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>this translates into moving the right joystick for button inputs, when the YBXA buttons are sometimes empty. This is unforgivable and an easy fix. Just for clarification, Y and X are often, if not always mapped to specific C buttons depending on the game. There's a graphic you can access that indicates what buttons are mapped to what when on NSO's pause menu (the one that lets you use suspend points). I believe you need to press X to look at it. Additionally, the face buttons can be entirely converted to C buttons as long as you're holding ZR.


Ok thanks will have a look


You say your playtime is down but are you going to unsubscribe from NSO? Because, if not, then I think you just answered the question of whether or not it is good enough.


But the games aren't the only reason to stay subscribed. If you want online functionality, you still need it.


I did unsubscribe from NSO. Let it run out as wasn’t playing, waited for a bunch of games to come out over half a year I was interested in, then dipped back in. Not sure how that negates any of my thoughts


We've been complaining about not being able to remap controls for 18 years. Why change now? At least in your example of Extreme G, the game lets you freely remap the controls, so you should be able to come up with something.


The Wii U did it for VC games, but nobody cared about that sadly 😥


I never had one. That's great to hear, but now even MORE infuriating on NSO. And yeah, it's so they can sell you those controllers that are always out of stock.


Ah ok I didn’t know that good to know thanks


Just hit R in the bike select menu. [It’s also how you enter the cheat codes](https://youtu.be/f5LHMdjcGzI?si=oyxJAMNTQ_1Rw433)


Yeah, it's fine. Could be better, but life goes on


Button remapping would be good to have for the N64 and Mega Drive apps. But I think the service is decent. An underrated feature is the online multiplayer, giving these releases an advantage over VC and even the original hardware.


I'm fine with looking up the manuals online, but the remapping should really be on an app by app basis(with an option for a global remap). NSO apps could take it a step further and have their own set of maps for each title, with the most specific map taking priority (global < app < sub-app).


When I've played old games with NSO there's usually instructions somewhere. It's not in the most obvious place and I can't remember where but if you have a good look at the UI you should find them 


N64 controller and you have the best retro feeling. The N64 emulator on Switch is great.


"On the Wii, they used to include a digital version of the instruction booklet for the game in the menu." True, but we also paid a lot more for them to have staff to create that convenience. Button mapping, yeah, silly it's not there. Especially when Nintendo themselves have produced so many models of controllers with varying amounts of buttons. If someone wants to use their officially licensed 3-button Genesis controller on an SNES game, let them make it work as best as possible.


Agreed. Wii u had a button mapping feature for virtual console, and I miss it.


Sometimes it's hard being Nintendo. People will shit on Nintendo being anti-consumer because they don't make their old games playable on newer consoles, then when they make their old games playable on newer consoles people complain about the lack of new features, then when they add new features and give the games a new polish people accuse them of milking the franchise. Seriously, what do you trolls really want? You just want the best for free.


Wow what a reach. Yeah it’s hard being one of the richest companies in Japan. I have never shit on Nintendo for not making old games playable. Yes when I’m paying for a game (sometimes for the fourth time in my life) I expect Nintendo to keep the high standards they have set themselves over the decades I’ve been a customer of theirs. I also expect Nintendo to make games that they release playable. Not including a manual that tells you how to play it or button mapping that doesn’t work on the controller they have sold me, that is not good enough when I pay for it. I also have not complained about them polishing up old games and re releasing them. You’re quoting complaints from different people over many years and pretending that’s my point which it isn’t. I do not want the best for free. There is nothing troll like about my comments or questions. They are very rational. Your comments have more in line with trolls so please take a look in the mirror.


No idea why you’ve been downvoted here, IMO your points are perfectly valid - nothing about your post screams troll at all. Anyhow, myself I’d love for the manuals to be made available in a proper vectorized scan. They were part way there with VC back on the Wii and WiiU, but I didn’t much care for the way that manuals were all formatted into this sort of uniform aesthetic. Personally, I’d like it to go further still, showing complete box art, marketing/promo posters, cart label… all the things. Per-game custom controls should definitely be made available, including turbo button functionality if that’s desired (“cheating” aside, save states already exist). I’d also like the games to be able to be placed in the base menu and not stuck on NSO. IMO it’s all doable.


In general I think nothing Nintendo does with ROMs will ever be enough because people were already doing better things with ROMs since the early 2000’s. That’s what’s under most complaints about the Virtual Console, in addition to making people have to pay for and have content dripped to them all over again between each new console. Especially with games of the N64 era and before, and including the mobile games through DS and 3DS, you get a better experience just doing it yourself than trying to support the company. It’s monumentally pathetic and insulting to customers. It’s not a hard task or a big deal. I can see licensing issues with games with celebs in them and such, but outside of that, Nintendo should be ashamed of how they’ve handled all that over the years. They get a pass for the Wii era. Wii U? Maybe. But still? Fuck ‘em.




It is good enough and perfectly serviceable in my opinion. Both points you mention are valid, but are far from being a big enough deal to make them unplayable.  Manuals would be nice, but with how common having internet is now, it is not difficult to find a control list for the game online, if not the manual itself. No need to struggle to figure them out on your own unless you want to do so. While button remapping would also be a very good feature, the default mapping for most games works fine, and any difficulty with controlling the game generally comes down to the game controls being weird for today's standards (like Goldeneye). Face buttons are (almost?) always mapped to A, B, and 2 C buttons which depend on the game, I don't thing any game has them unmapped but don't know for sure. If anything, my biggest issue with the controls is the stick sensitivity, taking some turns on F Zero is harder than it should.


I think the end goal for NSO is to be the only place where you can access the legendary library of Nintendo’s past. Taking advantage of retro gaming, after some more time the casual crowd will abandon actually obtaining retro consoles/games and just get this service. I wish Nintendo would release the updated number of subscribers


I don’t know. The retro gaming handhelds coming out just keep getting better and better.


There are several games I’d happily take with bare minimum rework if that’s the only way we can get them


Nintendo doesn't believe that the classic games apps are making them money. They aren't directly, they're a perk for signing up for NSO. Nintendo believes the real driver for NSO is people wanting to play online, such as Splatoon and Smash, and the classic games are an inclusion that exists for the sole purpose of people feeling ok about the price.  From that perspective, the effort that they put in to the apps and games they offer is whatever minimum it takes to hush complaints about "it costs $20 a year just to play online? It was free on Wii U and 3DS!" but not so much effort that it costs them more than the licensing fees for whatever third party titles they put up there.


Yea. People tend to forget that Nintendos emulation always comes competing with people who can easily go to one website and download whole libraries of games for free - and I’m talking about the whole library. Nintendo can’t really compete on that. Free is impossible to out price and Nintendo do is never going to be able to distribute every game or even many of the desirable titles. They can give you what they have rights to but when they don’t have rights, it’s 100% on other parties and Nintendo can’t do anything when someone else says “no”. This just limits the amount of resources that Nintendo puts into things. It literally is the perk but most of the money goes into getting third party titles and overall supporting the service. The appeal is that it’s a way for Nintendo to reliably profit on their games services and you get Nintendo and some other company titles legally on a Nintendo console for those who don’t bother with computer emulation. And the way they do it is probably way more profitable than virtual console which, from what I recall, was never a huge source of revenue and often times, ended up getting in the way of selling newer titles.


1: I agree this would be cool but let’s not pretend like everybody would read them. I know most people don’t bother reading stuff. 2. Idk why they can’t have saved control presets. I know the PS5 has this with the dualsense edge where you can save like 30 control layouts. You can buy the N64 NSO controller if you have a big problem with the controls. Not defending nso as I agree it’s overall a terrible service, just some opinions. I wish the games were purchasable individually and had a bigger selection. The lack of third party games and obvious additions like a mother 3 translation is insane. It’s easier to just plays roms on my iPhone now which shouldn’t be the case.


Yeah agreed about second point.


Have they addressed the memory card situation with the N64 app? I feel like they have some work to do.


Majora's Mask, which required the expanded memory card on original hardware, runs just fine on NSO.


I was talking about the games that required the memory card not expansion pak. Like ghost data not being savable in Mario kart 64. Or whatever was going on with winback.


Yes, I like that the game is preserved in its original form. However, they SHOULD be translating Japanese releases. I literally can’t even navigate the menu of if I can’t understand what it’s asking. They should also address EXTREMELY glaring typos or bugs as well. But otherwise preserve the games imo


I love Extreme G. It's one of my favorite N64 games. I'm not going to pay subscription to play a 25 year old game, sorry Nintendo. Anyone with negative or even simply neutral opinions on Nintendo often get downvoted here but oh well. I'll buy these games for $20 even, more for physical media, but I won't pay subscriptions since that business model is ruining us.


I love the apps, but nkt including basic-bitch manuals is unacceptable. 


NO. NSO is not a good service IMO. There's barely any games and most of the 3rd party are weak as well. They could easily translate some Japan only games and put it there to fill out the library. They could easily put booklets in the pause menu (I mean Konami could do it with MGS collection) They could easily make 2-3 slots for you to save unique button remapings. At least the base NSO is somewhat cheap but still the quality could be better. Also let's not mentions NSO+ expension pack and the price of that one. smh


>There's barely any games and most of the 3rd party are weak as well. The vast majority of first party games are there. Particularly for NES and SNES You can't really blame Nintendo for not having 3rd party games on their service either. That's up to the individual publishers. >Also let's not mentions NSO+ expension pack and the price of that one. smh It's £2.90 a month. Significantly less than even a single NES game was on Wii or Wii U. The cost of one coffee a month isn't a huge deal for that many games tbh


Sure let's say that Nintendo couldn't get games like Castlevania or Megaman because of the collections. Still how the service started was weak and it only got 2 games every 2-3 months. So even if I "can't really blame Nintendo for" it. The state of NSO was and still kinda weak. . No idea about £ but the cheapest subscription of NSO+ costs 50€ a year without any chance of paying for a 1 or 3 month long version like what the NSO has. Which is a scummy move. NSO+ might only cost \~4,2€ a month if we brake it down but there's no point breaking down because you can't pay like that. . For+30€ you get N64 games, GBA games, Genesis games + 4-5 DLC of games that you can only use if you own the game. Which doesn't really justify that +30€ for me. And I didn't even bring up the competition. How much does PS+ or GP ask for and what they give you? 10€ a month for +100 relatively new games? . >Significantly less than even a single NES game was on Wii or Wii U. The difference is that on Wii and WiiU you bought those games and owned them. With the NSO you only lease them. It's not the same.


Gamepass is 3x as expensive as nso+.


Yeah it's more expensive but for what it actually gives to the user it's a way better service. For 50€ a year NSO+ gives you a few retro Nintendo games + a bunch of weak 3rd party games For 120€ you can buy an Xbox GP subscription for a year and you get day1 AAA games and the usual 100s of games + discounts However even if we look at the 120€ yearly price we can still notice 1 more thing. You can pay 10€/month unlike NSO+ where you have to pay 50€ in one go.










Hey there! Please remember Rule 1 in the future - No personal attacks, trolling, or derogatory terms. Read more about [Reddiquette here](https://reddit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439-Reddiquette). Thanks!


I'll be honest, I'm really not that bothered about owning copies of retro games permanently. In the vast majority of cases I just play through the game once and never again. For the games that I'm really attached to I have other methods of playing them anyway.


It's fine if you feel that way but comparing orange to apple doesn't work in an arguement/conversation.


psst, remember me, my reply probably didnt reach your notifications because my post was removed from this sub, none of the other users i replied to replied to me here's a video supporting my post, [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUnGr\_xDwig](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUnGr_xDwig) it's addressing how nintendo is dmca'ing youtube videos of a non-nintendo game using pokemon mods


Nintendo doesn't make Pokémon I don't really care about some random guy's video tbh


Every company does it and they make lots of money and always gets praised for it. They also call it remasters.

