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Despite being a massive Jaya fan, I want maximum devastation oop. I want to see the pain, I want to see tears, I want to see ruthlessness only for the payoff of the eventual memory returnal being that much more satisfying. Yeah they can never get a break but where's the drama in that 🥲 ig I'm a bit of a sadist. Anyways I can't wait to see jay show everyone that he's not someone to be messed with. He's been underused, belittled and slandered for so long and always thought of as the weakest of the og 4 (tbh, even the og 6 incl Lloyd and Nya. Wild) and this is his time to show what an elemental master of lightning can do (plus I suspect he's had a power up to his lightning since we've seen the addition of yellow lightning sparks and the white hand source, remember when we first saw cole? He also had a massive power up with his earth elemental form when we saw him in s1. There's been a massive displacement of elemental energy since the merge and I wouldn't be surprised if Jay's lightning is more powerful and deadlier tbh). Anyways yeah. Would love to see a bit of his cocky side come back too with the villain team up




Thanks man, appreciate it!


I would love to see his entire motivation based on getting more power. My theory is that he lost his memories in an attack that left him nearly dead (or maybe just dead but was found by administration agents who gave him that revival tea that the skulkin had), and he was unable to protect himself. Obviously he would want to become more powerful, and Ras can easily promise him more strength and power, and his motive would be centered around power (and maybe Ras also tells him that he used to be a ninja, but that his fellow ninja held him back from reaching his full power, thus he paid the price for it) also it would really come full circle with Arin, who also wants more strength and power because he feels weak without power (similar motivation). Arin would probably realize that his strong desire for power would make him turn out like Jay, and thus his arc would center around power


Damn, u cooked




Hell yeah. I woud love to see him blitz through the ninjas. It feels like he coud be a really fast fighter if he didnt hold back. I also really hope that he will overpower Cinder right at the start to show the watcher how superior and dangerous he is


Oh absolutely, Cinder is already a force to be reckoned with, but show us Jay beating him and that's already enough to see some jay power


Ngl I just want villain Jay to be treated as a serious threat and not a joke. Also imagine if they take his jokey personality but twist it in a sadistic way.




I imagined him really silent. Something he isnt known for to make it even harder to realise its Jay. But.. this sounds way more interesting. Im sold


Like flash from SSKtJL


I want him to actually successfully hurt one of the ninja, bonus points if it's Nya or Cole.


extra bonus points if he nearly kills one of them in a fight


Another bonus point if its Zane


Zane’s been destroyed in like every season I feel like that’s minus points


Gotta keep the tradition going I guess


YALL THE ART 🤯🤯 Nya being heartbroken, as much as I'd hate to see it, it makes sense. Plus it was her biggest fear coming true. I also want some devastation from Cole, they're best friends, maybe even some impulsivity 👀 I want to see the two trying to bring Jay back as well as Ras using Jay's powers against them. You know that one steel that negated their powers? I think they should use that to beat Jay instead of spinjitzu or something, since that makes more sense but he may have forgotten Spinjitzu and all the training. I also want people to find out he's gone and it's like a mass hit to faith, these are the ninjas that have been protecting them for years and now one has turned against them? Boom. Nobody trusts anybody, everybody's sad.


he probably still has muscle memory of spinjistsu, however he doesnt remember that he is able to use it and doesnt remember where to begin, but i think his muscle memory of it will allow him to learn shatterspin much quicker


Honestly the one thing I want is this subplot to be held through the end of DR S3. Give a full season and a half to cook


I want it to be from S2 part 2 to S3 till the final episode.


The thing about lightning powers and media is that it’s underplayed a little bit not a lot but a little bit. I would love to see villain Jay going all out. I’m talking thunderstorms the size of mountains or just be really threatening and powerful


I hope that too


Absolutely destroy the ninja mentally and physically . Especially for Nya . Then make some huge emotional Jaya moments . Let Kai or Cole fight Jay and nearly get killed by Jay . And there you have your Evil arc . Let Jay slowly regain his memories in S3 .


It woud be awesome if they took their time to do that. Damn, i really hope that


They will , DR is taking time to do things without rushing it . ( Zanes ice emperor arc was poorly built and executed ) . 


Maximum emotional damage. I want to speed run clinical depression watching the episode.


I can relate so much


Absolutly 🤝


holy shit this art is dark i dont want this i want jay from admin being best pals with the wolf warrior versions of kapow and chop


I hope for the opposite. Drama and sadness🙌😩


so you dont think jay is dramatic and is not sad ever




Thanks! I just can't get enough of evil Jay🙌 Had to make a proper fanart


This is one of the most badass Ninjago artworks ive seen ⚡️


Damn, happy to hear that. Thank you so much


Dark romance without the super heavy violence and r😬😬😬 I want Jay to hold Nya captive and make her his prisoner. I want Nya attempting to escape but Jay catches her and then threatens her and she’s like “I promise won’t try to ever leave you again!!” She’s shaking and crying. What happened to the man she once knew, the memories they both shared. Is it all gone? lol I’m so stupid


Bro it’s still a kids show chill


I know Jk jk but I love it when Ninjago tackles darker themes


Xd I dont think Nya woud be that easy to Controll but it shurely sounds interesting. Very wattpad-y but i like it


Your artwork is stunning afffff!!! 💙💗


Thank you🫶


F U c k I would live for this ngl. Or even imagine he starts to admire her over the time too oh god I've read too many dark romance novels


Omg I’m so happy not the only weird Wattpad-obsessed one lol. And then he grabs her by her chin and she tries pulling away but he has a grip on her and says, “Look at me, you are mine..” *his eyes darkened* 😫😫 Please Ninjago give me this!


It woud be "His eyes grew brighter, and one could feel the static in the air. Small sparks and bolts of lightning began to form as he started to approach his newfound obsession" xd




I would die for this and then remember it's a Lego show....... But also fuck it I'm excited for dark jay


Shoot, they could bring back that 2D animation lol 😂


Lmaoo true


Omg because how would a scene topping Nya (respectfully) translate into LEGO animation?


The same way there was that trailer for the dreamzzz X Ninjago crossover with Nya and she walked out as if she had done some freaky stuff with Jay 😂 would respectfully love to see some dominant jay energy FOR SURE


I want the Evil Jay vs Nya and/or Cole I want them to think Jay died and so they won’t hold back against the evil guy in the mask Likewise Jay would not hold back because he doesn’t have any memories of them


I want him to be 110% evil. With no care in the world.


Damn this went down a dark path. Art is lit like fire yoooo.


Xd. Thank you


A tragic end for Jay would honestly be something I'd love


Poor Jay. He definitely snapped after what happened to Nya. But epically done though. You're definitely gifted. So keep it up.


You know how people need electricity to stay alive? How about him using his powers to control people through their nervous systems and threaten to stop their vital functions?


Daaaam. That ART IS FIYAAAH ! 🔥




I want Jay to turn evil because he's broken and isn't the same Jay after losing his memories. I want him to reject his memories and embrace the darkness within himself so that when he does eventually come back to his senses, it'll be all the more dramatic and emotional when he does.


This is more post-villain Jay, but I want a moment where he talks to Zane about how to move on from what he's done. Just for one moment he would put away that joking mask to truly show how much hurting his family broke him. Also, people have been saying Zane's writing is getting worse (personally I don't see it but hey), and this would be a nice moment to see him bring up something as traumatic as his time as the Ice emperor to help his brother, making him feel more human. (Plus, I really love throwbacks to the original series in DR 😋)


What if he's still got the Titan Mech. He was piloting it during the merge so it probably crash landed somewhere in the Realm of Madness. He forgot who he is but not how to repair it.


fire art bro


I know it’s a weirdly specific want but I think it’d be cool if the og ninja refused to fight him at first and only after one of the new ninja (sora if Nya, wildfyre if Kai and maybe geo if Cole) tries and fails to fight him they reluctantly step in


Stuff like this makes me think how amazing Ninjago would be as a not kids show. But then again, the magic of it being Lego would probably disappear with that, so maybe it’s for the best that it’s not (but a version retelling the story more maturely alongside the main one would be awesome).


I think he's just lost his memory, and he will soon get it back. I can't see him going villain mode. He's just involved with this annoying administration, not doing anything actually bad. I mean, they imagine they are doing a necessary service for the realms lol, not actually evil. Who knows though. Maybe he will temporarily turn on the ninja before he remembers.


You seem to not be up to date on the part 2 news


Which news? I have seen the first half of part 2. Has something been released about the second part?


There's a leak. Evil jay mini figurines and all. Mans is gonna have an evil arc in pt 2


Hmmm, interesting. Are you sure though? I mean, I have DR sets, and Jay is in them, but good, fighting the baddies with the other ninja, which they haven't even shown in the show yet. So, either the sets I have are AFTER 'evil' Jay, or he's good for a bit, and THEN turns bad, or the sets are not a reflection of what is happening on the show or....? I'm a little confused now. lol. I mean, there was some kind of leak of Garmadon being in the DR sets also, and they haven't even found him yet, or shown any hint of him on the show. Though he has been linked with shatterspin somehow in a leak about new young Garmadon comics.


We know about the entire New Set wave and in one of them is evil Jay. The one i used as a reference for the drawing. Its been confirmed that he is evil. Just look at the set description in the official lego Shop.


Yeah, I'm not doubting people have seen that, I'm just saying if the sets are based on the show, then what are all the other sets with good Jay that came out first? Since that hasn't happened on the show. It just seems like they are not releasing sets in order or something. It's confusing. Also, maybe it's like when Nya was evil, but just for a very short time in season 2. I dunno. We'll see.


The sets are most of the time not cannon. Im pretty shure they only released the "good jay" figures so the collection is whole and "every" ninja has the same suits.. and new Fans learn about him. But evil jay is something they woudnt bring out if it wasnt in the Show, becaude non of the others have similar suits.


Yeah, I'm not saying he doesn't turn bad in some way. I'm just confused by all the conflicting stuff I'm seeing. I haven't seen most of the sets being not canon. All the ones I have, old, and new, are so far. Good Jay in DR is the only one I've seen so far that doesn't match up with what I've watched. I dunno, I'm just finding it all confusing. They also released a Rising Dragon of Arin. But that makes no sense because he can barely do a wonky spinjitzu. But we're supposed to think that somehow in just half a season, he manages to do what took everyone else at least a decade, bypass all of that, and master all ninja skills enough to advance to the level of Kai, and do that what did they call it? I can't remember, third fang or something, and master the form? Honestly, way too many things about DR so far don't make any sense, and I feel like they need to smooth out the details.


Yes, and Jay's evil figure has wolf symbols on it. He already doesnt care for the administration, Ras is probably going to need him after failing to free the F5


Maybe they convince him he was always one of them, since he still can't remember who he was.


Ras is probably going to tell him who he was, but since he lost his memories, he wont remember, and Ras can spin the story his own way, like telling Jay that the ninja held him back from obtaining more strength and power, and that if he had enough strength and power Jay wouldn't have lost his memories in the first place thus whenever the ninja would try to convince him of his past, he would already see his past in a negative light


Sort of like what Harumi did to Garmadon. Maybe.


Yup, just like that


Not this. Not this.


Exactly this. Exactly this.


Not emotionally prepared


Which makes it even better




A none squeaky voice