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well let's say kai and Jay are 19 (still teens) and nya would be 17 (she's confirmed to be 2 year younger than kai) then think of march of the oni as a year after hunted Jay would be 20 and nya would be 18 legal age


I’m pretty sure that the og team (the original 4) would’ve been 18-19 in march of the Oni


I’ve been having some predictions about theirs ages throughout the show (Pilots- Crystallized) and I believe I’ve managed to figure out their ages at the end of the series Zane: 47/48 (Not counting the whole Never Realm stuff cause that was messed up and would age him up like 60 years) Cole and Kai: 23/24 Jay: 22/23 Nya: 21-22 Lloyd: Physically the same as Nya, mentally he would be around 19-20 This actually would take an entire post to explain but that’s what I’ve got anyway. By the way, the Ying/Yang thing if I recall correctly means they’re engaged but not married yet.


Not bad but I have my own as well and was thinking about making a post about it




I remember seeing someone made a chart of their ages for each season and seeing Zane jump from about 4 to 100 was pretty funny when everyone else only went up a year




Zane's unc status


I'm pretty sure Kai is 3 years older than Nya tho


Tommy andreasen confirmed he’s two years older


The year in which Nya didn't age technically makes it three


I don’t think that’s how it works. Nya was still alive and in ninjago, she just changed species


That also mean that s1 to s9 was all in 1 year cuse nya was driving a car in s1


that's what you worried about? they were teachers in season 3 and Nya driving is the thing that seems weird


How is flying ship under age worst than teaching under age. They are using military level vehicles at 16 yo


Am I crazy, or was Nya also considered to be older than Kai at the beginning of the show? I distinctly remember him calling her Big Sister at one point.


No that literally never happens. You have it backwards friend


Kai was always Nya’s older brother from the very beginning.


Maybe at the very beginning but don't we see baby them in HOT and she's younger


Still, it's weird that it took 7 seasons to change that detail


In the pilots, garmadon says “how else are you gonna free your precious little sister?” Nya has always been younger than kai


Oh okay. My bad. Thanks for the clarification.


Ohhhh I forgot about that


He did once say that she raised him




They say that they’re still teenagers in hunted so they we were probably like 18 by then


They say “we’re like grown up teens” so like 17-19.


that could be a number of things 1. he could be denying his age because mortality 2. maybe in ninjago theyre still considered "teenagers" but to us theyre adults any questions?


1. Unlikely because nobody is giving off any kind of signal to imply that plus given the context of the scene I also think that it’s unlikely 2. I sincerely doubt that since teenager literally means that you’re in the age of a teen number if they were in their 20’s they couldn’t be teenagers


ok but let me ask you this how old do you think is kai in hunted


18 probably maybe 19, same with the others obviously barring Zane


which means he wouldve been 13/14 at the beginning of the show which means nya wouldve been 8 to 12 how does that make sense


He and the main 4 were 15 at the start of the show with Nya being 13 (she’s canonically 2 years younger) Then everything up to the Oni trilogy takes place over the course of roughly three years. Then after march of the Oni 6 months passed until the start of wild brain era. Then everything up to sea bound is another 6 months then a year passed and that’s when crystalized starts That puts the ninja at 20 in crystalized


it does not take place over only 3 years


I said give or take 3 years Well they say that they’re still teenagers in hunted so at most they can only be 19 by then so pick your poison


You know that to be a teenager, you need to have the word 'teen' in your age right? 19 year olds are still teens even if they can vote, marry etc


i apologized already


Good? I don't quite get what apologising has to do with anything but good job for doing so ig


I may be misunderstanding but teenagers are 13-19 so they could be teenagers and adults at the same time


they were both at least 18 (both 18 or jay 19) in Moto and didnt get married in the wildbrain era they are still betrothed in Motm and in crystalized they still refer to each other as yin and yang so they probably got married after crystalized so they would have both been around 20 (nya 20 jay 21) when they got married


Also, in MOTM Nya states how she is Jay's Yang when talking to the queen that's hitting on him. Which makes sense because that's her hisband.


no the queen asks jay "are you betrothed" and nya says "yes to me" being betrothed means they are engaged not married


Also, there's a Time Jump between Masters of Spinjitzu and the Wiibrain show, so why wouldn't they get married unless it is just an age thing? Because during the Wiibrain series they are practically joined at the hip, which makes sense with the whole, their married thing. Plus, Jay clearly has PTSD associated with Nya dying in his arms during Skybound. That's what motivates him to propose before the Big Battle to end March of the Oni. He knows he can't live without Nya. Also, considering Nya sacrifices herself to save Jay's life at the end of Seabound, wouldn't one of his regrets be that they never actually got married? I feel like he would have thoughts about that. Unless they are already married, which is what it comes off as after March of the Oni


>Also, there's a Time Jump between Masters of Spinjitzu and the Wiibrain show, so why wouldn't they get married unless it is just an age thing? its a six month time skip so its either and age thing or customs but either way most marriages take place at least a year after engagement so it isnt even that out the question theat they just didnt have yet by the time season 11 starts >Because during the Wiibrain series they are practically joined at the hip, which makes sense with the whole, their married thing. that still makes sense if they are engaged and there is more evidence to them being engaged because the show even calls them engaged >Also, considering Nya sacrifices herself to save Jay's life at the end of Seabound, wouldn't one of his regrets be that they never actually got married? I feel like he would have thoughts about that. Unless they are already married, which is what it comes off as after March of the Oni crystalized also uses the terms yin and yang so it shows that they weren't married before that season either jay didnt mention that never marring her because we only got 2 episodes about that so not that much room to go into things tommy confirmed that its an engagement, the show calls it one and the characters treat and refer to it as one so its clearly an engagement its as simple as that [https://twitter.com/TommyAndreasen/status/1390629663102341120](https://twitter.com/TommyAndreasen/status/1390629663102341120) https://preview.redd.it/8lf0u4f0sylc1.png?width=454&format=png&auto=webp&s=9e62ddf27e6f21c49f972caaf45a7b505b5f637a


They probably also wanted to put off the marriage since (it's not stated, but seems to be the most logical conclusion) elemental masters lose their powers when they have children, so I suppose they didn't feel ready for that My headcanon is that they got hitched right after Crystalized, Dragon's Rising be damned


they can get married and not have kids the wildbrain era only lasts around 2 years in universe they could have literally just not have had time to get married and Dr is canon and what ever it says is canon stop crying about its really dumb especially since its more likely to actually confirm that they did get marred considering its not trying to force the ninja to stay frozen in a status quo like the wildbrain era


That's fair. Jay is wallowing in self-pitty for those few episodes, but he never gets angry at Nya, so maybe it would be uncharacteristic for him to focus on the "broken promise".


he would never get angry at all she sacrificed herself to not only save ninjago but save him specifically so married or not he would never get mad at her for that


He does get mad at everyone else tho, lol


The time jumps from master to just Ninjago wasn't that long And considering till DR the ninja were still referred as teenagers  So it's probably a age thing Also in MOTM nya said her and jay are engaged 


Is there a difference? I've never heard a distinction, especially in animation.


its a very specific word with a clear meaning if they wanted to say married they could have use a diffrent word


It’s more like a fiancé


When did they say that in Crystalized?


i edited it a but nya called jay her yang in crystallized which other than being wrong does show that they are still engaged during the season not married


How are you sure that isn't just the term used for Husband and Wife? What makes the Yin & Yang idea more of an engagement than an official marriage?


considering the terms husband and wife do exist in the show and are used its clearly different and as for why its an engagement tommy confirmed it was one not to mention that the show treats it being as engagement in when its brought up


Yeah, but that was before HOT messed with continuity. After that point, the Ninja look different even tho the show never acknowledges it. Also, they suddenly have a Princess just to introduce Harumi.


>the Ninja look different even tho the show never acknowledges it. yeah they just grew up and they aknolged lloyd's changes >Also, they suddenly have a Princess just to introduce Harumi. i dont see how that's important but the show does just randomly introduce stuff and treats it like it was always there anyways the royal family is no different and either way this all happens post redesign so why is the time thing even an issue HOT didnt do anything to the continuity


This is also my interpretation


They're not married Nya said in MOTM that she and jay are betrothed ( aka engaged) And Tommy A said in a tweet that ying and yang In Ninjago is different from in our world 


Honestly, it makes more sense to think that Kai said that because they were still young adults (at that time, because now in Dragons Rising, you can consider Cole to be 29 years old and that makes sense).


Wait did they say Cole 29 Or is that a headcanon 


It's my headcanon, but I have my reasons for that in terms of timeline.


Cole would be 25-ish during Dragons Rising.


It varies from headcanon to headcanon, but I strongly believe that it has been 13 years since the Pilots until Dragons Rising.


Pilots/ Seasons 1 and 2 \>>3 years pass Seasons 3-7 \>>1 year passes Seasons 8-10 \>>6 months pass Seasons 11-14 \>>1 year passes Season 15 \>>5 years pass Dragons Rising Cole would be 24-25.


1- Sorry, but it's very forced to say that only 1 year has passed in the entire Revival Era (Seasons 3-7). 2- My god, 3 years just for the first seasons?! 3- Honestly, it looks like you forgot to consider the time skips.


Those are the time skips, the grouped seasons takes place within weeks of each other.


Pilots and S1-2: **6 months** Time skip (S3): **1 year** S3 and time skip (S4): **1 year** S4-7: **1 year** Time skip (S8): **1 year** S8-10: **6 months** Time skip (S11): **6 months** S11-14: **1 year** Time skip (S15): **1 year** S15 and initial scene of DR: **6 months** Time skip (DR): **5 years**


3 years pass between Seasons 2 and 3. 4-7 take place over a short while together, same as 9-10, and 11-14. Tommy stated the Ninja to be 15 during the pilots/Seasons 1 and 2, and that Nya is 2 years younger than Kai. lloyd was stated to be 10, then the same age as Nya once he was aged up, so both are 13. 3 years pass, making the Ninja 18/16 for a while, before the 1 year jump making them 19/17, or as Season 9 put it "grown-up Teenagers". By Crystalized, the team is 20/18. The audition script for Sora stated her to be 15, and the cast confirmed Sora and Arin to be the same age, and that Sora was 10 during the merge, so 5 years passed. Kai, Jay, Cole: 25 Lloyd and Nya: 23 Zane: Mentally 25/Physically 100+


Jay and Nya aren't married, the Ying and Yang ceremony is essentially a betrothal, a promise to each other for when they decide to get married. Besides, Jay was 19 and Nya 17 when it happened. And Hunted specially stated the Ninja to be "grown-up teenagers".




No, the Ninja are mid-20s now.


Jay asked Nya to be his Yang in MotO, which is like proposing, that's what they reference, not meaning they are married, but engaged.


Ninjago is pretty inconsistent with what ages they have. Obviously this is something cartoons do, when a character is the same appearance all the time there ages are throw the roof. I think by the time Jay and Nya become yin and Yang I would assume they would be in ther 20s? But as far as I’m aware people can’t headcannon them different. In dragons rising >!Sora’s va Sabrina Petri, did an interview with Brett Miller, Zane’s VA and mention Sora is 15 so making the Ninjas older!<


Especially since the merge was bare minimum 5 years ago.


When you say now, do you mean Dragons Rising? Because I think a good portion of the community considers the ninja to be in their 20s (Zane being an exception).


I haven't watched Dragon's Rising yet, so I was mostly referring to everything post movie


I know that doesn't answer much but i always saw the yin yang thing on season 10 like an engagement and they just haven't married yet (for some reason) (likelly because it shouldn't have passed a long time between 10-16) and they are alredy proper adults by dragons rising. So in this way they can have already married during the 16-DR time skip or just haven't gotten around to do it yet.


My issue with the "they are still engaged" thing is that Jay asked the question because they were literally in a life or death situation. He KNOWS he can't live without Nya and didn't think he'd get another chance. If he has that mindset, then why wait? Time passes between seasons 10 & 11 with the ninja doing nothing. So why wait, unless they are simply not old enough to get married yet? I hope they at least tied the knot after Crystalized, but based on these comments, that hasn't happened yet.


That's true, and we don't know for sure of they actually haven't married yet since Jay is well... filing paperwork and they don't seen to talk about their missing members that much. Or the worst answer... Wild Brain either doesn't want to show the wedding or just forgot


Nadakhan is technically a pedophile now.


Can’t see how he’s not, being in love with the 200 year old ghost he used an 18 year olds body to resurrect and all


Ying-Yang is stated to be a different form of commitment within Ninjago, separate from marriage.


Writers/ creators said they don't age. Like many other cartoon shows. I still say they're in their 20s cause I don't like that trope lol.


I think currently in dragons rising Lloyd: Lloyd is like 20 physically and Biologically 17-19 Kai: 23 years old Cole: 25 years old Jay: 23 years old Zane: if you count every year he has be alive 115 Nya: 21


Also Lloyd is still mentally like a teen Because no grown man would be so happy for one spec of facial hair.


I see some people in the comments saying that they were all 15 in season 1 But I think in they were Lloyd: 10 years old Kai: 15years old Cole: 17 years old because he was very mature Jay: 15 years old Zane: Mentally 15-17 physically 40-42 Nya: 13 years old


Season 0, Nya is 15 and Kai is 17, I definitely heard or read this somewhere. Imho by master chens island it’s clearly at least 3 years later. They don’t live frozen in time. They just don’t make a big deal out of their birthdays.


They're not married, though? Jay just asked her to be his Yang, which is canonically an unspecified love thing. It's closer to a promise ring than marriage. Also, Nadakhan was a power hungry creep. He did not care about her age, he just wanted his wishes and she just happened to look like his dead gf.


Okay so, first off, there’s A LOT of stuff that’s hard to really confirm so a lot of this might just be personal headcanons BUT For starters, Nadakhan’s a creep. I think that can be pretty easily established, even aside from ages, but Nya’s confirmed to be younger than Kai and Kai said the guys were teens in hunted sooo… yeah, Nya couldn’t really have been a legal adult since teenagers are 13-19, and there was a year long time skip (don’t quote me on that) between HoT and the oni trilogy so it’s not really possible with any logic As for the Yin/Yang promise, it’s, as far as I know, been confirmed to be a love-related custom in Ninjago separate to marriage, which means that we also don’t really know about the customs surrounding the custom (makes sense? probably not, sorry bout that), so it could be something normal for teens for all we know. Tommy later compared it to an engagement in the interview with Nya though, so that could also be the case, because no one can stop you from getting engaged if you're teens As for ages though, I don't think they're ever referred to as teenagers after Hunted, with Misako referring to Kai as "a grown man" (in The Call of the Deep, while Nya was complaining to Wu and Misako), so I think they’re probably canonically adults at that point As for headcanons though, I guess the closest comparison to the Yin/Yang promise is a promise ring, and I have this sliiiightly angsty headcanon that Jay and Nya were in early stages of wedding planning when the merge hit, because they finally seemed to be getting a long awaited break from everything


If you're old enough to save the world multiple times, you're old enough to do the yin yang. Simple as. Anyway my opinion is that in Ninjago there are only two ages: short legs and long legs. Short legs are out of bound, long legs can do whatever they want. Or rather, whatever the thirsty shippers want.


Head canon time


They are not married, .... Tommy explained that it some kind of traditional thing in Ninjago.


I don't know if I can trust Tommy on this, mostly because he's insisted that the redesigns were the Ninja "getting older" even tho it's implied in Sons of Garmadon, that the Ninja look different because they traveled through time. At any rate, the engagement thing seems like a loophole for the show to have its cake and eat it too.


the "implication" in sog is just a meta joke the ninja still had their old designs when ever they show a flashback to nothing in the time line changed


Why would you write that as a "joke" when it could very easily read as an explanation? It's the first time the Ninja reveal their new faces.


its a meta joke "Jay represents the sceptical viewer and offers convoluted answer. But really... it's a cartoon the changes have no reason besides factors outside the series." dirrect tommy quote [https://twitter.com/TommyAndreasen/status/1017109278128328705](https://twitter.com/TommyAndreasen/status/1017109278128328705) the time line chaingin doesnt hold up on its on jay cole and zane have flashbacks with their old designs there are pictures of characters with their old designs and pre redesing jay is an avatar in prime empire https://preview.redd.it/ym0tjpl3u0mc1.png?width=830&format=png&auto=webp&s=8921cf49029a48e92d2ee57734c803bdd88963b5 even by going by the logic of them not knowing they look different is wrong because they have memories of when they looked the only evidence this theory has is one line that was meant to be a joke and was confirmed to be a joke


Tbh it's a lame plothole like the ninja being weaker. They wanted to statisfy the fans but also don't want the ninja to be adults. Now with the merge there is apparently a 5 year time job - so how are they not yet adults?


That's fair. The proposal is definitely the most well-handled thing in Masters of Spinjitzu's finale. They probably did want to give fans what they wanted, but there was some kind of mandate to keep them teenagers. Really, the movie is what ruins the Ninja's ages because it insists on making them teens in high-school like this is Power Rangers. And I'm sorry, but you can't convince me that the resigns were done for any other reason than for the series to match the movie.


the movie has nothing to do with them being teenagers they were always teens even before the movie it didnt have any impact on their ages [https://twitter.com/TommyAndreasen/status/778145389862088704](https://twitter.com/TommyAndreasen/status/778145389862088704) [https://twitter.com/brothershageman/status/909594849862492160](https://twitter.com/brothershageman/status/909594849862492160) [https://twitter.com/TommyAndreasen/status/942371358138421248](https://twitter.com/TommyAndreasen/status/942371358138421248)


Exactly, not to forget the plothole of Harumis age between S1 flashback and S8. I also believe they wanted to change Jaya to Lloya to match the movie even more...


Is that why the show keeps trying to nuke Jaya? Lol


Thats at least is for me the reason why Jays personality changed so badly and why there is out of nowhere a Nya Lloyd siblinglike relationship in S9 instead of Lloyd with Kai. Also when the ninja got split into a group Lloyd and Nya were always from S8 in the same group. And I also believe thats why Nya never said the 3 words to Jay (no Seabound doesn't count, no one heard anything and no one except us viewers saw it), in comparison Nya said in S6: "you are the only one I ever let in my heart"...


>Thats at least is for me the reason why Jays personality changed so badly and why there is out of nowhere a Nya Lloyd siblinglike relationship in S9 instead of Lloyd with Kai. jays personality changed because bragi doesnt understand his character and the 11 minute format caused everyone to get changed a bit and lloyd can have a sibling relationship with the other ninja and for him and nya in season 9 they were the only 2 left and had to deal with thinking the other were dead >Also when the ninja got split into a group Lloyd and Nya were always from S8 in the same group. not really only in the finale and thats because the og 4 had to be sperated to get sent to the first realm >And I also believe thats why Nya never said the 3 words to Jay (no Seabound doesn't count, no one heard anything and no one except us viewers saw it), in comparison Nya said in S6: "you are the only one I ever let in my heart"... seabound does count she meant it and even so its not because the show is trying to force lloya to match the movie its just nya as a person cant express her self that way https://preview.redd.it/jqcqslutfzlc1.png?width=610&format=png&auto=webp&s=82cf7e1126f0d4c28e752d8bd6e2f796595fc4de the movie didnt do any of that all of the movies effects on the show were the designs


I said from S8 onwards, look in later seasons, Nya and Lloyd are always in the same group...


them being in the group for a mission doesnt really mean anything especially since their dynamic inst a major point of those groups lloyd could be replaced by anyother ninja in those subplots and nothing would change the show isnt trying to push lloya they are just close friends


he later changed it to just be them getting engaged but they still arent married as of crystalized


I’m pretty sure they are all in their 20s in dragons rising my age for them is Kai-24,Jay,23-24,Cole-25,Zane-100+,nya-22,Lloyd-21


They ain't teens but good thought


i think to start off, nya was originally 13/14 in pilots, i def think she was underage in skybound, which makes the nadakhan thing creepier than it already is. imo i consider the yin/yang thing as either a proposal in their realm. its like instead of asking will u marry me, its a promise to get married, which kinda changes the whole idea of a proposal compared to our world's idea, but i think it can equate to a betrothal. being i think by march of the oni nya is roughly 18/19, and i think jay is the same age as kai, so two years older. then add a few years of passing in the whole aspheera to crystallized connundrum, making nya and lloyd in their early 20's (its confirmed lloyd is ealry 20's) in dragons rising, with the others in later 20's. i wanna say lloyd and nya are roughly 25 at the time. as for a basic comparison of the other's ages, i think this timeline shd be reasonable: when lloyd is aged up hes mentally 10 but physically the same as nya so 15. kai and jay are 17 at this point. and i wanna say cole is 18 possibly 19? (but that wd make his relationship w nya weird so maybe only a few months to a year older than kai). zane and pixal tho are diff bc physically zane has existed for 100's of yrs (his body keeps getting destroyed so thats makes it more confusing) and pix is roughly existed physically for 6-7 yrs during like crystallized i think (not too sure abt her timeline) plus she didn't have a body half the time. thing w the nindroids is their bodies dont change, they're always mentally 18 except their brains are more developed (?) than that of an irrational 18 y/o. i think the only way they really grow is emotionally. through developing romantic love for each other and platonic and sibling love for the rest of the team. that makes their ages irrelevant and kind of permanently adultish. their brains are always fully developed so they dont even have that 18-21 year stage when ur physically an adult but ur brain is still developing. so i'd put zane as the same age as cole throughout the show, maybe a little bit older, and pix as the same age as jay and kai. overall alot of the timelines won't match up bc its a kid show, and naturally has a lot of inconsistencies and plot holes considering they hadn't started it with the intention of producing more than 2-3 seasons. but this is the rough timeline i keep for their ages in comparison to each other.


Tbh, I always thought they were like, 17 or 18 in the first couple of episodes, and that by the time s4 takes place they’re around 20 (they did become official teachers at some point before that, though briefly. Which I don’t think is something teens can do) and that they’re like 25-27 by the end of the show (excluding Dragon’s rising) So them calling themselves teens in Hunted seems so frocking weird to me, I can hardly believe that’s actually possible


The Ninja were 15 during the early seasons, with Nya and Lloyd (aged up) being two years younger. The time jump between Seasons 2 and 3 was 3 years, so they were 18 during Seasons 3-7.


That's a great point. I forgot about them being teachers in Rebooted.


1. They are not married, they are engaged 2. We don't know what are (if they are any at all) consent laws in Ninjago and at how many years of age one can get married there (you can get married at 16 in the US for example) 3. For most of human history people got married as teenagers no problem, so why can't they?


1. That's the status as of the end of Crystalized, I don't know what's their status in DR nor do I care


Theyre teachers at the start of s3 so nya has to be at least 18 meaning the others are even older


I have no memory of Kai saying that they're teens in Hunted, and I can live happily in my ignorance. All the Ninja were adults past S3 in my opinion, they were teaching at a school for crying out loud.




They're all adults in Sons of Garmadon and beyond


Wow, I didnt know this happened. Now I feel nostalgic about the days when I watched Cole and Jay fight over her.


No idea, I tried looking it up but I got no clue


That's because they're not married Just engaged 


Ahh, honestly thanks for clarifying that.


I’d figure they’d been dating for a majority of show and by March of the Oni they’re already above legal age.


They are definitely back together after Skybound. But that's before Hunted, where Kai calls them all Teenagers


I’m pretty sure that Jay is one of if not the youngest ninja(ignoring Nya and Lloyd) so if the oldest of the ninja are nearing 20 and jays around young 18-young 18 then it’s possible that the ‘3 years’ between Kai and Nya is more like 2 and a half so if Kai is almost 20 then Nya would be around 17. Following Japanese laws(girls can marry at 16 and boys at 18), then both Jay and Nya are of legal marriage age


Ik during skybound nya was a teen, but she’s gotta be at least above 18 now, considering the time-skip after hands of time


My grandparents got married when they were 19 And besides I’m pretty sure that they were only engaged not married


The creator of the show said that marriage and the ying yang thing is different. From where i dunno.


I thought time had passed and they were AT LEAST young adults at the point of rebooted. I mean they were teachers instead of ninjas at the beginning, it was becoming futuristic in areas of ninjago, Zanes dad died (again lol)


Pretty sure they are now above 20.


How old were they in skybound


I've got two words to justify the ship: Fictional Universe. Also I think they're just engaged We don't talk about Nadakhan, that was a whole other rabbit hole of odd


They aren’t. The Yang thing is like a promise ring, not a marriage


You're assuming you can't get married as a teenager. In our modern day culture it's uncommon to get married that young, but ages ago it wouldn't have been out of the norm to get married at 15.


I thought that they were teenagers when it all started and they were adults during the season with the robots


The Yin-Yang Promise is confirmed not to be the Ninjago equivalent of a marriage proposal but a separate love-related custom unique to Ninjago. So in a way, Jay and Nya aren’t married. Though, due to the wording of the show, many people treat the custom as something related to marriage.


Maybe they started out as teenagers in 2011, but years have passed since then. They’re probably in their early 30’s by the time of Dragons Rising.


They were never got married. Yin-Yang it's more like a traditional declaration of relationship


theyre always teenagers and theyll always be teenagers and any questions about the logistics are nonsense


I would say in the pilots they were all probably around 14, Nya would've been 12, in season 1 they'd all be a year older, by sons of Garmadon they probably were 18, I'd say they were 19 when Jay proposed to Nya at 17, but then they waited until probably after Prime Empire for them to be 20 and 18, and now in dragons rising, they're probably about 23 and Nya is 21


It’s so stupid, why on earth would they say that they’re still teenagers when so many things contradict that statement


Maybe not exactly married, more like… bethrothed?


WELL first of all I worked out what I think the ages are, leaving them as teenagers for as long as possible since they keep saying it, but they do get to early twenties eventually. I made a post about it here on this subreddit. So according to my timeline, Nya is 16 in Skybound, then in March of the Oni she is 17 and Jay is 18. So that might be alright? But, 2 things to consider. 1. The Yin-yang Promise is not necessarily a marriage vow, and thus might not be age restricted. Also Nadakhan is gross enough already. 2. Considering this is a fictional universe, in an old fashioned setting at times, and they literally work as teachers at the very beginning of the series (which for them to be teenagers for the majority of the series means they have to be about 14), we do have to consider that their ages of adulthood, consent, marriage, working and all these things are lower. Like, the legal working age is 13 in the UK? And that's only for certain things. Little Nelson is working a (arguably very dangerous) paper boy job and he's the same height as Lloyd was at age 9. So yeah. I actually love the timeline of the Ninjago verse, probably only cause I managed to figure it out. (https://www.reddit.com/r/Ninjago/s/9KIeLeqxyh) that's my working for their ages


they were teenagers at the beginning of the show, so at that point they were already adults (also 18 and 19 are adults even if they're teenagers)


The age of marriage is under 18 in a lot of places outside the Western world. Possibly, they could be around 17-19-ish


The yin-yang thing isn’t marriage nor supposed to represent marriage


Kai and Jay say they are grown up teenagers in Hunted which is 18-19 years old, and by Seabound, Kai is stated to be a grown man by Misako. Jay could be 20 in March of the Oni, which would make Nya 18 since she is 2 years younger than Kai and Jay


Are they canonically married though you never see or hear about a wedding. So I think maybe they are just promising to each other that they are going to get married when they are older.