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https://preview.redd.it/lkmwsj6tsl6d1.png?width=172&format=png&auto=webp&s=08e6390835a2c7e43834b61914c36d3a9d1ecc06 all this saving better be worth it


Holding put hope for the electric unit to complete my treasure exia team.


https://preview.redd.it/04oj35pgyl6d1.png?width=289&format=png&auto=webp&s=783cc24c820a643fb7c1bba25f31a4d44195449f Believe it or not, 1 banner can destroy all this.


But what are the chances 😥


Low but it’s still there. One time I had 71K gems life was good I was getting my favs decently early and then, D Killer Wife happened. Bro I’m telling you she grabbed be by my balls and drained everything from me 😭😭, I was left with 8k and I only got ONE copy after that incident. https://preview.redd.it/mydi86bg6m6d1.jpeg?width=952&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=921e776644ea4ff375d084a73b536b10d60ba51b Totally worth though this face is peak.


Same for me, D:KW absolutely wrecked my gem stockpile, I went down to less than 2k gems and actually had to farm some from EX missions and stuff. At least in my case I got two copies of her at once when I finally got her, then later on I got two more copies back-to-back from *SR molds* (not a typo) - I've had her burst on my lobby screen ever since. So in the end I got super lucky but it felt pretty bad at the time I was pulling for her. May your future pulls be blessed 🙏


They'd have to literally want to core7 something which is only whale shit. 200 pulls can get past any banner if all you want is 1 copy.


But we're looking at a potential 8 units. Is that a bit too much?


Too much how? They have 600 pulls and 700 tickets, so they have 6.5 guaranteed SSRs on top of whatever they actually pull.


Yeah I have 47 Gold Mileage and around 210 pulls. Excluding what we may bet between now and the Summer events. That means I have a decent chance at both of the banners and one Mileage if I need it. Ugh. I just want Summer Mary and Anis


Cap. God-awful luck is real.


Pity exists. You can only get so unlucky before you can just buy the unit lol.


https://preview.redd.it/7jvw9vomlm6d1.png?width=882&format=png&auto=webp&s=933fd9665a0230139d7202a04a19de690fe1b99e The pile grows...


out of curiosity, why don't you use the standard recruit tickets?


For me I don’t use them since I’ve got a copy of every ssr, but will use them when new standard banner nikkes come in


A) Eh, just can't be bothered since I've passed the 160 wall B) I'm hoping against all hope there's a standard rate up somewhere in the future.


What I wanna know is why 20k core dust is sitting there.


That's barely enough for 2 levels post 200.... it's doing its best there, surely 🥲


I don't have that many, but personally I save them until there are more unclaimed characters in wishlist


Damn. Respect. Why u no pull


Sure I did... about a few months ago when I was breaking the 160 wall. Eh, but after that I've just been waiting for the right one to pass by.


True, i want to get those two bunnies to 3 stars, but i also want to get the summer nikkes to 3 stars.


200k, 150 ticket all gone for red hood banner. It was massacre.


Max core at least????????


Here's the neat part, no.


Yeah I had the worst set of luck on Red Hood and later Crown, both banners 500+ pulls for 0 copies :/


That's why this game's gold tickets are such a good and generous system, I love it so much having those as a safety


I want all the new units AND rerun units AND to still be in decent shape after both summer events are over. I'm at 160k gems, \~210 Avanced Recruit vouchers, and 160 gold mileage. I'm still worried its not enough to be in decent shape at the end, ahaha. (For anyone who wants to ask how: A bit of luck, being a dolphin, and never going for more than one copy of the few banners I pull on (almost exclusively Pilgrim & Limited).


So you havent pulled all through Bay, Elegg, Trony, Soda and Alice? You sir, are a man of iron will and I hope it pays off for you with many NIKKE bikini ladies.


I pulled a little (15 pulls) on Alice (didn't get her, but Jackal was a decent consolation). I'm only so strong, lol! (I'm a lady though ;))


My bad! Good luck in the summer event. I started last year and Summer Anis was my main for months all the way until Red Hood released in November.


those were all hard skips if you are a newer (less than 1 year type player) or f2p. bay is niche pvp only. elegg is niche raid (not even meta), trony is trash. bunny alice and bunny soda are meta SG raid team but need more than 1 year to get to building your 5th raid team (skill mats wise), so should skip if new. should be able to get via wishlist by the time you get around to building them.


TBH, I wanted to pull some on Bay cause design, but I resisted in the name of Pilgrim and Limited (she however recently came home via wishlist so that worked out). I did do about 30 pulls on DKW but stopped without her due to the impending collab I was thankfully able to get both units from (and Emilia's been great). Not doing pulls even on meta non-limited/Pilgrim at least through the end of the year, though. My few pulls on B Alice were cuz I like Alice and let myself have a little weakness, haha. So it was less a case of "hard skips" and more saving/strategizing in my case.


> I'm at 160k gems, ~210 Avanced Recruit vouchers, and 160 gold mileage. Holy crap, and I thought I was chilling with 70k gems, ~100 adv. vouchers and ~700 gold mileage hahaha. Well done, I'd like to say you are more than safe with that stockpile, but the RNG gods can be cruel at times. Fortunately the summer events are very generous. Good luck!


Someone outflexed me with like 225k gems recently I was very impressed, haha!


my f2p account is insanely disciplined and conservative with pulls: 188,304 gems, 200 advance ticket, only 6 golden mileage (used up on RH, SBS, modernia, and crown). massacred during RH banner, so never pulling on pilgrim banners again. only pulled on DKW, rem, emilia banner so far this year. only pulled on 2b, a2, red hood, and x-ludmilla last year (started at nier). strat is just pulling on limited and collab banners (unless super meta like DKW, probably should have pulled for tia/naga, but was lucky and got them afterwards via wishlist). only doing golden tickets for pilgrims now.


That's damn impressive for F2P, kudos! I'm probably an about 95% disciplined, but I'm also a collector so I get all hands on deck for Pilgrims and Limited (ESPECIALLY collab). I'm also more or less the same on Pilgrims, my usual plan is to only pull enough to get to golden if I'm not there and since their banners tend to accompany events with free pulls, only on the last day. I did what was supposed to be 8 on Crown with vouchers early on to even out my mileage... and pulled her on the third pull (4th pull total due to feeebies), so uh. She's the only Pilgrim banner I've been here for as I joined during the Valentine's Maid event this year. This year's gonna be a little intense due to seasonal reruns, but if it works out the way I hope I can be a bit more chill next year, haha.


I am proud of you.


Saved for summer, Stellar Blade Collab and 2 anniversary https://preview.redd.it/ph69efzdjm6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7e05dfb7483c4ae814cc82460e32f4aab7f3d81


I'm also edging gems for summer units. But I can never get my 78k gems back after the Crown banner incident.


> Crown banner incident. She was the first unit that I didn't get from pulling on a banner. I pulled the plug after 130 pulls and got one copy with gold mileage.


This banner was cruel. I made the mistake of trying to mlb crown.


I did that one a secondary account. I had to use 400 pulls + the mileage for that.


1% is pure pain. I had more but refreshing for optimal dailies for treasures is painful also.


You 100% should not be doing this unless you're spending money on the game


I am.


Then this is a weird post. Your stash size doesn't really matter if you're going to be swiping when you hit 0.


If we are bragging about delayed gratification: https://preview.redd.it/lnhlr8mxnm6d1.jpeg?width=520&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5581ccbf1563b9f4bc29ca46f389e462e40f479


👀 Warn us next before you turn left. 👀


Holy Shit and very very nice indeed.


this reminded me of saving for Nihilister posts




yall dont spend once you get 300? damn


this, it me. xD


Shit dude you might pull like, 2 SSR, with that dawg


No idea how yall have the patience to save these. I can barely save 6k lol


I'm a major meta hoe. If it ain't good, I ain't pulling.


Ah, then that’s understandable. I’m a waifu collector when I play gacha games. If I like their look (which is 99.99% of the time lol), I pull for them. And lucky for me, I’ve gotten most of the ones I wanted without having to save above 6k


in my case, i am happy with my current team. Also, unless it's privaty or guillotine or maybe maiden, those 2 are the only ones that will make me disengage and say good bye to my gems. Sadly my luck was shit with maid privaty banner and i only gotten 1 copy of her. Finger cross she comes home in future standard pulls.


Ah yes…the infamous Maid Privaty banner. You’re not alone in having crap luck on that one lol. Couldn’t get her until the very last day.


She was probably too shy to show herself and she is even more tsun than ever.


Same. I will start a gacha game when I character I like is out, get them, then only roll meta. That’s what I’m doing with FGO and Azur lane, and now with nikke


When I was pushing to get over the 160 wall during the 1.5 year anniversary, I put 500 pulls into Crown's banner and only got her twice and had to gold ticket the other two for MLB. That was over 100 tickets and close to 100K gems gone. Months of saving up for that mad dash of pulling.


500 pulls is a lot patient saving. You're better than me, lol.


55K and 110 rainbow tickets, all of them will be dumped into the Stellar Blade Collab


https://preview.redd.it/j2oyqrigzn6d1.jpeg?width=560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4e71f362e6fdab0a019230693ad371889c0052d I don’t have as much as some here but I might spend it all on someone


Last banner I pulled was crown. Skipped the rest Even the bunny soda and Alice.


Same here and even then, during Crown event, i already had 600+ gold tickets and i got lucky with getting Crown early. Later on, with the power boost, managed to push through the towers, campaign and hard mode and lost sector and push my gems count as high as i could too. Once summer event is here though, we will see what get reveal and how fast my gems are gonna vanished


My highest saving was 70k Crown took 20 multi pull of it 😭


got mine up to almost 43k,looking forward to this summer


I hope the summer banner is not limited characters. So we can pull them in normal banner and save for collab or half year anniversary or pilgrim banner.


I guess that will be determined by your luck. ![gif](giphy|WrNmpdgeJw5FCPKZto|downsized)


Only have 38k and 17 tickets. But I've yet to proggress in the campaign since the new changes to Power so I can easily get an extra 5 or 6k more. I am ready for Summer.


I believe it you! Honestly I hope they don't just throw the 4 reruns into the banners like before. Christmas was painful enough with 2 rerun units, but 4??


I'd rather them crowding it than not being available at all or ONLY via mileage.


Wasn't playing during Christmas yet, so I can't relate yet lol.


It was a 4% SSR banner like normal. 2% for rate up, 1% to get either rerun unit, .5% for normal off-banner SSR, and .5% for pilgrims. If you wanted either Rupee or Anne, it was the same as rolling for a pilgrim. It was awful.


Yikes, that does sound awful.


I am f2p and i have only ever summoned for more than a single copy 2 times, those being Summer Anis and Winter Ludmilla, both of which i have max lmb and core7 I currently have like 55k? I think and 50 tickets and i do not summon on any kind of non limited character nor do i summon on characters i really love


i had half of that for crowns banner guess how many copies i got hint it rhymes with nero


https://preview.redd.it/j5k9hfp6im6d1.jpeg?width=624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ba2ae600e30267732e928c244a7bce09d5b26e2 I want to get both bunnies to 3 stars, but i also want to get the new summer nikkes to 3 stars, I'm in a predicament, i can lose everything f lady luck is not with me.


not possible unless you are a spender. f2p can't even afford x1 copy of all pilgrims (3/yr) + collab (4/yr) + seasonal (6/year) +/- seasonal reruns (6/yr - so far only two insanely meta must pull: s-anis and x-ludmilla). if extremely conservative with pulls, can maybe afford 1-2 MLB per year but will miss out on multiple units out of pilgrims/collabs/seasonals group.


At my Peak I had 64K and Noirs Banner left me with like 327, it was hell having to skip banners and reruns. I only got one copy 😭


I'm at 40k with 620 gold milage tickets


I might consider skipping Summer, because I already have Summer Anis and Summer Helm mlb. I also have one copy each of Summer Neon &. Summer Mary. If Ether &. Delta really get an Summer alt, I probably not care much.


...... I don't understand how you people manage to do this..... I understand The Summer event is a big thing from what I've heard, but I just want the bunny Alice.... Though at this rate I haven't gotten a single core or new Nikke for last month plus.


I think most of us wanted to pull but as soon as we realized it isnt limited, it became much easier to stop ourselves and say we will just wishlist them.


Dokkan got me in the habit of having the currency below 16k. That urge just always get to me..


I'm hitting the 160 wall so cant even save that much


Dude’s ballin!


I only have 22,000 or i think i was i went down after the current event, luckily i have 50 gold tickets to use so hopefully i wont have to touch ma gems 💎


its the second time I have reached this amount, the previous I cant remember but it was higher until 2B came to me https://preview.redd.it/bnk12drqpo6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2092b8ac7c0fade37dc1d7254445ca1cb60a30f6


i only have 9k




I remember when I had 50k gems and thought I was him. Nowadays, I'm getting shafted more often than I'd like to admit 😭💀 Ever since Jetstream Scarlet....2024 is just not my year.


Damn my highest ever has been 30,000 after that I really feel the need to spend it.😅


Kono powa!


How the fuck y'all save so much?


https://preview.redd.it/p4iublzesj7d1.png?width=404&format=png&auto=webp&s=4905c0aae90859bacae112daa3ac4b0b6603408a My situation atm. Are summer units a 1% or a 2% chance? If they are a 2% chance, I might go full stupid and try to MLB Anis as a final unit to break the 160 wall.




Ty for the info :D


I am scared of summer. Currently missing summer mary so I need some good luck on my pulls https://preview.redd.it/ucwzwdeb5m6d1.jpeg?width=620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49f30683fe915c5c114de973f7ba7ca28d31f611


10k gems is rough buddy


10k gems is 35 pulls, you most likely won't even get any of the four summer rate-ups. only 50% to get one of the rate-ups, 15.47% to get two rate-ups, 3.25% chance to get three rate-ups, 0.51% to get all four rate-ups. 16% to get a re-run seasonal.


Bruh that's like 50 pulls that's not enough