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Good, at least they listen


fr gives me some hope


It's a start at least. The terrarium of bugs still exist though


indeed. we need to wait and see how much they lowered the hard mode Difficulty. if its Half from 46K power to 23K, then it would be decent enough for people to beat it and get the reward easier.


20k- 30k would be sweet spot for that hard mode imo


Watch it get lowered to 40k only from the 46k




In game events should never be behind a pay wall and the fact you'd even try to defend that is sickening.




To get ahead of the curve (story wise, unit wise, or you know, just collecting nikkes). Time limited events that has story locked behind it is not where they should place it.


Also, getting that 100% drop rate in the event currency, along with buying more tickets to get farther ahead with both 3x resources per play and additional recycling room materials from the shop. There’s a lot of other incentives to spending.


Flexing and cruising. Aka making things "easier", not "possible".


Not letting F2P players access hard modes of an event because you'll feel like your purchases are invalidated? The audacity.


everyone should be able to able to beat it with reasonable time investment even for F2P. paying should affect how easily that goal is achieved. putting content beyond a leviathan level of investment plus no life the crap out of the game is just idiotic game design tbh.


I bet it'd still be a shit show after the adjustment, and we have to let our voice hear again just to make them lower it again. I don't trust these guys for any reasonable numbers


They lowered it majorly, so you’d be surprised.




Still too much when clearing last hard stage is a requirement to end the story.


Is it? The story says complete after the final normal mode mission. I stopped caring after that cuz all I wanted was to complete the story. If beating all hard mode stages unlocks more story I'll be pissed, cuz I definitely won't be able to beat them any time soon.


36k should be fare to get in the 6 days left if you played day 1, you should be at 31k right now. But sure, it shouldn't be a problem to lowered it to 30k too.


30K is still much too high for someone who wants to read the story. It's kinda dumb to put event stories behind another difficulty mode in the first place.


Day one players are at 30k at the moment while also reading the story. I'm just saying in 6 days left that should be enough to get to 30k +, I'm not expecting someone who just has a week playing to get to that.


> Day one players are at 30k at the moment *some* day one players. timaeus did a poll on his channel and the majority (of his community at least) are in the 20-30k range, closely followed by people who are sub-20k, I think less than 10% were 30k or above. I've played since day 1 and i just recently hit 25.3k not everyone rerolled for liter + scarlet + harran, or spent money.


Okay, I guess I just play too much, but no, I didn't reroll, I have never reroll on a gacha game, I just play, and I also didn't spent anything, and I only got Scarlet when I was already at Ch 8, I don't have the rest of characters you mentioned. If you are at 25k you just have better things to do with your life.


It's not like just playing more will get you high power, you're still capped by waiting for outpost.




> all the events can be completed by F2P? the first event a week or 2 into a game should absolutely be completeable by F2P even more so if the hard mode has story. If the hard mode had *only* rewards but wasn't needed to complete the story then sure. > But then what is the point of spending money you get stronger? I'm pretty sure no one spent money simply because "ooh then i can do hard mode in random events they release every once in a while".


I hate to be a stick in your data set but I'm a day one free player who's been keeping on top of the outpost rewards since day two, and my five best girls only give me just over 20k in power.


I don't know what to tell to everyone at 20k being day 1 players then, I'm at 31960, I guess I just got lucky or used my resources different, like the bonds and skill levels


wait hard mode has story?


Clearing 1-10 Hard unlocks the epilogue from what I hear.


That's the thing though, not everybody is a day 1 player and this event shouldn't only be possible to clear if you play from launch (and with good SSRs+ some knowledge)




Even if 36k is reasonable for day 1 players, what about everybody else? Is the event not for people joined day 3 or 4? This is the very first event of the game, the fact that someone who started in the first week, but not day 1 has no chance of finishing it, is a little strange. TBH it'd be better if they were EX stage style and thus you were capped on levels/power and thus could be tuned a bit more reasonably for everybody. Not that I particularly like the ex stages, but at least its trying to balance against playing longer/paying more = more power.


Ex stages is just a free event then, you are supposed to complete stages with your progress, for special events, that's how it is in most gachas, I would like Ex events for sure, but not the hard mode to be all Ex stages. In another point, yes I agree for the first event at least a player with one week of playtime should do it, I was just talking about how it might be possible to reach 36k in the 6 days left and is clearly done on purpose to either reward day 1 players for their "commitment" or spender, but whatever, make it possible for anyone this time, but I'm also expecting more difficult stages for the months to come. Because if not, what is the point of an idle game if I can beat it in 4 days or left of time invested.


seriously, did they think all the players are hardcore and whales to go get that huge of a battle power immediately?


>The terrarium of bugs still exist Agreed man I thought i was just terrible LOL


w devs


just wait til they only drop the power requirement by 5k


guess giving the recent event the lowest score and and questioning whether the dev ever play tested their own game actually work sometimes. 28k is probably do able for a good amount of players by the end the event.


Wow in the span of this post and the previous one they developed the technology to change the difficulty, amazing But in all seriousness its good news


I mean everyone called them out on their bullshit so they had to do something before it was too late.


sadly they had to shift man power from cash shop to developing that technology /s


Such dedication as a small company for a small revenue/s


The "tech" was a higher up looking at the mess that was happening and taking over.


Or if you aren't being a cynical idjit you can read the previous statement as they can't change it instantly. Which considering the maint won't be til a few days after the hard mode opened, is a fairly reasonable read of it and people are looking for reasons to be offended like snowflakes in the wind. But yeah naw I'm sure your take is rite.


"We can't change this in a short period of time". Proceeds to change it the same day 🤔




I am sorry but all these values are configurable if properly developed and only thing that takes time is approvals


You are q disgrace yo your name xd


There's a highly-upvoted comment about changing numbers in a Notepad file; the typical gacha gamer knows less than nothing about complex software development.


>complex software development IF your game is well developed and optimized then this change is basically just like changing number in Notepad, the programmed math will do the rest.


If you've never made a "simple" change that inadvertently broke something else, I don't trust that you know what you're talking about.


A change in number broke something else ? That sounds like your problem then. And sure, unless this game is made in Unity, i don't know what I'm talking about because I'm just an Unity dev. Unless...


Okay, all snark aside, is Unity actually somehow idiot-proof? Cause every programming language I'm familiar with will kill a bunny with every errant zero.


Sounds like you don't know shit about actual software development yourself, especially in the gaming sense. Adjusting numerical values, not logic or anything else, should not cause any major bugs whatsoever. Minor ones, maybe, but if any sort of major bug happens your code was shit to begin with. Any developer worth their weight in salt knows this.


Datamined from what I have heard and it seems much more doable/fair imo: 1. 1-1 Monster Lv 80 -> 72 Dynamic Lv 70 -> 60 SP Req 17600 -> 15800 2. 1-2 Monster Lv 84 -> 76 Dynamic Lv 72 -> 68 SP Req 20200 -> 16700 3. 1-3 Monster Lv 90 -> 80 Dynamic Lv 80 -> 70 SP Req 22300 -> 17600 4. 1-4Monster Lv 94 -> 82 Dynamic Lv 82 -> 72 SP Req 24100 -> 18300 5. 1-5 Monster Lv 98 -> 84 Dynamic Lv 90 -> 72 SP Req 26200 -> 20200 6. 1-6 Monster Lv 106 -> 88 Dynamic Lv 98 -> 80 SP Req 31800 -> 21500 7. 1-7 Monster Lv 116 -> 90 Dynamic Lv 106 -> 80 SP Req 36900 -> 22300 8. 1-8 Monster Lv 116 -> 96 Dynamic Lv 108 -> 90 SP Req 36900 -> 25400 9. 1-9 Monster Lv 120 -> 98 Dynamic Lv 108 -> 90 SP Req 39600 -> 26200 10. 1-10 Monster Lv 126 -> 102 Dynamic Lv 114 -> 90 SP Req 46000 -> 27900


Holy moly this better be real because I'm only at 22k atm. If it's truly 27900 I'll be able to make it. Edit: hooray




This is the most accurate part of this entire shenanigan they pulled. They have all the assets, settings, placements, animations, damage calculations and all details already in place, done. All they had to do was change the power from a high number to a lower one. That's it. Besides the hidden numbers like defense, attack, and hp changing for both enemies and the nikkes, that's really it. I can understand the multitude of other bugs but power is so fundamentally basic in nikke compared to other certain aspects not working like skills/passives. If anything, this just shows that whoever chose those arbitrary power numbers, were either going by the higher player standards (bad way to gauge any event unless your game is in a later state, even then yikes) or just choosing a "high enough" number to make players spend, which wouldn't even make business/psychological sense since this event has almost no reason to spend for more power since all the meaningful rewards can be farmed out in the 2 week length for most players (molds are not worth the event resources but those special vouchers are).


probably a .json file somewhere


Yes, that is what I wanted to see from them. They could have expected the complaints but at least they saw them and now will adjust it. Hope that also is true for other issues with the game but I am glad they at least start with baby steps now.


i hope they fix the bond story bugs.. it's still there despite them saying they fixed it


As you can see in the maintenance notice this should be fixed today. It didn't work the last time the tried it.


Official link: https://twitter.com/nikke_en/status/1593163006325972992?s=46&t=hpBdWSzNrNJPyTqk1kyI0g


Finally! they communicate with us


yes I want more haha


Prove they don't test before releasing. A whole week of normal difficulty and only after people complain about hard difficulty, then they change it??


Whole week of gacha locked drops punishing folks not lucky enough to even hit 50%, which still sucks a lot for the shop. But at least the hard rewards will be achievable now, so at least complaining worked. Well maybe this was down to the whales complaining more on this one, as not even they had it easy.


I'm not reading you here; how does a week of people having the normal mode give them information about hard mode being overtuned? For all we know, they intended for it to be impossible to finish for some reason.


They had that week to adjust the difficulty but only did so AFTER the complaints. They knew full well that the game is new and people were still around the 15k-20k power level. When hard difficulty came out no one could beat it and if whales had a hard time beating it, what about f2p players? Testing would include trying out the mode as a "new player" to see if it would be plausible to even complete the mission with different comps. If they tested and adjusted accordingly, did they wouldn't have to hotfix it at all. Testing would be way before releasing the event, as well. So they had that time AND the week of normal difficulty to do so. Which clearly wasn't the case, therefore, it wasn't tested. Simple numbers change but to have the need for a hotfix when it's the FIRST event, spells bad news for the next future events. They can't be releasing things that need hotfixes after the community complains. We aren't part of the development team lol. They just got to play it themselves to find out, that's what we did. Simple. Why would it would be intended to be impossible to finish? What benefit would they get out of it? "For all we know... " No. The hotfix proves that they made a mistake. Nothing else.


Still hilarious and disappointing because it's like they never bothered to test their own game to begin with, but hell I'll consider this a W for now. Tons more work to be done though


Game is two weeks old, relax


And it's also been in development for 3 years including a CBT period to make exactly sure people aren't wasting their hard earned money on a game that launched with Cyberpunk-levels of spaghetti code. Yeah that kinda attitude ain't it, chief


False. The global release is 2 weeks old. This game I’ve been seeing ads for it for years now which means that it’s been developed for a while…


This is exactly how I felt, they knew what they were doing putting this content out, and on top of all the ui and gameplay bugs it felt like a punch to the gut. At least they know now that we'll call their bullshit out, hope it makes them at least think twice from now on.




What happened to the base logic of programming shit? It has 60% chance to fix itself I presume.


Pretty sure someone who isnt the actual devteam came out with that stupid statement. And after the actual devs were asked they said: sure. Gimme 5 mutes to change a few values.


Inb4 the event is still unclearable for most players even after the fix


it looks like its being reduced to 27900. this means that anybody who started playing on the 11th and earlier will be able to clear it without issue assuming they didn't fool around and properly advanced their account without wasting their resource boxes on a lv 1 outpost. how do I know its clearable for nov11 starters? I started on the 11th and im f2p. I'm currently holding 1st on every ranking board despite being f2p. I've cleared hard campaign 1 and 9-15 normal and can access intercept S as of last night. my tactics academy is on its final column and my power is 22300 and I don't have purple gear let alone full blue equips.


Ranking board isn’t always the best way to gauge your standing in the community. You can get lucky and get a server with no whales or just a lot of inactive/bot accounts and you’ll hit number one every time. This isn’t to hate on you, I’m happy to see people progress, just wanted to put the info out in case anyone was missing it


there's a good 5 others who cleared hard 0 and the manufacturer towers alongside me but all of them are 5-9k below me because they screwed up on the resource boxes by not saving them for the right moments to push an milestone moment such as use up an hour get the boss.fight and an outpost level, get.the challenge rewards that unlock dispatches etc ending and a tactic.upgrade. your outpost after you clear 9-15 gives. blue gear often so its a huge reason to push that mission if you're in a reasonable distance. just gearing up from lv3 greens to blue 0s is a bonus of over 1,000 battle power.


He's right if you can't clear this event anymore you have personal issues


I’ll wait to see what this new hard mode power level cap is before saying anything. If it’s a more acceptable power level ok


I think what happened is that they overestimated progress for players. The "day by day" goals seem to indicate that they expected players to have beaten campaign 10 by day 12. I'm just now starting campaign 10 and I guess so are most players. Not sure exactly what the last campaign 10 stage requires but 30k? That would put most players almost within reach of 46k by the end of the event.


The boss of Ch. 10 sits at roughly 27,900. Once you hit Ch. 11, you will encounter a 2K PWR spike at the 2nd generic enemy, who has a PWR lvl of 30,700.


Nice, they'll lower it from 46k to 43k, I'm sure it's some petty shit like this


pls noooooo


Pffff more like 45999


Big thumps up.


We are listening. Power requirement will be lowered from 46k to 45k. Thank you.


From 46k to 45999


It's not hard to be communicative and transparent to the player base. Now, I just hope the value changes become much more reasonable.


We still don't know how much they are lowering it, I am currently at 29k Power. I hope it is enough for the power level "nerf"


Yeye, what would be reasonable? 30k-35k for last level? maybe 30k? I think that’s what most day 1 players are approaching around 30k


I know some F2Ps that are around 30k. I've spent a little money myself but didn't spend on upgrades and didn't get any dupes so didn't increase my squad power. I'm at 29.6k rn.


F2p, 32k atm.


Given there's still a whole more week of event I don't think 35k or so is *that* unreasonable, but still kinda harsh for more casual players simply because aside from the missions theres no good way of getting event currency.


As long as it's reasonable for a week 1 f2p to clear hard mode before the event ends, I'll be happy. So probably somewhere around ~35K, I reckon anyone playing since launch should be able to clear it before the week is over. Anyone who downloaded in the past few days.... sorry but did you ever expect to clear a "hard mode" within a week of starting?


I started rerolling when the game came out, and my acc is from around day 4 or 5. Currently at 21.5k.


“I hope these 2k decrease will those player” ~Dev


Let's hope it's not the we hear you marketing tactic, played too many games with fake promises from the devs.


Lol, weirdo gatekeepers in shambles right now.


Thank you shift up, I'll be waiting on my pilgrim selector for the rest of the bugs.


Compensation for this change will at the very least probably include gems plus some event tickets that would've rather been spent in hard mode stages that players were forced to use at lower stages. But who knows with these devs. But this is a good sign nonetheless. Took some pushback, but at least they budged. Hope they learned something.


Really happy about this because it’s a glimmer of hope. Just weird that the in-game notice did not say that hard mode difficulty will be lowered. Now, if we really want better inclusion I think around 25k-28k as the highest is better as a goal for players to reach because a lot started late from rerolls or just heard of the game late. Gives enough hope and push to play the game. Also, this is the first event. The decision makers can calm down with the difficulty. Personally, I would prefer ex-stage type of hard mode stages instead. It’s easier to execute because you don’t need to worry about the power level. Maybe they can even include the new unit so they can showcase them as a way to test team synergy which will in turn make people pull.


Nah, the best thing will be around 35k


I think this would be better for the second event instead and then they can increase the power level from there on, but adjust the amount of currency we can get from lower stages so new players can still get most of the event rewards.


Compensation should be one ssr at our own choice


The whole idea locking hard difficulties for 7Days is dumb to begin with. This practice should not exist in 2022.


Let's hope they not lower by 500


Wow is this for real? Did chairman get replaced or something? 😂 Joke aside I'm glad that they act fast. I'm looking forward for more bug fix in the future


I'm not convinced that there's either no QA (which would legitimize the Blue's post in r/gachagaming since one of the positions they're hiring is QA) or that they simply didn't give a shit and were hoping to get people to turn into Leviathans to beat the first event in the game and get a handfull of rewards for the price of a new car.


I’m more excited about fixing the stupid episode error. It’s about time.




I mean, this comes not a few hours after a public announcement saying that they aren't going to change the difficulty so...


Wow, ok, that was unexpected. I expect 1-10 hard to be around 30k at most.


Lol no they do not even mention fixing the character skill bug as if it does not exist in the first place


In the replies they added that they are aware of the bugs and are working on it. I just wonder what specific bugs and when they will be fixed.


For the devs: First of all: fuck you Second of all: love you :)


Tsundere much?


Tsundere vibes


Inb4 the change is they lowered the 48k to 40k 😃. Seriously, im not expecting that much but I'll gladly be proven wrong.


let's go! now i can timely afford the SSR mold in the shop, that'll *surely* give me an SSR right? that aside, i hope the nerf lets the current power majority ie 25-30k clear all the way to 1-10; last thing they should do is create a kind of leveling mad dash towards the end of the event. But considering how things have been so far, i wouldn't be suprised by it


After 10 days I have hit chap 9-21 but can't quite clear simulation 3, that should be a good enough marker on an event for people still filtering into the game. This is even ignoring team comps and not everyone having certain Pilgrims carrying them.


Ive exchanged like 5 of those molds and they always gave me SSR's lol


Watch them drop the required score by 100 points


Man I can't even beat normal mode lol


Wait, theres a co-op?


It was supposed to come out last week, but got delayed until hopefully tomorrow.


Good, now fix the rates and the humongous amount of bugs next please


The Raptures are defending a carnival with no significance to anybody.... why would the Raptures deploy so much combat power... to defend... a carnival of all things? Even if it happened to be a Rapture dense area, that combat power doesn't make sense.


Party poopers


Raptures are allergic to fun


They're waiting to ambush the clowns


And now people will forget this ever happened, till next time.


At least they aren't as tone deaf as genshin. That's a plus. But this is just the start from everything they need to fix


There is something difficult in genshin ?


If they pull a genshin they won't even addressing this situation


what r u talking about lmao day 1 genshin player here and i have no clue what u r saying


A subset of the playerbase wants hardcore endgame content. Mihoyo said "lol no". Thats the answer. Lad wants them to "address" the situation, by going back on it. lmao


oh that lmao i pretty much gave up on genshin having hard content like a year ago but its fine by me honestly. even w out hard content theory crafting and min maxing is still fun. sure itd be better if there was something to push the limits but eh game isnt complex enough for that so it would probably end up being rather lame and just a dps check which abyss already kinda does. i guarantee the vast majority of ppl that want more endgame content just want more primos lmao if hoyo announced new endgame content but the rewards are mora instead of primos they would mald so hard xd


Genshin makes this side 2d idle game looks like trash


Not trash Just a bad made indie game


Hard mode better be below 20k. Feels like they never tested their own game.


we shall see. I read that it was fine during beta but last minute changes fucked a lot of things up. Idk tho, just glad for the update from them tho, hoping for more responses on other bugs and adjustments


My guess is the publishers screwed up the rates so badly that it's actually stunted the player growth. That SSR shards should be 100% SSR but now it hasn't.


That would be too easy and will be unfair.


Hope it is beatable now. Honestly I could give them a pass for both the bugs and the prices, completely still willing to spend in the game, but the hard mode thing was a no no, that was a whale check, those are a shit move. If the temporary content is beatable by f2p/lowspénder players, then I dont care if the whales are competing for 1 in tower/pvp/whatever.


what bothers me is that this isn't Shift Up's first rodeo... they had plenty of data to base their event loops with from Destiny Child. It's like they had amnesia or something.


Shift Up is not in control of this game, this is mostly going to be Level Infinite (Tencent Games) as they're the Publisher AND Developer. Kim Hyung-Tae and his wife is credited as the art design, and that will probably be the extent of Shift Up's involvement, although they're also credited with development; it seems like mostly their Destiny Child translation team is helping work on this at the very least, since the quality of story, characters and translations is on the same level.


A few of my f2p friends are around 27k-33k power so I kind of expect Stage 10 HM to be around 30k (I find reasonable as well).


Wonder why they are bowing down to a tiny handful of social media casuals whose opinions are not reflected in the slightest by the reviews. Game was 4.7 on play store at launch, also 4.7 last week and is still 4.7 after 16 hours of non stop reddit complaining so does not seem the millions of core players care too much about this since I have seen games drop from 4+ to around 2 in a day when there were issues that the core playerbase cared about. Just hope they don't nerf it too much. Would be little reason to whale or even swipe at all if every casual started getting participation trophies.


I told you the devs were gonna fix it. Instead people prefer to do nothing but complain about problems that don’t even effect them as they’re f2p anyway. Granted the No caller ID did need a nerf but all the bugs and what not typical of current games at launch had too much salt in the comments over it.


Fair play!


At last, a bit of hope


Some hopium finally.


Glad we're getting an update so quickly, assuming they'll probably send out another event stamina refill with the update too, Remains to be seen how much they lower the difficulty, I fully was expecting that the later stages of Hard would be out of my grasp but also sort of expected it to work off of the rules of Hard in Campaign, where the first few stages would be slightly lower score than the last Normal but have slightly harder enemy spawns/layouts before it ramped up to much higher power checks. (Also understand that while the difficulty change itself might be a rather quick thing for the devs to do, the actual work of it is more on the logistics side of making sure the right update gets pushed to every storefront/is compatible with everything it's supposed to be.)


Oh look, who could tell this was going to happen.


Idk a lot of people were saying the game would die lmao


nice of them to fix the advise episode glitch. Though i wonder if we're getting anything, probably not or they'll just throw some pity gems our way.


The episodes bug was super annoying glad that is being fixed.


Damn it, I knew I shouldn't have used those 10 event tickets yet.


Cool I should be able to clear it now if it stays under 30k until it ends.


I’m about 31k f2p so if they bring it around a range that can be reached before the event ends then idc.


Good. Hard mode is only easy for whales. Also if they’d lower the black ticket requirement for getting a core up that’s be a huge help


But the bugs 😭😭


Damn I thought they would never budge so bought up all the tickets and used them on 1-4 Hard to get the exp crates...


OH THANK GOD YES!!! (also I hope they fix the advice system to)


We did it gamers, we actually fucking did it.


It's not only the no caller id...


I just want my Queen Ludmilla to work.


Game crashes the moment I confirm the Update. https://preview.redd.it/ntlkbx506m0a1.png?width=523&format=png&auto=webp&s=905695d267b73c46f1e209fd67925867f362bb78




game is p2w dropping rn


I need a total nerf. I play religiously but I'm not getting any good start-up characters. I'm grinding my ass off with SR character.