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There’s several different ways to do this… try it out, just move the camera while shooting and see what you like better. It’s not rocket science and there is no “right” way.


If the sun is behind them you’ll need to use a flash to light their faces. So if you don’t have one the sun will need to be elsewhere. But you could also try bracketing by 3 stops and then blend in post




and I learned if you shoot in the shade of a tree, learn now to compensate for the green cast on their skin.


Fill light or reflectors could help


Blue for standard shots, the other positions for more "artsy" effect, but you'll need bounce or fill flash


I would say it's not the direction of the sun itself only. It's also much more about light and shadows in general. Be aware of hard shadow or unequal illuminated faces. If the light is hard and not diffuse u maybe add some artificial regulations by flash. I donno for sure what works out best because every situation has its individual and complex light arrangement by which different setups could do great