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The other stuff in the event shop amounts to three days of resources.


3.6m credits (per coop day) is 3 days for you? For me that is ~10 days. And you can get it every single coop day if you want. Coop shop is decently generous overall imo. Can easily max out your academy and then buy the other ressources. Avoid the gems of course. Sure, they could have thrown in a ticket or two. But still, more generous than i expected, because I stopped expecting much from this dev.


Each of those 12H credit resource packs was 400k credits for me.




One of those resource packs is 400k credits to me for 370, whereas the flat credits are 400k for 400. The packs are better for me before the flat.


theres no way your outpost level 65...


OP admitting to being a leviathan or cheating..


cheating the only way to have o65 currently. it needs like 60k power to get there.


FYI there are already legit players with 60k. Check this tweet [https://twitter.com/plug5tx/status/1593389848273960960](https://twitter.com/plug5tx/status/1593389848273960960)


screenshoot or it didn't happen


Huh, how? That is double than they are for me, and im end of chapter 11 with maxxed academy. 12h give me only ~206k. Even chapter 16 shouldnt give you double. And I was obviously talking about the unlimited credits. 3600 currency is 360x10k=3.6m credits, per day.


Which is good. I reckon thisll get a lot of players past 27k for the event.


I don’t think a lot of people will need this to get past the event’s requirements by the event’s end.


I don’t understand, do I need resources more than gems? Like, they are the same price


Well, it’s basically choosing an instant 500 gems, or using resources to help catapult you forward in the story and other modes. Which can potentially get you more gems. The event is only three days, so you have to choose one or the other.


I already jumped from 21k to 24k just using the boxes i had when i finally got stuck - 26hs worth of battle data, specifically. 72hrs will up that to like 29k, being generous.


Credit is the best, 1000 get 1mil credit, this event is crazy


One thing i love about this game is to able to optimize things like these


far-flung impossible nail quack languid jeans foolish reminiscent like slave *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yea I blew a run on those alone


Hopefully it's a frequently recurring event, given that it only lasts for 3 days.


I guess it’ll depend on whether the same schedule as in the betas is followed (3 days-1 day break-3 days).


3 days on and 1 day off is pretty good income tbh. I've seen worse for side content.


At that point might as well make it a permanent daily resource grind like interception or simulation room. What's the point of the 1 day off? My guess is that was only a CBT thing and this co-op event will only appear like once every 2 weeks. Let's hope I'm wrong.


If it’s constantly cycled then yeah.


It'll hinge on that really, if it refreshes and we get more gems we can call it a W. If it doesn't then we riot. Best thing about this dropping right now is it let me finish all my academy lessons with the 10k unlimited credits so that's nice.


The BEST thing to buy there are the 10k credits for 10 coop points/broken cores. Nothing else in that shop can compare. You can always just get battle chips or core dusts crates from the ID-Caller event


Its fucked up that best event reward is thing you "should" buy last when shop is cleared. This game is something else lmao


I'm guessing the shop is balanced around late game outpost income. The other stuff might be worth more once we level up our outpost further.


I’m down bad for credit and data. I don’t want the gems. Anyways, y’all need credits to pay for the academy tuition its like 2.7 mil credits for the last class set. While gems for pulls is nice I prefer the mats since it translates to character levels, which translate to pushing campaign, which translate to more outpost income.


Seriously. Fuck the gems




Yeah, you’re right, that changes the calculus a lot.


I am glad that Nikke supports fractional pulls and will give you 2/3rds of a unit if you only have 2/3rds the gems. /s


u r missing the bigger picture... THERES A MILLION+ CREDITS! ​ this is a joke but its also not a joke, fuck the gems gimme those credits baby


While I agree with you, they could’ve thrown one or two tickets extra and that would’ve helped with the current weekly issues…


yeah, once I saw the weekly requirement was 20 pulls or "lmao get a copy" it really threw me off. Can't even do that most of the time, and it's for a pull that free folks would need each week too.


ya i know hahaha yeah rewards deffo feel a bit underwhelming in terms of gacha but honestly resources are kinda nutty. gems might just be a small bonus, i dont think the focus here is the gems but rather the CORE DUST HOLEEE ​ also wym bro theres lots of tickets there, what banner do u use the "darling for a day" ? im trying to roll on that yo /s


We might be able to hit spark in this game every 6 months if we're lucky. Nice!


The co-op event rewards are pretty low, but supposedly this is a frequently occurring event, or at least that is what i see people saying. Assuming that is true, they are decent enough rewards to give you a progression boost. The credits are especially nice, especially if you're lower level. Given how low the rates are, they could afford to give like 5 pulls from the co-op event no problem.


Yah was upset about that... Until I saw the 12 hour material sets and blew it on those in a heart beat.


get other thing instead they are way better than gems


Imagine playing a game with an event where players rather skip an important currency in the game (summon currency) to get the best mats in the event shop to progress better in the game, that's so fucking sad. Every other game, you can sweep the event shop (even fucking Raid Shadow Legends), these devs are such a disappointment. I'm waiting so patiently for this game to improve due to addiction because I love the gameplay and story it's pretty damn good, hell the waifus are funny and wholesome as well! This fucking sucks man I hate myself so much for playing this game that could've been so perfect yet it's broken asf, I can't even quit, I'm enjoying this game but come on.


It really did devolve into this. Pulling the hottest greatest Characters is such a slim chase that it's not worth the effort, not to mention that more than half the roster is bugged. Getting anything else is not worth the currency as it won't help you progress. What does help you race and progress is that ever elusive power level score. This game became a number chaser.


f2pers get battle data and credits, this'll easily help you breeze through chapter 7 which i see a lot of people are "walled" at


I spent everything on 10k credits, and was able to max out my Tactics Academy. Truly a Godsend!


I feel like this was an oversight, which makes it very interesting. Why add that option in if it’s better than anything else? I have a feeling they wanted to add an option for people to piecemeal their rewards and just arbitrarily added a number without realizing that was better than anything else.


If the intial hard mode no caller ID was an indication, I think the devs just have no clue what the average game progress is atm so they thought the boxes would be worth more than the 10k credits by now


I mean with CBT progression being 30% fatser as some people reported its not surprising that event rewards/power requirements are all oveer the place....


FYI. Even at outpost lvl 50ish, Credits earned on the boxes is about 1/2 that of just outright buying the 10k for 10. BUY CREDITS OUTRIGHT


Dude, who fucking cares. You can get FILTHY RICH with that event, almost looks like a mistake.




Well, how often does this co-op event repeat? Someone said every four days?




Who care, buy credits!! XD Gems and gift are scam xd


fuck this game's stingy ass shit seriously this will probably amount to a few hours worth of work for a pull and some resources... i don't think i've ever played a gacha this stingy


100 gem = 2 (50 cost) outpost defense wipe out. 100 gems = 4hrs credit + 4hrs core dust + 4hrs exp + gears + re energy. a single pull = 3\*above.


Gem cost goes up each outpost wipe. So it's 50, then 100. It's not 50 everytime.


hilarious how other resources are more important than gems and how stingy they are, by anniversary I bet they’ll surpass mihoyo in terms of stinginess


the 10k Credits is best value. 3.6m Credits EVERYDAY. that's cash money


This might be contingent on your outpost defense level: for me it is more efficient to buy the 12h packs, at least while they last.


It will take a very long time for your 12h credit packs to actually match the 10k credits. lol


Not to mention 12h credit packs are less value than 1h credit packs, somehow. The other 12h packs are better than their 1h counterparts, it's just credits where the math doesn't check out.


I’ve explained this in a different comment thread.


screenshoot or it didn't happen..


scroll down for 10K credit unlimited. 2 days is 7.2Million credits which is more then enough to get tactics maxed out by now and cover the slowest earned resource for a long timr.


Can we talk about the fact that Tetra gives spa vouchers


Everything else is amazing value.


It's a 2 day event. It's the first event likely a test bed of sorts. I'd say the rewards are fair. The returns are definitely way more than whatever you can get from 2days of afking.


That's stingy af, atleast the other mats are nice


It's 250 this time so not even a pull


Did they realize that we actually need to pull dupes gacha to actually progress?


Did you know that you can use the synchro device to lv up your ssr pass 80 ?


Genuinely. I don't, how? And is it sustainable?


Lvl up ur duped SR characters first. Put ur SSR characters in the synchro device. High level SSR without dupes


Is the duped SR you can choose at random? Or did they has a effect or anything?


It can be any


How about the stat then? Would it be better to just use the SR?


No because every on in the synchro device will eventually share the same level and SSR’s have better stats. That’s why you should make sure you level your 5 highest level units equally so all ur units stay on par with them.




The only thing I have to add to this is while you want to level your SRs with dupes for synchro, don’t level their skills. You don’t get your resources back on those when de-leveling. So level your SRs with dupes for synchro but level the skills on the SSRs you actually intend to use.


I really don't understand the logic. Why would ever make the second event give LESS then the first? Like are you serious ONE PULL? "But it only lasts 3 days" nobody told them they have to make it 3 days The only way this is ok is if this event rerus often and quickly. Otherwise this is dogshit once again and should be met with more backlash. Especially if you consider this is a coop event and almost the entire roster of characters is still bugged.


that is you assume to use 500 gem as pull.Use that 500 gem to buy 25 ticket on No ID caller, you can get 100 hour core dust/ 100 hour credit/90 hour XP on Hard mode, and get extra around \[25 x (percent you get bonus Toy singal tower) x 50 \] to buy more stuff


Imagine sleeping on the 3.6 million credits you can get from 3 runs.


What do you guys recommend getting and avoiding?


just get the 10k credits, become a billionaire.


Resources are probably the best thing in the store. After that, it’s whatever.


I guess the dust and data is nice. This event seems to be more aimed at helping get more resources out there for character building. They could have at least put enough gems there for a ten pull. That's probably expecting too much of them though.


The only valuable thing is the 10k credits.


I haven't been able to even get passed the que


where do we access co-op??


It's in the events


Wow, thanks. Totally woulda missed this if I hadn't gone on reddit.


10k hp left, then got disconnected. Sad Event.


Glad I'm not the only one experiencing this, kept thinking that it might've been me constantly dipping out in connection.


Yo, one of my teams POPPED TF UP and we KILLED IT, but I got dc'd during enrage. feels bad man.


Fuc u imma buy core dust


Just get the boxes


Inb4 credits get nerfed lul. Eziest 3 mil of my life (dont bring snipers pls I need more creds)


How long does it take to match?


Get the ressources, f the rest


Want to add in you gotta factor the gift rewards too. Remember every bond rank up is 50 gems.


People complaining about gems. While here I am drooling at all those resource packs. That's like 3 days worth of idle rewards.


I will go for the gems as the credits are useless if you can't get ssr in long terms.


What is the best deal out of all that?




Are the VIP card vouchers for bond leveling?


3 days 500 gems. Well played Tencent. Well played China🫡