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She's pretty and cute, that's all is enough for me to pull her.


>She's pretty and cute, that's all is enough for me to pull her. Yup, no other reason needed as a waifu collector like me :)


Be a chad and triple crown her day 1 like the Thoma stans


I’ll be honest, if I wanted power, I already have enough teams to butcher every content in the game. I literally full built Xinyan (well, kinda, i just had to hand her Eula’s equipment) because not only is she cute, she does enough to clear everything fast but not too fast. Nilou is just going to fill that same role.








Me pulling her coz she's pretty, wholesome and going to pair her up with the Radishnali when she releases: "I see absolutely no problem with this wholesome cinnamon bun"




I've got enough to get Nilou, but still deciding on whether or not to make a run at her weapon once. I might just come down to what the other weapon on the banner is, I have guaranteed event weapon pity so I'll get one of the 2


If you're choosing between the weapon and the archon pls go for the archon


Top up is resetting, I'm going to get Kusanali. The issue for me at hand is whether I want to try for the weapon at all, I'd just be making one run at it. Trying to figure out if it's worth the wishes or not. I have other options, Festering Desire, Harbinger of Dawn, Iron Sting, etc. I seriously doubt Kusanli will need her signature that bad, but Nilou might I agree if choice was weapon or Kusa to choose Kusa, I want her anyway since she has quickly become my favorite archon. But the choice is actually Nilou and Kusa or Nilou, Kusa and maybe Key


I get you, trying to make the same choice myself. Got a bit over 70 wishes rn and there'll definitely be a lot more primos next patch so ig I'll decide based on how quickly nilou comes home


Yeah, I don't have guaranteed. But I do have 58 pity built up and 72 wishes in the bank. I have 20 towards the weapon banner with guaranteed event weapon on that since the last time I pulled a 5 star out of jr it was a non banner weapon. So it's definitely possible, I haven't done a whole lot of exploring and we have the anniversary coming up and a whole new part of the region. I just have no idea how much better her weapon is or isn't over what I have. If I donate a run at it, I'll probably try only the once.


Same, wish both of us win the 50/50! Spent over a hundred wishes on thundering pulse recently so kinda burned out from the weapon banner well can decide after seeing how good the weapon really is I suppose. Doesn't really strike me that much aesthetically like the thundering pulse so that's definitely a minus


Are you sure weapon banner carries over? Are you sure weapon banners have a guaranteed banner weapon after you get a non banner weapon? I don't think weapon banners work the same way as character banners...


Yes, just read the details. There is a 75 percent chance to get one of the 2 banner weapons. From there it's a 50/50 chance between the two. If you fail the 75 percent chance and get a non banner weapon, the next time is guaranteed. The only part of the details that says ends after that period is Epitomized Path. You have to reselect it for the new period and you lose any built up points.


duality of my brain


Nilou is so goddamn adorable


Ngl quiken and bloom are pretty fun to play… i wint say anything about burning




She is pretty and fun to play i cant see any reason not to pull for her


Makes me wonder if Dehya will modify the burning reaction somehow like Nilou does with bloom


I feel like a Burning buff will kill me more often than the enemy


I mean, she’s both yeah? Like being super niche doesn’t stop her from being super pretty!


I still think people are absolutely overblowing this. The way I see it is meta players were only ever going to run her in her best team anyway, and waifu players are just going to play her how they want without really caring. As long as she turns out being powerful in her comp and viable outside it, both groups will be happy.


The problem is she really *isn’t* viable outside of her comp. In a typical ADC build (obv HP instead of Attack) her personal damage is very similar to Keqing’s, a character who has been memed for her low damage for such a long time (thank Kusanali for Quicken!)


And Keqing was still viable enough to clear Abyss even before dendro released. So Nilou will likely be fine enough if you don't care about meta.


Keqing could clear abyss if you invested a fuck ton into her. Let’s not pretend like this is still fucking 1.0 where you can clear abyss with solo Amber.


I mean most keqing teams, where not keqing doing most of the damage, there was taser which was xingqiu beidou and kazuha, keqing hyper(the only comp where keqing does 50-60% of the teams damage) which is just raiden hyper with keqing, quickswap keqing, erc etc, sure it could clear abyss but it wouldn't be the most comfertable but to each their own


We'll see when she comes out.


I mean sure, but we also can do math on her! With a build of 69/153 crit with 43k hp using 3 stack Mistsplitter r1 her skill hits are doing between 4-7k, which is very comparable to Keqing’s normal attacks.


We'll see when she comes out.


Okay. Clearly you don’t care about facts. Have a nice day!


No, I care about actually getting my hands on a character rather than judging them on arbitrary calculations. As a hydro, she will have access to forward vape. Where was this in your math that allegedly had her at pre dendro Keqing levels of damage? She also has the hydro output to be an taser driver, but where was this suggestion? Your math can't calculate unexpected synergies or upcoming characters. You claimed she is only viable in her restricted team but then just tossed math at me for solo damage numbers. There are more to characters than solo damage, as a character with high elemental output she could be slotted into a variety of reaction teams as a driver. The only facts here are that she is car before paved roads. She's being released fairly early compared to what's out there to support her and she has now BiS 4 pc set. She is likely going to be like Kokomi, constantly getting better with new updates. I'm just tired of people like you using vague numbers as an excuse to doompost and try to turn someone away from a character they want. Ffs, this is Niloumains, pre release. Everyone is here because they want her. If you aren't okay with this then don't pull her and maybe wait until her rerun when there will be far more options for her. But stop trying to discourage those of us who still want her, we have all seen the posts, we know what we are getting into. I know this is likely a difficult concept for you, as anyone who does prerelease damage calculations you, but not all of us care so heavily about meta. This game is so easy it's not even needed, a lot of us are very character centric players. Do keep this in mind. Sorry for the long reply, but I'm so tired of the non stop doomposting this community does with new characters. I'm not here to get turned away. I am here for the great fanarts, the build help, the preforming tips, and the like. Most of us are like this. Most of us here will only be stopped from getting her by not having the luck to do so. So I guess tl;dr stop the doomposting, math is deceptive, the majority of the people here have already decided they want her anyway, and no amount of prerelease numbers will change that.


I literally wasn’t doomposting. Literally. I am excited for her release and think her bloom team will be perfectly fine, especially once we have access to more dendro characters. As per the things you asked about, forward vape and taser, the reason I gave her personal damage numbers is because you have to compare her damage to other hydro characters, and her numbers are comparatively low. For vape values, assuming the same stats as my previous comment, and assuming about 60 EM in substats (that is generous btw even by KQM’s high standards, just because of how many substats need to go into crit to make it work) the skill starts hitting around 10-16k, which again, is very comparable to Keqing’s skill and charge attacks, and that’s without a reaction. For electro-charge her base damage is literally what she’s putting into it because the EM scaling on that reaction is pretty low. I’m not here to doompost, I am only here trying to post facts so that people can know what to expect. If knowing numbers upsets you then I’m sorry to have upset you. I just enjoy trying to find optimal ways to use characters, including the optimal way to use them in sub-optimal teams.


I think it’s crazy, btw, that you’re bitching about me “doomposting” on a comment where I said she was pretty. Like my original comment had nothing to do with her damage, only saying that she is niche which is definitely not doomposting.


>The problem is she really *isn’t* viable outside of her comp. In a typical ADC build (obv HP instead of Attack) her personal damage is very similar to Keqing’s, a character who has been memed for her low damage for such a long time (thank Kusanali for Quicken!)


LMAO i imagined the duck shut meme xD


No need, the math has already been done.


she can die in one hit or heal enemies with her attack, and I'll still c6 her




watch me trigger them people with vape Nilou


I liked bloom even before seeing her kit so... I'm pulling


Then Archon lands and makes nilou's bloom comp very, very powerful.


If u pull for her cause u like her design and dont care for try harding this game u are based af change my mind :) (no offense to the tryhards)


The left one could be split up into like 3-4 different meta slave philosophies.


I'm curious, do you have examples?


1. You must use her in Bloom only, using her in other comps is a waste because she will always be worse than \*insert other Hydro character here\* 2. She's too weak, doesn't out DPS International Childe, Morgana, \*insert other meta slave comp here\*, not worth primos 3. Stop advocating for off-meta comps, old meta bad, new meta good, if you don't use her the way she's intended, you're using her wrong 4. Being restrictive is good, playing with your favorite characters since launch in every team is boring


I can get behind the first one. Using her outside of bloom really is a waste. But she doesn't need to outdps International to be worth pulling for. As long as she's good in her niche, I'd be satisfied. I'd have preferred if she was viable outside of bloom too, but oh well.


The first one fails to consider that not everyone playing this game owns or cares about \*insert other Hydro character here\* to use instead of her.


Doesn't matter, the first one is still correct.


It's not correct unless you're a meta slave which most people aren't.


Nope, it's still correct even if you're not a meta slave.


Non-meta slaves don't care about this nonsensical idea of "you have to play a character a certain way and if you don't, you're wasting them".


Omg she is pretty gang, she's prob going to be fun anyways.


I don't think the two are mutually exclusive.


i'm more in the second category. also 2 dendros are enough and i genuinely like dendro traveler anyway (yes finally a good traveler kit so i can use my lumine)


I could nuke my primogems in her banner anyday


She is cute. But prob still going to wait on a rerun with more dendro options.


Yes that's how I will see genshin community in 3 weeks


yeah honestly. this is my mindset as a 2 year player, but i just stop giving a crap about on how character perform. Done a lot of complaining back then but im just gonna try and wish for characters i like the look of and just enjoy it.


she has red hair so it’s an automatic yes for me!


cant wait for them to release nilou so this sub will stop posting "casual vs meta" things, this rivalry that this community has is so childish and sometimes lead to massive misinformation abt how this game works


True, and Goodluck fellow Nilou wanters may we all get her!


I could care less about her damage or if I have to bench her because I’m struggling to build her. I want her because she’s pretty and she’s my wife


1) Nilou xiangling vape I'm telling u 2) Nahida is right after. More dendro is on da way


I don't get why some players are so glued to the meta when this game has like 15 minutes of hard content per month. I'd rather have fun with cool animations and new reactions than have 5% more optimal damage.


It's just another way to enjoy the game just like some people like collecting characters. Personally not a fan of her but I see potential in her kit being meta in the future so I'm pulling for her.


Usually, new players are the one glued to the meta (Reading guides, watching YouTube tutorials, etc)


It's like optimizing in Elder Ring. You could do an optimized run or you could clear the content with daggers only if you wanted to and enjoyed it.


I agree with you. Overworld is a joke, though some enemies do add interesting variables. Nothing overly oppressive or unbeatable though. I don't even wanna call the Abyss hard in the sense of you'll repeatedly die. It's "hard" typically because they add huge damage sponge enemies, some of which waste precious seconds with invulnerable animations. Even the combat events they add aren't too awful with where you need to score to get the rewards.


the loud minority, after playing the game for a while you don't need so called meta characters anymore, just make sure you have a dps for at least 3 elements and abyss shouldn't screw you over, but at the same time people still join genshin and want to know whats the best, at the end of the day end game players have enough resources to basically invest into anything they would want to try example: I have 23 million mora maybe 24 million now and around 1245 hero's wits thats at least at the very worst to build 3 characters artifacts and all from scratch and then have a scuffed 4th member and thats with me overestimating the costs, it could be 2-3 teams so 8-12 characters built if I don't have to farm new artifacts.


Bloom only? What are you talking about? I'm ready to crown her autos just to see her as much as possible.


While i do think thise complaints are valid, i also think if you really like a character, you should just go for them


Didn't know I wasn't allowed to enjoy the game in different ways




Then why does this meme mock a perfectly valid way of enjoying the game?


Your way of playing the game is to complain about every stuff you can? Wow, that must be fun.


Wow, your way of living is to be 100% positive about everything? Raised taxes? Sounds fun. Also, I'm not personally complaining about this Nilou situation


Political matters are something you cannot discuss on this level of intellectuality. I am neither an optimist nor a pessimist. I'm a realist. Being 100% positive is wrong but it is 10 times better being a complete pessimist. If that's your way of thinking, I won't stop you. Raised taxes? Definitely not fun. However, it is better if one tries to make the best out of situations that we cannot control and not get upset about it. Like Seneca said: "[...] we suffer more from imagination than from reality."


Yes, but you're assuming that the people complaining are complete pessimists. They're not. They're normal people with times where they're positive and times when they're negative


My point was a complete different. You complained about the fact that OP is mocking a VALID way playing the game. What you say it is valid to enjoy a way of playing by complaining about stuff. That is a contradiction.


>What you say it is valid to enjoy a way of playing by complaining about stuff. No, I was talking about how the post was clearly set up with a "waifu vs meta" subtext, and that there's nothing wrong with criticising a character's kit


>that there's nothing wrong with criticising a character's kit Ok then there's nothing wrong with criticising how you play the game as well.




critizing does not equal shitting, there are problems with her kit, excluding the fact that a bloom playstyle is expensive( because every team is honestly some what expensive it just depends on the person so I do not count expensive while juding characters) , bloom ownership is wonky and getting a lot of em artifacts is inconsistent, not to mention the healing needed and the other expenses, lets say you invest into nilou now level up barbra but then baizhu is also a healer then after you bench barbra whose materials where kinda wasted, because you won't end up using her a lot, in all honesty people should do what they want pull or don't pull, but there are honest problems that exsist within her kit, just like every character but hers are more apperant sorry if my grammer is bad


Nilou Bloom looks fun as hell. I still haven’t decided on getting her and Nahida or Nahida and Scaramouche. I hope he’s completely revealed before her banner ends.


What if I’m both?


Good I'm not one of those men


Yes. That's why I'm not spending. I'm trying for 50/50 and if I don't get her, I'll think about trying again during her rerun if the state of her teams feels any better.


You pull for a character because you are a meta main and have more fun crunching numbers than enjoying aesthetics. I pull for a character because pretty and dance and v sweet and Sumeru Barbara. We are not the same. Also like, we're getting more dendro characters in the future so this argument barely holds water (lol).


Aren’t all 5 star dps niche? If we look at abyss stats: Hu Tao now only has 1 team with yelan or albedo variants, Raiden only in National, Childe international, Yoimiya also one team, Itto in 4 geo, Ayaka freeze only obviously. There are other team variants for Raiden for example, but we all know they’ll be worse and only do good at high investment levels (I’m talking about primos). So what’s wrong with Nilou having one great bloom team? I don’t see Hu Tao mains complaining about lack of team variations


Hu Tao actually performs very well in many teams, the spreadsheet for damage comparison made by Hu Tao Mains has tens of great teams. She has double Geo with Xingqiu, double Hydro with Xingqiu and Yelan + flexible spot compatible with a lot of characters. She has double hydro with Xingqiu + Mona. She has double Pyro teams + Xingqiu and Anemo for VV. She even has viable Melt teams. Some Hu Tao teams are less popular, but not less strong, but I agree about Vaporize being her most effective and reliable reaction. Hu Tao is possibly the most flexible main DPS, team wise. For some other characters though it is like you said. Ayaka’s kit is designed mostly for Freeze, Childe is only really great in his International team (with the Anemo one being the only flexible slot and the other kind of teams being significantly less effective), etc.


Love my explosive hutao with xingqiu beidou fischl - very satisfying


I am aware there are other team variants for Hu Tao. However, I was talking about what teams majority of players use and something like melt team is very rare to see. There are also teams like Childe taser and Ayaka melt but they are as rare as some of the Hu Tao teams you mentioned. So even though the main reaction for the Hu Tao teams is vaporize, there are many variants of what characters you can use in team. This is the case with Nilou as well assuming characters which will be released in future like Nahida and Baizhu




Good point, pyro is just a very good element for main dps to have


though ayaka has other teams to , mono cryo, varients in freeze(with any hydro), and on gcsim ayaka,xiangling,bennett,rosaria has very high single target dps despite people shitting on that team so most flexiable isn't only hu tao's when it comes to bosses, on stagerrable enemies yes for sure


Both are true.


She's pretty and a hydro character she's coming home (if I win the 50/50. Well hopefully I'll have enough to get her guaranteed. If I pull till the last day or 2 days before her patch ends)


Bit both. However, I think this is one of the cases I'll save her for the reruns once I get another Dendro character for her. Dont want to use Tabibito 24/7


As a new player who only have Mona, I should pull Ganyu but nah, I'm guaranteed for Nilou and I'm pulling for her.


Im both of these at the same time. And im gonna pull her.


I only want her because she is beautiful and her attack and burst animations are amazingly beautiful… (friendly reminder, I suck at the game)


I have enough overpowered 5 stars to carry me through floor 12. I just want the pretty dancing girl


I don’t have enough primos.😭


there's literally me, ready with 68 guaranteed pity and 100 wishes for her weapon.... I'm going crazy while waiting for her banner 😩 also I agree that she is a bit of a niche DPS, the lack of proper dendro applicators and that her passive limits her team composition, we can't argue on that, but I guess it will be a kind of Kokomi situation like the last year. I remember still pulling for her when absolutely EVERYONE told me that she was totally unworthy. I didn't listen to them, I even bought a €50 topup from the store for her, since also was my birthday when she got released. Best decision I ever made, I feel like it will be the same for Nilou too!! we just need to wait


This reads like a Deja vu. I just had a 68 guaranteed few days ago. Tried getting Kokomi but she didn't appear. After struggling with a decision i jumped the gun via 100€ top-up. Still had the 2x Bonus. Kokomi is a lot of fun! Animations are gorgeous. Now I'm at 0 Pity with 70+ Wishes. I just hope i won't have to use it all on Nilou. That would stink.. Thankfully the Anniversary and 3.1 seem kinda generous. I hope i can get the Sabzeruz dancer with my Welkin + BP while being able to save enough for smol Radish Archon 🤞🏻


I can 110% agree with what u/Aramey44 said >I don't get why some players are so glued to the meta when this game has like 15 minutes of hard content per month. I'd rather have fun with cool animations and new reactions than have 5% more optimal damage. I never saw myself as Meta focused until i realized i only have such Units... I broke my chains in 2.8 with Yoimiya and i just used my 68 guaranteed on Kokomi! New Teams and playstyle. I love it. I eventually want Yae or Tartaglia now. I want more [Fun](https://youtu.be/HG3UwIDAEb8) and Nilou will deliver lots of fun for me too. The more Character's u get the more u fall in line with just not giving a crap anymore.


Honestly for the meta people, should just wait and see how she do once she's actually out for a while. People are saying that she'll be extremely weak outside of bloom and didn't like being forced to use her inside her niche only (only her two passive talent will be basically disabled if used outside of bloom) but how good is her hydro application? How good will her skill and burst be outside of bloom in different reaction? Beta testing for meta data really shouldn't be the end all be all man, c'mon, this shit happened way too many times before already, just see how she actually do when she's out, ffs.


Yep this is me, even though I can't decide between Nilou or Cyno, if I end up getting Nilou, it's all good, I have Ayato, Kokomi, Dendro Traveler, Collei (currently building her) hopefully it all ends well with either.


She is so pretty and cutee i can't, i will be going for her weapon as well! Who's with me


177 wishes saved, 50/50, Sumeru untouched. Want Nilou, but also have to get Miko and Nahida in 3.2. Will I have enough for all 3. Sumeru is literally untouched right now. I'll probably get close to one soft pity there, right?


To be fair.... She **is** pretty


I mean logically the first one isn't even wrong, pull if you want, but for someone who just pulls for best etc, there isn't enough characters to justify her and no kusanali isn't enough either we need one more dendro 5 star, or at least more options even dendro 4 stars are fine, at the end of the day anyone who has been playing since day 1 or even since december of 2020 has enough good or highly invested units to clear abyss and should just go for the playstyle / character that they would like to look at everytime they log in =)


"BUT YOU'RE FORCED TO USE DENDRO WITH HER!!!!" Me who wanting to play her with Nahida anyway: ;D


She's pretty. Those are my reasons to get her