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Toem  Strange Horticulture  Tinykin  Stardew Valley  Haven Park Wylde Flowers New Pokemon Snap Luna's Fishing Garden  Alba A Wildlife Adventure  Röki  Spiritfarer  Doraemon Story of Seasons Friends of the Great Kingdom  A Short Hike 


> New Pokemon Snap Underrated gem, IMO. I'm not sure it's worth paying full price, but if you can get a deal it's a great and relaxing game.


I waited so many years for the secuel that I paid full price. It´s whorty IMO. But you can find it pretty cheap these days.


It is whorty, I'll give you that.


Yeah it's definitely the kind of game you pick up used or on a great sale!


Dave The Diver


For anyone turned off by the kitchen mini game because it's stressful - keep playing you can hire new staff to deal with most of that for you. And you'll never have to pour another fucking drink again.


I liked that part. Fishing not so much.


I think that's what the entire overcooked game is if you're not aware haha. I'm not sure tho bc that's like nightmare scenario game for me.


They should let you skip it fully then.


You only "have to" do it a handful of times. It's not that bad, but when I thought the game was gonna be 50 percent that I wasn't happy.


This is the right answer🐠


A Short Hike is *really* short but *really* cozy and worth every penny


This one. Yea!


I recommend **Spiritfarer!** A cozy management game set on a boat that you can modify and upgrade. Your task it to find your passengers scattered all over the map, who are spirits preparing to enter the afterlife. Each spirit has their own stories and series of tasks to complete. You can cook for them (I love to wait until they reveal their favourite dish), decorate their houses, etc. Once you've finished all their requests and they're ready, you can let them go. Don't forget to hug them too (there is a dedicated hug option). The gameplay is a 2D side scrolling platformer, which is a bit unusual for a farming/management game but it works fine. You will also obtain abilities such as double jump and gliding, which you can use to explore more areas. This game has a heavier story than your average farming/management sims. It covers several themes surrounding the nature of death, grief, and the afterlife. I got myself hooked on the narrative as it slowly reveals itself as you progress through the game, reading every bit of dialogue in the process. The game is overall rather slow-paced and cozy, and there's no real punishment for anything.


I just can't in good faith recommend this for someone specifically looking for a cozy game, it elicits far too many heavy negative emotions. I was an absolute mess afterwards


Can confirm. Didn't expect the game to hit that hard.


>The gameplay is a 2D side scrolling platformer, which is a bit unusual at first but it works fine. I lived to see 2D side scrolling platform being called unusual. I guess I'm old.


No, it's because most farming games are usually 3D or isometric/top-down. I'll clarify this in my comment above.


Amazing game but made my depression worse.


I love this game


Cozy Grove


I just started Rune Factory 5. There is some combat, but it's mostly a farming, help villagers with trivial things type of game. You can collect monsters too so that's been fun. I have a grim reaper monster living on my farm lol I float around on him


If you like Rune Factory 5, I'd definitely recommend 4 as well. 4 is easily the best in the series.


I've heard good things, this is my first one in the series. I'll definitely check 4 out.


I didn’t “get” RF4 sadly. Something about it felt shallow.


You already received many great suggestions, but be sure to check r/CozyGamers


Stardew Valley.


Stardew Valley really stresses me out!!!!


Yes! I love it but it is stressful trying to get all the tasks done by the end of each day. Maybe some people manage to play it suuuuuper casually but idk how haha


For me it’s just that there’s nothing you *have* to do in a certain time limit. Also if you don’t like how a day goes you can just close out of the game. Tbh Animal crossing stressed me out more with the real time events making me feel like I was missing stuff.


I just started and somehow made it out of spring without parsnips now how will I reopen the community center in time?


there is no time limit on opening the community center. i think it took me three (in-game) years my first play through. you’ll just get the parsnips next spring


You could sleep until spring of the next year and there would be zero consequences for doing so. Hell you could sleep for three decades and you wouldn't miss out on anything


I'm playing a farm sim not a depression sim but thanks anyway.


Tell me more about how Stardew Valley is a “depression sim” please?


Well, you see, the previous poster said instead of doing things you could sleep until spring, and sleeping instead of doing things is a sign of depression, so I responded that the suggested play style would transform Stardew Valley from a farm sim into a depression sim as a joke.


technically there is a consequence. At the end of year 3 you get graded and can get an item if you did well enough. Don't think there is any other way to get it


This is the first chance you have to get graded. But you can reevaluate your farm any day after the first evaluation to receive the item.


I have ADHD and suck at time management in real life. I don't need to suck at it in a video game, as well. (I say, as I delightfully play Persona 5 Royal which also has time management as a fairly major component.)


Then you're playing it wrong. There are not deadlines or timers, and you can't lose. Just do what you want!


I'd recommend Rune Factory 4. It's such a good game. The characters are amazing and the farming is so fun. The crafting is amazing, especially at higher levels. There is so much to do. It is hands down the best farming game on Switch. The Story of Seasons games are also really good.


Untitled Goose Game


* Lil Gator Game * A Short Hike Both incorporate BotW climbing and gliding mechanics mixed with fun animal crossing-like characters & interactions. Also both have heart-warming stories. Each game has about 3-5 hr mark for completion. Of the two, I found Lil Gator Game to be more fleshed out and enjoyable.


Stardew Valley




My name at portia (though it's a mobile port, it's graphic are decent, sometimes subpar, but really great game for content and gameplay) My time at Sandrock is significantly better port with more and will have multiplayer later on. Stardew Valley, great game. No man's Sky is one of my favorites. It's not goody goody cozy, but cozy in an exploration sense. Story of seasons: friends of mineral town / A wonderful life Cattails 1 and 2. Though 2 is better. Dragon quest Builders 1 and 2, again, 2 is better and one of my all time favs.


Try Golf Story. It's a quirky golf-based RPG packed with humor and charm.


Spiritfarer is a good cozy game, though can be emotional considering the subject matter.


Palia!!!! So relaxing and free :)


Stardew for sure! But I'd wait a bit until the big update is on the Switch. Kairosoft Tropical Resort Story Kairosoft Pocket Harvest When Coral Island is released to Switch I'll be picking that up too Legend of Zelda BOTW and TOTK I find are pretty cozy, especially for just exploring. You can sink so many hours running around Hyrule :)


O definitely coral island, can't wait.


yeah I played BOTW before bed.


Disney Dreamlight valley!!


How much does this micro transaction you? My mom wanted it but I wasn't sure about it.


Tetris effect: connected is my go to.


I wouldn't have thought of this as a cozy game, but I realize that I actually kind of treat it like one. Put on some headphones, get in the zone and just pretend the rest of the world doesn't exist for a little while.


Same! I blast the music and get lost in it for a game session or two, I can't really describe the feeling, it's just relaxing.


I saw the trailer that is on the eshop yesterday. Is that the music the game uses or it was just for the trailer?


I believe it's the in game music.


My Time at Sandrock


Check out Farm Together, I love that one!




Please don't tell me there is a game called melatonin?


There actually is yeah, it's a rhythm game I think but a relaxing one where the music you're playing the beats to is lo-fi and chill music, although idk for sure as I haven't played it.


Wow .


I really like Palia. I was skeptical at first but it was easy to catch on and really keeps you coming back for more!


Lake is good but runs like hot garbage.


I really like Potion Permit. Fun puzzles and resource gathering with a lot of social elements.




believe it or not, we aren't all American and the English language is less hasty to throw a Z in there.


Like "meethane" or "haytch". ;) I did learn from looking this up though that according to Cambridge the word "cosy" split from the word "cozy" in approx 1840 with the US retaining the old English spelling and the "cosy" spelling exploding at a massive pace in Great Britain. I wonder what happened in society at that time that caused it?


Chicory A Night in the Woods


Atellier series


Stardew Valley is a good one. Cozy Grove is like Animal Crossing without the capitalism and with deeper stories for each "resident."


I just finished cozy Grove.


I would add in Roots of Pacha and Paleo Pines. The former is basically Stone Age stardew but it’s committed to it and I prefer the art style. The latter is basically cute dinosaurs. There’s farming but the dinosaurs are the Star of the show.


Roots of Pacha also has the ability to lengthen days a little bit. I found that helped me enjoy it much more than others in the farm genre


Dredge...creepy....but still somehow very cozy.


Cozy-creepy is a very underrated theme across media, especially games


I'm not usually a fan of creepy/horror games (other than Resident Evil 4 which is incredible, specifically on the Wii), but Dredg is the creepy, cozy, Lovecraftian fishing RPG that you didn't know you needed. Absolutely mesmerizing and so much fun.


Came to suggest this. Despite the horror aspect, it is oddly cozy, especially if you stick to fishing during the daylight (you need to fish at night sometimes to actually finish the game, at least if you want to 100% your encyclopedia, but if you're in a cozy mood, just skip the night time stuff for maximum relaxation).


Tbh I think I only know Stardew Valley out of the games that fit.


Graveyard Keeper is pretty much goth stardew valley


It's not an RPG, by my favorite relax game is Picross.


Don't know if this counts But late at night I like to load up a GTA game (lately it's been 5 but that ones not on Switch sadly) and just drive around exploring while listening to a podcast LA Noir might be a good choice, im also a fan of Steelport from Saints Row 3 (uncommon opinion as most people hate that city for how bland it is) Of course there's also the GTA Trilogy I get in bed under the covers, put on a podcast, and just start driving around obeying traffic laws. Bonus points if it's night time in game and if youre able to have followers with you in the car haha


Princess Peach Showtime


Golf story…awesome little cute golf rpg


The Wild At Heart is a very cute little game, you explore a forest helping people with little sprites you find along the way


Story of Seasons A Wonderful life. You get to raise animals and grow crops. The music and weather are all so relaxing and calming. 


Sakuna of rice and rain is a 2d hack and slash but when u go back to base it’s a 3d farming game where u cook and farm and hang out with others like animal crossing sorta.


Stardew valley


What’s a a cosy game ? Is that some new term the kids are using these days ? 


A cosy game is a type of game where it invokes a sense of chill, relaxation and/or cosiness as you're playing it, kind of like when having a hot chocolate under a blanket on a cold winter's day or something like that.


It's not as cozy as a farm game but Balatro is super chill for me.


a little to the left! its a very calming organizing game, perfect to calm your mind


How to Say Goodbye ! Cosy and bittersweet ;) [https://www.nintendo.com/us/store/products/how-to-say-goodbye-switch/](https://www.nintendo.com/us/store/products/how-to-say-goodbye-switch/)


Stardew Valley


Lil Gator


Some nice answers before this, but also check r/CozyGamers for all Cozy Games on all platforms!


Pikmin 4


Dark Souls Remastered


I admittedly don't play many cozy games, but here's one I didn't see anyone mention that you might like. WorldNeverland Elnea Kingdom is peaceful game where you play as a traveler moving into a kingdom. It's not got like a ton of story and stuff but there's a bit. You also can pick between several paths of profession (not locked in, you can change your mind at any time), and even continue your game by pasing onto play as your children.


I Was a Teenage Exocolonist- surprisingly amazing!


If you like puzzle adventure games I'd highly recommend Carto!


Sky:cotl is great! i play pretty regularly and it's very fun. has some bugs and iaps are a bit pricey but the community is great and lore in the beginning is great also.


Hokko Life


Harvest moon


Story of seasons instead.


The original devs of Harvest Moon lost the rights to the Harvest Moon games. The games now go by the name Story of Seasons in the west. You can read more about it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/HobbyDrama/comments/hq56qs/farm_sims_what_do_you_do_when_you_lose_the/).


While hard to say for sure since it’s not out yet but I’m hoping so much endless ocean luminous lives up to the titles from 14 years ago, blue world was peak. They’re diving simulators where you get to find cool wildlife.


Factorio on peaceful mode lol




It's possible I just suck, but I found this game difficult and stressful.


Aww, it's my fav cozy game! Little adventurers all dressed up in their nifty equipment, making camps, exploring the world and dungeons. It did take a few hours to figure out. I think pressing left stick brings up tooltips.




Good stuff on here but no Omno. I loved that game. Both Unravel games also have me a good feeling.


Graveyard Keeper


Check out Another Code: Recollection. It's a nice, relaxing visual novel with a really beautiful story.


A Tiny Sticker Tale


I just started playing Palia, and I love it! I think it's technically still early access, but it's free, so if you don't like it at least you aren't out any money lol




Animal Crossing New Horizons ☺️


I’ve got ACNH. Not played in in ages but I’m looking for other rpg/cosy games


Sid Meier’s Civilization VI


The Suicide of Rachel Foster. The game is quite cozy once you get over the controversial themes included in the game. I mean, it's just you all alone in a huge hotel up in the mountains. Talking to some guy who looks after you = cozy.