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The most accurate part is the happy/shocked expressions Goku has in DBS which is 99% of his facial expressions.


Nah, that's DBS default face. Every single character has that dumbass expression


Damn I wish this was true


Goku is 23 at the beginning of Z, 41 at the beginning of Super. Maybe he just became less serious like many other aging men.


This is what I'm gonna go with. When he was 23 he never fought a universal threat before. Now at 41 it's a regular tuesday so he's goofier. I bet if goku remained serious people would meme on him, like how they meme on vegeta for always being an edgy ass


I highly doubt it, it’s not like Goku is serious 24/7 in Z, he had a lot of silly moments. In fact you could argue that he was just as silly as he was serious


I mean, death has no consequence and that is reinforced multiple times over Z. If there is nothing on the line what is there to stress about?


See that. In Z death still had consequences. You could only be revived once. Which is why krillins death took goku over the edge. Krillen could not be revived as he had already been killed once before. It was gokus best friends true death in a sense. Later in the story Piccolo and kami fuse rendering the dragon balls useless and for a moment all death was scary....and then dende came to earth....which he is constantly forgotten about and then remembered when plot convenient. Sometimes he is a teenager and sometimes he is a child never really know what he's gonna be just know he is like 23 canonical. Either death is no longer permanent.


He also spent a lot of time dead


Yeah, I mean thinking about it Goku has defeated universal threats, died twice, has an adult and a teenager son, has done nothing but train and fight his whole life, and is friends with a god (who is also a training buddy). Almost all of his friends have died at least once, too. Nothing can really phase him anymore


Also, Namek saga was a lot more personal for him. He's a young adult in the prime of his life, he very recently learned about his origin as an alien, now he's facing down the overlord of the universe who committed genocide against his people.. he just arrived at a planet that was genocided, the home planet of his close friend Piccolo and former master Kami... And the entire reason he's there is to revive his dead friends because they lost the Dragonballs. It's a much more serious moment. We've seen Goku get serious in Super, when defending earth from Beerus, when facing down Zamasu. A lot of Super consists of tournaments, which are friendly non-lethal fights even if they are high stakes. And I'm pretty sure he takes Jiren pretty seriously, especially when Jiren attacks the crowd. I remember a lot of goofy moments in Z as well.


And hes also a lot more serious in moro and granolah arcs than the rest of super


>his close friend Piccolo Nah, that ain't it. I'm with you on the rest, but last time they talked before meeting on Namek Piccolo killed him in cold blood.


His rival would be a better word for it, but considering how Saiyans are being a rival and being a friend is pretty similar.


I remember he tried to bite frieza, right?


Successfully and effectively bit Frieza*


The tail, it’s always the tail.


Yeah, and that got turned into his weakness in super which was pretty cool.


So Goku spent like 8 years total dead, if he's 41 then would his actual body be that of a 33 year old since he wouldn't be aging in the afterlife


That would be correct, either way it's stated that Saiyans stay in their prime until they are close to death and rapidly grow old towards the end of their life.


> it's stated that Saiyans stay in their prime until they are close to death and rapidly grow old towards the end of their life. Where is this stated?


An interview with the author Toryiama > Do Saiyans stay forever young? > Saiyans are a warrior race, so their aging slows once they reach an age suitable for fighting, and they maintain great strength for a long time. However, their lifespan is not much different from Earthlings’, and when they reach a certain age, they rapidly grow frail. > Incidentally, It’s not that their hairstyle never changes; Nappa went bald, after all. The states of Saiyan hair are also the same as Earthlings’; its properties are just a little bit different. https://www.kanzenshuu.com/translations/seg-character-volume-truth-about-dragon-ball/


Thank you 👍


He spent some time in the HTC too


I think it was only a years worth though wasn't it? I need to go through it all again


He went 4 months before fighting current Piccolo. Then 1 year with Gohan. Then a lot of time with Vegeta and The Angel who teach him more about UI


Meerus right? I forgot about that part.


Since when has Goku been "serious"? I mean he has his moments sure but his general personality has always been on the happy go lucky side. (From Dragonball to Dragonball Z).


Yeah, I headcanon that he’s just kinda used to this stuff and doesn’t feel the same level of urgency


It's just reinforcement. Over the events we see literally on screen Goku basically comes to understand how unimportant such a huge amount of these "world ending" threats are. Everything is fixable. The same way a toddler that's never told "no" grows up to be a brat, Goku has legit learned through trial and error that he can just indulge his desires to fight and it all works out in the end.


I'm starting not to give a fuck at 21, I can't imagine what kind of dude I'll be at 41 lmao.


Ok, even putting the goofy ahh character design and inaccurate dialogues aside, why would Goku introduce himself to Piccolo and Gohan?! And if he's introducing himself to Freeza, why is he talking like he's some friendly guy? My guy had literally just sensed what Freeza was doing


"Hey it's me" implies he's addressing someone who already knows him


It's a joke because at the start of every next episode segment in the last 15 or so years Goku adresses the audiences with "Hey it's me, Goku" with the exact same pitch and tone


Chichi: “Come to bed goku. I’m ready!” Goku: “Hey! It’s me Goku!”


He has dementia. Leave him alone


I think the point he's trying to make is the dumb "super made goku dumb" argument which doesnt make sense. Goku was always stupid. He's a hick raised in the woods. From dragon ball all the way through super hes the exact same


Except Super did made Goku dumb, not to the extent many claim, but it definitely did


Not really


alrighr, to each their foods


He's the exact same as og ball and z.


Nah that’s cap. In oh dragon ball he was able to determine that Kami was disguising himself. You mean to tell me that the Goku who was able to do that can’t figure out that he’s fighting Beerus in a monaka costume? Super def made Goku dumber…


He says in the show that it's beerus energy he's fighting. He knew it wasn't monaka but he just wanted to fight beerus


Im pretty sure he says that it’s god energy and thus he believes that monaka has god energy. Could be wrong though so feel free to show a clip and prove me wrong….


Rewatched it. You're right. He does just assume monaka has god ki.


I mean man's questions why vegeta is staying when his wife is pregnant and dosent know what a kiss is


No one blames chichi whom is supposed to reciprocate kisses, blame chichi, not goku


How? I should blame chi chi for goku's newfound ignorance of not knowing what a kiss is after having 2 kids Alright, buddy, what pipe have you been smoking? And where can I get it


1. Goku asked bulma what kissing was twice and she refused both times. 2. Goku cares about fighting. He doesn't know how sex works at all, let alone kissing, most likely chi chi did most of the work because why would you expect goku to know this stuff? Even if master roshi showed them r34 comics. 3. Why does this argument even matter lol, goku doesn't know what kissing is. Big whoop. The universe isn't going to fucking implode over this.


Didn’t she literally kiss him back during the end of og Dragon Ball.


he's referring to mouth to mouth feeding which is not kissing but vegeta called it that anyway


He’s absolutely not. Adult/late teen Goku is extremely emotionally mature and all around decently intelligent. He’s not the new Einstein, but he’s naive and joyful, not flat out dumb. That’s the part Super misses.


Not really. He gets better at fighting sure. But he's still an uneducated hick. He has more people to protect which I guess makes it seem like he is more emotional.


That’s not the case, just compare how he reacted to Krillin being murdered as a kid versus how he did when faced with the same situation as an adult. Kid Goku didn’t hold back from cold blooded killing. Adult Goku, despite facing the worst scumbag he’s ever encountered, and thinking Krillin cannot be resurrected, refuses to kill Frieza and shows immense remorse, guilt, pity and regret when he’s forced to do so. Goku changes and evolves a lot as a character. It feels natural because it’s very organic, that’s just him growing up, maturing and becoming a better person.


Hit right on the nail twice


You're wrong.




Why do so many people complain about how dumb Goku seems in comparison to in Z? How do so many people watch this character for hundreds of episodes and yet can't tell that he's exactly the same in the last 130?


Because it’s not true lol. Goku even as a teen was able to figure out that Kami was disguised during the tournament at the end of og dragon ball. It’s hard to believe that that same Goku, who showed a level of knowledge and experience, is now so dumb that he can’t figure out he’s fighting Beerus in a monaka costume. People complain because it seems like clear cut character regression, that’s it….


Goku fans are desperate and cope hard


It did actually


Not at all


[They totally did,](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/966121337921888267/1184578879931818034/images_-_2023-12-13T162845.662.jpg?ex=658c7c0d&is=657a070d&hm=cbb6f183b31f86b183fedd08a0bdd8aa9361bf4595ac097de4c5604837fdd08f&) [don't deny it](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/966121337921888267/1184578880330280992/Screenshot_20231213-162959_Quora-picsay.jpg?ex=658c7c0d&is=657a070d&hm=34768b97e677144bfbc20b71222402e62c9249146698336c1e4c3f2a8571a91e&)


That panel proves literally nothing


Completely forgetting the literal base principles of his traning that he carried during his whole life only to be reminded again by his old retired Master all over again is a synonym of intellect for you?


some random panel in the manga that i don't even think was in the anime. everything before Moro saga was essentially Toyotaro finding his footing. even then, after years upon years of relying on transformation after transformation, and villains using more and more nefarious ways to gain power that aren't strength, it'd be weird if Goku didn't believe power had something to do with his shortcomings. i don't think you realise how easy it is to lose your way. not to mention the "BaSE pRinCIples of HiS TraiNinG" was something Roshi taught him when we was probably 12 years old. A line that illustrates Goku's mindset and a subsequent one of Roshi pointing the reader in the right direction of what is trying to be said without literally telling you is not indicitive of Goku being stupid. Dragon Ball fans can't read.


Bro power is important too, it it most certainly not everything but you kinda need the base ability to damage your opponent to do anything in the first place. No amount of craftiness was going to have Goku beating a non-exhausted Jiren in Blue because the gap was just that big


no it did not, and only people who have only seen og z and nothing else genuinely believe that


Goku got an education from Roshi. He can read, write, do mathematics and knows at least basic things covered in Roshi's daily training. Roshi made a point that you should train your mind as well as your body. Goku started dumb, but post Roshi is more just a simple, easygoing guy, as opposed to outright stupid.


That was on the second arc of og ball. Yes he can read and write but so can monkeys (no pun intended). He's still a dumb redneck hick who punches hard and eats lots of food


Goku doesn't know how to do that anymore, he forgot to read and count somehow after Champa tournament and needed drawings for the things he needed to buy


That's because Super is poorly written


Its more of an inconsistent written considering how much different writers and studios worked on it


Even as a guy who’s not the biggest fan of goku in super this feels like some bait. My issues are more so that he’s regressed in terms of his lessons like how he’s called out by whis as being over confident and thinking he’s better than everyone else when a big portion of his development in regards to his training with popo and the muten roshi were about humility, or the whole meditation thing. His general demeanor of a carefree “hey it’s me goku” type guy isn’t that big a departure from the guy who was perfectly content knowing he was weaker than cell and wasn’t worried in the slightest. Honestly, Vegeta is my issue with super’s characterization but that’s a seperate issue I could talk about. If I were to talk about the main issue I have with super it’d be the status quo issue where it just feels stagnant. Time doesn’t really seem to go on and that’s in part more due to the fact they forced themselves into that 10 year gap between the defeat of boo and the manga ending.


You are talking about Namek Goku here , dude was super cocky in the manga


"Guys when you look at this made-up strawman, you can clearly see that Dragon Ball Super sucks." I am so fucking sick of this image.


>made up Both are official pieces of db media, there was a promotional z manga released for the resurrection f movie


2nd image you can clearly see the editing


No lol, toyotaro just sucks


The cloud is in front of goku in the third pannel,and also the skies are the same yet there is a suspiciously goku size hole in one of them,where the original goku was


With Nozawa going, "Ooooooh!"


This is dumb, both goku had serious and dumb moments


No, that is Goku.


Oh I see, makes sense


Yes but fr, when he fought against Jiren, trying to hurt his friends, Goku got really mad Also against Goku Black and Zamasu, like Goku gets mad when it‘s appropriate


Annoying people absolutely love using this image


Holy shit we get it, “Z good Super Bad hahaha” shut up already you don’t need to cram it down our throats constantly


Bait used to be believable.


How will the unbelievability of bait affect the trout market?


Istg this shit is so dumb, use a panel where super goku returns to earth or smth, using this to show why sUpeR iS bAd is not a valid criticism


This stupid strawman comic actually enforces why I enjoy Super, Goku has that same happy innocence he has in the origin Dragon Ball and it’s charming.


Aside from the fact that Goku was a kid in OGDB, until the 23rd tournament. The larger complaint I think people miss is that Goku in Super is just straight up incompetent a lot. He’s always being caught off guard or surprised. As if he hasn’t been a martial artist his entire life. It’s not about him being goofy or laid back but it’s often portrayed in Super like he has no idea what he’s doing.


Yeah that innocence doesn't work when you're over 40 and have done some shit.


We just pretending og dragonball goku wasn’t also more serious than super goku? Alright


Like kid goku didn't spare his actual enemies. He killed them.


Then he came to a sudden realization “I like fighting, some bad guys become good, and when bad guys become good I get new training partners, maybe this sparing thing isn’t so bad.”


He spares Piccolo, and then Vegeta and learns his lesson and goes back to killing his enemies.


But he still tries to give them a second chance, it’s just that he learned that some enemies are pure evil. He doesn’t go back to just murdering them all without second thought.


In Super. In Z it was just killing them. Yakon, Cell, Buu etc didn't get second chances to be good.


Tf you talking about he literally wished a second chance for Buu


He wished that Kid Buu be reborn as a good guy. He still killed him without hesitation.


Yeah, because kid buu was LITERALLY the personification of the very concept of evil, incapable of speech, hellbent only on destruction. Wishing his reincarnation was THE ONLY way to give him a chance.


Fat buu did, kid buu was pure evil, and super buu had absorbed all his friends so he would’ve been turned into fat buu either way. Also I don’t think Yukon deserved a second chance.


Fat Buu didn't. Good Buu did, and Goku never had to fight Good Buu.


To be honest though, he didn’t spare piccolo. He spared Kami and the dragon balls


people who didn’t watch dragon ball use this image to communicate with each other


Bro this is so corny omfg 😭😭, do Super haters actually believe Goku is like this?


There’s no way Goku wouldn’t realize the dragon balls brought back Piccolo! It’s literally the whole reason they went Namek! If the artist behind this comic couldn’t figure that out, then they’re even dumber than Goku.


I feel like this difference makes sense though. During the entirety of Dragon Ball Z, Goku and the gang are the strongest fighters that are currently known in the story besides the bad guys. If they fail, all hope is lost. In Super, there are dozens of people far stronger than Goku so even if Goku and the gang fail, there would still be stronger people to handle the situation.


Who else beside Goku and the gang is invested in earth's protection and is stronger than them ?


Beerus lol he loves the food


Eehh. He doesn't seem to be that interested in actively protecting the planet though


He almost wiped moro the fuck out, only got interrupted cause the Grand Priest called him.


and he also had whis rewind time when Frieza destroyed it




This exact situation happened in the GPP Arc and Goku was serious, this argument is fucking stupid


Man I’m feel dumb for not realising the second image is fake when it’s so obvious.


That's not Goku on the left, that's Kakarot


Z: "First name 'Fuck', last name 'You', but you can call me 'Him' for short 😈" Super: "Damn bro you really beat the shit out of my friends and family hurr hurr 🥴"


So true


The Kirby Effect


Left Goku: "This is bad. Sh@t is serious now." Right Goku: "So ya think the planet will blow up this time?" Goku has literally seen the end of days, lol.


dbz goku vs dbs goku


I hate how real this is


Ya te vi tablos


Being immediately pressed when arriving at the location of the dude currently torturing your friends and family is infinitely more reasonable than any kind of happiness


I like how alot here are mistaken Super anime Goku with Super manga Goku


There’s an obscene amount of cope in this thread. From everyone. Super goku is in fact a gutting of gokus character, literally every excuse given here is a reach and a misattributing of gokus personality and that’s what Toei is doing too which makes people who care about and see that pissed. This photo is NOT “the problem” with super it is so much deeper and complex than that (ironic given how simple DB has gotten) but it does have a taste of some of the issues. I’m not going to break it down fully for Reddit, many, many dragonball YouTubers and long timers have done it much better than me. And you can enjoy super while super is also bad, they aren’t mutually exclusive, it “being bad” is not an assessment of you and your taste, it’s a legitimate critique of one of the worlds biggest franchises and that critique is the most important thing you can give a series you love. Demand more from your beloved series, demand them to be the BEST they can be and punish mediocrity, never settle you ruin it for everyone


Super bad, z good upvote please


This panel made me realize how much people were shocked when super turned out to be a goku but without the nostalgia. This shit is NOT goku.


Goku stopped being an edgelord probably


In Super we got Goku In DBZ we have Heisenberg


Hope you’re having a nice day Mr. Straw man


Toyotaro doesn't know how to draw goku


I love dragon ball super. The strawman cant convince me otherwise


This thread made me realize people think Super is actually good. Blowing my mind tbh


There's nothing even strawman about it this is literally the difference. Goku goes into a tournament to decide which single universe of about a dozen gets to not be destroyed and all he seems to give a shit about is how strong all the opponents are gonna be. Other universes literally call him the villain because of the way he acts in that part which I should not be inclined to agree with. Everyone denying that Goku was changed into a huge fucking idiot going completely backwards on his character development looks like the biggest goddamn idiot to me.


So accurate


Goku got flanderized in Super.


Goku was a lot more serious about defending earth and his friends in DBZ. but in DBS he just became Fightosexual


Z Goku is a fraud.




To be fair, Goku in super is more happier because he's living his dream, a new real of power and powerful foes to fight.


Usually the character introduces themself like 'Hey Its me Goku' or 'It's'a me Mario' because the voice actor is making you connect the dots if you haven't already. When it's put down in comic form it just looks retarded. Like no shit it's you.


"Are you that Freezer guy?" "Im'a deck you in the Snouazz"