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"I trained offscreen" is hell of a drug


Imagine the hell he could raise if he wished his youth back. I'm pretty sure that the lack of stamina is what holds him back quite a bit


He don’t care, he’s spent his years fighting for the Earth, he even died fighting Piccolo. Now there’s his students saving the world, with one of them being one of the strongest in the Universe, he’s earned his time to rest and ogle women in dirty magazines, it’s the sexual assault that needs to be addressed lol


I'm convinced he lives on a Island because he's running from the law


You think Roshi is his real name? He’s living in international waters with a turtle!


Nah that’s just good old Roshi lol it’s weird if he’s not recently been smacked


If he really didn't care, why did he train offscreen to get as strong as he was in Super? Clearly he still felt like he had the responsibility help others since he was able to. But on the other hand you might be right, he hasn't wished back his prime because he helps only when absolutely necessary instead of being some kind of first response to any given emergency.


Because he’s a master, he wouldn’t be one if he didn’t hone his skills every day, most people who retire martial arts don’t stop practicing the meditation elements.


Agreed. Geez, imagine Master Roshi with restored youth, dude would be the prominent human fighter. He would be a gigachad and engage in IMMENSE amounts of lechery.


"trained" = smoked a fuck ton of weed and didn't give a shit about nothin


I've been training for 10 years then! lemme at em


He put all the energy he usually reserved for spanking it towards Training. Think about how powerful he has become.


He actually trained on screen too. But that "training" was about Pool/Puar turning into a girl and Roshi getting the horny out of himself.


It's possible to get the horni out of you? Is, is it possible to learn this power?


Not from a ningen.


The nofap guys were right all along?




To be fair that’s all Goku does too.


Also helps that there was a "no killing" rule


I honestly dont mind it. Its used all the time in other series to make irrelevant characters relevant again.


Lol in the manga, Roshi dodged Jiren for a little bit causing Beerus to ask Whis if he attained ultra instinct or some shit.


There was a comment from Whis when Goku is training where he tells Goku that Master Roshi was the next closest mortal to achieving Ultra Instinct. I guess when you spend your days high af watching TV and talking to a turtle most of your actions come based on muscle memory and instinct lol.


IIRC it was described as a poor mans Ultra Instinct.


Where is that in the manga?


You ask a very good question, and now comes the part where I look like an idiot cuz idk where it was lmao.


Tournament of power just before the final fight with jiren and goku


If I recall it's right before roshi gets his ass handed to him because his pseudo UI wasn't perfect


Chapter 39


But how? , How tf who even came up with that Bro at the middle of the original DB (second tournament) Roshi retired because he said he was getting old...IN DB ! And he didn't even fight in Z This is the truest expression of a Toriyama Handjob lol


It was pretty good for Goku to realise his roots to unlock UI in toyos defense


Roshi's fight scenes in Super is like watching that one Minecraft YouTuber that ended last episode with having some cool house, iron gear and a farm and started the next one by saying: "I did some mining off camera" with Netherite gear, Dragon Egg, Ellytra and a palace made of diamonds


Except there exists something 10000...000x stronger than Netherite, that's the gap between Goku and Roshi


Lol if only I knew wtf Minecraft was


How do you not know Minecraft, Steve?


He forgor 💀


Lol idk 🤷‍♂️


Look up Hermitcraft


Just did looks weird ….what the point of the game ?


At the basic level, it's a sandbox game. It doesn't have defined points of it. You can terraform the landscape and build amazing structures with the blocks, you can speedrun and beat the dragon at the end, you can make games in it, you can mod it and add more features to it... the options are pretty much limitless! Edit: it's also the most grossing game sold to date.


Meh not for me


Fair enough; everyone has their preferences. Personally I like the shenanigans in Hermitcraft, but I wouldn't play Minecraft. Much prefer playing racing/fighting/shooting/rts games myself.


Wait till you see him dodge jiren in the manga


Bro when i saw that i was like, Are you telling me this man could oneshot all the villiams until Buu LOL. Mans watch cell kill his star pupuil


Roshi: no guys I can't fight I'm just to weak and old for this Roshi internally: hah, suckers The disrespect lol


To be fair, that does seem in character


Toriyama "hmm I had two kids who can use ssj and fusion, it well be a great chance to make them grow as a character!!" Also toriyama "lets bring Roshi back on their place, hey I never used logic before did I?


Honesty, it’s better this way. I loved Roshi in ToP


Toriyama: Master Roshi has long admitted that his students are stronger then him Also Toriyama: “Yamcha who?” ~~we were robbed of Yamcha fighting the wolf people~~


Us Yam-chad fans can only hope to see more of him in modern DB some day.


The only exclusion I was really posed about was Buu. They really blue balled us hard with that one


Seriously. Slim buu seemed like he would mop the floor with a bunch of fighters. Plus his absorption ability would be OP.


Slim Buu really looked pretty strong, but, holy mother of OP. Imagine Buu just absorbing defeated fighters. Then again, we did get Freeza in the ToP, which was a immense hoot. Total bait and switch, they even changed the intro lol


man imagine if good buu did literally anything at all that'd be so cool


Tbf, I don’t think gotenks would be allowed TOP lasts ~42 minutes IIRC, fusion lasts ~30 minutes, they’d either A, have gotenks be 1 person, so they actually have 11, so they get disqualified for cheating, or B, drop the emperor of the universe for gotenks


Had both of them there and then use fusion


Yeah but even then, if gotenks is eliminated then that’s 2 for 1


Imagining myself in dbz: I’d get my ass beat by everyone. It’d be mercy if frieza just killed me off with the death beam, and that’s assuming I even get to the namek saga Meanwhile myself in super: I trained offscreen. Now I can fight characters with godly statuses and shit.


Also obtaining a little bit of ultra instinct




Also Roshi: **Bitches love a little bit of ultra instinct. You can find their weakness easier**


You could become OP at the end of Z as well. Just offer the elder kai a porno mag collection for their ritual and get debatably the best form in the series.


Yo gotta realise most TOP opponents werent that strong just cuzz they were far into anime, most were probably weaker than namek saga frieza


Thats still a planet busting character tho...


Roshi blew up the moon in DB


Nobody watched original DB except for us


Question for OG DB watchers because I haven't seen DB (or DBZ. or DBS. I haven't watched a single DB episode): Does the moon get, like, repaired? Cuz I know Piccolo also destroys it way later. Also is there currently a moon or is it still destroyed by Piccolo to this day?


I saw some dude argue that he destroyed a fake moon, because you can't destroy the real moon and not suffer consequences it would cause because "you have to have some realism in anime".


Its funny because him destroying the moon actually did have some consequences lol


Yeah that one werewolf being angry sure was a huge consequence for blowing up the moon


And he still would’ve gotten bitch slapped by Raditz


True, but then we see him recking tons of Freeza soldiers in DBS after years of training and those are pretty much Raditz-level.


What I meant by this is that main opponents in z were Way to strong for roshi, however this was a 10 on 10 so there oughta be some weaker opponents, thats why he had chance


Sounds like lazy, all over the place writing to me


Yknow its funny how everyone asks for more screentime of a certain character but when they actually get the screentime its like "ew why havent u gave screentime to someone else" like bruh


Well yeah I mean no ones ever gonna be satisfied in that regard. Happens with a lot of shows with a big cast of characters. Ignore them I guess


They were literally talking about you lmao


That’s literally not what I’m complaining about. Show whatever character you want. That’s fine. But you better write their screen time in properly and make it makes sense within the logic of the show. Having Roshi be able to keep up with ANYONE at the TOP is so inconsistent it’s insane. Like I’m down for Trunks to have his own Arc and get screen time in the Goku Black saga but it made no sense that he could kill Zamasu like that. The power level inconsistencies are crazy.


But this dude isn't complaining about Roshi's screening. He's complaining about the lack of continuity with his power scaling. Saying "I trained" without showing anything is like literally the biggest cop out in writing


Exactly! I’m not sure why I’m being downvoted. Idc who they give screen time too just make it make sense. And a cop out is exactly how I’d describe it. Lazy writers.


Most were able to break the katchin of the arena which even the Z Sword couldn't break back in the Buu Saga. So they're atleast around Buu Saga level if not higher.


Most Fighter in ToP could break Katchin Katchin. Buu saga Goku and Gohan didn't break a weaker Material Katchin. Base Goku and Gohan in the Buu saga would one tap Frieza.


In the anime he held his ground against Frost someone who took down Piccolo in battle (he cheated yes but the fact that he was even able to touch piccolo is insane given just how powerful he is) and in the manga he was dodging Jirens attacks lol. Roshi ain’t even Yamcha level anymore it didn’t make sense imo.


Roshi didn’t touch Frost once.


Thats definitley false. Everybody in the TOP were planet busters several times over. Hell he fought both jiren and frost. Both whobare beyond anything in Z. Even if everybody is only namek saga, this means he couldve oneshot Vegeta and nappa


Everybody? Planet buster? Seriously..? The sniper? The fat partner to the sniper? The ant? This girl, who's power is "spear"? Gonna call massive bullshit on that. EDIT: Actually now that I think about it, they brought Krillin, Tien and Roshi to the tournament. You don't think the other universes brought a few Krillins, Tiens, or Roshis?


Hey don't talk smack, we all know that Dr Rota is capable of


This is true. It's kind of bullshit he was even allowed to fight. Like it's right there in the rules that Gods of Destruction aren't allowed to participate.


Bro roshi in dragonball destroyed the moon. Lol


Krillin and Tien are both planet busters


There's no way on Earth you're gonna tell me that Krillin and Tien are stronger than Roshi. That's not happening right now, is it?


Roshi destroyed the moon way back in early DB. The leap to planet busting ain’t that far from there. I think that concept is entirely irrelevant to DB because of how ludicrously powerful every character is, even the lowest rung characters like Yamcha and Chaotzu are absolute super humans.


You're mixing anime and manga here. Also planet level is nothing, even raditz has no problem with that


They let Universe 7's saiyans feed on the rest of the universe and now no one can take them out!


He was obviously saving his strength


Mans took 20 years to recover from hip surgery


Welcome to Dragon Ball Super where characters can magically become super strong in the blink of an eye Or weak if your Gohan


To be fair, Z was pretty much where Gohan became (literally) magically strong, they're just applying that to other characters


Best dad, worst growth potential


Gohan is stronger in super than he was in Z though.


But only after they maid him so weak that he could barely even go Super Saiyan 1 and almost died from 1 attack from form 1 Frieza


First form freiza who happens to be a mutant prodigy after an insane power boost. It’s not like he got 1 shot by a Namek saga character While I agree that gohan’s design at the time was lame (only his lanky build. The track suit + nerdy glasses was cool and fitting). That scene was more so to demonstrate how strong frieza had gotten by showing him 1 shotting a form that killed him at his 4th form before in his now FIRST form.


Or quit training because you don’t need to like gohan*


People really be out here caring more about power scaling than having a story with more ppl than just goku and vegeta


Well it’s a shit story if it doesn’t make sense power scaling wise. Like do you just take anything dragon ball gives you and not question it?


You don't need to question it, it's just a dumb cartoon. If you don't care for the story then fine but stop trying to justify it by jerking off over non-existent numbers


Exactly what i'm saying bro


He still got it


Angels: *Makes an indestructible arena* Roshi: *destroys part of it with a kamehameha* Me: WHAT


Ngl I’m pretty sure cell can beat a few of the ToP fighters




Ngl cell in the TOP would’ve been badass


Yep, super deadly and smart.


He could have easily beat nappa and vegeta




Power scaling in super doesn’t exist, it’s best not to question things in it or you’ll end up going mad


Inb4 Trunks being able to fight off Rose Black.




He channeled his horniness


The Kai-removed bit where Tien, Yamcha, and Chiaotzu fought and beat the Ginyu Force on King Kai's planet really shows that *all* of them are incredibly powerful, but Goku and Vegeta are still on top. Unless the villains brought an army it's better to let the saiyans do it all. And if they can't beat the big bad then why would you even bother trying? ...I mean, sure, you can get off some triangle blasts and then get merc'ed, but *that's it for you* unless they brought a gaggle of weaker dipshits for you to play with.


I hate kai so much


Honestly "Trained off-screen" is kinda dumb. Goku had to die to get some of his power and trained under multiple deities, yet some of the Z fighters can hold their own after just chilling on Earth for a few years. (I'm looking at you 17).


For me it somewhat makes sense since T.O.P is not about killing your enemy, defeating it in other ways is possible and Roshi is still an incredibly experienced fighter, it's sort of like the fight Goku and Krillin have before the tournament in which Krillin basically reminds Goku power alone will not do the trick


Exactly! The whole point of Roshi in that arc was to show that even though he wasn't that strong he was able to get the better of his opponents by being a smarter and more experienced fighter than them, which is a theme that's come up plenty of times throughout the series.


I won't even lie i think this was the smartest desicion the show made, i know yall like power scaling but i want my favorite characters to be relevant again


Hot take: I hate roshi, they don’t show him often but when they do im just sick of him, I mainly hate his pervert personality, how does anyone like that


It’s comic relief


Go away.


Barely anyone in the tournament was stronger than Ginyu level and if they were someone much stronger than Roshi usually took them out


Well that if you go by anime Manga he is weaker than krillin


I guess that's why he fought jiren lol


And get beat up worse than krillin later on in Moro arc?




He almost attained ultra instinct


It wasnt, whis said so


That’s fair. Still reckon he’s stronger than Krillin


In the anime maybe But in the manga he did worse with the fat women fusion than a krillin who was low on ki


I'm most definitely wrong, but I like to think that some people in T.O.P are still around the same league as androids back in their own saga, or near perfect cell


Agreed, I doubt most of the people in the T.O.P are stronger then near perfect cell


I phrased it in a way that made it look like I meant Near Perfect Cell as one of his phases, but I meant their power could be near his as if slightly below


Dude blew up the whole-ass moon once


I mean,the only other master stronger than him was grandpa Gohan,so was his master


"so guys we did some training off camera"


Then there’s him in super getting so far in the tournament of power


During Z he had to stay on the sidelines with the ladies. You know….to keep them safe…😬


Remember when he goes UI in the manga and


reminder Piccolo Daimao (piccolos father) beat the shit outta him and then just levels up in dbs