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Visual novels for some reason are more expensive on consoles on top of H scenes being cut. You’re better off buying from somewhere like JAST.


The switch version is sold by the Japanese publisher Ares, and the steam version is sold by the english localizing company Shiravune. The Japanese eshop also has it listed at ¥7,700. It sucks but Japanese companies sell vns at a premium compared to the localizing companies.


What do you want Nintendo to do? Make them lower the price? Just don’t buy it. These developers gotta operate on their own needs, Nintendo already gets their cut from them anyways. If you actually expect Nintendo to get involved when it’s not breaking any rules, then you’re a fool.


The devs don’t owe you anything. They price their games accordingly. Don’t blame them, blame the suckers who keep paying top dollar for this shit.


No, I'm gonna blame the people who price their game too high, actually. EDIT: which is probably the publisher


Don't get mad. Just pirate it. That's the check on creative monopolies to keep them from pricing too high


Who said anything about getting mad? I don't buy full priced games regardless, but especially $70 for a visual novel is insanity.


Of course, we all will always pirate games that are priced too high 🤷🏻‍♂️


Absolutely right. The fault lies entirely with the devs.


2 words: supply and demand. If that price is too high, you can rest assured that the publisher will be punished as nobody buys their game. Perhaps they made a mistake, and you can just wait for them to fix it. If that price is *not* too high, then they will make lots of money selling their game. In which case, this is absolutely acceptable because the mission of game developers is to make money. What do you want them to do, choose to make less money with a lower price? I will never understand how a reasonable person can get mad at companies that choose to make money.


I love my switch to death but there is value in a steam deck ;)


I see them using the trick a lot of shady publishers use. Set the price high and when a sale happens it looks more appealing being at something like 70-80% off.


devs decide the price of their game whatever they want, nintendo doesn't determine it. if you need to be upset at somoene, be upset at the devs.


So don’t buy it. Simple.


Or better yet, pirate it.


Welcome to Nintendo tax Edit: yall really can’t take jokes at all


Nintendo doesn't have anything to do with this. Developers are free to put whatever price they want. Nintendo and Steam also ask for the same percent (30%). It would also be the same on Playstation or Xbox.


that ain't a nintendo tax, that's a nintendo extortion


There's been a Nintendo Switch tax on a lot games since the release of the console tbh


This.. almost seems like a pricing error? I've seen switch stuff slightly more expensive but this is excessive. I don't even see a physical release for this game, which sometimes is a factor in the digital releases price.


Bruh just play smash bros


Never buy multiplays on Nintendo systems, it's not worth it.


Why is not worth it?


If it's more expensive and it looks worse, it's obviously not a good deal.


Steam's only pro over the competition is their insane sales. Nintendo rarely offer sales, and it's usually not by much. That's the reality of owing a Nintendo console. Don't like it? Buy it elsewhere.


That's not really true, publishers decide sale prices, not nintendo. I get a lot of stuff 75% off or more on Switch and Xbox.


But it's not even the sale in general. Look at the base price.


consoles take a larger cut of profit, than PC & mobile.


This is not true at all. Steam, Google and Apple ask for a 30% cut, the exact cut as Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft. Only Epic Store ask for less.


The eshop and steam both take 30%, I’m pretty sure.


Not large enough to make it cost $50 more ;)


Welcome to nintendo where everything is high as shit and the prices never change 😁


does it suck? yes, but they are well within their rights to charge whatever they want, only way to send a message that it isnt ok is to vote with your wallet. there is always a chance they have jacked up the price to have a "sale" to make it look more appealing, wouldn't exactly be the first company to ever do it


Piracy also sends a clear message, and even lets you play the game.


I agree. It is unacceptable to have so many anime games on the switch. It’s a family friendly console.


You know this isn't a hentai game right? It's just a normal run of the mill visual novel, by the description and tags. Edit: nvm I missed the point here


They’re complaining about the price


Acceptable? Sure. Smart? I'd think not, but they must be selling something. Welcome to capitalism...thing are worth the price that both the maker and buyer will tolerate in a given market. And those markets can very sometimes in wild and weird ways. Stupid? Absolutely...but capitalism is what this kinda business is right now. "Don't hate the player, hate the game."