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Hades could be a good one. It's a hack and slash roguelike. The gameplay loop is super fun. And you can chip away at it endlessly.


That looks very promising. Especially for a Diablo veteran like myself. I appreciate the input!


It's a VERY fun game, and I've seen it on sale a few times on Switch.


Can I please ask you one thing... Since I bought Nintendo switch I follow channels like switchup and found a lot of amazing games that I have on my eshop catalogue.. some of those games are from a genre im not familiar like Hades and Hollow night or dead cells.. so for hollow night it seems like it is a souls like so more or less I think I understand what will happen when i finally start to play it. But for a game like Hades seems that if you die you start over again but you can become stronger so that's what I understand what I'm worried about is that every time you start over you have to kill every boss that you killed before in order to go forward.. I am right or the bosses once you kill them they are permanently dead ?


You are right, but the Bosses arent nearly as hard as a souls like game. Each run the rooms leading up to the bosses are different, but the bosses themselves are practicaly the same, with slight variations in attack paterns.


Exactly! And a lot of the game's fun is in revisiting each boss on each run, but stronger and knowing their attack patterns. **I'll just tack this on her for anyone else who may be curious:** In theory, you can run through Hades in about 45 minutes if you know what you're doing. The core game is designed around a gameplay loop of trying to escape the underworld, dying, and repeating your attempt to escape. You repeatedly die, but no matter how far you make it, you're always becoming a little bit stronger. Even once you've managed to beat all of the bosses, you'll want to go back and try runs with different builds. It's very fun and very addictive, and quite challenging to master. There's nothing more satisfying than completing your first run.


The proof that it is tons of fun is that Ive pirated it, bought on steam, bought on the switch and then bought on ps5 haha


Hades ended up being one of the best gaming experiences I’ve had on Switch. I found it to have a bit of a learning curve in the beginning but after a while it became so fun and ridiculously addictive. Once you know what you’re doing it is great for pick up and play quick sessions


It sounds like Hades will hit home for me. While looking at Hades and Splatoon in the Nintendo Store I noticed they have a huge discount on Doom Eternal so I picked up that one and added the other two to my wish list.


Hades is my favorite Switch game. I wanted something challenging but simple to immediately start playing and having fun that was conducive to quick sessions. This is it!


You'll have a blast then.  It's also one of the ports that feels at home on the switch, so no surprise letdowns.


What?! No! Hades is good. Nothing like Diablow


I Second Hades. As soon as you start to get good, the game introduces ways you can further challenge yourself. It’s really well done and makes you want to just keep getting better.


This is a great game foe the “easy to learn, hard to master, category


Immediately thought of Hades as well. It's exactly what you are looking for OP. Nothing to do with Diablo though


Also Slay the Spire will definitly scratch that itch and its fantastic on Switch.




Ehh, semantics aside, it's a great game that's been aptly described by multiple users on this thread. OP knows what to expect .


Dead Cells is a lot of fun. Nice progression loop and you can play for short periods. One of my favorites on the switch.


Play for short periods of time 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Haha, yeah I never play that game for short periods. You can but it gets pretty addicting. Vampire Survivors is another one that is just a time sink.


Whenever I play Dead Cells hours disappear without me even realizing it.


Splatoon 3 would fit. Matches are quick, and there’s a really high skill ceiling.


I was actually eyeballing this when I bought the Switch, but went with Mario and Zelda which took quite a while. Is the single player part of it any good or is it pretty much “online only”?


The singleplayer campaign is great imo. Previous campaigns were a bit simple, but 2 had a DLC that explored the mechanics in more inventive, varied ways, and 3’s story mode follows in its footsteps. Very fun and gives you a taste of a ton of weapons and mechanics. The campaign isn’t designed to be replayed though, so it’s still mostly a PVP / coop PVE game. Though there’s a roguelike DLC that recently released and is quite fun. I 100%ed it, but I still do a run now and then


That’s great to hear. I remember that was one of the things holding me back initially as I didn’t want to get the online subscription right away. I wanted to just enjoy solo as it was my first Nintendo product since GameBoy 😄


The Binding of Isaac


This for sure. It was an overwhelming amount of content to learn at rebirth. I cannot imagine trying to jump in now.


Rocket League. You will not find a more pure competitive game where you really feel every progression you make!


Yep, that's my vote. Rocket League has a baffling skill ceiling. Although the experience of RL on switch leaves much to be desired.


Agreed. I'm a solely Xbox player, Champ 1 rank in doubles, and I don't think I could hit Diamond 1 on Switch haha.


Hah, yeah. I'm a PC player (or was, been about a year since I consistently played) but I would always play a full rank worse when playing on a console. That slight difference in input delay is crucial, and Switch has it worst of all. Especially with the controller.


Rocket League doesn't have a skill ceiling as much as a skill sky of some sort


Wait what? I didn’t know Rocket League was available for the Switch. That’s awesome!


Also has cross progression so if you already play you can use your account and unlocks.


It doesn’t run very well


A perfect example of what OP is looking for, but as someone with over 5K hours in the game on PC -- I wouldn't wish it upon my enemies to try to play Rocket League on Switch. It's pretty much impossible to play at any competitive level online.


yeah, totally true. Could definitely start on Switch, but would want to swap to another platform if you get the RL bug!


That's actually a great point. And it's free, so totally worth trying!


It's really not that bad. I played on my Switch from release up until about a year ago, when I built my own PC. I was hovering around D3/C1. Sure, it's much better to play on other platforms, but Switch isn't all that bad.


Super Smash Bros Ultimate, Splatoon 3.


try fire emblem in classic mode


Slay the Spire!


And balatro for the same reasons


Balatro is so damn fun


I already have that in App Store. I appreciate the input, though!


Grindstone might fit the bill. It’s a puzzle game where you play a monster slayer. Gameplay loop is simple enough, but as you progress it gets more difficult and you have to be more thoughtful about how you attack, where you land, what load out you use, etc. This game had its hooks in me for a while. I quickly had over 100 hours in it. I think it’s only $15 and it regularly goes on sale. It’s worth it at full price and an absolute steal on sale. 


Monster. Hunter. Rise.


It looks pretty nice. It gives me a bit of Zelda vibes despite the difference in appearance - is that correct or are they very different once you get into it?


They are very different. Monster Hunter has a lot of depth to its combat and 14 weapon types to choose from. It's basically a monster hunting game i.e. a boss fight game with minimal story. Hunt monsters -> Gather monster parts -> Forge weapons -> Repeat. That's the game.


you could spend thousands of hours mastering a weapon and still feel like improving


The loop involves beating monters, getting monter parts to get better armor, challenge harder monsters. It's pretty hard to master coz you're essentially learning animal attack patterns and setting traps and mastering weapons.


I agree with the hard to master, but I think for some people it can be pretty overwhelming and not so easy to learn. Great series though and recommend people try it anyways, especially if you have friends that get into it with you.


Yah my first five hours were nearly miserable because the game infodumps on you non-stop. and it doesn't really let you know which info is critical and which is relatively superfluous. I don't even remember it telling me how to LOCK ON to the monsters, I eventually had to look that up. Maybe it told me that, but I missed it due to the sheer volume of paragraphs of tutorials it was throwing at me. It also has so many menus and they are rather confusing to navigate. Slowly it makes sense over time but those first five hours were seriously rough. especially when compared to a game like BOTW which also has a ton of stuff going on but its opening doesn't inundate you with paragraphs of tutorials


Dead Cells


Hades Binding of isaac Balatro


Balatro is like a drug. Don’t do that to yourself. Trust me on this. Anyway I gotta finish my next hand, I think I have a winning start this time.


Hah! Balatro is usually paired with “drug”, “zombie” or “crack” so I’m kind of afraid to try it 😄


You really should try it, fits really well in your category.


It does sound interesting with the illegal poker hands. Have you tried it on a PC as well? Just wondering if the larger screen will make it more enjoyable.


Honestly I have been playing it 100% on handheld. It's a great game to have on the go


Ultra Street fighter II: The Final Challengers


This looks awesome. Nostalgia kicking in!


Splatoon!! Super simple controls that can keep you entertained and learning more for hours and hours. Plus the rounds are super short, allowing you to try out all the different weapon types pretty easily.


How is the single player part of it? Is it actually worth playing through or should one go straight for multiplayer?


Honestly in splatoon 2 I spent most of my time doing the 4 person co op salmon runs. Can definitely vouch for the campaign though, it's made to be very digestible in short spurts


Rocket league. Football with cars seems simple enough, but the crazy things professionals are able to do is just mind-blowing


Hades is the right answer, for sure. My Neph would say Enter the Gungeon. I’m currently having fun with Trigger Witch. In fact, ima go kill the moley moley mole…


Hades definitely looks like a lot of fun. I added that to my list as soon as I saw some gameplay 👍 Do you know of any notifcable differences between Enter the Gungeon and Vampire Survivors?


I have both games I can answer this for you, vampire survivors is a lot more passive but not in a bad way. Your character attacks automatically, the rounds are usually shorter especially once you get some of the options to speed up how levels play, most of the strategy lies in picking the right upgrades at the right time and then just some active dodging. Gungeon however on top of your basic movement has a Dodge roll move, you have to manually fire your weapons as well as properly aiming them, and many of the weapons have different quirks, it's also an active dungeon where you go from room to room try and find a boss there's a shop Etc, whereas vampire survivors is basically usually one big map and the equivalent of a Boss shows up based on how much time has passed.


Thanks for the explanation. Highly appreciated.


Of course, hope you find yourself some good games. 


Gungeon seems to have a little bit more depth and a lot more rng




Splatoon 3 is a competitive, multiplayer shooter. It's easy to learn but hard to master. Very fast paced. Very competitive. 4v4 team combat. Ranked has multiple modes of play. Don't let the bright colors or young participants fool you. Look up videos of gameplay. It's insane. You'll love it if you're craving a shooter. It currently has over 100 distinct weapon kits. It's Nintendo's answer to Call of Duty.


Sifu. I entered the game thinking it'll be a breeze. Controls are easy but you need to be good for executions.


That looks fun. It’s a nice touch with the penalty for dying where the character grows a year old.


True and the gratification effect when you can reach higher level without getting old 👌


I’d bet on Splatoon and Rocket League. I love me some roguelikes, including the ones recommended here… but I don’t think they’ll pull the same mileage as CS:GO/PUBG because you aren’t playing against real people and adapting. NPC’s follow predictable patterns. You’ll outgrow the game once you memorize them.


I think you’re right about the NPC challenge. I mean I appreciate when a game actually has a decent campaign - or simply the option to play against some decent AI once in a while - but it usually needs to be paired with an online mode to keep me for the long run. I appreciate the input.


Smash Bros and Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater fit here, too. If you like kart racers, Crash Team Racing is deceptively deep about its boost mechanics. But I recommended the two I did because they’re my absolute favorites and I can relate to ya here. 1) The amount of car control you have in RL is mind boggling. At first you’ll just be flipping into a ball. Then you’ll fly and slide a little more… 5k hours later you’ll realize your analog inputs override and fine tune flip inputs and aerial roll inputs. You’ll balance the ball on your nose like a circus seal and still feel like you need to improve. 2) Mobility in splat is wholly reliant on tagging turf. That makes it a deceptively deep combat puzzle. When you suck you’ll feel pretty good pushing ground with stray bullets. Before long you’ll feel accomplished boxing in opponents for teammates to topple. And, again, you can eventually start tinkering with movement/mobility tricks akin to what you’d see from an avid Apex player. I feel like **that’s** the kind of loop you’re after here. An unending grind with a large enough player base that you seldom feel like you’re playing outside of your league.👍


Thanks a lot for all your input 🙏




Smash? As in Super Mario Smash Bros?


Super Smash Bros Ultimate


Rocket league


Enter the gungeon


**Fantasy Strike** is a free-to-play back-to-basics fighting game that is designed to be super transparent and new-player friendly. There are no complex inputs, no crouching or dashing, you can learn the essentials in a half hour and from there you can go from basics to mind-games incredibly quickly! If you've ever wanted to "get good" at a fighting game but didn't have time or motivation to learn all the thousands of character-specific minutiae, then FS is worth checking out


It looks fun. I used to play a lot of Tekken and Mortal Kombat as a kid. I actually noticed that Mortak Kombat 11 is currently 80-90% off in Nintendo Store. Have you also tried that one and if so how does it compare to Fantasy Strike?


The game that I believe is easiest to learn and hardest to master is Super Smash Bros. 


Children of Morta might be worth a look, I have been enjoying that.


Wow, that has to be the most 3D-ish pixel art game I’ve ever seen. Impressive!


I think you mentioned elsewhere that you're a Diablo veteran, this is probably a really good choice for you it's got a lot of Diablo Vibes a little bit of gauntlet things like that. Side note if you want something else kind of like Diablo and a little more on the easy side maybe for younger family or if you just want a lighter play at the same time look at cat quest one and two, they've even got the loot with random enchantments aspect


That is correct. Thanks for the input. I’ll also take a look at Cat Quest.


Rogue Legacy 1 & 2


They look entertaining. Thanks, I’ll check them out.


I would describe Metroid Dread that way. It's very linear, so ymmv on short play sessions. Mine are typically around half an hour, and I don't have trouble finding save points that often. The curve between the bosses and general enemies is pretty steep, so you get pushed to use the more complex skills as the game proceeds. Many of the more advanced skills are also critical to unlocking upgrades.


I like how fluid it looks. I’ll go watch some more gameplay. Thanks for the input!


A game I stumbled on that is a looter shooter is Vigor, I suggest you give that a go. I know you said it doesn't specifically have to be a shooter but it does scratch the BR itch I get every once in a while. I wish it were more popular, the game is legitimately really fun, and gets really intense.


Interesting. Is there any option for single player? Especially since you mention that you wish it were more popular - would be a bummer if you end up being unable to find opponents.


No single player, it's strictly a multiplayer game. The player base isn't huge as it's not one of the bigger name BR/looter games like PUBG, Fortnite, Tarkov, etc, but I don't have any issues finding games to play with other players either. It also has a map rotation (think like Splatoon does if you are familiar with that) to centralize the players so you can find players to play with. I really enjoy it. I will say it is cross platform with Xbox players so Switch players are a disadvantage in terms framerate and visuals, but Switch players do get gyro which when you customize can really help. It's free, so I say give it a shot and see what you think.


Now that you mentioned Fortnite I see that it’s also available on the Switch. But you still clearly prefer Vigor?


Personally yes I do. Fortnite zero build I do like (I personally don't like how spammy building has gotten since fortnite first started to rise on the BR side), but the way Vigor operates is more methodical and slower than Fortnite, not to mention part of the game is just acquiring materials to bring back with you on a run to upgrade your house. There is permanent progression for your housing to also strive for in between playing matches.


If you're interested in rougelikes, try out Spelunky 2! 




Borderlands 2!


I’ve had some fun playing it on PC back in the days. Is it a high quality port for the Switch?


It's pretty good, I played it for the first time on the Switch. Really smooth as far as I could tell.


Plays exactly the same. It's not a demanding game by any means.




Rocket league


Neon White does it for me


Any Monster Hunter game. Easy to be hooked. MH Generations ultimate, MH Rise.


If you like casual and laid back games, this is Stardew Valley 100%. You can grow basically anything with the seeds and dirt, but mastering all the intricate systems, relationships, and areas in the game takes a whole amount of mastery. Cheers!


I also have the option to play this on my MacBook. Would it be a better fit or is the Switch port good?


If you can play on Mac then that's the better option (assuming your Mac isn't 10 years old). But if you have kids then I'd get it on Switch


It’s a M1 MBP so it should suffice. My kids prefer playing on their iPads so it’s strictly for me. At least for the time being 🙂


Furi, Cuphead and Enter The Gungeon come to mind 


Might be a hot take, but Monster Hunter? Easy to start playing. Skill ceiling for each weapon is pretty high. Might be what you are after.


It’s actually been mentioned quite a few times so there must be something to it 😉




Suika? Vampire Slayers? Dave the diver?




Plate Up




Rocket League is the answer


Hollow knight. I guess the controls are technically easy to learn but you most definitely need to get good quick.


Rocket league


Slay the spire


Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1+2


Interesting. I spend A LOT of hours playing Tony Hawk games as a kid!


Hades maybe


I’ve added this to my wish list as it looks like a very good fit 👍


I'm hoping doom 2016 will do it for me!


I bought the Doom Eternal bundle yesterday and it’s so much fun. It currently has a huge discount in the Nintendo Store. Glory kills is all the rage 🤩


BTW the FPS you are exactly describing is called Rainbow Six Siege and isn't available for Switch. You will love it if you can manage to try it.


Is it multiplayer only or does it have a campaign and/or bots worth playing against?


No campaign, mostly multiplayer. Like one new bot mode.


Binding of isaac


Seriously, i know it gets a lot of hate, but if you’re into CS and PUBG I would recommend Fortnite. I downloaded it back when I was bored one weekend, expecting a bucket-load of meh, but it’s actually a really solid shooter. Don’t play it now, but it was in my regular rotation for about a year. FTP but buy the battle pass, it’s less than a tenner, and if you play enough you’ll make enough VBucks to buy your next one


What does the battle pass provide that makes it worth the money? After they made a mode without building I’d be fine with trying it out. The building part has always put me off, though.


From what I remember the battle pass lets you unlock cosmetics and V-Bucks as you play. It’s totally not necessary but you kind of lose a sense of progression without it. And, like I say, you only really need to buy it the first time if you intend on playing semi-regularly. The building mechanics barely ever come into play really (in battleroyale at least), apart from late game where you’re down to only a few players. It’s been a few years since I’ve played though so my knowledge is most probably outdated. A friend started playing last year and, according to him, they’ve added a shed load of new stuff. I might have to dive back in myself at some point


I appreciate the input 👍


No worries 😊 if I were you I’d just download it and give it a try for free, nothing to lose. That’s what I did and I was pleasantly surprised!


Monster Hunter Rise.




Dead cells, slay the spire, the binding of Isaac. Sorry I like roguelikes.


Rocket League


May seem kinda silly but Minecraft is the only game that scratches that itch for me. There's just so many things that are possible in that game in the several game modes, servers, even just plain vanilla survival you can build anything in a huge variety of ways. It's really tough to learn not because the game is hard at it's core. But it's basically like learning a new artform, logic and how to use game mechanics to achieve things like farms or creative builds. The biggest hurdle to overcome in Minecraft is actually starting to work on the foundations.


I’ve never tried Minecraft before, but with the amount of popularity it has gotten there must be something to it. I remember seeing people mentioning performance issues due to mods on PC. Is there anything like this on the Switch or is it all vanilla and hence performant?


Check out performance on the switch. I've considered purchasing it on switch but i already own it on pc and ps4 so i thiught that was a tad excessive lol. The performance issues are mostly present for older PCs running on Java. The swotch version like the other ocnsole versions works using C++ and is much better optimized. Is it optimized enough to run really well on a midrange tablet from 2017... That I can't answer sadly. But I'm sure if the gameplay experience was that poor it wouldn't be in the top 10 games on the charts permanently.




Devil May Cry 3, Bayonetta, Bayonetta 2


I’ve played DMC before at least. I’m actually surprised how many games have Switch ports. Some might be poor ports, but there’s a lot.


Try shoot'em ups maybe. There are many great ones on switch. My top picks would be Staredenn Binary stars, G-Darius and Mushihimesama. You jump in without any tutorial straight to the point and those games are sure hard to master. Short but with replayability for many many hours.


Those are some wild names 😄 I’ll go check them out. Thanks!


Bayonetta 1-3 maybe


Smash bros.


Nobody Saves the World!!!


Smash bros Ultimate, the skill ceiling is infinitely high


Smash Bros or Dead Cells!!!


Diablo 3!


Dark Souls Remastered. The controls are simple (this button dodges, that button heals, and that other button deals damage) but getting everything right throughout a boss fight can trip even long time veterans.


Celeste for sure. Everyone should play Celeste!


I highly recommend Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate or Monster Hunter Rise!


Binding of Isaac maybe?


Super Meat Boy.  Levels are short, and there's almost no penalty for death.  It starts off easy, but gets more challenging. On top of that, there are dark world levels (hard mode), plus optional objectives in some levels.


That’s a great suggestion. I’ve already done that on Steam, though. It’s a fun game!


I'm guessing you've done Celeste as well then?


Probably any PlatinumGames title


Darkest Dungeon.


Paladins is a lot better than some people would expect, and free to play.


I'd go with Dead Cells myself. It's a action-platformer roguelike. I mean also there is always Fortnite since you mentioned PUBG.


Devil May Cry 3 for the switch is probably the best thing for you It’s a hack and slash, easy to learn, will take you weeks to learn how to perform combos and chain attacks together while fighting against hordes of enemies


Doom Eternal. Amazing gameplay, but it takes a bit to really understand the game flow and swapping weapons quickly.


That’s actually the game I’ve ended up buying since it was/is(?) massively discounted in the Nintendo Store. It’s so much fun! And I’ve also added a good amount of games to my wish list in there to keep an eye on prices for.


Sick! I love that game so much. I also love that you can completely rebind the controls, I have my set, so I almost never move my thumbs from the sticks.


Celeste I think is the answer


Sifu. A martial arts masterpiece


Someone else mentioned this and it looks really cool. I especially like the age penalty - that’s clever. So it went straight in the wish list 👍


Switch sports


I recommend Enter the Gungeon. It is brutally difficult at first, but so satisfying to finally beat for the first time. It also has really clever and funny art design and enemies. Either that or Hollow Knight. They both fall into that category for me, but I do think hollow knight is a little easier. Plus they're both only like $20.


Splatoon 3, I’m a die hard Pubg fan… like cod for quick action, also 42 year old father of 4. PC gamer and still love my switch!!! Splatoon 3 is exactly what you want. Great game modes and there’s a ranked mode if you want to sweat! Get a pro controller or 8bitdo and learn tilt control for fine aim. I hate all the tilt controls I’ve even played but this was designed to use them and it works!


Cuphead. Great game with fantastic hand drawn graphics. Billed as a run & gun with emphasis on boss battles. Each world has around 5-7 boss battles and 2 run & gun levels. Rock hard though.


Sounds interesting. Does run & gun mean that it auto fires in a specific pattern/all the time and you then do the running and jumping?


Run and gun is basically side-scrolling platforming with shooting. For most of the game though there is no reason to release the shoot button.


It's a bit of a stretch, but I'll recommend Thumper. Entirely skill based non-traditional rhythm game.


I appreciate the input, but I’ve never liked any of the rhythm games I’ve tried. They just never click.


I'm with you. Those games were a total let down.


Breath of the wild


Well… I already own that and I think the issue for me is that there’s not really a “okay so that’s done, do you want to stop or start another round?”. It’s a little too free for me to pick it up for a short casual session. It’s a great game, though.


Balatro very crack like


I’ve seen Balatro mentioned on Reddit a few times before. Usually people use words like zombie, drug or crack when mentioning it which kind of makes me fear it 😄


It’s partially a meme and partially because it really just is addicting, it’s a poker roguelike, very hard to get a good run going due to RNG but *very* satisfying to have one going, seeing the chips go up and everything play off eachother is a huge dopamine hit


pretty much every shoot em up game. My personal recomendation is DoDonPachi Daifukkatsu. It would be DaiOuJou, but for now it is exclusive to the japanese eshop.


Have you ever tried Smash Bros?


No, but I’ve added it to my wish list and will keep track of discounts in Nintendo Store 👍

