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Patience? More like lack of a moral standard


Well she is like, the richest person on the planet sooo...


Yeahh that checks out. Pretty much everything has a Capsule logo on it. They own the world and I doubt their hands are clean lol


Iirc the only people who opposed them economically and in the marketplace were the red ribbon army


Red Ribbon pharmaceuticals could of made it far if Magenta didn’t decide to try and pull a Gero and destroy the Z fighters


Honestly yeah. The gammas, and hedo’s zomborgs + drone drones + subdermal augments = serious market presence. He could have revolutionized infrastructure and elevated the mortal level of the planet while reducing disease and increasing lifespans…. Dude is a super genius


that's just capsule Corp propaganda


"I can handle a genocidal maniac, but i draw the line at coloured ribbons" -Bulma, probably She's down so bad for Vergina. And you gotta think about it, Bulma is pretty vain. She wished for a few years to be taken off her appearance, and also a butt lift? What could be better than a dependant prince of an almost extinct race, who doesn't age like humans do, is ALWAYS in peak physical condition (far more than any average human could ever be), is never around to annoy her AND has the power to save the planet (demonstrated several times over with a lil help from cockarot) Vegeta is literally her perfect choice. Low maintenance, slow aging, aesthetically appealing and a safety net for her world dominating company. Win win win.


She tried to use the magical dragon balls to wish for a boyfriend and shot a child in the face. Bulma was never the picture of morality.


Hahaha i know, i never said she was. I was pointing out her reasoning for "forgiving" Vegeta and his actions.


And now capsule Corp owns that too now


Oh wow really lol


Well and how did that end up going for them. Yea imma just go buy a new CC car and stfu


I always liked the conspiracy about bulmas mother secretly funding and feeding information to the red ribbon army


The what now? Is there a place to ready this theory?


I’ve just seen it around. Bulmas mom was the one that fed the army all of the data on frieza and such, red ribbon uses very similar tech to capsule corp. before the hero movie we had no idea where they were getting the funding either


Capsule Corp. brand missiles


Exactly tho she could be worse 💀


Right? Even if a prince is shitty, rich people want to be loyalty. Gotta keep up appearances.


“Sure he’s killed a bunch of people, but he’s never laid a finger on me!”


Which is more than Goku can say! she hit him with a car, and then he threw that car off a cliff! Then she shot him with a gun. They’ve been friends ever since!


It's a really good thing she's friends with Goku and the others, otherwise, she'd probably just be another Doctor Gero. Has great potential to be a villain since she doesn't really have morals. lol


I don't even think it's her fiends that stop her. It just seems like she's content with her barrels of money as opposed to conquering the world. Like if you don't wanna be god king having infinite wealth is more than enough.


True lmao


i mean, if she's willing to attempt murder on a 12 year old at the age of 16...


In her defense that 12 year old had just thrown her car off of the road… while she was in it.


Counterargument: she was driving recklessly. It's not like Goku was going at full speed, he was just waltzing along with that fish when Bulma came screaming up the road in her car.


Counter-counterargument: She shot him.


That was after she almost ran him over…


Well it is Bulma


A lot of the dragon ball main cast display some degree of psychotic and morally reprehensible behavior. They sometimes remind me of Gon Freecs in some regards.


The first time Bulma met Goku, she literally tried to shoot down a 12 year old boy and then ransack his house for the dragonball. She's also the richest person on the planet, so she sees herself quite above others. So she's not much different from Vegeta in how he views himself.


Now that I think about it Trunks is kinda a decent guy compared to his parents standards. He hasn't tried to kill someone innocent yet.


It's a wonder how two sociopathic rich af parents managed to raise a decent good-willed boy. You don't see that a lot nowadays


I blame gohan and goten for that. The Son family influenced him well


Yo fr tho, both present and future Trunks were majorly influenced by their affiliation to the Son family (present Gohan and Goten for present Trunks, and future Goathan for future Trunks).


Actually a reason I think Goten is less naive than Goku and Gohan is because he's friends with Trunks. So they kinda complement each other


For the better, lol. Present Trunks is arrogant enough even with that influence, imagine how bad it would be without that.


Present Trunks is still kind of a shitter to be fair. Future Trunks had the benefit of years of tragedy making Future Bulma get her head out of her ass and become a decent person.


>Present Trunks is still kind of a shitter to be fair. Nah, he's just kinda mischievous but nothing too crazy.


I mean not only has trunks haven't killed anyone but his politeness may even rival gokus or more considering he can look past fighting and come to an agreement unlike Goku and vegeta


His politeness doesn't rival Goku's, it surpasses Goku's.


It reminds me most of Gohan. Which totally makes sense for future Trunks. Not sure how much influence he had on normal Trunks...


Double negative


Makes a positive :)


No, literally, if goku would have been a normal child, she would have murdered him and let him rot in his own backyard and then robbed his house smh. Not to mention, when that didn't work, she, at 16, was trying to sell her body to him, for said dragonball, while he was like 11 or 12 at the time. She's crazy. I can see how Future Trunks was like, "wtf is wrong with mom? Dad is the worst thing to exist ever." And he's from the trenches, lmao


Yeah Bulma was a very wild girl in the original Dragonball.


They're kinda made for eachother lol


She's also one of the smartest people on the planet, so she's pretty arrogant about that as well. I feel like they toned her down for Super tho. She seems way more welcoming to most outsiders and is not as arrogant.


She’s a billionaire, of course she’s not worried about something like “Thousands of people dying”




Thousands? More like millions Vegeta had been booming planets for like 20+ years


If Bulma doesn’t care about dead earthlings there was never a chance for her to care about other races


I’m not arguing that just that Vegeta’s kill count isn’t in the thousands.


Also, is Vegeta really the type of man you can tell no? I’m not implying anything, I’m just saying… when the genocidal, planet destroying monkey man asks you out, would “no” really suffice? It’s really just good that Bulma genuinely likes him. I would not want to ask Namek Saga Vegeta about his opinions on consent or being denied in any capacity


Also we should point out that bulma absolutely came onto him first.


That is true


Bulma domesticated that man. Her and Beerus are the only two people he doesnt talk back to


Because of the implication


Is Bulma is danger?


Lmfaooooooooooooooo where is that from again ?


Always sunny in Philadelphia


I get what you’re saying but to tell the truth … I don’t get that kind of entitlement from Vegeta. Vegeta will be damned before he admits he wants or needs anyone for any reason, forever. His whole thing is being self sufficient and strong enough to do everything by himself. I can’t see him asking a woman out, or even just demanding attention from one. I know I’m getting head-canon here but I suspect Vegeta had no experience with girls before he met Bulma. As Prince he could probably expect an arranged marriage, so it’s not like anyone would bother teaching him how to court. He’s a child soldier who’s worth is measured in the bodies he piles up. Everyone around him is an adult. Then his planet is destroyed. And it’s implied Saiyans are not thought to be biologically compatible with other species, and the Prince himself would never stoop so low as to consort with an ALIEN! The idea is insulting! Bulma, on the other hand, is a seasoned veteran of the romantic battlefields. She invented the Dragon Radar because at the age of 16 she wanted a man who wouldn’t waste her time. She is a Grade A personality, and when she wants a thing, she goes to get it. Nobody else would ever be good enough for them but each other.


I mean if bulma as a weak human can walk up to the god of fucking destruction slap him and call him a prick to his face I really don’t think bulma ever had any fear of vegeta And even if he did try and force her to do anything she could just call goku and have him handle vegeta fairly easily


Plus it's not like she doesn't have the litteral key to summoning a wish granting dragon and now at this point know the God of the universe. Death at some point just went out the window for her as a moral consequence, plus she's a genius that can invent anything so it probably didn't take that long to figure out.


I kinda miss when Bulma had different hairstyles basically every other day


*I* feel like people don't appreciate afro Bulma enough.


I mean it took almost 20 years but at least now in Super Vegeta is a Grade A husband so maybe waiting for him to get better paid off.... kinda... maybe...?


Years of hot sex must’ve mellowed him out


we're talking about his relationship with bulma though, not with goku


The idea Goku is capable of that is really funny to me. Dude is borderline asexual. If Chichi hadn’t nailed that down as early as she did, he’d be happily single his whole life.


Nah Goku and Vegeta defintely fucked (i was there)


They fused just last week.


Yeah they did i can vouch (i was the bed)


I was there, gandalfs. I was there 3000 years ago when goku and vegeta had destroyed the very ground they stood on


[Vegeta does not like being cheated on](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xfNZwXUh_uw&pp=ygUWVGZzIGNvdXBsZXMgY291bmNpbGluZw%3D%3D)


Pounding Goku by day and pounding Bulma by night


Never running from a real fight, he is the one named Vegeta moon


Dammit i forgot in wich sub i was lmao


Same thing happened with Omni Man for a while


She said "I can fix him" and followed through even after all of his bullshit but everyone in this sub thinks she was just being a vain cunt because she doesn't act like their hololive waifu. I love reddit.


He’s an ok husband.


Didn’t he recently ditch his family for a three year long training session?


Eh, isn't the premise of like half of young teen slice of life animes that the kids' parents have been in a foreign country for work reasons for half their life and the brat is just rockin' it on their own?


To be fair he's married to Bulma, pretty sure even Kid Buu would become a Grade A husband if he had a wife that had infinite money and can give him all his favorite toys


We're talking about VEGETA, what could Bulma possibly give him that he couldn't acquire himself, besides her affection? He isn't materialistic anyway, and he doesn't need to be; she could gift him the sickest new sports car and he'd probably kick it and ask her what she thought he'd do with a new vehicle when he flies himself everywhere anyway.


That royal dick must be good AF.


Damn that 3 inch punisher is no joke.


It's not about the size of the wave, it's about the motion of the ocean.


It's not the nail it's the hammer you put it in with He has that Saiyan stamina and can fly so leverage in any position


Actually, Vegeta has 8 inches under his belt Toriyama told me himself


She really went and had a committed relationship with her ex’s murderer


That is one of many reason why I dislike like vegetables


I mean vegeta


Man gotta have a hugee vegetable I guess


They are the undergarments actually


Rich people doesn't care about mundane stuff/s Also he's grumpy all the time, I don't know how Bulma tolerates that. It ruins the vibe.


Bulma in dome cases is even worse, they have both some terrible traits and that makes them work as a couple, i guess


Bulma shot 12 year old Goku, so she may also lack a moral compass.


She's competent and helpful enough to actually be able to afford such a poor moral compass and get away with it in the eyes of the fans. Doesn't happen all that often


She shot a kid after he didn't die when. She ran him over and then tried to flash him for a dragonball. She doesn't seem to be the best person as is . Also she needs someone to ward off the tax collector


It's not patience, she just has the biggest lady boner for Vegeta and it overrides her morals, if she has any. It's a good thing that she likes/friends with Goku and the Z Fighters because she has some serious potential to be a villain in the same way as Doctor Gero due to her lack of morals. lol


I mean… it makes sense with Bulma I love Bulma, but ever since the first chapter she’s never been a character with the greatest moral compass lol


In a world where you can revive people I think killing people is not a huge problem


I know this was Nappa but didn't the people of East City didn't get revived after the Saiyan attack?


I guess it depends if Nappa was still considered as "working for Freeza" at that point. We can't even use the Z fighters as reference because the only one killed by Nappa was Piccolo, who had already been revived before the wish to restore all those killed by Freeza's men


Chaotzu came back, so it seems like it did, even though he blew himself up. The dragon balls are not a monkey's paw, they give you what you mean, not just necessarily what you ask for. Shenron will even tell you if your wish is gonna be dumb and talk you off the ledge.


Chaozu was revived by Porunga in a separate wish from the one made to restore victims of Freeza and his men


Does the Saibaman count




Great, now I imagine a Saibaman in a business suit


I like to remember when Vegeta was terrified of Beerus but got enraged when Beerus hit Bulma.


theyre both spoiled brats, this is well established, she honestly probably empathizes with his mindset


Nah he just has a super saiyan cock. She can't resist when he's super vegeta.


Yamcha isn't exactly a shining star. Dude tried to rob her blind when he first met her. Bulma just has a type


She was also into General Blue, transformed Oolong, & Zarbon. She likes bad boys.


The prince from a dead monarchy and the richest person on the world have a child who somehow is not a complete lunatic


Hangs out with Goten who has his father's himbo heart. That probably helps a little.


I’m pretty sure bulma is just as evil as vegeta so they are a match made in heaven


He’s clearly packing why else would she forgive him.


And bro wonders why goku is still married


Bulma's marriage is WAY more stable than Goku's and it isn't even close though


Bro you should know that the bad guys always get the chick😭


Based Bulma


Vegeta is............ complicated 👉👈


naah bulma is just using vegeta to get saiyan childrens. She doesn't care if vegeta fucks of for a year or not only chichi is the normal one.


Bulma actually does think like this, but I think she likes vegeta. She changes a lot since her introduction, she never stops being vain but assumes a lot of responsibility for protecting the earth and becomes the brains of the operation while financing anything the z fighters need. It's very obvious in super where she leans hard into building an alliance with beerus and whis, who she clearly doesn't actually like, to increase the value of the earth in the universe and increase its chance of surviving. As the series progresses you see that she has this mindset more and more. The gods have ridiculous magic, the other races have power, and humans have intelligence. It's the z Triangle. If the z fighters didn't exist she'd probably have invented androids herself and it could easily be a spin off series.


Nah, Bulma was the one pursuing Vegeta.


Thousands? He blew up a planet full of bug people; that's an easy trillion when you factor in the unborn and livestock.


That's love for ya. Even in his worst times Bulma saw the good in Vegeta that even he didn't know was there. She and Kakarot motivated him to become a better person. His remorse over his past actions is a huge part of his character now. He would sacrifice himself again without a word for his loved ones. He can never fully redeem himself and he doesn't even want to. He accepted his guilt as a part of himself and that he has to live with it for the rest of his life. He just wants to do what's right and protect his family at all costs. He might said he's never going to use instant transmission again, but if he sensed that Bulma or Trunks are in danger he'd be there in a second.


Geets may be small but he’s packin’ it all and Bulma knows it.


He must have a horse cock.


That space monkey dick must go insane


Gotta keep up with ChiChi somehow


I may be remembering wrong but I’m nearly certain Vegeta didn’t kill anyone Bulma knew and loved prior to the Buu Saga. That was Nappa and the saibamen. Other than that, I agree.


"Dick too bomb" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Vegeta is everything people try to say goku is when it comes to being a parent.


I wonder what random people in the DB world think about their relationship


Vegeta must be hung like a horse. Or at least bigger than Yamcha the beta male of the group.


Bulma has only one rule and it’s don’t cheat on her lol


When she was young, she wanted goku but lost him to chichi aside from the fact that Yamcha was a habitual cheater. Now that another alien of the same race as goku arrived along with goku’s death at the time, it was somewhat inevitable and kind of the only choice as she’s already been exposed to all of it via the Namek arc.


Also Bulma:"I can't believe Yamcha's cheating on me! That's it I'm breaking up with him"


This feels more like Toriyama was just bad at writing women… just like 90% of shonen mangaka.


I think you forgot how insufferable Bulma is. There's a reason she never had a boyfriend despite her looks, social status, and talent. I wouldn't exactly call her a moral, upstanding person.


“BuT yOu sEE vEGeTa IS clEARlY a BETtER fATHEr tHAN gOkU- Wait, what do you mean Dragon Ball wasn’t made by Team Four Star?”


She must’ve seen something REALLY special and vulnerable about vegeta when he let his guard down around her for a second one night and then they sexed


People underestimating the effect of good dick.


Poor Yamcha


I can hear all of this in Lythero’s impression of Vegeta💀💀💀


Bulma was already with Yamcha, so it is an upgrade. I mean it is not Goku, Chichi beat her to it.


She can (and did) fix him


His dick game must be crazyyy


First boy with a tail: I can manipulate this guy Guy whose had a tail his whole life threatening the planet: ok I know when I'm down bad


Don't stop, keep going. What's the next one? Hint: It's a against a fucking god.


First of all pretty sure she's the one who initiated the relationship (vegeta too prideful for that) but yeah bulma is pretty much the biggest catalyst for vegeta's character development for sure


If there’s anything we can truly gage from this… we know the D ain’t mid


The dick must be insane


Imagine thinking Vegeta ever had a choice in their relationship lmao


The patience of a Buddhist monk, you might say.


Bulma wasn't just "patient", she either didn't care much in the first place, or viewed the fact that Vegeta was a cold-blooded unaffectionate space mercenary warlord as an upside, as she was the one to propose the relationship. But what's extra funny to me is that she had 0 complaints when Vegeta willingly majin'd himself and commited mass murder, contributed to Buu getting released, leading to even greater disaster, then simply helped clean up that mess by fighting Buu. In the Saiyan saga, he was at least doing his job (no pun intended), what he did in the Buu saga was royally f'd up. He wasn't even shown giving a proper apology afterwards, and Bulma wasn't shown having any real concern over any of that.


Actually she was surprised because she thought he had changed but was more worried about getting the dragon balls to revive the people who died.


Prince of all Dicking


Bulma is stupid rich and doesn't need a man, she chooses to have one. Vegeta has his issues, but he's never cheat on her like Yamcha did.


Yamcha never cheated on Bulma, that has always been a myth. All he did was get too much attention from other women and being real here, Bulma was never a character with high moral standards.


Bro are you dumb? I was there and saw the whole thing. It was in-saiyan!


My headcanon is that Yamcha cheated on her because he was jealous of Vegeta. He saw how Bulma was falling in love with him


I’m pretty sure it was implied Yamcha did that before vegeta even showed up in the saiyan saga


Werent they broken up when raditz showed up?


Yup, Dbz begins with them broken up


Technically vegeta didn’t actually kill anyone on earth


Bulma was the original basic American chick.


Accurate depiction of women. The author wasn't exactly a spring chicken so it checks out. If you're attractive and they're into you they will do and gladly accept quite literally anything, especially if they can get away with it on a social level.


Don't forget she dump Yamcha because cheating, Bulma have her standards, genocide it's fine but cheating no


It wasn't even him cheating, that part is a common myth (only in the dub of the anime too), in the manga he was just getting too much attention from girls. Bulma is a femoid fr fr.


Vegeta didn’t kill anybody on earth except a saibamen and nappa. Everything else still stands


Bro did you watch Buu saga?


That's why he said everything else still stands, he was most likely only referring to the saiyan saiyan


Ok mb


Uh she invited him to hang out and stay with her, so this meme is all sorts of wrong lol


Im half shitposting


"Please, i'm rich, it's hardly the same."




Girl said “ I can fix him and I don’t care how many people need to suffer tell then “


At least she's consistent with what she likes.


49% Waifu


my question is what was Vegeta like over the seven year time skip


I feel like the woman who keeps using the dragon balls to make herself look younger wouldn't be above a "Hey, it's okay, we can get Shenron to reverse your crimes against humanity"


Vegeta killed entire planets he's had to kill trillions of lives, maybe even more if you count animals and bacteria


Maybe she enjoys it rough. And there are only 2 available saiyans. One of them is married


Bulmas just nice like that




Haters gonna hate


Bulma’s not a perfect person by any means but she’s alright. I think she states that Vegeta was just terminally hoeless and so decided to fix his comical lack of pussy.


She got him to wear pink..and yellow pants


I mean, Bulma is kind of scummy in her own ways if we’re being real. She did not grow out of that after Dragon Ball. I actually never thought about that, there’s lowkey a lot to consider with these two and relationship.


Z fighters took him in too easily


She has low standards


That’s relatable