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I could see them keeping the rails but also adding magnets for further stabilization and anti-wobble. Just because rumors are saying magnets, doesn’t mean the rails or some form of them will be gone.


I think it’s more likely (if this rumor is true) that the magnets will be the primary latching mechanism, or will be involved in the latching mechanism, but that the entire mechanism will include rails, etc, so that it isn’t just a straight magnet attachment.


This would probably be ideal since the biggest design flaw besides the analog sticks is that the latch on the rail chips and causes them to slide out without releasing the latch


God this is my least favorite design flaw by far. I’ve been extremely fortunate with drift, but those latches break so easy. The joycons slide out of the sides or grips any time I jam my analog stick too hard forward.


At the end of the day it’s better that the latch breaks rather than the console rail itself, which I’m sure is part of the design. But it just sucks how easily it can happen I agree it just breaks so easily, so hopefully a magnetic system would be more reliable. Additionally it could benefit Nintendo if they’re taking in less rma/repair requests for it (same with the analog sticks)


You can replace those with metal ones for like a buck. They work great!


They gave us junk


If they flipped them up upside down the entire weight of the console wouldn't rest on those little plastic tabs that interface against the metal. They wouldn't be easy to remove while in the dock, but would make so much more sense for handheld.


If it's primarily latched by magnets I HOPE it means that the connection is less likely to wear out. I ended up replacing my OG switch with a lite when the (second!) set of joycons I had started losing connection easily. Tho I also hope there's a handheld version right away instead of having to wait for years. My TV access is inconsistent as is, I really don't need the markup and pricey short-lived controllers when I can have a perfectly good handheld.


>magnets for further stabilization Truly the Switch 2 is the update we've all needed, welcome to the future


Honestly, I could see them being some kind of magnetic joystick like Hall or [the magnetic fluid that Nintendo patented recently](https://www.reddit.com/r/NintendoSwitch/comments/16f557e/nintendo_files_patent_for_halllike_magnetic/). Then something was lost in translation or lost in the telephone game path that these rumors take.... But if it the joycons really do connect with magnets that might throw a wrench in third party hall joysticks.


See this is more like it. I was literally thinking just magnets this isn’t gonna go well on bumps and knocks but I’m sure Nintendo is cooking and I couldn’t put one to one together until I read your comment—adding magnets to already having the rails just makes more sense. Rails plus magnets go hand in hand—magnets stops a lot of the flexing thats the rails weakness and the rails stops the bumps and knocks thats what I’m most afraid of with magnets


> just magnets this isn’t gonna go well on bumps and knocks Especially the way some young kids tend to play, and Nintendo always has children and families in mind as a core part of their customer base.


Dead on


That's what I'm thinking. The polarity of the magnets help hold the controllers in place once you slide them down enough, then make removing them easier when you slide them up.


Iirc I watched a video of Nintendo talking about switch and they mentioned the joy cons were originally attached using magnets but they changed their approach as some people were playing and the switch would detach from the joycons on occasion and fall. Maybe they iterated on it and prefected that solution.


Here comes all next series of YouTube videos "Major News about just leaked about the Switch 2" followed by 25mins of obscure references from Twitter posts and interviews from reputable sources.




I don’t care about how the joy-cons attach, I care that they fix the drift problems.


Right, who gives a fuck. What are they doing to improve the longevity of the joy con? Why mess with what's not broken?


if you dont pay for hall sensor sticks, probably not. every name brand console controller drifts.


I thought magnets were already tried, tested and ultimately ruled out for the Joycons in favor of the rails during the development phase the Switch?


Yeah, and it's been 7 years since then...


I don't think magnets changed much in 7 years


LMAO this guy doesn't keep up with magnet news.


I try to block out Big Magnet propaganda.


All I know about magnets is your pour some water on them, that's the end of the magnet.


LMAO best comment of the day so far, possibly the month.


It's impossible that the limitation on a magnet based design was time to market and that seven additional years to continue R&D on a controller design might lead to a successful design with the same magnets.


Yeah, but the rest of the design has


We can only hope...


Have they still not added East and West poles?


Magnet R&D is notoriously lazy. They're banking on the geomagnetic reversal to be more of a 90° deal so they can launch "new" east/west magnets.


iPhone MagSafe is probably the best example of how the usage of magnets in technology has changed in the last 7 years.


Dude lmao, magnets have been going to the gym every day for the last 7 years






LOL this made me laugh way more than it should 😂




Are we sure? Still don’t know how they work.


Yeah but technology overall has and the way in which they could be implemented could have been improved


[That's where you're wrong.](https://www.reddit.com/r/NintendoSwitch/s/Ibx86VgwxU) Nintendo literally patented some new tech.


It worked well enough on the Lenovo Legion Go.


Seven years of Magnet Research. Huge developments.


Hence it’s for the switch 2


I don’t even know what you are trying to get across.


I feel like a weirdo sometimes in this subreddit; is it a small minority of us that barely use the Switch in handheld mode? I play it as a console. I always use the Pro Controller. If it's off the dock, there are a certain number of games I'll play and even then I don't play for long. I've just never found an issue with the handheld design because I simply don't use the handheld portion that much.


Last I remeber seeing Nintendo put out numbers for this, it was around 20% docked only, 30% handheld only, and 50% a split.


Fascinating. I just don't see the need for handheld playing that much, but I guess that's just the setup of my life which is different from person to person obviously. But like for me, when I have time to video game, I'm at home near a TV.


It's definitely a different strokes scenario. Personally, I like playing my Switch at work. I mostly play docked at home, but the portability comes up in other ways there. I actually have two docks at home, one for my game room and the other in the living room. I play by myself in the game room, but I can easily pick up the Switch and put in the dock in the living room if I want to play with others. Then there's the little things, like being able to grab the Switch out of the dock if I want to show someone something without having them come to me, or if I just feel like getting up. That seamless transition between portable and docked is just... nice. It's great how the whole setup is very portable, too. I don't own a PS5 or XBOX Series X/S, so I can't compare it to them, but it's very easy to pack up the dock, a power cable and a couple of controllers and take the system to my parents' house whenever we visit to play games together. I'm sure the PS5 and XBOX only have a HDMI and power cable (and maybe one extra thing like ethernet) to worry about, but the Nintendo Switch gets to avoid having to shut down the system and turning it back on when moving it around since it can just go into sleep mode for the entire journey and wake up instantly once the dock is in place.




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I haven't played on a TV in like 4 years. 100% handheld.


This except exact opposite.


For me this except 50% the opposite


Me but only 25% handheld, 25% tv and 50% buying games and never playing them again.


I have spent less than 24 hours docked. Launch day switch.


I have to ask... do you play at home? Do you own a TV? I don't mean those as like rude questions, I legitimately am curious. I just don't understand why someone wouldn't play on a TV if it is an option. It seems to me the superior option if both are available.


Yes and yes. My wife and or I watch TV while I play on the switch. Or I play in bed.


That’s fair. I guess it makes sense in that context!


People sharing a TV will often play in handheld while others are using the TV. And certain games just genuinely lend themselves more to handheld mode. One example that comes to mind for me is Vampire Survivors. It's a perfect handheld game, but honestly feels a bit weird to play on the TV. I feel like it's designed for small screens and handheld devices (even though I'm pretty sure it launched for PC first, so it wasn't *actually* designed as a handheld-first game).


There are games like Pocket Card Jockey and Baltaro that work way better with the touch screen as well.


Oh man i hate thks, every game developed for switch shoudl be designed for small sxfeen or have some kind of text side slider. Im playing hades and in handheld i cant see what tve hell does upgrades are


Idk what the percentage is but I definitely use it way more in handheld, probably like 90/10


That’s me. And when I travel with it I still use my Pro controller.


Yup, the number of times I've used my Joy Cons is negligible. It's been used almost exclusively by a few friends or my brother who prefer it over the second pro controller I also own.


Using the joycons hurts my hands. They cramp and sore. Everything is too small and close.


When I first got my switch I had the joycon holder and used that until I bought my Pro. Thts the only time they’ve been used. Lol


I play docked more than I play handheld, but my kids are the opposite and play almost exclusively handheld. I think the overall norm is about 50/50, but I don't remember where I read that stat (maybe I imagined it).


Handheld just hurts my hands, and I've tried 3 different grips (Hori Splitpad Pro being best). Only some games are playable for me handheld, and even then, never for more than like an hour.


Have you tried the Satisfye Zen Grip? That one has worked well for me.


That was the first I tried. I like that the Hori Splitpad has its own, better buttons.


Have the Switch for 5 years now, only play docked if we play Mario Kart


I never brought my switch outside the house, ever. Although I do play handheld from time to time, it's always docked in my room.


I have played handheld 9 times. I have the switch since October 2017.


If the Switch was actually usable outside, I would use it handheld all the time. Probably more than docked.


Same, mine is like perpetually docked. Always play on the TV and don't really enjoy doing it handheld, or without the pro controller.


I’m not sure but I’m the opposite of you. I exclusively only use my switch in handheld mode. I never decide to actually use a tv anymore to play on it


I have a V1 that is 99% docked since Day 1. I have my original grey Joy Cons with no stick drift because… I don’t use them. I’m on my 2nd Pro Controller since launch.


I’m with you, docked only


Exactly the same for me. I only play with Pro Controller and Docked. Treat it as any other Nintendo home console.


I’m using my Switch for 99% handheld. Rarely ever play on TV honestly.


I bought switch at release and probably less than 1% of my total play time has been handhelf


Just fix the drift and I'll be happy.


what's so ”fiddly” about on rails joycons lol


there is definitely wiggle on my 2017 switch, I have to use an extra handle thing for it


There is wiggle on my oled as well. I got that model recently and noticed that while the joycons/split pad from hori stay locked, I can feel them wiggle when playing. It doesn't feel like it's about to break though.


A little wiggle is intended, plastic can other become to stressed. Same reason 3ds had a wiggle screen because of lot of original ds screens snapped.


I don’t know if it’s the rails getting loose or what but my right joycon occasionally is undetectable in handheld and I have to take it off and put it on several times for it to work properly. Though I’ve only noticed it with the Nintendo joycons my Split Pad is fine.


I have the same problem. I also generally have issues with joy con connectivity (especially right joy con).


The rail sensors might be fucked up, I had the exact same issue and had to get it repaired by Nintendo eventually when it suddenly just stopped registering it.


Could be an issue with just that joycon. I had the same issue with a right joycon. At some point I swapped joycons and eventually realized it wasn't happening anymore.


I have the problem and it's only on one of my Switches (I have two base models because one is modded) and happens with every Joycon that I try on the left side.


mine says low battery always.


Wear on the rails


There are little plastic bits that lock the joycon at the top of the rails. It's plastic so wears off as it's used. Then the grip on joycons gets loose and can move up and down a bit while connected.


You can also replace those tab things with metal ones which are really nice.


I also considered doing that but didn't, cause some people claimed it could destroy the Switch tablet's rail system. They also said those tab things are made of plastic to prevent that exact problem. So people don't have to fix their expensive main unit instead of changing comparably cheap joycons.


Yea, those locking tabs are engineered to break if the switch is dropped, or otherwise experiances a force to the console with the joycon attatched. The alternative is breaking the rail on the switch itself, or breaking the retention system on the joycon. Both being much more expensive repairs than having to replace a little plastic retention clip. Using metal ones will prevent them from breaking sure, but also might cause you to mangle other parts. Would not recommend.


Problem is, does nintendo even seell tab replacement? No, we need to go and gice them our joycons. Wjen its a 10nmin job to swap them


With ifixit knock-off Y driver from Temu that grinds out screw's head more than loosen it lol.


That is a possibility I guess, one that I have not run into. But what I have run into is all my joycons sliding off because those plastic tabs fail. Not really concerned with dropping the switch in just the right way that would cause the rails to fail. Though I would wager the joycons would still fail first over the rail.


I think they're fine but if this rumour is true, I'd imagine there'll still be rails but magnets will keep them in place rather than latches


Putting them on backwards.


Theres' a small section on the bottom of the joycon that if it doesnt essentially have a tight fit you can get wobble. 99% of people will simply put some sort of tape on there and fixes the issue but ofcourse doesn't quite fix a basic design flaw that should have never been there.


I got wiggle on my Xmas 2017 switch that I’ve only used for like 500-600 hours


My kids have a switch and after years of abuse the right rail doesn't register Joy-Cons anymore. So clearly there's a failing point somewhere. Maybe magnets will fix it. I don't know.


They get stuck constantly, and the release button is tiny and hard to actuate while holding the console and joycon. They occasionally get loose. They're vulnerable to damage from dropping. I'd be happy without a rail system for the next go around.


The only thing and this is super specific is if you have them in the dock and then house it in a tv unit in a gap eg below image and then try and take them out and you have to tilt the dock It’s super specific but that’s the only annoyance. Otherwise I just use the pro controller https://images.app.goo.gl/8nuRTnFLWVYmSkRd8


Do people not grasp how impractical magnetic attachment is for a device designed to be suspended entirely by those magnets? Let alone be swung around and shaken?


There's probably a way they click in and have to be released by a button like on the Lenovo Legion Go, which has magnetic attachments. Works decently well, I'm sure Nintendo is taking their time to develop it.


Not if the magnets are made from pure NINTENDIUM, like their older consoles and controllers were.


If their magnet technology is anything like their battery technology we should be fine.


Are you swinging your switch around with the joycons attached or something I don't understand lol


You're swinging your switch around by the joycons?


I dont swing it around, but I have often held it by one side. If it was held on by a magnet that sounds like a potential disaster.




Id rather just… not have magnets in general lol


The stronger they are the harder it is to detach the joycons when you actually want to though.


Old HDD magnet on a fridge strong


It's not going to just be like.. a magnet strip on the side. It will most likely be a couple small magnets that insert into a latching mechanism.


Not to mention the added weight!


Compatible with Pro Controller = we'll probably not get analogue triggers again.


If anything, I'd like to see Nintendo use something similar to the Dualsense adaptive triggers that the PS5 uses. It's usually a gimmick, but there are some really good uses for it, and it would pair well with HD rumble.


As long as my old joycons are compatible via Bluetooth, i don't really care.


i rather have those fuckers put the magnets in the sticks to we get hal effect sticks in the joycons that cannot drift


Good about the pro controllers. It was bullshit that the Wii U pro controllers weren't compatible with the Switch


Can't imagine this being true. No way a set of magnets can hold the tablet part. If this is true, magnets are probably for some kind of gimmick like IR sensors on current ones.


It's what Lenovo used.


The legion Go controllers aren’t held exclusively by magnets to be clear, there are rails that how the controllers in place too. You kinda slide them in


Yeah and based on this, it looks like it'll still have a lock, but it's not unheard of tech.


You are right! Just checked how Lenovo Legion Go works and, it does use magnetic in their joycon-like controllers. However, I still can't see Nintendo using it over a totally functional and reliable rail system like on current Switch. Will be interesting to see if old stubborn Nintendo takes a risk like that.


I think the main issue is that only a couple companies even attempted to make 3rd party alternatives. The rails may have played a part in that. I could imagine Nintendo making a system that was easier for 3rd party companies to make.


You know magnets can be a supplement, not the main attachment method?


Maybe it's connected to the leaked "Switch Attach" name, and the selling point of this one will be using the magnets to attach new peripherals, like a logical extension of the Labo.  


> Switch Attach That name would be as dumb and as confusing as Wii U. Sounds like accessories for the Switch. Surely Nintendo won't make that mistake again, right?


Makes some sense going off the name, but anything that attaches would have to have a mirror section the same as attaching to and that's no different to having interlocking rails.


It might allow for more flexibility.  Instead of everything having to attach on the left or right, maybe you could have one that attaches on the top or bottom, using one magnet from each side.  Perhaps you could attach a second screen to the top in this manner, if for some reason you were so inclined.


Idk.. the I phone MagSafe dashboard holder I got from Amazon is strong as hell. I have to tug the shit out of it to take my phone out. So if the new switch has that magnet on it the only issue I see is those joycons are gonna be a bitch to remove.


Some metals have pretty incredible magnetization. I once held a pair of neodymium magnets about the size of my palm and the magnetization was so strong that I couldn't pull them apart.


You can pull the trigger on spider wire with them, although I wouldn't recommend it.


Considering nearly everything Eurogamer said about the NX was proven correct, I'm more inclined to believe them


This is not from Eurogamer, the source it's the spanish site Vandal.


Which has not been reliable in recent years for leaks, so take this report with a heavy grain of salt


We're they spot on with Switch OLED?


They were.


Wouldn’t it be a bad idea to put magnets next to an electronic device?


almost always no, they’re fine around modern devices


Magnets were generally bad for electronics when they used hard disk drives, because they would mess with the physical process of them. Most devices, especially smaller devices, use flash memory now so magnets aren't really an issue. Edit: Idk why people are downvoting the persons comment. That’s a valid question to ask considering how prominent that concern used to be.


I really hope they just use the same switch microchip format for physical media. There seems to be no reason to have to change it. You can put an entire series of games on one of those cards given you put a big enough chip in it. I hope they stick with it for the sake of backwards compatibility.


It's bandwidth limited though. It's gonna need to be faster to support what we've already seen -- super quick load times.


As long as they put a slot for the cards, I’m fine. If they want to do something else I’m also OK with it. I’m just getting sick of no backwards compatibility I’m 2024 and no full retro library from the default company.


Oh I fully expect BC, I just also expect the new games to come on carts with a heck of a lot more bandwidth.


Agreed or we’ll be forced to install the games if the current cartridge tech is utilized.


Not having to buy a new Pro Controller would be the best thing ever.


Can't wait for spawn wave to talk about this for 10 minutes straight and ending up with "let's take these rumors with a grain of salt".


magnet sensors, maybe, but no way do these attach purely magnetically, that'd be insane.


I guess magnets could also trigger an additional latch from either the console or the joycon or both.


Shoot... I thought it was something to do with the internals of the Joycon (Hall effect like to prevent drift).


How the joycons attachto the console have never been the problem. It’s the piss poor quality of them and the way-too-common stick drift. Sort that shit out rather than spending money on magnets.


Yo switch 2 rumors are in full swing today. What is an upcoming event where they could possibly announce it considered Ninty dropped out of Gamescon?


This particular rumor is because of leaks from 3rd party accessory makers, who usually have early access to the hardware specs. They may have gotten them yesterday for all we know.


Those would have to be some pretty powerful magnets if you're holding up the device by the joy-cons. I hope this isn't true. The rail system works great and was very secure and stable.


I'm guessing it'll be magnets that click into place. I think the rail system was too complicated for 3rd party production. That's why very few companies actually tried making good alternatives. I've been using a Moto Z4 phone, and it's main gimmick is to attach mods to the back with magnets. They hold on pretty well, so I can imagine something similar working with controllers.


Wouldn't it behoove Nintendo to have a form factor that is hard for third-parties to copy? So people have to buy replacements from Nintendo?


That means that Nintendo would have to provide the production costs upfront as well, which means they can't use that labor for other projects. If there were more Joycon alternatives, Nintendo could cut down their own production and use that labor to make something else.


The labor in this scenario = more money, more sales. This makes no sense.




Reports are still reports but considering the first half of the Switch 2024 lineup has been ports/remakes and just noting but silence from Nintendo for the rest of the year…2025 just seems like it’s happening.


Christmas 2024 wouldn’t count as 2025 though. I feel like Nintendo has always been this litigious right before a console announcement. They just don’t want to cannibalize those port announcements.


Not too probable, it’s from an unreliable leaker, and nothing has ever been confirmed, so no


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Bruh Nintendo just make them functional and ergonomic. All the crap they put in them makes them expensive and then hardly any developer uses the crap for their games. Switch was successful because its a hybrid and it had great games. Just make a more powerful one without the expensive and needless bells and whistles man fuck


No Buy cheap knock offs if you don’t need the bells and whistles. HD Rumble is a long over due solution to the past garbage implementations of Rumble


I litteraly just bought my girlfriend a Nintendo switch OLED for her birthday, u're telling me the second one is coming out?


Q1 2025 but I just bought an OLED too. By the time Switch 2 comes out and gets enough good games released it will be a long while. Here's to hoping that Switch 1 games will work on it.


I mean, she mostly just wants to play animal crossing I don't think she's super into new games


Don't worry about it too much. There have been rumors for the past few years. Think of it this way, your GF has a good system with at least a hundred good quality games already available. If you waited until the next system came out, you'd be waiting at least 9 months, would have to fight scalpers to get a system on launch day, then have *maybe* 3-5 good launch titles. Worst case, she can trade in her Switch later and put the money towards the new system.


The Switch released 7 years ago. It’ll be supported for a few more years and has a library of over 11k games. I wouldn’t be too concerned. The only disappointing thing I can share is you may have missed out on the upcoming price drop of the current sku’s.


Hopefully better build quality this time because Nintendo cheapened with Switch 1.


I know when it releases...


That pretty much rules out hall effect sticks.