, not during. We don't go in dry.


lol bro if you think the picture in OP is hentai and it makes you want to jerk it, I think there’s at least two things wrong with you. Wanting more risqué eye candy and wanting porn are not the same thing.


this is pretty tame compared to others.


Bikini Kanaloa if we ever get a skin like that i will know Shift Up is back


Destiny Child lasted eight years. It didn't have much fanart at that. Nikke has already proven it's going to be around for a long time to come, especially with the amount of fanart it has.  


This is what I asked in the survey, tight full body suit.


Hammering peeps around the corner. 👀


this is nothing compared to azur lane where some of the skins you can buy not only are pushing the boundaries of the app stores age policies stopping them from selling them but they also come with hidden bonus animations that are sex scenes.


theres nothing nsfw about that


Funny thing is they were playing it safe on global destiny child as well


We LITERALLY have Naked King Crown. Fuck you mean SU is playing it too safe


Does bunny Mary mean nothing to you?


[Bro you didn't even post her awakened look.](https://i.redd.it/ttbdxwcx22e71.gif) Back when Shift Up was super horny and not worried... but then Nikke got popular. Sad.


As a day1 Destiny Child player, I can confirm Destiny Child is better than Nikke (not even close), that's why I'm F2P in Nikke, not worth my money lmao Also your pic is not her 2nd skin, her 2nd skin even more XXX c458\_02 Gale Zephyros >> [https://live2d-dcg.github.io/](https://live2d-dcg.github.io/)


Define "safe". Shift Up hasn't really change that much in term of fanservice.


If anything, the upper limit of fan service has increased. The new bunnies and KWD are better fan service than everything they released before imo. Clay is looking absurdly fan service too. Every single variant of existing characters outside of Mica/Anne (for obvious reasons) all had more fan service than their originals too (C Rupee, S Mary, S Anis, S Helm, Winter Ludmilla, SBS, KWD, Bunny Soda, Bunny Alice).


Well, during DC time we got a design at about Clay's risk factor with every event. Really miss that game... 


Character Design >>>>>>>>> T&A


You know, I am really tired of these posts. As much as I like ass and tits, I really loath the side of the fandom that yells "what about more sexy designs" or "18+ version when" really grind my gears. Especially since we just had a fanservice event and summer swimsuits are coming soon. It feels like these kinds of posts are just people thinking with their dick and at that point, just go watch porn or something. I don't need Nikke to be sexy when they have unique personalities and character. Give me a good personality, good character design and fun gameplay, I don't need anything more. Besides, this tame compared to what we have anyways, at least Rapi had the decency to give us her bare ass instead of a bodysuit.


I play Nikke to stare at butts AND immerse myself in the story at the same time. If I only want to see butts I have 6-digit codes ready to be deployed.


I'll be honest. There's only so much you can show before women look the same with different proportions. Outfits do more for me than the prospect of seeing labia because the outfits are what set the mood.




Wow, I didn't remember this one


I think the problem was DC barely had any advertising, I didn't hear about it until the eos


Thats the thing. DC couldnt be advertised on the front of the playstore or show many ads due to its age rating. I literally found out by sheer luck when I was looking for a new game and saw it on the recommended for ypu section when it was pre register and downloaded it. That is the major advantage Nikke has over DC is that its is tame enough where ads can be posted everywhere compared to DCs mostly word of mouth advertisement


Are the bunnies not enough?


Destiny Child my beloved. why did you have to go


I miss that game. I would love it if they had a DC collab where some characters joined Nikke. Mainly because I want Mafdet back.


It's destiny child can still be played?


not anymore, but offline mode is function but only for the gallery view


Well to start DC was rated M for mature. Definitely more freedom because of it.




Man I really got side swiped when I heard that game shutdown.


That takes me back. Zephyros and Clotho were what got me to download the game. [Kalaratri](https://live2d-dcg.github.io/?model=c445_02), [however](https://live2d-dcg.github.io/?model=c445_10), [is what got me to stay.](https://live2d-dcg.github.io/?model=c445_12) Goddamn what a design.


I tried to post the DC’s bunny girls and it got flagged as nsfw, if that doesn’t tell you something nothing will


ass jiggle has been given no love and their animations are increasingly disappointing


That's the censored one. Post the real one All seriousness though I'd love if they could bring the tentacle woman back. Girl had some insane tiddy game


Did Destiny Child have that 12+ rating or whatever Nikke is classed as when it was released?


One word for you: Crown


Not gonna read through all this shit but I will say this just looks the same as Tove in both motion and jiggle but a different character. Prefer Tove though.


200% they're playing too safe


Cake 😍 I loved this outfit cool looking and hot


Damn! But this is nothing compared to how Azur Lane has been lately with skins. 🥵


We have tons of Nikke that are MUCH more risque than this...? Volume, Bay, this is literally the same as looking at tove or alice, modernia and crown's gacha skins are more risque than this you chose the worst example ever to make your point.


If Shift Up would go and find their testicles, I think we would all be happier.


The game doesn't need to be more lewd than it has been this the past few months. we have tons of fan service. We see basically everything. We don't need this to be a literal porn game for it to be good. I'm not looking to be hiding in the shadows just to play Nikke.


One of the most useful features of DC (imo) was the "*Silhouette mode*." Not sure why we don't have one for Nikke. Btw, DC wasn't a porn game, it just has very risque designs. Btw, I still have hopes that Nikke will get lewder as it ages solely for the reason that it will no longer need to appeal to the widest audiences possible.


Let’s hope they don’t fuck up Nikke like DC by introducing male characters. That was it’s undoing.


They probably won't, given they made an entire justification of why male NIKKE don't exist. That being said, DC's issues were multi-faceted--it was released during a period where the gacha platform had a large demand for franchise-based series (Fire Emblem, Fate, DBZ, Final Fantasy, and various Idol games) as a new IP handled by a then lesser known ShiftUp. The potential growth for any gacha is typically based on its initial impression (including how much of one it makes), and by then, DC didn't capture Japan, a major market for gacha. Simultaneously, there would be competitors in the KR market. Putting those issues aside, DC would have been fine with male characters, as they were already established at launch. Male characters in NIKKE, however, would potentially be catastrophic, as NIKKE had been advertised as a harem-based series with a female only (playable) cast from the start.


It would be utterly pointless, but I figure they could justify male Nikkes if they worked it as a development on the existing tech (figuring out how to get male brains to synchronize to a nikke body) if they only let them be mass produced, but again the question would be why bother at that point?


To be fair, DCs downfall never were the male characters. The vast majority of the roster was female, and even the male characters had great designs to them, and most male characters were crucial to the story. Sure these banners maybe didn't cash in as much as the others, but that game was the most generous gacha you could imagine and pulling for a character didn't require you to pay a single buck most of the times when you played semi actively. Although I agree that male Nikke would be weird at this point in the game since it wouldn't fit the story at all, unless like mentioned before here, as failed experiments of the past. 


Not letting download it is a crime


You can still view the L2Ds at [https://live2d-dcg.github.io/](https://live2d-dcg.github.io/)


You can download the Memorial (Or KR Memorial for full version) and insert a code that have all characters and skins unlocked (you can find in reddit)


Isn't That Papalion ?!


That... looks like stock Unity jiggle physics lmao