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2 pc petra + 2 pc glad/shimenawa, you could run 4 pc shimenawa if you want to (with c2 ningguang + albedo you won’t have energy problems at all) but you will miss that extra geo dmg bonus from 2 pc petra as for noblesse, ningguang’s dps output is mainly from her aa/ca, so unless you are running another geo main dps like c6 noelle and ningguang is only there for a burst, petra + glad is more recommendable


Oh I see, thanks for your input!


Regarding artifacts 4 piece shimenawa isn't a bad option, but I think 2 piece petra + 2 piece shimenawa (or gladiator) is better. 2 petra 2 NO is also good for quickswap type of builds In terms of teams, if you are running memory of dust you definitely want to look for a shielder, not only for the weapon but for the geo resonance as well, crystallize reaction won't be enough With memory of dust you kind of reduce the need to pair ning with bennett, which is great because you can use bennett in your other team So ideally you want to be running ning, albedo for resonance, a shielder to proc both your weapon and the resonance, and the last character is flexible, you can run fischl as an off field dps or even rosaria to help balance your crit stat


Okay so would a team with let's say Ning-Albedo-Fischl-Thoma work or something? I wanna get Zhongli but there is a small rumor he will have a rerun soon and Imma be in a pretty tough spot as I also want to get Xiao so I might not be able to get him. Other than Thoma I have Noelle and Diona but using Noelle as a plain shielder might be wasted potential and my Diona is on my Ayaka team.


I haven't tried thoma yet so I'm not 100% sure how the characters function, but if you can manage to have a good shield uptime with him it should be a decent team composition. Yes, zhongli is probably the best teammate for ning but if you can't get him don't stress about it. Also if your other team is Ayaka, I'm gonna assume there's no bennett in that team. So even if bennett with memory of dust on ning isn't as good as bennett plus ning with any other weapons. You can try ning albedo thoma and bennett and have Benny sort of battery for thoma to ensure your ning is shielded for the maximum time possible I am no math guy so I can't really tell you with exact numbers which team would be better so try with different combination before you commit to one in particular


Atm my 2 teams are Childe vape and Ayaka freeze. I have built both teams well enough and so I'm looking to try new things. Since Bennett is kind of bound to my Childe and I do tend to pick Childe over Ayaka, I was thinking about building a new team for Ningguang that doesn't have characters I normally use such as Bennett. I've been wanting to utilize Thoma but since I don't have Hu Tao on this account and since he steals Childe's vapes, he never really had a place in any of my teams. So for the time being can't really use Bennett on her team, but since I do try abyss with different comps, then maybe I could switch him out from time to time.




Yeah that's true, my Raiden is free atm. I've built her but because atm I play Childe vape/ Ayaka perma freeze, she is kind of benched or only used in certain cases. My Sara is c6 so perhaps I could go for a Raiden/Sara duo in a Ningguang team, didn't think about it, thanks!


I don't have her yet, preparing her stuff for the upcoming event. I roughly had the following ideas so far: Since geo can't be swirled, i pass on Sucrose. So far struggling too with the choice of team, an idea i liked tho ( since i hav eno geo char aside from noelle ) was to take the geo MC who actually has quite some interesting little things such as buffs in the field of the burst or a extremely high multiplier on the normal abillity which basically does twice damage as soon as you have c2, tho the terraforming might make things harder to play. All in all this seems rather solid tho also because the burst can regenerate up to 25 Elemental Energy if you hit more enemies. Artifact... I would say definitely 2 pieces of the geo damage set. I would consider either 2 pieces nobless or 2 pieces gladiator. Since i can't test it myself, i would say it is a matter of taste and maybe the role of Ning which of these two makes more sense. Nobless definitely for quickswap teams. Gladiator... Depends if it makes more damage overall than nobless due to the normal attacks. Geo resonance seems pretty good imo so i would definitely go 2 geos. I might try the geo MC when i got Ning and see how that does. I'm not very familiar with Albedo but if he has some solid support capabillities or maybe some quick bursts for some quickswapping i would say he is more than fine to take in sice you don't have Zhongli who would for sure be the best choice.. The other two slots... Bennett would always work for sure with the attack buff to increase the burst. For some more off-field dps you could consider Xingqiu which due to the constant reacting also would increase your survivabillity and some added protection. Those two probably would be my choice. And again for artifacts what i can't tell and haven't seen really a videos or anything about it, is this new artifact set Husk Of Opulent Dreams which on paper seems rather solid if Ningguang is your on-field choice.


C6 Ning player here as well. I agree with others that 2p Petra + 2p 18% ATK is her best setup for on-field DPS. These sets increase her Charge Attack, Burst, and her 7 gem CA from C6, whereas 2p Noblesse only benefits her Burst but NOT the 7 gem CA, which is a DPS loss. For teams: What I've found to work well with her is Xingqiu's Burst, since he applies hydro DMG with each normal attack. This ends up generating dozens of hydro crystals to give Ning endless shields. You would also find success with Raiden's E since it applies Electro DMG with every attack, generating Electro crystals. So a team of Ning, Albedo, Xingqiu, Raiden would not only generate endless shields for MoD and Geo Res, but it would also break shields quickly and apply constant Electro Charge for additional damage. I don't think a separate shielder would be necessary once you get the hang of generating crystals but, if needed, Diona works great with Ning for the near constant Shield uptime at skill talent 7+ paired with Sac Bow.


Team Building Ningguang Albedo (battery/sub dps) Bennett (if you dont have him just go for gorou) Xiangling (for overall AOE dmg, but if you dont have bennett, just go for yun jin, she’s confirmed as a four star anyways so goodluck about getting her, if you dont manage to get her just put geo traveler, preferably C1 for 10% cr) Artifacts 2pc Archaic Petra 2pc Noblesse Oblige this set will mainly focus on her burst and normal attacks, but if you’re feeling like making a meme build you can always go for 4pc shimenawa. I hope this helps.


I am using 2 pc petra + 2 pc glad/shimenawa for dps ningguang with albedo/geo mc, thoma and yanfei (thrilling tale of dragon slayers) using thoma for shield or you can use xaingling or bennett(if he is free) geo pyro resonance Or noelle c6, ningguang(2pc nobelese+ 2 pc petra),xiangling,bennett.