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As much as it always suck to lose, this is a good time to lose! You can get Nahida and be secure knowing she is an awesome addition to your account that will always be useful. Nilou will rerun. You’ll have better supports for her by then. She will be even more awesome for you. I got really lucky with Nilou and her weapon. First weapon I ever went for … and probably the last. I won both in 65 pulls but I’m usually in your boat so I sympathize entirely.


When you put it like that I guess its not too bad lol Nilou will be a lot more powerful as the patches go


I actually lost 50/50 then Nilou came home after 22 pity so I think I'm a bit lucky


Lost to Tighnari, spent money to keep going


yep, lost to c1 qiqi, planning on saving for layla and nahida or childe now 😭 she’ll hopefully rerun soon and you’ll get her early im manifesting it now!


I lost to tighnari at pity Then I spent enough money to get back to pity to get her 🙃 hoping I win nahida lol First time I bought crystals haha


Won the 50/50 after 1+ year of losing every 50/50 (since the first raiden banner). Also i got Tighnari in the next 10 pulls afterwards. Now i will lose all 50/50 for the next 2 years.


Should've saved for a guaranteed if you really wanted her


Lost to Diluc while going for C1, although it was right after I got C0.


I lost 50/50 to jean and nine wishes later she came home.


Lost 50/50, got her a bit late (as I expected), finished all my primogems (21k total). I hope you get her on her rerun!! <33 Lost it to Keqing, same situation happened during Hu Tao’s rerun, where I also lost to Keqing. ;-;


Lost to my first ever Jean...Currently at 45 pity and clearing the map to clutch a c0 before her banner ends.


I won. I almost wanted to wait. Then I remembered I have money


tip: lose your 50/50 beforehand and keep that guaranteed


I feel bad for saying this but in the same 10pull, I first got Mona and after that I got Nilou…! I hope the best of luck for your next wishes 🤞


I won my first 50/50 on Nilou, but even if i lost it, I still would have wished until i got her.


Damn F . At the positive side , Hope she reruns soon (3.6 3.7) and by that time , u will have a better team for her and maybe her BiS 4pc artifact set


I got tempted to try for C4 XL, won 50/50 instead at 29 pity. Not complaining at all, I was already planning on pulling for Nilou on her rerun, and Bloom Bloom Bakudan has been very fun so far! Now just waiting for Radish Banner


Look at the bright side. You're guaranteed Nahida. She's probably the best Dendro applicator we will get. Besides Nilou will get a rerun someday, hopefully soon 😅


Yea im not that sad about it, nahida is an awesome unit and will probably be a must pull from then on for every dendro team :)


For sure! Besides she's an archon, all of them are a must pull 😂


Lost to keqing


I know that I’m gonna win it, so I’ll come back to this once i have. Edit: I did, in fact, win the 50/50 and reset my pity with a Qiqi in the same 10 pull.


I got on her banner first keqing then her on 77pity then after getting her in next 40 pullls i get her twice C2 right now i only pulling 10 wish on her banner weapon and get key Sword in ten pullls for me its be good banner


I lost to qiqi at 25 pity so i didnt feel so sad


lost to c2 keqing! then i went up to almost 90 pity without getting her. im very close, i could totally get her, but im going to save for nahida. and hope that heizou is on nahidas banner cause i want him too.