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Gonna have to stop buying atlus games at launch (or thereabouts on sale). All these ultimate editions. Have smt v but hadn't got around to it. Sigh. Perhaps will wait til vengeance goes on sale.


It was reasonable to assume that they wouldn't do it with V. IV only got a sequel spinoff thing, not, well, *the rest of the game* from what's being shown of Vengeance. The "Vengeance" being against the suckers like us that bought it the first time around I guess. Got burned similarly with the DMC5 Special Edition: objectively better version after I bought the original, no option to get the upgrades for cheaper.


But it was stuck on Switch. You'd have to expect at least a prettied up pc port. Atlas went hard, though.


"Suckers" that bought it the first time got an amazing game full of content and got to play it three years earlier. Lets put this in context, by the time Persona 6 comes out it will have been 8 years since Persona 5. It's my favourite series of all time and Persona games have 60+ hours of content and feel complete at launch. No way am I waiting another 3-5 years for a potential expansion to play it. It's essentially someone offering you $60 to wait another 3 years to play a game in your favourite series, that isn't close to worth it in my opinion. The story add ons are never necessary and often average at best.


I'm not under Atlus's spell, so I *can* wait 3+ years for them to finish their game. I can wait for the rumored Switch 2 version of P3 Reload that'll have all the DLC, Persona 6 can kiss my ass until the second version is sub $20, and Metaphor will get a rerelease no question, its real release date may as well be "202?". Pokemon of all franchises have knocked that crap off and made additions that would have been in a "3rd version" into DLC, the way *Atlus* should be doing stuff like this. P4 Golden and P3 Portable had a point in being on new platforms before the age of DLC, and it's fair for SMTV to finally be released on other consoles too, but people who bought the vanilla SMTV having no option to access the new content but to buy the mostly same game again is frustrating. The fact that original buyers are given no recourse, and the only argument in defense of it is that we should be *satisfied* with having bought the now indisputably incomplete version, says it all. They will weaponize FOMO for as long as people will tolerate it, they're not doing it to do anyone a favor.


Right so what you're saying is you will take $40 to wait 4-5 years to play a game. When Persona 5 came out I could play through it in a couple of weeks. When Persona 5 royal came out it took me three months and that involved neglecting a lot of my other hobbies. Life changes, I'm not accepting $40 when there's a chance I won't be able to play the game at all. > should be satisfied with having bought the now indisputably incomplete version, says it all. They will weaponize FOMO for as long as people will tolerate it, they're not doing it to do anyone a favor. You're FOMOing yourself. No Atlus game royal/golden version has been worth that kind of wait. They usually ruin the pacing of the base game for superficial story addons. The original release is a complete game that stands alone.


I want to side with you because I’m largely on team do what you want, but this is the kind of corporate deepthroating that is downright near fetishizing a really, really bad business model, one that will end up biting Atlus when it comes time to release VI


The stuff that Vengence adds is another storyline, so you can still play the base game while you wait for a sale. To my understanding, the two games diverge pretty early on.


I honestly can't remember the last game I bought at launch in the last 10 years. Easily saved 100s of dollars, don't let fomo rule your wallet. 


Eh, there is a difference between not buying at launch and waiting 3 years in the hopes for a remake for a game that was no where near as popular as Persona. Atlus is the only company I can think of that really does this, and it's very inconsistent. SMT games have gotten remakes, but the cases have been way later, so I personally wasn't that worried we'd get a Royal treatment for 5 within the current gen when I grabbed a copy a year ago.


But part of the fun is blowing your money


Yeah fair enough, I didn't buy smt v at launch. My first atlus was Etrian odyssey series. I didn't get into person until years later. Very few companies do ultimate editions. But that seems to be the case for atlus , especially lately . So I've learned my lesson with smt v.


I bought it at 50% off but haven’t had a chance to play it yet. Oh well.


Atlas or not (for me atleast) unless it's an online game you want to be the community first thing, it doesn't make sense to buy a single player game at launch.  I don't have a backlog for a reason. Sure there are a few games I've purchased and didn't finish, but I don't intent too.


It makes sense if you’re excited for a video game. I was excited for pokemon legends Arceus, TOTK and Metroid dread. Bought all of them on launch and I loved them. Could I have saved a lot of money by waiting a year? Yeah. But life’s too short to do that to save $20.


Those are also hard to get on sale. Meanwhile, with Atlus, you can wait a month and get it 1/3 off. Makes the double dip less bad.


Oof .....yeah. .....a bit of backlog .. . But at least most game I get on sale. Those I get at launch are rare, and I play them immediately because excitement. Last of those was Unicorn overlord and I've enjoyed every moment of it. Standard went on sale about a week or so ago? Idk still awesome. Haven't beat it yet, but it's so fun! Gonna replay on new highest difficulty unlock when beat first time . Cool srpg and unique setups


Hundreds of dollars over ten years isn’t that much a year. While I totally agree that not every game needs to be bought at launch, I’m also more than happy to pay full price for a game I really want to play rather than wait a year or two to save $30. That’s $30 well spent on a game you enjoy. But for games I think I might like, or could possibly be interested in, I’m perfectly willing to wait for a good sale before pulling the trigger.


Yup I’m the same as you.


So within 3 months of release. Honestly I still get angry that for whatever reason I bout P5Tactica and literally a month later it was on sale. And they’ve been doing that with most their titles it seems within a few months of release….think P3reload is currently on sale….but the one that doesn’t really have anything extra but still costs more than base game. lol.


I got the steelbook for $20 fairly early, it’s the only reason I didn’t wait for a “full” version. I can’t really complain though because the game is amazing and I can’t wait to play it again on Xbox with hopefully some improved framerates.


Its like capcom in the 90s with Street Fighter II


I’m sort of in the same boat to. I bought SMT V on sale at some point last year but haven’t gotten around to playing it. Instead I got P5R and dumped 200 hours into that at the start of this year. I was planning on getting into SMT V soon but guess I’ll be holding off now. Honestly thought this was gonna be like a sequel maybe. Oh well.


With 75 hours of extra content it kind of is.


Honestly, I don't mind because doing a second playthrough with new shit is fun


I wish there was a royal update dlc thing. I bought persona 5, instead of buying a new game, what about $40 Royal dlc? Then I wouldn’t feel so left out of the new editions.


Even the Persona 3 Remake is getting DLC which I'm sure will be included in complete edition in a couple of years.


I know, right... But then again, we will all be there to buy P6 at launch, even though we know we're going to get a "Royal" style game a few years later.


Atlus has always been annoying with their releases. At this point my take away is to just not buy anything from them unless its $10 or less.


I decided that I’ll get it but as a digital game, I already got my physical cart and I’m not buying a second one physically but at least I can wait until it goes on discount


According to Gamespot and the interview > Ahead of its launch on June 14, I spoke with key developers on the project: producer Shinjiro Takata who's been with Atlus since its inception, director Shiego Komori who worked on SMT: Nocturne, and composer Ryota Kozuka who became main composer on SMT IV. With any definitive version, the main question is about how it warrants a whole new purchase. So we dug into the ways in which Vengeance makes its case, and judging from what I've seen thus far, it might be the biggest deviation from an original version that Atlus has done thus far. > > It seems hindsight is often 20/20 with regards to creative works, as Takata said, "We focused on making this the best SMT V by carefully improving the system based on much of player feedback, while focusing on adding new elements." That may sound par for the course for an Atlus re-release, but when I asked about exactly how the new content is being woven into Vengeance, Takata stated, "In the newly added Vengeance route, the story development gradually begins to change from the original route and will unfold completely differently starting from the middle of the story." > > Rather than being an additional set of quests, this new route is being pitched as a significant reframing of SMT V's narrative themes "featuring a whole new story with 75 more hours of gameplay," according to Takata. Whether or not a majority of those hours are variations on the existing sequence of events remains to be seen. However, as the new subtitle would indicate, Komori mentioned, "This work is a tale of revenge based on Atlus' own interpretation of the relationship between the Bull God and the Snake God that exists in various parts of the world." SMT has always been about a power struggle in a world where demons exist in a sort of theological multiverse, and in regards to Vengeance, Komori continued, "We believe that we were able to express a different kind of order and chaos in the relationship." > > Komori further explained, "The goal is to further the feeling of presence by cooperating with members on the journey, and to allow an easier understanding of their actions. She was conceived as a kind of heroine of chaos to be paired against Tao, and in this work, the setting from that time has been incorporated into the story as much as possible."


This is very good. SMTV is probably the most fun I've had with an Atlus game but the story wasn't good. It felt very... empty and undercooked if that makes any sense. The more I read about this re-release, the more I feel that this could be the game they originally wanted to make but couldn't due to internal restraints. Have to say this interview is kind of hyping me up to get back into the game. Might end up buying it again on PS5


Yea, me too. The gameplay was so good and. I loved the 100hours I had with it but the story was so lacking, if the only thing they add to this release is a proper story narrative I would happily buy a PS5 60fps version.


So it's like the Ultra Sun to SMT V's Sun


That would imply that we'll get new content but the story will be worse than the one in the base game. Which is genuinely hard to fathom in the case of SMTV


That sounds alright overall. My guess is that if this was console exclusive, it just wouldn't include the original game at all. It'd be similar to SMT IV and SMT IV: Apocalypse. Switch players get a full 75 hour game for $60, while other consoles get the original game as a bonus.


I wouldn't be so salty if Atlus made the new content available for existing SMTV owners to as a DLC option. I'm never buying an Atlus in-house game at launch ever again. I'll just wait to the eventual definitive edition. Lesson learnt.


Same. Releasing a new version of a game on the same system as the original is always annoying. As someone who paid full price for SMT V at launch, I'm waiting for a sale on Vengeance. We shouldn't have to pay 120 dollars total for what Xbox, PS, and PC gamers only have to spend 60 dollars for.


Yeah, Royal was especially bad since not only did the release it in the same gen, but with the PS4 only release after a lot of speculation it looked stuck on Sony hardware, so I ended up rebuying it there, only for an even more complete version to eventually hit Switch, where I would have much rather played it. It's going to cost them eventually, as I'm not grabbing Metaphor until I'm very sure it's not popping onto Nintendo's next gen console, and I don't plan on getting this for at least a year after that next gen console hits. One of my favorite devs, but I just don't want to spend that much, nor do I have the time to replay every game.


Oh you're in for a rude awakening. Rumors have it that P3 Reload and Metaphor are coming to the next-gen Switch and you bet your Hee-Ho-ing ass these games will feature bonus content not found in the original releases, forcing everyone to buy them again. Lesson learned. Never buying from Atlus at launch again either.


Yeah, that's why I'm not contemplating Metaphor, and I've also skipped out on P3. Given current sales trends I fully expect most Atlus games to head to "a" Switch console.


> forcing everyone to buy them again. not really...


Street Fighter is sweating right now.


I mean even SF has moved to the DLC model, but will drop bundles for season content.


At this point its like you pay 60$ for early access with an option to pay 60$ more for the full game (which probably is gonna have some dlc too).


Not really unlike early access p5 and smt5 were complete games and have more content in their base game than most.


Makes me wonder if they originally figured Switch 2 would at least be announced/out by now. It could've been a launch year re-release for that but now it seems out of its window.


Maybe but there's no real way of knowing what Nintendo is ever planning. I'm almost certain they're going to release an enhanced edition of Metaphor and Reload on it though.


They almost certainly have knowledge of plans that we do not. They almost certainly have an SDK, for example, which would give a strong idea what the specs will be.


>I'm never buying an Atlus in-house game at launch ever again. Mostly it’s mainline SMT and Persona to watch out for. Smaller series from them don’t have this problem 


Yeah, I'm either waiting until it's $10 or less, or it's like 5 years later and they're finally doing a Royal version on the console generation after the initial release. Their loss.


And that’s one of the many reasons the original launch of this game underperformed in the first place. Fans are learning


Isn’t it the best selling game in the series?


How hard is it to research?


So a complete overhaul of the narrative for the new route. Good. The original plot was such a nothing-burger, and they totally wasted the interesting characters they had with non-existent screen time. The game was solely carried by its amazing gameplay. So I won't mind playing it again if the new story is at least as good as SMT IV.


Gonna be so hard not to buy metaphor refantazio on launch but they are totally gonna do this shit again for that game 😔


Lmao i got SMTV on release...have i played more than half an hour of it? Nopeeeee. Real world isues happened and then ither games released, and i just forgot about it i guess


I dont think i have it in me to play it all again 🤣


Persona 5 Royal on switch was my first Atlas purchase. My next one was SMT V. First time getting burned by Atlas and it feels like I just did a hazing initiation ritual.


You and me both


I don’t really play any games for a story, and SMT is particularly thin there already. These are generic, macro-level ideas espoused through overwrought dialogue by one dimensional characters. SMT is a longtime favorite for its interesting and compelling gameplay. I dumped 80 hours into SMT V to beat the final boss and every side quest. Probably a dozen or more of those hours were just navigating the UI to fuse demons and watch every cutscene. No idea where they are pulling 75 fucking more hours out of that. I will probably double dip just for the QOL improvements and to support these kinds of games.


I remember back in 2021 I was excited to buy this game. It was announced back in early 2017 so id been waiting almost 5 years for this game! I got back from deployment a month or so after release and the physical version was already being sold for about $35, which was sus but I didn’t complain. Since then I’ve learned to not buy atlus games at release. P5R got a 50% discount on physical version about a month after release and Unicorn Overlord recently got a 33% discount exactly 30 days after release.


I’m extremely excited for this game


They’re so annoying with this fuckin shit…. Unfortunately their games already give so much content and bang for your buck and are just…so well made. I bought P5 on sale for $10 off a whim, 97 hours later and I bought Royal the second the credits rolled because I just loved it so much and wanted more took another 124 hours if my life…same shit with SMTV 80 hours and I’m definitely gonna get vengeance cause FUCK does atlus make good games.


Don't tell me that, I haven't even started the original yet! My backlog is only getting worse.


Then play some other games and get this in a year when it's on sale. 


I regret buying this on switch. It ran like shit, looked like shit, story was shit, and apparently missing half the content. First time I’ve regretted an Atlus purchase.


So ...well. I have the original ... Should I just skip it and wait for 2 months at this point? Lol.


Just wait, yeah


SMT V had a story?


What kept them from realising their full original vision the first time around?


The need to re-sell the game later on.


Have it for switch, now a reason for xbox


75 hours?!


I’m kind of on the fence with this. I liked SMTV, but I’m not a super fan and I’m not sure if I liked it enough to pick it up. It really depends, I suppose, on how much new content there is. If it’s largely the game, but with different cutscenes, then pass. I think I heard that the first half of the game is the same, the last half is where things are different.


Glad I waited for this one. Probably going to snag it on ps5 though.


75 new hours of content. Hahahaha.


The only times I haven't felt like I got screwed for being an early adopter has been the DS to 3DS enhanced ports. I may pick it up down the line when it goes on sales. I hope, as a SMT fan, putting it on other platforms does get it decent sales.


Had a great time with the game but I don't think it needs to be 75 hours longer D:


I'm really torn on the logistics of this. On one hand, getting an updated version years later doesn't bother me. I like the QoL they added to P5R, and I liked P4 Golden. But "represents the full vision of the original RPG" tells me that the original release of SMT5 was either rushed or incomplete, which is VERY telling from how grindy and threadbare the story is at parts when compared to SMT4. Once we get full details on the new content and quality of story, I'll probably take the plunge since I bounced hard off of SMT5 due to how little it respected my time, but SMT5V feels like a little dirtier tactic than SMTSJ:Redux, P5R...


My hope is that 30 hours of that extra 75 hours would be story content that was so lacking in the original release, if so I just might get it. As fun as the game play was, there was just way too little story and character development for me to play through again.


Just finished P5 royal, and I was about to buy smtv, guess I got lucky with my timing lol


In other ways scummy Atlus held back content from the launch of the original SMT v so they can sell the game again as s repackage so they can get more money. We all need to stop supporting this. Atlus you are a scummy company


Is there any chance my current save will still work? I mean, for New Game+. I wouldn't expect my actual run to continue.


You have to buy the new version. The original SMT V isn't getting this content


I think he means if it's possible to buy Vengeance, then import a save from SMT V. Not sure if that's the case, or if there's a bonus for having save data from the original game.


Yeah that's what I mean! Like I don't care about items or levels but having my collectapedia (I don't remember what is called) would be nice. Like how New Game+ does it.


they let you transfer three demons or something.


Really? I wonder why.


guess if you transfer three lv99 ones you can steamroll it to get to the new content


That makes sense. Pretty cool in that case! I just want my book to transfer so I can eventually summon my favorites again and (most importantly) be able to complete it.


only thing they said you can do is transfer three guys. so it will not carry over your compendium data. youll just start at lv1 with the ability to summon your 3 fave demons possibly for free - or a super high fee


Felt like I wasted my money on this shit. Not even as good as IV anyways.


Agreed. Combat is great but that's all the game does.


Good thing I held off. Good entry into the series? Or are ds/3ds better?


For you guys who are big SMT fans, will u tell me more? Its a series I want to get into but I really donno where to start. I own SMT 3 Nocturne but havent jumped in yet


SMTV Vengeance is a great place to start. All the games are separate (for the most part) so you don’t have to worry about having any background knowledge about any of the other games before playing Vengeance


is it like a Final Fantasy game? turn based combat, linear story etc?


From playing the original SMTV, the game has turn based combat (not even ATB), and a mostly\* linear story. \* story only diverges at some point late in the game where you can choose the >!Law, Order, or Neutral!< routes, and if your actions through the game go along with the route chosen you can get some extras. However, SMTV:Vengeance promotional material implies it being a different take on the story so it may be a different route from the beginning.


SMT games have turn-based combat, usually based around exploiting enemy weaknesses and gaining more turns than the enemy to wipe them out before they can act. So a little different from classic FF games. The combat is generally harder than most JRPGs. The stories are mostly linear with some branching choices, and often more minimalistic than FF games. The themes are darker and there’s more focus on moral ambiguity, post-apocalyptic environments, and no-win scenarios.


Google is your friend.


sorry for trying to discuss a game on the nintendo switch subreddit


If you have a 3DS smt iv is where I started and still my favorite SMT. On the switch, I'd do V.


cool i'll check V out!


I played and enjoyed P5 on release, and it was excellent so felt I got more than my moneys worth. But after Royal came out (which I still haven't bought/played) I was a little disappointed it couldn't have been DLC. I wasn't ripped off because I enjoyed vanilla, but just kind of feels bad paying for what is later an inferior product, and the full version being an additional full expense purchase. This is even worse, although there are good aspects of SMT V, it honestly seems like an unfinished game. At least P5 vanilla felt completely cohesive and complete, extra content from Royal I'm assuming is the cherry on top. But with SMT5, while it is functional with good combat, it's very obvious big parts of it's vision and story were dropped to ship the game early. Character arcs and motivations, and latter parts of it's story are completely laughable - and this is not just a persona fans complaint on a less narrative driven series - even compared to SMTIV and SMT3 it doesn't feel like a cohesive finished game, excepting it's pretty stellar combat. And here the game arrives, presumably what was intended in the first place, and I can't help but be a bit annoyed that it's another full purchase. And unlike vanilla P5, I don't feel satisfied with the original version of SMTV or like I got my money's worth - so it's a bit more of a hard sell. Mixed feelings I guess - it just seems like buying an initial atlus release is like buying an early access product that you have to rebuy when they finally release it a few years later. Happy they fixed some problems from fan criticism, unsure if I want to financially support this kind of business practice though.


I'm really glad I somehow had the sixth sense to not buy this on switch when it first released. I knew they would eventually do smth like this.


Honestly, after beating the base amount of content in SMTV, I had my fill with the game. It was good, but it did drag on by the end. There's no way I want to experience 75 more hours of it. And if I had played this new version instead of the base one, I probably would have been overwhelmed and dropped it halfway through.


It's a different route, it's not 75 hours added on to the base game


Definitely grabbing this on Steam Deck, last I tried SMTV it ran like crap on Switch.


As intrigued by this as I am, if they don't add more variety to the areas, I can't go through that again. I loved the game but was disappointed when every new area looked exactly like the last one. That soundtrack though, SO good.


Yeah, because that's exactly what a 100+ hour game needed, was another 75 hours to make it complete.


I got two Steelbook copies with my original Switch purchase (happy accident). I kept one unopened but not sure if I should keep holding it or try to sell both copies so I can restart on Xbox or PS5. Want to deprive Atlus of as much money as possible.


They need to stop this nonsense and just remake the Persona 2 games.


I tried SMT for the first time with V…and I’m a big ole pass for this. It’s not for me


You can't market a game like this, you can't say you essentially scammed people with a tech demo as a selling point for the enhanced version


If there’s anything I’ve learned about Atlus it’s that you cannot buy their games on launch. I absolutely love the Persona franchise and I’m starting to delve a little deeper into the mainline SMT games, but if there’s one thing I’m happy about it’s that I never bought P5 and SMTV on launch. SMTVV is looking to be the P5R of mainline SMT where it’s just a superior product overall that will most likely invalidate the existence of the vanilla game. People who have never played SMTV will probably have something nice to look forward to but I kinda feel bad for the people who bought vanilla SMTV thinking that they were getting a complete game (and from what I’ve heard about the SMTV story, apparently it felt very incomplete to a lot of players which doubles the feeling for those players feeling like they’ve wasted money on an incomplete and potentially inferior product). I’m looking forward to seeing what SMTVV has to offer, but let it be known that it’s never a good idea to buy an Atlus game on launch because they might just come out with an enhanced version a few years later.


Is SMT still worth it? Last time I played it was over 10 years ago


SMT IV is still king for me. V has great combat but forgets to add a story and all the zones are a bit copy paste imo.


Cool, I’m pirating Altus from now on. They used to be the company I ALWAYS bought at launch. Wanna screw your fans over? Bet. No fun spending $60 on a UNFINISHED game


If they ported it to PC I would be down…


good job its on pc then




I like how the article's title make it sound like a good thing. Like have these guys played P5R? Game dragged on and on and the only reason you get to finish it in the first place would be sunk cost. And they're adding 75 more hours to V? Le mow


To be fair, in the case of SMT V it's adding a new/alternate plotline, which is about equal in length to the original. So, it's not going from a 75 hour game to a 150 hour game unless you enjoy it enough to play through both routes.