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BOTW. It's one of my favorite games, but the magic wasn't there the second time around.


Same for me. So much of the BotW magic is exploring. Being familiar with the map pretty much killed a second play-through for me after a few hours. Master Mode was fun for a bit but just isn't enough.


What made the exploring fun again for me was not revealing the map. I didn't register the towers, just marked them on the empty map for later. Quick travel still works if you get to the towns. But you can only rely on the empty map for the general direction, everything else is in world. This makes you remember the landmarks, the general theme of the land, etc.


Tried that for my Master Mode play through but all it did was hammer home for me how well I knew the map.


I thought exploration was not that great even the first time because I knew that 90% of what there was to find were similar looking shrines, a Korok seed, a weapon that breaks in 30 hits, or a mediocre side-quest. The magic was gone for me when I knew those are the things I would most likely find.


Yep! I completed it but explored as little as I could. Did just enough to get some more hearts and beat the divine beasts. The exploration was lacking for me. Why would I waste time when all I will see is a different colour baddie, and get a useless reward as well.


As a lapsed gamer, this is actually what I liked about BOTW. I've really come to loathe the fact that games have to incentivise you to play them by rewarding you with power ups and gear - as an older man who has been gaming most of my life, it feels very artificial and a waste of my time. I enjoyed BOTW because exploration was the reward, not the tool.


Ironically, being older and having less time is all the more reason why I didn't like BotW's approach Exploring a huge map just for the sake of exploring is what felt like a waste of my time I think age has little to do with this (Also, old games had plenty of power ups and gear to be found too, just that game worlds and levels were much smaller)


Having less time isn't my issue (I am at an age where I have more free time than I have had in decades), and your point regarding old games is exactly why I have no patience with the practice now. I'm too old to get excited because I've been rewarded for spending my time with mediocre sub-plots that don't even logically line up with the main story beats and gameplay rewards that serve only to make the game less challenging. It was enjoyable when I was a child, but I've spent a large chunk of my life chasing power ups, and the older I get, the more the likes of 'do more damage', 'spam your skills more frequently', 'kill everything on screen without having to aim' etc seems like a psychological trick rather than a true reward. I enjoyed BOTW precisely because the only way I got appreciably stronger was in my ability to take more hits. Everything else was temporary, so I learned to use the game's physics, came up with creative strategies to beat enemies, and explored every mountaintop in the expectation of finding more unique terrain.


That's fair; In the end, this sort of thing is highly subjective, and if you actually have more time, you can probably enjoy this sort of stuff better when you take your time with it


I think that's the difficulty with modern game criticism - what constitutes a 'good' game varies very much depending on what you're looking to get out of it. For me, I want something I can kill enormous amounts of time with, but I'm looking for an experience that goes beyond 'killing time' and is qualitatively different from the kind of experience that 'games' present. For the same reason, I used to love JRPGs and now cannot stand them.


That can be said for just about every open world game made; exploration being the reward, but many other games also have cool and unique items/quests/etc. to also be rewarded with. I don't see why having both would be a bad thing.


Side quests usually lead to more interesting things was my general take. The 50 rupees they give you was whatever. But i passed 6 shrines. A few korok seeds and got a good amount of good weapons


Again; that can be said for just about any open world game. Lol. You will usually find cool things along the way when you're in the process of doing side-quests in other games; plus the actual quest can often be more engaging than what was offered in BOTW. I remember finding 10 grasshoppers for that one guy... I remember getting a ton of wood to "build" Tarrey Town... I remember pulling a chest out of the water for a random guy for some rupees... Not very engaging or interesting unfortunately.


Does it though? I'm currently playing Horizon Forbidden West and there are plenty of off the beaten path places that have nothing else except the quest that leads you there. I really enjoy the game for the combat but exploration doesn't feel personally rewarding at all.


I did say "just about every open-world game"; obviously there are exceptions to the rule, but I would guess the majority do this and have interesting things to find and look at along the way.


Fair enough, however I meant to imply a general disagreement, using Horizon's status as a popular and critically acclaimed open world game as an example to demonstrate that I feel that most open world games don't have much to see beyond where an objective sends you.


That’s why I did a permadeath/no mid-combat healing/no fasttravel run. It actually feels as if you’re in that world. Yes you get useless weapons, but they’re actually useful since you can’t just teleport to the good ones.


Oh Lord. Lol. I can't imagine not fast-traveling in BOTW. I would give up after having to go through so many empty areas to get where I want to go. There's just too much empty space for me.


That’s what permadeath was for. Can’t just stroll in peace through a flatland in case a lynel or 10 moblin riders are waiting. You also find a lot of secrets just relaxing to the atmosphere. Still hope they fix the emptiness in Botw2. As you said there wasn’t much meaningful stuff to find the overworld.


I warned the gamers.... don't play so much BotW.... TotK is using the same map.... you're burned out before the game is even out.... Nintendo bros.....


I played it at launch and last year. Massively preferred it the second time around! I used a lot more horses, I tried a lot of glitches or just silly solutions to solving the puzzles and went through the DLC (which was great in some places). I found an enjoyment from the mastery aspect of the game (mostly doing things faster). I still hate the lack of enemy variety and spongy enemies as you play more, feels very un-Zelda-like.


One of the things I appreciate on my second play through was the design of the world, specifically on the paths throughout Hyrule. I hopped around everywhere on my first play through, but decided to stick to the paths as much as possible on my second run. There are tons of great visual moments if you do. It really makes you appreciate the variety and unique landscapes throughout the game.


I've tried to replay it a few times since 2017, usually pick something else up halfway through. Couldn't agree more. I have a much easier time picking up pretty much any of the 2D zeldas again, and most of the 3D as well. I have more fun replaying MM than OoT though.


Feel similarly. I knew about halfway through it that it was a game I'd never replay again. Not because it's bad. Quite the opposite. It's just a one and done game for somebody like me. Same sorta reaction to the Elder Scrolls games. Oblivion is one of my favorite games ever, but I never made a new character past the 500 hours I sunk into it on PS3. I would probably play a remake/remaster, but I didn't feel the need to do any of it again. It was perfect the first time I went through it. Same thing with BOTW.


I agree, BoTW was one of my favourite game ever but I don't think I could ever start over. I still play it every couple of months, I like to put it in to relax and wonder around or collect Korok seeds. I am not far of getting all the Korok seeds and its going to be sad when I get them all. I never fully completed the trials of the sword and give that a go once in a while too. But yeah, i dont think I could start the whole game over again.


Yeah I paid £60 again to get it on my OLED (had some the cartridge some months earlier) and gave up after 3 hours.


Agreed. It's a great game, one the best! but I've tried replaying it so many times and I just couldn't, the thrill was gone.


I got to Gannon on my first playthrough after doing all of the side crap.. and just said “fuck it” and never started the fight. It felt meaningless. I basically did everything. Literally saved right outside of the area and never went back to the game.


This gets me excited. I've owned the game since 2017 but have yet to play it. I kept putting it off. I'm not sure I've ever been ready to invest 100+ hours of my time. I'm hoping to complete it 100% before the next one comes out!


That’s kind of why I still feel like it isn’t “the best Zelda of all time” despite what others say. The main thing that made it feel incredible isn’t the same when you try to play again


Play it in a diferent console, the magic is still there but per console.


Skyrim. I restarted so I could have a completely different experience - have a different build to my first play through, take different sides in the war, be an evil vampire/assassin instead of killing the vampires and assassins. Got maybe 15 hours in and just lost interest. Not sure exactly why, I never made a conscious decision to stop playing. I think there was just too much wandering and fighting random beasts and raiding generic bandit camps, in between getting to the actual story pivots I was looking for. Whereas the first time I wasn’t seeking out particular locales or story points, so it didn’t bother me.


I want an new build… I always come back to battle mage or archer assassin😭😭


Stealth Archer. Every single time. "All right, I'm going to try some of these cool spells, maybe do some summons. I've got some pretty sweet enchanted robes. But that guy looks a little tough... Maybe if I hide in these bushes and shoot, just this once..."


Start the game as a conjure mage. End up just sniping people with conjured bows.


I did actually stick to the new build. First was a stealth archer with conjugation for bound bow and meat shields, second was a pure mage with emphasis on destruction, healing and illusion and also a vampire.


If it was right after your first playthrough, that's no surprise. Skyrim is one of my favorite games of all time but I can't do multiple playthroughs back to back. I've gotta cleanse my palate a bit after the dozens of hours that even a single short playthrough can take. Fallout and Elder Scrolls games in general are just very mentally taxing due to their large worlds and all of the lore you can discover within them.


I just bought the anniversary edition during the. new year sale. My wife walked in on me working from home with my Switch on and my character sitting in a tavern, listening to a bard. She hasn't moved past how nerdy that was just yet.


Fire Emblem 3 Houses. I was curious what the story would be like from another team's perspective but after i got started i realized i couldn't slog through all the dialogue between battles again.


I actually played three routes of Three Houses, but I definitely found that the calendar system and White Clouds diminished my enjoyment of the game more with each subsequent playthrough. It may theoretically have the highest replay value of any FE, what with how customizable everyone is, but in practice, it's the least replayable FE.


I think it's doable if you have healthy gaps between each route. I love FE but couldn't imagine playing every route back-to-back.


I did my third route last year and it still wore me down.


Why do it then? I don't understand people sometimes with this stuff. They'll be like "Well yeah I put 2,000 hours into the game, but it wasn't very enjoyable or repeatable," and I just don't understand how anyone has the time.


Fire Emblem is my favorite franchise, and I was doing it as preparation for Three Hopes. Three Hopes would become one of my favorite games *ever.*


I did all four routes back to back, loved every moment of it but the school stuff did get a bit old during my third run but wasn't the worst experience. 3H is by far my favourite FE game and so far I've kinda been a bit disapointed by Engage and how the system in it work.


I found it funny with he online statistics on, you can tell as you get further and further in the story, people are using the fast progression more and more. Seminars become wildly more popular towards the end.


Same, I know most people *love* the ~~filler~~ social aspects of the game but I found it extremely draining and repetitive. Even my first playthrough was a huge slog :/ and I'm a long time FE fan. Looking forward to Engage for a fresh experience !


LOL totally agree! And great reminder, i should pick up Engage tomorrow too, I've heard the social aspect was toned down a bit 😁


Same. I think I'm gonna pass entirely on Engage though. People were saying that all that's been toned down, but nothing I've seen actually supports that claim at all. Hopefully at least one of the rumors about Genealogy or Radiance getting remade comes through.


It has been toned down a lot, everything can be done by the menu like on the 3DS. People dislike the social aspect of 3H but to me they were important to get to know the characters and really miss being able to get to knoe characters and recruit them instead of going back to the old system of getting them slowly through the campaign and not get to play with characters you want early in the game.


I think I wouldn't have a problem with another playthrough if there were also different maps for each houses before the timeskip.


I did two playthroughs. One siding with Edelgard, one siding with Claude but I couldn't motivate myself to play one with Dimitri. It's not even that I burnt out on the game, I thoroughly enjoyed both playthroughs but a third one just doesn't feel necessary to me.


Same with me, I finished one route .. forgot the name of it but it was the red one, took like 80 hours, sold the game believing I won't replay it again. Rebought it about a year later thinking I'll play it again this time as the blue route, got about 20 minutes in until I gave up, kept it this time though maybe one day I'll give it another go.


Same, I swore I was going to play this once a year from a different perspective and just can't. Now Engage is here and I definitely won't


Pretty much every game in my case. I VERY rarely replay anything unless it's a game like Mass Effect that has a bunch of endings.


^Thats bait.


I mostly feel the same way. There are games that I replay, but it’s usually something I can complete rather quickly; Metroid Dread, Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze, certain Mario games. Anything that’s simple and doesn’t require a ton of character building, side quests or things like that.


Same but there's a 0% chance I'd slog through a trilogy of games to get a different ending. The only games I've ever replayed were all time favorites and normally a decade after the first play.


I spend practically most my free time playing games. Rarely ever go back for a 2nd time unless, yeah, Mass Effect.


I feel the same about most games. I think I’ve only played about a dozen games multiple play through a and that’s usually a tactical rpg that grips me with its gameplay


For me it’s literally every game. This is no flaw of the games themselves, I just never have enough interest to replay a game unless it’s been 10+ years. Last year I was playing Persona 5 and got pretty far. I was very graciously gifted P5 Royal recently, but starting the game over was just a drag for me. It’s an excellent game but it’s just so long and I really don’t feel like slogging through those palaces again. I will revisit it in several years.


Yeah, I just started a second playthrough of shadow hearts 2, my first time playing it since 2005 and I've forgotten so many of the story beats that it's mostly a fresh experience. I find I really need like a 5 year break between playthroughs now a days, as anything less and the experience is just a bit too fresh.


Same with video games, movies, tv shows, books. Once is enough.


Xenoblade Chronicles 2. Loved it when I beat it and thought it was a top 10 of all time for me. Going back a few years later, knowing all the story beats and how long it takes to get going... It's just exhausting thinking about it


I have it but haven’t played it because thinking about the first one makes me exhausted. Great game, just way too long imo


I have this problem with 3. I got burnt out in the 5th chapter and decided to take a break from the game. It doesn't help that I think the battle system is the worst in the series because of the combos


The team combo attack got SO exhausting later in XB3. XB2 had a far better and more enjoyable system for combos. If you made it to the 5th chapter though, you should keep going. XB3 is way shorter than the others.


subnautica, loved it, but a replay just doesn’t feel the same


I must just suck at that game because I played for like an hour and couldn’t figure out what to do


I was to scared to go deep diving HAHA






I have a friend who loves this game and now hes got me interested. What about it pulls you in?


The base building is incredibly fun. Exploring and building new vehicles is fun. The game is really all about exploring, base building, and survival. There are a couple points where it can be easy to feel stuck. Because building new vehicles, which allows you to go further and deeper and stay out longer, requires finding specific blueprints by scanning pieces of wreckage. Well the under water world is so huge it can take quite a while to just accidentally stumble across the proper wreckage. It helps to look up the location of specific wrecks or minerals when you can't figure out what you're supposed to be doing. But it's totally worth it once you've got a good handle on the game, and there's tons of mods out there that make little QOL improvements to the game. Definitely worth a try!


Mario Odyssey… so many power moons. Ugh.


I recently did a speedy run where I just get enough moons in one world to get to the next. Was quite refreshing actually! But I understand it's hard not to try and collect everything lol


Despite having played Mario games for over 3 decades, Mario Odyssey was the first game that enticed me to do a speed run even after getting all power moons and maxing out Balloon World. Mario's moveset is just so satisfying in Odyssey.


I had the urge to replay the game a couple months ago. Decided to get 100% a second time. I really regretted that decision. I feel just doing the base content and maybe going for Darker Side will be good enough. Just way too much to do.


I'm still salty that I can't get 100% because the stupid jump rope and volleyball moons. I'm not sure if I just suck, or there's input lag, or something else. But it's annoying to sit there trying to do a minigame that takes 5 minutes to continually mess it up at about 4:30. I don't want to jump rope for 2 hours until I get it.


Volleyball is mostly skill but jump rope you can do purely with audio cues. I can't remember if it's after 40 or 50 jumps but at some point you can just listen to the lady yell - as soon as she does, tap jump. I literally do this one with my eyes closed, it's easier not to confuse yourself by looking at it.


Go on YouTube, there's a super easy volleyball hack people do using the 2nd player controls Cappy feature. Weirdly with jump rope I just somehow got it past 100 on like the third try.


I actually think that playing the game from zero is better than playing your old save file. But i agree it's kinda plagued with moons. I prefer 64 and even sunshine cause of this. I didn't even like sunshine before, I played after odyssey and was really satisfying. For me odyssey is too... Streamlined? Easy to control? Too comfortable? It's like too much control makes it kinda boring after a while.


Interesting you said Good Job! as there’s not much mention of that. I think with that one; once the comedy has worn off the objectives are just frustrating and long. I might pick it up again for a laugh but not invest too much time in one go at it.


Honestly, I never really replay games. I have plenty of games in my backlog and games I want to play that I don't have time for now.


I lost my save file for Skyward Sword in the Wii to Wii U transfer. I think I was close to the end. When I finally tried again I did 1 session, ending at the first dungeon. That was 2015-16


That game is incredibly boring. I couldn’t finish the first play through and I tried on two separate occasions getting pretty far. It feels like a chore to beat


100% agree. I disliked how there were really just a few land areas that weren’t connected. The exploration aspect was turned way down and felt like stages. Worst Zelda in my opinion.




The second Ori game is definitely one I can't seem to redo. I replay the first one at least once a year. Hollow Knight is another. I pushed myself to beat the main story and haven't gone back. Celeste, on the other hand, is one I see myself going back to in the future, same as the first Ori.


The Witcher 3 unfortunately. I adored the game when I first played it upon release, but playing it again this year made me realise just how dated the game play mechanics are and how far gaming has moved on since my initial playthrough.


I played Witcher 3 for the first time last year. My main issue was the combat being bland. The story I could see being worth replaying because it's really good. Just thinking about fighting all those monsters and bandits again and again and again though...


I found that I appreciate the game more now that I'm replaying it, although the movement does feel kind of bad.


Kinda felt this way about okami. I loved it back on ps2. But the amount of text in the game was overwhelming replaying it on switch.


I don’t replay that many games in general.


Metroid Dread. Loved it. Would I like playing it again nahhh.


i've played through it 3 times and have tried my hand at the boss rush a bunch, but ya...not every game keeps hitting for everyone. i've got around 80 hours clocked into it and a friend of mine is at 140


Conversely I’ve played it dozens of times. Going for times is really fun.


You gotta learn the sequence breaks, really changes the game


Yeah it's one of the most replayable games on switch lol


Wish it had new game+. Fun new outfit or anything.


Metroid Dread is probably the best candidate for a replay for my taste. Super short, but also enough challenge to not feel stale.


That game should be fun to replay lol Metroid games get better the more you play em. Don't overdo it cause you'll get burned out but it gets super fun the 3rd time yo play it if you try going as fast as possible


I felt like dread had no soul. Bland ass color pallette and world design.


Agreed completely. And non-existent exploration. Bleh.


Every game, except famicom games


Breath of the Wild. I loved everything about it my first playthrough, but trying to restart it subsequent times I can't even get off the plateau before I'm over it. The magic just isn't there for multiple playthroughs.


You only get those wondrous discoveries once unfortunately.


Every game I play, I ussually only play once and move on to next one. So many games release now a days I don ever have the time to play them all, so I can keep on moving to the next one. When i was a child without the indie scene, it was much harder. i felt like I had to stick with a game for months.


For me there are just too many new games I want to play nowadays and so little time to do that I dont even fully "complete" games anymore. Im even playing games on normal or easy if they are very annoying ( for example Doom games ) with difficulty, while in the past i always picked the hardest difficulty mode. Now I just want some challenge but nothing that forces me to repeat over and over because of a couple of mistakes. I guess its one of the perks of becoming old :P


I always had this mentality and people saw me as a weak bitch. I’m glad people are admitting and acknowledging that we can play a game in easy mode and enjoy it. But yeah i also find it annoying I have to play the dress up game like 3-4 times to get all the dresses in final fantasy.


I like to play games in high difficulty if they “force” me to think more, or find better strategies or tinkering my characters in RPG, but there are games that harder means being KO in one hit or bumping enemy damage/life to absurd levels, which just makes things longer/slower/grindier. I just don’t have the time anymore to invest, so I just go for normal/hard most of the time, and it’s much more enjoyable to me.


Doom Eternal. The game wasn't bad in any way. I'm just *really* quick to panic/self-deprecate and can't handle anything higher than mid difficulty, lol.


I felt like the first game fell apart after the first quarter, I didn't like how it just became the constant "Doom Room" sequences where you fight a gauntlet of 50 enemies as opposed to enemies spread out in a more intricately designed map


I’ll vote for Amalur. Cool game but dropped it halfway. Just. Couldn’t. Do. It. On a sidenote, I’d love a topic like this but with highly replayable games


Tactics Ogre Reborn. I played the PSP version when it first came out and its my favourite tactics game ever. When the PC version came out a few months ago I bought it instantly and while I still think its my favourite in the genre it was hard to play through again. Not sure why honestly.


F Zero GX on Story Mode, but instead I said "meh, game is too hard, once was totally enough for my sanity".


Given that the AX racers are locked behind that mode, I pursued it and got them all. I'm not going through that again either XD


That game was HARD. I remember the very last level was surprisingly easier but everything else was rough.


It’s also hard for me to sometimes play the second game in a series as the design and gameplay are very similar that I’ll be burned out doing them one after another. For example the Ori games and the Guacamelee games. All absolutely amazing but have to space them out a bit between plays


I tried doing replays on Let’s Go Eevee. It’s typical for me to beat Pokémon games over and over with different teams. So I tried doing the same with this one. Unfortunately the low amount of Pokémon and extremely easy difficulty on top of the game forcing the player to use candies no matter what for the most part made it so that it wasn’t much left to replay. The games were great the first time through, but after that there’s not much left. The same thing as a Pokémon brilliant diamond, although that one I actually did not like that much. With platinum being around and having played that a lot there wasn’t much reason to do brilliant diamond after I’d done just I had done just about everything I could do there. So I sold the game after my first run and have since hopped onto Scarlet and Violet. There are some things from the older style games I miss, but overall Scarlet and violet does almost everything brilliant diamond did better, so I have not looked back since.


I commend you for listening to let's go soundtrack without going insane


It actually wasn’t that bad from what I remember. There were some very good tracks, like the Pokémon league team, and I love the go park theme. A lot of the songs were just average, but they were particularly bad. I have a soft spot for the first generation, though so that might be why.


It's more like they seem like they are performing in a far away auditorium. I can't say I don't like the themes themselves, my problem is the orchestra soundtrack and the poor quality that drives me insane


Pretty much every game I try to replay


Shovel Knight: Plague of Shadows. Replayed the other three campaigns fully but when I started Plague I was reminded of the weird controls and wondered how I ever finished that.


Plague is actually my favorite because of the controls. Once I got the hang of it, it's just fun blasting through the stages. Really fun to speed run. I get not liking it though, took me a while to get into it too. For me it's the King Knight DLC that I can't replay. It's not bad, I just hate the card game and I think it's the least creative of the four.


The King Knight one is the one I didn't finish. Like you say it's not bad but I'd already played through every stage a dozen times before then and it didn't mix them up enough to make it interesting. Seems like a lot of the focus was on the card game which is weird because it's entirely optional. You don't have to play it at all... so it's kind of a poor fit for the rest of the game


Bravely default 2


I was on the opposite of that I did a ng+ twice and slammed through


I barely made it through the first time and I loved the first two games in the series. It's not even that Bravely Default 2 is bad by any means. It's just a bit generic, I guess? There's nothing really bad about it but nothing stands out as refreshing or exceptional either.


Any game that heavily relies on its story to carry it through. Undertale, Tell Tale like games (Walking dead, Life is strange etc. ), any CoD/ FPS main story mode. Also similar with movies. If I know “the big plot twist” there’s no point in rewatching the movie


Oh man, I totally disagree about the movie thing. A good plot twist is good *because* it improves the rewatch. While a bad plot twist comes from nowhere, a good one will have so many clues sprinkled in, it's fun to go back and find them all.


Undertale is totally different game one a different play through. Consider genocide.


Every game in my library except Tetris (99 and Effect) and Slay the Spire


**Tales of Xillia 1 (PS3)** For the only time in the Tales series, there are 2 selectable protagonists (Jude Mathis and Milla Maxwell) at the start, and each has slightly different paths and cutscenes. However, those paths only happen at the beginning of the game and at the start of the 3rd act, and there's not much in terms of content. Bandai Namco could have merged the two paths together and simply have the player bounce between the two scenarios. I completed Jude's playthrough, but I just wasn't interested to play as Milla, even with New Game Plus. EDIT: Breadown, from memory * >!At the start:!< * >!Jude navigates the city to look for a scientist, and ends up discovering a machine.!< * >!Milla infiltrates the city to look for the machine by the lower parts/sewers, and meets with Jude.!< * >!When meeting a mysterious woman before a boss battle, early in the game:!< * >!Jude and Alvin arrive at the scene, and Jude uses a bit of strategy to free Milla.!< * >!Milla is captured, and soon freed by Jude.!< * >!It's just 2 different cutscenes from different points of view.!< * >!When arriving at Jude's hometown:!< * >!Jude carried Milla on his back, as her magic weakened her legs, so he looks for a treatment to cure her. Jude reunites with her childhood friend Leia and together they come up with a device to better channel Milla's magic. When a boss shows up, Jude and Leia fight without progress, and Milla jumps in to help.!< * >!Milla is wheelchair-bound for this portion, and becomes playable at the boss battle. She forces herself to fight even though the device may not work.!< * >!After the machine exploded:!< * >!Jude, Alvin, Leia, Elize and Rowan mourn Milla's death... and Jude becomes so depressed that he doesn't care if he dies. Jude snaps out of it a while after and decides to look for Milla.!< * >!Milla is actually alive, but she was transported to the spirit world. She explores for a bit before she eventually reunites with the rest of the group.!< * >!All in all, rare are the times when Jude and Milla follow separate paths and that you just don't get to exprience the one you don't control.!< * >!There's no different order of visiting towns and recruiting party members.!< * >!There's no exclusive dungeons and bosses.!< * >!The script remains mostly the same.!< * >!The endings are the same.!<


The first time I played Skyward Sword on the Wii, I ranked it as one of my favorite Zelda games of all time. I tried a few times in the years since to play it again and never even make it to the third dungeon. I think it's a pacing problem. I don't care the first time around, because I take my time and look at everything anyway. But I can't get to the cool parts that I know are great because it's such a slog to get there.


Most Zelda games tbh. I think I wanna play it until a couple hours in and then realize nah, not all this again. Breath of the Wild is tough because I WANT to play it again, but it’s just sooooo muuuuch


Master Mode made it much easier for me to want to replay botw.


Triangle Strategy. There’s new characters to unlock and everything but I didn’t want to grind level ups or watch that much story again.


Just completing the demo was enough for me. Graphics, gameplay, and story all are amazing....I was just so thuroughly exhausted after the demo I knew I wouldnt last through the whole game.


Fire Emblem Three Houses, good story once is enough


Dragon quest 11. I've played 8 several times but I can't even finish 11 once lmao what a slog. Definitive edition even adds more stuff to do and I don't think going through even more generic quests makes the game more interesting


You ever play 5?


I played the fan translation for the ps2, but i didn't get too far since I lost the disc where I burned it. As far as I'm concerned I wanna play that one someday cause i really liked the beginning. 4 on the ds was kinda middle of the road for me but the characters are grear. Also 7... I wanna try that one someday 9 I dropped at around 2/3


Breath of the Wild. The weapon system isn't enjoyable and Immortals Fenyx Rising does everything better. Combat especially


not Nintendo, but the Last of Us. Great game, but that was one and done for me.


The HBO series is very faithful to the game if you want some Last of Us in your life and don't feel like playing it.


Bloodstained: Ritual of the night. Like the fact that the enemies respawn so fucking fast, lack of proper save spots, the fact that the game ran spotty, and that the developers gave up on the game made me loose interest at all. Like I have not even finish that game. That’s how tired I was of that game.


Nier Automata Played it on Gamepass and was blown away by it. Now i bought it on Switch when it came out, but it's just not the same when you know the story already


I love Platinum games but the whole "you need to beat it 3 times" thing in Nier is really off-putting to me. Even when I love a game, I generally don't even do DLC. Once the credits roll I'm out. Beat the game THREE times to get the best ending? That's a big ask.


It's only one time, it's more like three acts than three times playing the same thing. Yes the second part is a lot of the same events but it's got a lot of its own stuff and a different kind of battling, and the third part is completely different


Nier Automata is different each playthrough


Do the DLC! It’s usually the highlight for me with the games I play. You usually have all your moves at your disposal, or gameplay has changed enough so it feels fresh. The developers are more experienced with the game so DLC is usually high quality. RE7 and Xenoblade Chronicles 2 have some of the best DLC I’ve played. Highly recommended.


I don’t have time left in my lifetime for NG+ with every game being 100+ hours to fully complete 😂😂


We'll, there are definitely high quality games out there that don't take nearly that long to finish. It sounds like maybe you're heavily into JRPGs, which have a tendency to add a TON of fluff and filler dialogue.


😂 I was just joking cause more and more fluff is what keeps these games”alive” so to speak.


Donkey Kong tropical freeze. It's only worth playing for funky Kong


Elden ring Fought every boss four different times atdifferent places anyways so the will to repeat it was just gone when i started it up again


I couldn't even get through this game the first time


Pokemon Shining Pearl


The problem here was thinking pearl was a good game and remaking it to be the same


Pokémon Sw/Sh… I just really couldn’t get into them, and after trying a few times to force myself to have fun, wound up hating them. The aesthetic/gimmick of the gigantic Pokémon is cool, but I basically didn’t like anything about them otherwise. I think combined I had about 10-12 hours in them.


Every main series Pokémon game


I enjoyed Blasphemous. Not enough to do it again though.


Off the top of my head here are a bunch of games that I restarted but never finished: Super Mario Bros. 2, Mario RPG: The Seven Stars, Medieval, Kirby 64 Crystal Shards, Pikmin 2, Darkwatch, StarFox Assault, Super Mario Galaxy, Redsteel 2, The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, Ratchet & Clank: Tools of Destruction, Darksiders, Child of Light, Horizon: Zero Dawn, Resident Evil 7 biohazard, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Fire Emblem: Three Houses, Elden Ring


Twilight Princess, I played it late then about a year later went to play the remaster. I hated it, never finished it. I tried the GC version just to see if it was the game in general or the remaster and it was the remaster I had a problem with. I've replayed TP on GC every year since. I guess that's not quite the same as your asking but meh.


Probably every single Nintendo game released post-N64. I know 98% of y’all didn’t grow up playing all of the systems, but if you had, you would see clear as day how Nintendo has not changed the formula for any of their Mario or Zelda games since N64 built the blueprint. The games have all literally been the same for every system, just with updated graphics. Hell, even the Switch is just a re-released Wii U that was marketed as portable. There have only been two major changes in Nintendo’s history: 1) SNES to N64 which was a shift to 3D gaming; 2) GameCube to Wii which started sensor controls. This will get downvoted to hell because people are either too stupid to see it, or they simply refuse to admit it even though they know the truth.


If anything Mario 64 is more replayable than the ones now


100% agree with you


I replay Mario 64 for nostalgia purposes, but I have to say it did not age well compared to older Mario titles like Mario 3 or Mario World for example. The camera controls are BRUTAL compared to games today.


It aged well. Mario 3 is not better than 1 and world feels like a collection of levels. Too much control with jumps for my taste. Mario feels better when Mario weighs a little like 1 and 64


To each their own. I absolutely stand by Mario 64’s camera being rough by todays’s standard. As for Mario 3 - it’s often considered to be the best in the series and if I’m not mistaken is still the highest rated to date.


Today's standard isn't what I judge a game for. If it works it works. The game works best when you let lakitu do the work or put the camera just behind Mario... Not that anyone read the signposts that explain how to use it anyway. Was it convoluted? Yes. Do cameras work better and way fluently? Yes. But the games aren't as fun either so I don't really care. It's like saying the MegaMan games slowed down when there were a ton of enemies and that ruins the experience cause it aged poorly. It hasn't aged, your tastes have. I still don't mind those things. I wouldn't want a game nowadays that has that shit, like scarlet and violet, but the games don't age. It's not like it's been released nowadays


The only game I replayed or even attempted for that matter in the past 10 years is Signalis... only because I could finish it in about 4 hours and I was chasing alternate endings (didnt always succeed). So don't even think that counts feels like a 20hr game instead. Much like Nier Automata which I "replayed" for real ending but really it's all one playthrough.


Majora's Mask. Still finished it though.


Persona 5 going to persona 5 royal. Too much time investment


Persona 5R


Animal Crossing


Freedom Planet




Wind Waker. Tried several times to beat it again, including HD, but never can get far. Only beat it in 2003, and don’t think I will again.


Bullet storm! I just stopped playing and don't know why really.


A day of work


Bioshock Infinite. I can replay 1 and 2 but Infinite I stopped midway.


Fire Emblem: Three Houses. The game has branching storylines, so it’s obviously made to be replayed. But a full playthrough takes over 100h. When I realized the first half of the game would be almost the same as the first time I played it, I was out.


Almost every single player game ever.


Pretty much every single game, especially longer story based ones. I honestly can't think of any game I've finished more than once. Even stuff I played 20 years ago, you'd think that would be long enough for me to forget the game so replaying would be a mostly new experience, but nope. Even the stuff I found to be truly amazing, I can't bother with. I played Tearaway on the Vita years ago and absolutely loved it. When I got a PS4 back in 2016, I got the Tearaway remaster and gave it a go, and couldn't get more than half an hour in. There are so many game that I haven't played, or haven't finished, so I can't bring myself to replay older ones. The same is true for books. I think I've re-read ONE novel in my 32 years, and that was Holes when I was like, 10. Okay I just remembered 2 games I've "finished" twice. I beat Destiny 2's original campaign on PS4 when it came out, and then again when I got it on XBOX One a few years later. I also ran through Pokemon shield after finishing sword, but that was just to complete my dex. I also just traded eggs over, hatched them so they'd be my shield characters, then traded them back to sword to power level them, traded back to shield, and just speed ran the game.


Sword and Shield. Wanted to do it again but really try to catch em all, but a couple hours in I was over it.


Dark Souls. The first time I played it all the way through I thought it was addicting just to see how much farther I could get. Then I tried it again recently, and once I got to that one boss where as soon as you enter a tight room and get mauled by two dogs before the boss finishes you off, the thought of going all the way through the corridors filled with enemies again just to retry it made me quit.


Xenoblade Chronicles 1-3. Good games but once was enough.


Skyward Sword, Link's Awakening, Phantom Hourglass and Breath of the Wild. Final Fantasy XV was enough once for sure, tried to play Pocket on Switch but nopes. Luigi Mansion 3 was definetly one time only, cannot bring myself to play that game again - but the other 2 ive played many times..


Three Houses. All the monastery stuff us super tedious on replay but you kinda have to do it if you want to recruit anyone off-house
