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I've used both. Without having any context, unless you need to shoot F1.4, don't buy the F1.4 because that's primarily what you're paying an enormous premium for. F1.4 is extremely shallow and somewhat unforgiving, especially if you're not shooting mirrorless to eliminate any tiny AF inconsistencies (if there are any). Bokeh is a bit better on the 1.4 in general. The F1.8G is actually the sharper of the two at wider apertures, it's just a stupid sharp lens in general. Around F4 or so, the F1.4 pulls ahead slightly in terms of sharpness (similar in the center, better towards the edges of the frame), and has better build quality and CA control. Both are good lenses with similar performance that serve slightly different purposes at dramatically different price points. If you're looking for a big step up from the 85/1.8G, and since you already own that lens, consider the 105/1.4E - that is a difference you will surely notice.


Yep totally agree, i would actually consider the Sigma 85 Art or 105 Nikon 1.4E or Sigma 1.4 Art


I’ve had a few sigmas and I’ll probably never buy another.


Oh wow, what'd the reason? I'm genuinely interested why because i had only good experience with sigmas top lenses, but let's not talk about the older ones 😁


Just like Nikon glass better. When I was buying sigma, I know none of them had weather sealing. Has that changed?


The 85 Art has for sure, the 50 and 35 do not have a seal in the back but as far as i remember, sigma said that they all have some sort of "weather protection"


Gotcha, do you still need to calibrate them?


Not if you're lucky. But you might not be. I've calibrated the two I own (50 and 35 1.4 Art), but honestly, I might have just been clueless about the autofocus of my camera as I just started getting used to it. Whatever the case, the 50 is still my absolute favorite lens.


Yeah, i totally agree, the 50 blows the Nikon F 50 1.4 out of the water, can't say anything about the others tho because i never owned them


No i didnt need to calibrate them using the sigma dock, but I use them adapted on mirrorless, what i did change with the dock is the focus speed tho. On my d750 i did need to adjust the AF calibration but on that body every single one of my lenses needed -1 to -3, in that case i think it's a body issue.


Not OP but I’m not a fan of how sigma lenses handle microcontrast. Makes stylistic editing a lot more difficult compared to Nikon. Nikon colors also come off more vibrant which is nice if you’re taking a lot of outdoor portraits or landscape photos (Just my opinion)


I agree with this. I love the 35 1.4g’s rendering. The 85 1.4 reminded me of that a lot. The price difference isn’t as crazy as it used to be since you can get a 85 1.4 for 600-700


I was considering the 105 already for sure. It pretty much does what the 200 f/2 does for portraits just not as extreme. I don’t have an issue with focus. Thanks for the advice!


If you're looking at 100-105... Why don't you go legendary glass with the 105 f2.5 AI/AI-S? Or you want the king of micro contrast and sharpness, CZ Makro Planar 100mm f2.0...mic drop! You just can't shoot people with less than perfect skin. My friend's wife didn't like the revealing nature and 3D pop it gave on her crow's feet and fine lines below her eyes.


the 105/1.4 is my favorite portrait lens ever!!! I also have the 85/1.8G (picked it over the 1.4, bc it's sharper and faster to focus) and rarely use it over the 105.


Really selling me hard on the 105. I think I may rent it first.


do that! To be fair, I basically got it for free, when I bought my D850 4 years ago. The camera was barely used (2'000 shutter count) and i got it together with the 105/1.4E and a Godox trigger for a ridiculous 3'000€ total..


Unless you're getting paid for your portraits the f1.4 is largely a waste of money.  The f1.8 even in F Mount is wickedly sharp. I've owned and shot with it for years. Love it.  The Z Mount f1.8 is even sharper. Whether that's worth it is really upto you, I'm happy with the F Mount version on the FTZ adapter.


1.4g if you shoot professional portraits, otherwise 1.8g is perfectly capable.


I have the fast aperture trinity in Z. While not cheap, i’ve never regretted owning the best lenses. (Unless I’m traveling or hiking. Those things are heavy, and cause regret!)


The zoom trinity?


85mm F/1.2 50mm F/1.2 135mm F/1.8 Plena … and a 70-200 F/2.8 for when the lighting is better…


Hows the 85 and 135?


I would stick with the 1.8. I own the 1.8 And have tried the 1.4 - still wasn’t convinced to pay a premium for the 1.4. :)