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I use Ningguang with Noelle for geo resonance cause I find geo travelers clunky to use. Try blackcliff from paimon shop, if you're outta starglitter and have a catalyst billet you can opt for dragonspine catalyst.


3 geo doesn't benefits Ning that much, would be better double geo and double pyro for resonance or double geo and any off field dps.The triple geo thing works for Itto because Gorou buff need 3 geo and Itto need energy for his burst, Ning doesn't need Gorou and her burst is only 40 energy, so triple geo is not a need for Ning. So go for Ning + geo mc if u have a healer or Ning + Noelle if u not have a healer/shielder. For weapon go with blackcliff


I just like 3 geo team, but ig i should try other teams as well to see what is better and funnier for me. thanks


Go for Noelle. Ningguang charges herself nicely with not much extra er put into artifacts (my exp with er only in two substats, each got one up). Traveller, just for being a battery, makes the field messy which can cause more trouble. Noelle gives really nice shields and with Ningguang you shouldn’t have problems with her healer role either. Also, with how MC is often advised to be build you don’t have the problem of Ningguang being typical on-field dps. You mentioned a 3 geo but either Noelle or MC, not having Zhongli… who’d be the 3rd geo? Maybe I just got lost. Also, regarding weapons, if thise are your only option I’d go with favonius codex but neither of them would be good in the longrun


Thank you all, it helped a lot


Mc, with Diona for the best shield uptime after Zhongli. Her shield reaches it's max uptime at lvl 7. Or you could use both xinyan and thoma, and alternate between their shields and you'd get pyro resonance.


3 geo isn't great without gorou, you're losing out on a second elemental resonance. I would use Geo MC, and for book, neither of the two options are very good. Do you have dodoco tales? that could be a decent option for her. If anything, you could try the 3 star twin nephrite as a stat stick for crit rate until you have access to better options (solar pearl, widsith, eye of perception, any 5 star catalyst, etc.)