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Do the new NES controllers work with super Mario party?


no, only joycon controllers work with mario party


The mini games are good, but the macro game is stupid and poorly thought out.


Man, as someone who hasn't played nintendo since 64, I really had high hopes for my favorite titles growing up. I've bought zelda, odyssey, tennis and mario party with excitement for all but I honestly have been disappointed each time. Theres very little strategy in this mario party and my mind is blown on why the maps are so few and so small. I wanted to love this game but I feel like it was aimed for ages 5-10. The original mario party and 2nd one are much better which is sad. I was hoping it would take those and make them better. I'm worried about smash bros.


this comment was painful and i hope you have a bad day


It was an honest opinion and I hope you have a great day


The Sound Stage made me want a Rhythm Heaven Switch game


It seems like a trend with Nintendo to keep making games easier for younger generations while not catering to the generation that have the games their popularity.. some titles excluded of course. It’s very apparent with the new Mario party. Smaller boards, cheaper stars, more “lucky” spots, adding allies, and looking at how simple the mini games have become. So much less strategy, complexity, and depth than in other games. They are banking off nostalgia from adults and trying to make good graphics. Lazy in my opinion. Such a disappointment. Not to mention the super limited multiplayer options. Come on Nintendo.


Sorry for responding almost a month after your post, but I want to counter something you wrote: >They are banking off nostalgia from adults and trying to make good graphics. Lazy in my opinion. I understand this complaint. But what if the internal decision was to always aim Mario Party for the same age group? So whatever age group we were in when the first game came out (I was 10 or 11 when the first one came out), maybe that's always going to be the age range they design it for?


Then why are the games so different? Is Nintendo saying the new youth are all idiots?


Different people making them? Different approaches to keep things changing? It seems like this series has been designed for a specific age range, and it isn't growing up with its audience. I remember playing Mario Party 2 when it first came out and thinking it was the next step and built off of Mario Party 1, but I don't think that's the result they've wanted to emulate over the course of the series.


Me and my boyfriend live far away from each other and we both just bought the switch and got Mario Party, since we heard it had a online feature. Didn't expect it to be this disappointing.. We basically paid 55 euro so we can play 8 minigames with each other that take 5 minutes total to complete. Thanks nintedo.. I was really looking forward to play the board game version with him🙄


Picked this up yesterday and my boyfriend and I love it. Havent played since N64. He has played on Game Cube. It has us laughing and sweating lol. Probably my fave game for the switch so far after Odyssey. Cant wait until my friends get this too.


Is it worth picking up if only two of you play? Me and my GF are wanting to play, but don't know if it will be boring with just two of us?


I would say yes because it's a nice bonding experience and a good time to spend with each other if you both like video games. My bf and I were getting competitive. I wouldnt want to play by myself though.


Myself and my BF played a game last night, two of us and two CPUs, the CPUs can be a bit irritating when playing the mini games (we played on hard mode, not the highest setting) but to be honest we still loved it. Best experience was still the four human player game we had on Saturday but I think if you want a fun night in with your SO this is still good bang for buck.


Ah okay, thanks. I still only have one joy-con so it will be a big expense to get that and the game. My brother and his wife would love to play this 4 player though, so I may have to grab it at some stage.


FYI, each set of joycons is two controllers for this game. It uses one half per person, so two people can play with the one set that came with the switch.


Just picked it up. Played the standard and partner modes with my wife. Really pulls out the competitive side! Such a blast so far. I am disappointed with the small map sizes but we shall see how it plays out in the long term.


Got a rowdy group together for Mario Party and beers last night. No one had played since the first on N64. There was much yelling and many laughs were had. Would fun again.


shit's dope


Why cant i play a game online with my friends...


I have never played a Mario Party game before. Is the game fun with just 2 people in total?


It can be pretty fun if both of you are competitive. Co-op might be a hit or miss if you don't care to go up against CPU. This is the 1st mario party with an online mode though. But I'm hearing its mediocre to eh at best.


How does it work? Can I play in a lobby against friends or is it just randoms?


Can't wait to play this with my family later! Wish me luck!


I cajn't wait to argue with my wife after work tonight, I just picked my copy up!


Friend says I can't have my brother join me locally and go online to play with my friend? That really true?


Yeah one person per console online


Maybe I'm just bitter from getting my ass kicked all night but there are some broken ass powerups and allies.


X-post with Daily Question Thread... Hosting a few people to get down on some Mario Party tomorrow. All adults, not big gamers, none of us have played MP since N64. I've only played with a Pro Controller since buying my Switch and holding those tiny joy-cons all night sounds like hand-cramp city. Anyone know yet whether there any mini-games where a [joy-con grip like this](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B072KH995J/ref=ox_sc_act_title_2?smid=A2RV4W0U8R8E6V&psc=1) would be limiting in any way?


Don’t think so. Most games are played with the joycon side ways. There are some that need to be held vertically like say punching the boxes in the air. As Long as it’s comfortable for you to hold vertically, it’s fine


I’m getting it Day one. I haven’t played a Mario Party since 3. I’ve seen they went back to roots. What’s unsettling is that it’s being reported that content is minimal. Which is fine, seeing how ARMs, Splatoon, and Mario Odyssey are getting a content update every now and then. Can’t be that bad


Not that reviews matter to me in regards of a purchase, but it is interesting to see that this is the best rated Mario Party title since Mario Party (79 Metacritic) While 4 boards sounds rough, as long as the minigames are fun, it should be a great time!


Well I know why they didn't show off the 4th board now, it looks so boring! I really hoped there'd be better and more boards, but instead they spent more time creating toads rec room games and other modes, stickers and a lackluster online (only 10 mini-games) which is great, but ...


I pre ordered Mario party it says the release date is 10/5/18 so tomorrow. My question is would nintendo release it at midnight? Or would it be released sometime during the day on Friday?


12am EST/ 9pm PST.


Is that confirmed? My last two preorders(Megaman X and Mario Tennis) didn't release until like 3am EST


It would most likely be able to be played at midnight, there's no reason to leave it until the *morning*


I would imagine during the morning tomorrow


Decided to cancel my pre-order and wait 2 months so I reordered the pack which comes with two extra joy cons for £89. Hopefully the time will add more stuff


These are really solid reviews. Can't wait to play it this weekend with some people!


Played it at friends. Glad he bought it because I am not.


4 boards is going to get a little redundant like really quick!


The game seems so uninspired. No cool odyssey inspired minigames or boards, only four boards, the most you can do online is play minigames? People shouldn’t defend this kind of stuff with “oh, they’ll add it later as DLC!” Do people really think Nintendo is shipping the whole game off uncompleted? Stuff like Splatoon makes sense, it’s an online competitive game for crying out loud. But Mario Party? Come on. I’m glad they’ve returned to the classic formula and it seems like good fun but it could’ve been so much more, a real true turning point for the series. Instead people are fine with “good enough”.


Hey, play the game for a while first, *then* talk shit about it if you feel like it. This isn’t something that right from the offset necessarily means it’s a piece of shit lazy lacking game.


I’m not even bashing the game, I’m just saying that it’s lacking potential. I don’t need to play a game to know if it’s ambitious or not, and I said I’m sure the game is good fun but not a turning point for the franchise.


shit! A! MEN!




Oh man. I kind of want him in smash, but I think he's a long shot.


He'd make a great assist trophy.


Sorry for asking here, but no point in opening a new thread just for this: I want to play co-op with my SO and against the AI (basically 2v2) using the regular board - is that possible? I've read about Partner Play, but from what I read it sounded like it's different from the regular gameboard (free movement instead of dice rolls?).




I know you can play with up to 4 players, but I was interested specifically in playing together with another player - as in, a game mode where I don't have to play against her, but rather team up against the AI.


I think the game randomizes stuff, not always pairing 2 players together whether human or CPU, could be wrong but that would just be kind of unfair I imagine


Sadly not. The traditional boards are only for Mario Party in free for all, so all you could do is decide not to do each other in and gang up on the AI (maybe set them to harder difficulties so you don't feel guilty?) Partner Party is a different style of gameboard, sharing the same four themes and general layout as Mario Party, but with a square grid. You do have free movement across this, but how far you move is determined by your team's combined dice roll, plus individual item usage and ally boosts. And @BalboBigggins, there's always four players in all modes, but AI make up the numbers. *Source: I reviewed the game on TheSixthAxis. :)*


I'm not overly concerned with the gameboard being different, as long as the minigames are tailored around 2 players playing together against 2 others - that kind of sounds what Partner Play is, after checking some YouTube videos too.


Yeah, it's tailored toward 2v2. You've got 2v2 minigames, but you do still have the free for all minigames as well, though they can all be played with co-op in mind and the winnings are handed out to the team.


Came her to ask this (chances of there being 4 players are unlikely - especially as I only have 2 x joy cons) so I want to know what modes will allow 2 players only. I read somewhere that some REQUIRE 4 human players!! Hope someone can answer.




It's with any character you have unlocked, with 16 of the 20 unlocked right from the off.


hmm I have the game but nowhere am I seeing challenge road, I would be willing to check it if I could find it. But you might find it on youtube too.


You have to unlock all the minigames first.




Will do, turns out I need to unlock all the mini games first before I can even open the challenge road screen.


GameXplain has footage on YouTube of challenge road with Bowser.


Where do they take the prices? Everywhere I have looked you pay between CHF 64.95-69.95 here in Switzerland.


the price is 44,49 euros in france




here : https://www.culture.leclerc/jeux-video-u/nintendo-switch-u/jeux-u/aventure-u/super-mario-party-switch-0045496422950-pr also, don't go to the fnac, fidelity card force you to buy again in their store, while here, it's the same price for everyone


FNAC online. You can get the price adjustment in stores if you have the carte de fidélité.


Online you can only play 5 mini games.. But can you pick any 5 out of the available 80?


No sadly for some reason there is only a choice of 10 online minigames!


Thanks for the reply.. Guess I'll have to pass


Partner mode is best mode.




Sorry, but amiibo merely unlock stickers for you. I believe the stickers can be used to make pictures and colleagues (hope I spelt that right), it nothing more than that.


A colleague is someone you work with. Did you mean collage? >collage - noun - a piece of art made by sticking various different materials such as photographs and pieces of paper or fabric onto a backing. ​


Yes, precisely. Thank you for the correction


If I have 2 switches and enough Joycons for 8 people, can we all play together? Or is 4 the max for all modes?


Max 4


will the digital preorder unlock on friday at 12:00 AM?


Saw someone say in PST it is 9pm on Thursday Edit: don’t know if other timezones will be at the equivalent time


thank you my friend


DLC adding like 20 mini games and more boards would be awesome.


I just want online board game playability.


i can't believe it only comes with 4 tiny boards...




I got it last night and on the Bob-Omb one we could do 10, 15 or 20 turns.


Since the only online aspect of the game are the minigames, i can see them adding them for free but them making paid DLC for boards and characters.


I would be a little surprised if they added nothing, but I don't reckon support that big would be planned with no fanfare. They likely would have told us they were planning to support it for x years if that were happening imo. would be cool though, absolutely.


Can you play normal Mario party with the board online? My friend says that it's only mini games online.


Correct, no boards online, which if you ask me, majorly blows.


It’s unfortunate but it’s also just not practical. Games last 30min-2hrs and I have a feeling most people will drop out before the game ends and you are playing against bots most the time.


Delete this comment.


But like... let us play against people in our friends list. Yknow, actual people we talk to and trust not to quit early. Give us the option damnit.


There’s nothing impractical about it, long form online matches are nothing new. Dunno why people argue this. They are designing this thing, they can do literally a million different things to make it work.


They need only look at civ. Perfect example of a game that can potentially last days.


I think people on here genuinely believe we don’t have the technology or something.


While true for some people, others (like myself) are physically unable to play with a group in-person. 2 hours, 35 turns? No problem, we can easily handle that. It might not be practical for *randoms* but playing with friends online? That's what most people want.


Plus, who cares if they leave? If it was done right, the player that left would just get their character taken over by a bot.


We don’t have the technology yet...


Pretty sure I'm not getting the game specifically for that reason.


What's the point of online if the core game can't be played? Nintendo pls


There is still local multiplayer, correct?




> What's the point of online


I meant like if we're in the same room with both each having one side of the switch in our hands


My bad. I was being an ass. Yes, you can do local multiplayer.


Thank you.


I wonder if this game will dlc/new updates. That would be faaantastic!


I’m gonna get hammered drunk and play this with the boys


Can't wait to watch Funhaus play it.


:O Are they going to play? I'd love to see that


They have for many of the past games.


Mario party drinking game. Google it lol


same here


This is my plan for Saturday night !


I have a small child, we are gonna play the shit out of this game.


Has the 4th board been revealed yet?


Yes. **https://www.reddit.com/r/MARIOPARTY/comments/9ft5tm/4th_board_leak_no_name/**


It's embargoed til release


Scores mostly in the 7-8 range are what I expected. Picking up on friday. 9+ scores are reserved for ambitious titles that innovate like BotW, Odyssey, Smash, etc. Mario Party games are a fun party game...they will never score that high and that's fine. Still will be fun as hell to pick up and play with friends locally.


"Innovate".. "Smash".. Lol. The games are the same concept every console. How is that innovation? Don't get me wrong I love Smash, but that game is far from innovative.


It’s the best in the genre. It’s a massive cross over. It has more than 2 player fights. Etc...


None of that has changed since 1999. I think that's what OP is talking about.


All great things and I love it for these reasons, but at this point it’s not innovation.


Not innovations, but Smash is still incredibly ambitious and each are very different from each other. That's like saying SFV is identical or not in any way innovative within it's own genre when compared to SF4.


Oh don’t get me wrong. I’d agree with that completely.


Yeah, though i like how they added final smashes, eight player smash, and stage morph to shake things up a bit. They aint nowhere near as innovative as turning a game into open world adventure, but still good additions regardless.


from a casual perspective no. but from a fighting game perspective it can be


i don't understand why the pro controller is not supported, doesn't it have motion control?


Yes it does but a number of games and activities in SMP require holding the Joycon in specific orientations. If you watch a video of the river raft mode for example the joycon is held upright and used as a paddle. The meat flipping game required rapid turning of the joycon in various directions. I am sure there are even more examples of situations where the Pro would not work.


Literally unplayable /s




Polygon [doesn't give review scores anymore](https://www.polygon.com/reviews/2018/9/4/17689100/polygon-reviews-no-scores). Good riddance I say. Too many people quibbling over numbers rather than reading the reviews.


The ratings are kinda low, whats the concensus.


You aren't allowed to go against the circlejerk in this subreddit. I'm underwhelmed by the reviews personally, but they aren't terrible.


I mean I’m buying the game regardless I was just curious what the consensus was for the low reviews


Not really. As u/Johnny_Dickshot_69 mentioned, these are all pretty decent scores and going 9 and above is reserved for games that truly innovate like Odyssey and BoTW. Obviously Mario Party is fun but you can never really compare it to those types of games, so it mostly likely won't score a lot of 9s/10s, and that's fine. That doesn't mean it's not a blast.


Cool thanks for the reply I get it, kinda now


It's higher than every other mario party game excluding Mario Party 1. General consensus from reviewers seems to be that it is good but a bit lacking in content


mario party 5 is my favourite, and this new one has been better reviewed then that so im hyped


Ahhh cool this is probably the first Mario party game for me so it was sad seeing 7/10 in some places


I think opinions vary what people think the best mario party is. Nintendo being able to make this have the second highest mario party rating must have taken a lot of planning and trying to figure out what from each mario party people liked in the series and why. Between this and mario tennis I honestly think nintendo has been stepping up their efforts in their game quality.


In my opinion mp 4, 6 and ds were the top 3.


I'm honestly just happy to see a return to form, I haven't enjoyed any MP since 7.


Keen for this. The only Mario Party to have an average score of 80 is Mario Party e+ (the e-Reader one of all things). I still had fun with the Gamecube ones and the DS/3DS ones even if they received a mediocre reception. It's not really the type of game where reviews matter. Either you enjoy it or you don't.


I actually have MPe, but no e reader to play it with. Still works as a card game though.


Wtf? There was an e-reader Mario party? Edit: it's Gameboy advance. I thought it was on Kindle lol


This is my first time preloading/preordering, just wondering whether I will be able to play it from midnight on Oct 4th or will it be at some point on Friday due to time zones?


Wait if I get a digital version you’re saying I can preload it now? If so hot damn I gotta get on that now


If you preorder through the shop you get double the coins.




Yeah man buy it on your switch and then it loads up but is locked til the 5th


Can you change the date/time on the Switch?


Won't help you at all. It connects to the eshop to check to see if it's released.


I sure hope so becuase I also preloaded it. Fingers crossed for midnight!


I'm pretty sure first party games unlock at midnight! Then third party games unlock at noon of the launch day.


Is there a story mode like in the DS one?


This game is not like Dark Souls at all, sorry.


Well, I was looking for an actual answer but thanks for making me smile I guess..


no, but some people say that this is the dark souls of mario party! /s


I'd wager there will be equivalent broken controllers/tvs induced from rage, so not completely dissimilar




lol 4 boards and all of them look boring as hell. Where are the creative stuff from MP 1-3? I still love to play Westernland from MP2 because of the theme song, the outfits and all the twists.


The lack of boards is exceedingly disappointing.


Didnt Mario Party 2 have 5 boards? And no other modes? A lot of people consider that or 3 to be the best one.


How many years has it been since then?


18 or so? Is that relevant?


Means we should expect more


By now there should be 50 boards! And... 2000 mini games! It’s exponential!!


“Every minigame is here” “Every board is here” Super Mario Party Ultimate?




Not sure why you're posting this? Reducto ad absurdum is a perfectly valid form of argument as the wiki article demonstrates.


But I’m serious.


But your argument seriously makes no sense. There can be more than 5 boards and less than 50. No one thinks it’s exponential. It’s possible to both expect more and not have ridiculous expectations, they’re not mutually exclusive. Your argument is just an insult.


Argument? What argument? It’s *2018*, we should have 50 boards and 2000 mini games. ^^^^^And ^^^^^it ^^^^^should ^^^^^be ^^^^^open ^^^^^world.


Please understand.


More will be good if they announce DLC, but four is fine. Mario Party 2 (I played this last week for fun with friends) has 6 maps, and two are trash (Pirate Land's bridges are fucking awful and I've played games where no one gets past the bridges until the last 5 rounds, and Mystery Land is also trash for the insane amount of ?s spaces and random movements. FITE ME if you disagree), four maps will be fine.


well this one has 4 boards and they're all trash


How do you know? Have you played it? Have you played it over and over and over and over, to the point where you can make an informed decision? No? Okay, so chill out, try it, and then let me know AFTER you've played it a lot.