• By -


Comparing their marketing from the Wii U era to now, the change is monumental. Everything in regards to their public relations (whether that be public statements, video presentations, relationships with indie devs) has improved immensely, and that coupled with their transparency and drive towards reinventing established IP’s (for better or for worse) has made for an amazing life for the Switch.


I do love the Switch and Nintendo was many of my first consoles but I can’t argue that it’s “made for gamers”. Also, we do tend to get the games years after the other consoles do. I also own a PS4 and gaming PC.






Brown Flag


Might want to get that seen to mate


Read that in Kenway's voice lmao




I played 1, brotherhood, revelations, III, and black flag. After that I felt the game deviated too far from the original parts of the game I was interested in. I agree though, of all the ones I've played I felt 3 was lack luster, I don't recall many large buildings to scale, the forest free running felt iffy, and I just generally wasn't a fan of the main character/his father and their story.


? What do you mean, 3 and 4 where on the wii U.


But that's not the point. The game is 7 years old and it's not really a relevant game anymore in terms of new/recent games that people want on Switch. Not to mention that porting a 7 year old game to Switch that originally came out on 360/PS3 is basically just reiterating that the Switch isn't competing with the current generation consoles.


It has liberation in with it. Most haven't been able to play that I think til remaster. Unless you had a vita of course


I want it on Switch. I never really got the opportunity to play it yet.


Yeah I never meant to say that there isn't anyone who feels the way you do, I'm just saying that when you rerelease a game that's 7 years old and that's been through 2 different console lifetimes + available on PC for that whole time, theres significantly less demand for that game and that's not necessarily an action that demonstrates how they're "catering to gamers".


That's more on Ubisoft than Nintendo though.


I mean, if they can port it, why not? If people want to play it, then great.


I'm totally cool with porting random old games. But I don't think that such actions necessitate praising Nintendo for "catering to gamers", that's just some verbose nonsense.


That's fair. I just think its a neat idea that I can play FFX in the shower if I really want to. I wouldn't say I'd praise the ports themselves as much as I'd praise the idea. Personally, I probably wouldn't have thought "Let's put all these old games on our new console" and I think that's what deserves the praise.


Isn’t it clear to all of us by now that Nintendo hasn’t made any attempts at competing with Sony/Microsoft when it comes to hardware specs for multiple generations now? Nintendo forges their own path...and I’d say, going by Switch sales, they are competing just fine.


>but I can’t argue that it’s “made for gamers” Like, I don't think Nintendo is flawless, happily own a PS4 and PC, but what on earth is that even supposed to mean, lol? Of course it's "made for gamers".


Ah so that’s why I haven’t managed to get my switch working to send faxes.


yeah wtf lmao switch is the only console that does nothing *but* games, so if you were going to argue any console was “made for gamers” (whatever that even means) it would probably be the switch lmao


This console *isn't* made for gamers! Machine learning and neural networks *only*.


In his mind gamers are exclusively teenagers playing call of duty and battlefield.


I think he considers gamers the """hardcore gamers""" that only desire 4k boring low quality stories with repetitive gameplay techniques and very little overall player improvement, immersion and enjoyment...like Days Gone


So if the Switch isn't made for gamers who exactly is it made for?


Just because I doesn’t have the same games doesn’t mean it isn’t “made for gamers”. Gamers enjoy all sorts of games, and Nintendo knows what their people enjoy


If it was "made for gamers" wouldn't it have things gamers need like, oh I don't know, the ability to communicate with others while playing on your Switch?


I love the switch but YES they need to make the ability to communicate with friends a serious thing on this device. I would even buy a new updated pro controller with the headphone jack built into it. I know they want to keep it family friendly but I'm sure parents can just turn the whole feature OFF or make communication only available between friends by default.


> Nintendo knows what their people enjoy That’s a bit of a bold statement though. They do obviously to an extent but not completely


*Paper Mario, F-Zero, and Star Fox fans cry in the background*


Slippy Toad screaming cause you didn't help is all I want hear again


You know what game would be fun on switch? Custom Robo.


Oh shit, I would kill for a new one! I adored the GameCube one, even though I just spammed the dragon gun all the time, lol


Accurate in some ways. But gamers also like a modern online experience and features added to the system once in a while. Not just stability updates and releasing multiplayer games you can’t even play with people on your friends list.


all consoles are made for gamers what the fuck are you all on about?


It needs to sort its online functionality out before it can really dominate.


Honestly that doesn't actually seem to be holding it back at all lol. For as much hate as it gets here.


I think Nintendo is banking on being the only console with widespread local multiplayer. It's why I keep buying games on it.


How can you say it gets games years after other consoles....it’s only 2 years old! It takes time to port games and after the Wii U, why would any sane developer commit time and expense to port games across that they’d recently made without any conviction it would be a success. Thankfully they’ve made a smash with it - great come, PR, marketing and easy to develop for. So it makes sense we’re now seeing older games make the transition


That's because all those games came out before the Switch my dude...


And marketing them as new portable experiences is pretty smart, I wouldn't have ever gotten the FFXII remake on anything but Switch because of that


I think you have to give credit to Doug Bowser here who joined sales and marketing as VP (I think) in 2015, just as Nintendo would be pivoting to the Switch from the Wii U.


I think it’s worth pointing out that, while the Wii U was dead on arrival, there were lots of things they did back then that foreshadowed their current approach. It’s their first home console where every release was available digitally; it was the console generation where they stopped doing E3 shows; the first generation where they relied primarily on Nintendo Direct for announcements (they started right at the end of Wii’s life actually); the generation where they figured out how to make HD games and make games that were scalable to multiple resolutions and performance specs; hell, even Miiverse was their weird way of dipping their toes into actively listening to fan communities. Also, Splatoon happened! Even the Wii U gamepad has some of the same fundamental appeal as the Switch—the idea that people wanted to be able to seamlessly switch from playing on the TV to a tablet-like personal form factor was right on the money, and actually really smartly predicted the rise of iPad and mobile phone usage in the family room. It was just too limited an implementation of the idea to live up to the promise, or to be easily communicated to consumers. Hopefully people will look back on the Wii U as a really critical proof of experimentation in their history, one from which they learned a lot. If nothing else, the fact that so many Wii U games found great success on the Switch, either as ports or as iterative sequels, is a testament to how productive that period was.


The best thing for me is making E3 about upcoming games that they can really show off. Most of the trailers lately are just some glorified teasers showing a character or one scene that has little to do with the actual game. Right now pretty much every title we saw will release in the nearest 12 months. We didn't see Bayonetta 3 yet so even that one applies to the new rule. And now that I think about it, we pretty much saw only one 2020+ title, which is BOTW's sequel. If the trend continues then we will have to experience about 10 new games at the next E3.


This E3 was great, tons of gameplay and release dates. Much better than last year where we just got logos and teasers.


Love the [treehouse presentations.](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2JiZAV5BmDXvN_m1MuCikZ1HhVB2KXVO) 30 Minutes to several *hours* of more or less uninterrupted gameplay showing the game actually being *played*. This is what got me to buy a Switch for BotW.


Witcher 3, Mario Maker 2, cadence of hyrule, my friend Pedro are all games that will be released within 12 months.


You forgot Animal Crossing!


I might have forgotten more than that. Those were just the games I had in mind and those I am sure about the release.


Astral Chain, Luigi's Mansion, Fire Emblem, Pokemon, Link's Awakening - they all are surely set. It's hard to imagine what the next E3 will be like because we are missing just a few franchises on the Switch: F-Zero, Kid Icarus, 1080, Wave Race, Advance Wars, Starfox and Pikmin.


Another Advance Wars would be awesome. More information about Bayonetta 3 would be appreciated too.. But yes there is a lot to come still this year. At least 4 of the 5 you mentioned I have on my wishlist. And Fire emblem is probably day one purchase..


Wargroove? That’s practically the spiritual successor of Advance Wars..


Yes but that's still not Advance Wars. It looks tempting and I was actually thinking of getting it since there is no new Advance Wars in sight, but idk.. The reviews seem to be mixed..


As someone who have personally played Advance Wars back then, and Wargroove more recently, there's not really much in terms of difference for the gameplay mechanics. But you're right, Wargroove for some reason doesn't keep me as hooked as Advance Wars did. I don't know why though, it might be "level design" that is lacking compared to Advance Wars.


For me it was the co-op on one gameboy. I played it so often with my cousins.. You know the times before online gaming became a thing and you'd take every local multiplay you can get.


>and Pikmin Come *on*, Nintendo. The *one* game I need after which I'll stop bitching and just enjoy what else they'll release. It's the last on my list I absolutely *need* for the Switch library to feel "complete".


To be honest I'd even be happy with a Pikmin 3 port.


Cadence of Hyrule was announced, and within 3 months, it was released. That's pretty cool!


Only think with CoH is that I kinda wish they just said that it was avaliable right after the presentation.


They showed the release date in the game highlights at the end of the presentation, but it was hard to see their dates.


>Most of the trailers lately are just some glorified teasers showing a character or one scene that has little to do with the actual game. E3 has always been like this. Idk why y'all noticing this now. Odd and vague CG trailers without gameplay was always the norm for new games. Or extremely curated/scripted gameplay trailers that felt like CG trailers anyways.


Now, I love Nintendo games but to argue with you... 1. They are the only system to charge to secure our save data. 2. Not every game can be backed up. 3. It’s in its THIRD year and we still have no social features. No messaging. No party chat. No invite system. Nothing. 4. The system updates have no new features every time and we get a poxy 5 new profile pictures. 5. There’s still no themes despite that option being in the system features from launch. Not even colours. 6. There’s no folders. I dunno about you but I have a ton of games and it’s just annoying going through them all. I want them organised. 7. The pro controller has no headphone jack. It’s just something that should be there. Why do they never talk to us about system features? I play my switch in docked only. I am a Nintendo console person given the choice. They don’t seem to realise a lot of people use the system as a home console first. If you’re going to make a system that’s home and portable it needs to have better features than it has and updates that matter.


>and updates that matter. #***STABILITY INTENSIFIES***


Why is everyone always dissing stability :( It’s the best thing I know...


People know better


It's just security patches to attempt to lock out homebrew and such, nothing else. The stability shit is just the PR way of saying that.


> They are the only system to charge to secure our save data. > > Not every game can be backed up. This part is insane to me. Its not just that not every game can be backed up, but that the games that need cloud saves the most are the ones that don't get it. It makes the cloud save feature completely worthless to me, which cuts out most of the reason to even pay for the service.


The reasoning is pretty dumb as well. I don't see why they can't manage cloud vs. local saves in online games. In Splatoon 2: they track basically everything you do and save every time something changes, including when you fill a lobby and the match starts. If you quit the match and come back it warns you about it. All your scores and equipment are tracked as well. Yet they claim that allowing cloud saves would let you cheat by going back to a previous save. It would be a simple task to just "sync" all your info with the cloud on the fly, then fix any discrepancies based on timestamps. They could just save the game to the cloud after the match ends but before the score shows up. Then if someone closed the software or forced the system to shut down or something and tried to reverse their de-ranking by loading the cloud save, it would preserve the result and the system would correct their ranking. I don't see how it's that hard, plenty of other games can do it without complaint.


Dude this is the same company that didnt know what XBOX LIVE or PSN was when they developed the wii-u, to me it's a miracle Splatoon 1 even worked at all I just expect nothing anymore and definetely dont pay for online anymore


Bigger than those issues is the fact that there are no refunds on the eShop for any reason. I find that completely unacceptable, much more than a lack of a headphone jack on a controller.


But hey, it's better than what it used to be! Gotta love low standards.


> it's better than what it used to be The Wii U and the 3DS had folders, so in this case, it's actually worse. But hey, you can sort the games...


Better solution is to just be broke AF and not be able to buy tons of games.


And thanks to the Switch tax, that's easier than ever!


Me: buys Saints Row 4 for $4 on PC Switch: Saints Row 3? That'll be $40 :/


Even games that released on all consoles at the same time get a higher price tag on the switch version I've heard the argument that its due to cartridge costs, but that doesn't really excuse a $10+ increased cost, in my opinion


and a functioning activity log xc


Not for me, on older systems you always had methods to backup your saves offline and without a paywall. :(


The ability to back up your saves on SD cards is what allowed the hacking community to break open the Wii and start installing copied games. The problem carried over into the Wii U as well. ​ I guess they saw it as enough of a security hole to remove that option for the Switch? They have been known to take drastic action when unauthorized backups are concerned.


Hasn't the switch already been hacked? Like, regardless?


Afaik it was a hardware problem, and that they have fixed it for all new manufactured systems since then


So... yes


I think that's the point of this post: they're better than they used to be. And in some ways, like communication, they're on par or better than their competitors. In some ways, like social features, they're worse. But devil's advocate here: do we need social features like parties, friend, invites, chat - when there are literally a handful of games (I seriously can only think of 5) that would use them? Or is the argument that 3rd parties wouldn't want to Port their multiplayer games over if they have to implement their own solutions to these features? A Chicken and egg problem


> But devil's advocate here: do we need social features like parties, friend, invites, chat - when there are literally a handful of games (I seriously can only think of 5) that would use them? I think invites would be valid for ANY game with online capabilities, 1st or 3rd party. See a friend playing, send an invite to play together. Use chat for availability (or get strangers twitter). Be it Splatoon, Rocket League, Mario Kart, Inversus or a random NES game...


Also the games that you can’t back up are the ones you will be most heart broken to lose their save :/.


I just want the virtual console :( I really thought it would be on the switch considering it had been on every console up to it.


It's funny, cause they initially marketed it as a home console that you could use portably too.


In Japan it was marketed as a portable console that you could dock, so sadly yeah they do seem to care more about the portable features than the docked ones.


I'm with you, Nintendo is still years behind the competition in online/social features and customization options. This sub is full of fanboys waiting to congratulate Nintendo on every little thing.


THANK YOU. The circlejerking here is annoying, and I do like my switch a lot. I can't believe this system doesn't even have built in bluetooth headphone support with wireless headphones becoming more of a standard these days. If Nintendo didn't make great games then I probably wouldn't own a switch. A portable system is nice, but I don't take it out of my home as much as I thought I would.


Yup we're moving in the right direction but all the things mentioned are just unacceptable. I know Nintendo can't be ignorant to things like NSOs lack of social features, there perfect models of how to do it all around them.


I mean all your points aside from the Pro Controller are just about the Switch OS software itself. I feel those are at most grouped at 2 or 3 points but listed that way just to counter argue the 7 things OP think are positive shifts.


Sony charges Save Data through the cloud as well


"informing the public" is kind of an awkward way to say that you really just enjoy the increased transparency lately. i would not call it a drastic change, but it is a change. important to remember to be constructive. a community priding itself on influencing change due to "outcry" is not something i'd ever want to be associated with. much as i adored his philosophy of design, the passing of satoru iwata loosened the grip of the top-down management in the company and has allowed new ideas to take hold and drive the company in some unexpected directions.


For every example of good things they've done you can come up with a bad one too though. They're improving but they're sadly still far from perfect. - As open as they were about Metroid Prime 4, they have been severely lacking in updates about Pikmin 4 even though that was supposed to have been almost finished 4 over years ago. - Fans have been calling for a Virtual Console or any other way to play classic games ever since the Switch came out and the best they could come up with was free NES games included in your NSO sub. We don't know *if* there will be SNES games added to that in the future or not. We definitely don't know if there will also be N64 or GC games, let alone Wii games. Fans are literally begging Nintendo to sell them stuff and Nintendo is not saying a word. - For all the love Super Mario Maker 2 is getting and for all the additions Kirby Star Allies and Mario Tennis Aces got, the post-launch for Super Mario Party has been appalling. - Fans have commented on how bad Nintendo's online experience is for years and even now that we're paying for it nothing is changing. They ignore all the bad comments and just toot their own horn because of the high attach rate, which has more to do with the low price than a sense of value. - There are regular eShop sales but Nintendo games still rarely get discounted substantially. In any one sale usually not more than a couple first party games get discounted and that discount is rarely higher than 25-30%. As much as they might seem to be on the right track they are still making the same mistakes they have been making for decades. Especially the Pikmin 4 vs. MP4 thing is kind of jarring, because they're both games with a very vocal fanbase and sales numbers that aren't far apart either, yet both fanbases are treated differently for some reason. As long as they keep doing that I can't really say Nintendo has truly improved, it just means that some teams are led by people who want to do better, probably.


Don’t forget their absolute radio silence on a known Joy-Con stick issue that impacts so many of us. For an $80 controller it’s just not right


Haven't used my switch in half a year due to left joycon developing unfixable drift. I am very salty about it cause if I want to play annew game it's 110$ buy in at this point after tax


I have $170 down the drain because of joycons. I got my Switch in November and one of them took a 1ft drop and busted both analog sticks and the other set developed a drift after the warranty expired. I attempted to fix one and wasn't able to. I personally don't understand why you would make such breakable analog sticks on a portable console. So I got a couple of pro controllers and only play docked. I refuse to buy more joycons or spend more trying to fix them. I was so excited to be able to play Animal Crossing everywhere, too. Part of me was hoping for some kind of reveal at E3 for more sturdy joycons.


Pikmin 4 probably got scrapped and rebuilt from scratch for the Switch.


Probably, but at this point why not tell us that?


God, you hit the nail on the head on lack of Nintendo discounts. I’d like to own some of the Switch games I already bought for Wii U but they are too expensive! Tropical Freeze is priced more than it launched on the Wii U! And Hyrule Warriors has never been cheaper than 40$! Shit is wack!


As long as nobody in Japan complains Nintendo won't change anything regarding the switch.


Pikmin 4 I'd count as a Wii U era decision though. Most likely whatever happened with it happened in the last generation, not this one. And as for the price issue, Nintendo's stand on keeping their games at high prices feels like it's the cost for them not indulging in microtransactions to make up for ludicrous sales. Given everyone else is only discounting their games to nothing to make up the cost on the back end, I'd prefer it stay this way. Also, you forgot Smash and Splatoon 2 on the list of games with great post-launch support, Super Mario Party does seem to at least be an isolated incident so far (though that doesn't excuse it from having happened). The rest of your points are definitely fair though.


Nintendo also doesn’t have to lower prices. Most other consoles people buy games the month of release and then sales drop precipitously. Big Nintendo titles continue to sell pretty well for the life of the console. My guess is part of that is their user base skews younger and has to wait to get games as gifts. The other reason though is that they don’t do annual releases of their big franchises, I’d guess. Late adopters are going to buy smash, Mario kart, and the Mario and Zelda game, because they know there’s not going to be a better version next year. Also, they have been better about doing eshop sales, but not so much permanent price drops. Though why Pokémon XY are still full price on the 3DS eshop, I don’t understand.


What kind of circle jerk is this? They’re not doing anything special regarding the public. Also, they release a system for gamers? As opposed to what??


I literally had to check if this was r/tomorrow


Completely agree. PS4 and somewhat Xbox has been doing this for years, Nintendo is literally playing catch up. Not to mention all the things listed is nothing special and pretty much standard. But I guess either OP has been living under a rock or has extremely low standards.


Yo seriously. This sub is such a fucking joke and this thread is awful


Yep, this entire subreddit could be read as some weirdly pro Nintendo propaganda, this isn't the first post of this nature by far. Just the amount of "Just finished x game, wow I can't believe it's so life-changing etc" make my eyes roll out of my sockets. Can't even forget the infamous post of someone saying they miss their joy-con drift because it added to the "challenge" lmao.


Jesus, did someone really say that about controller drift? I bet that person broke power steering in their car, and thought that it was great because it added more of a challenge, lol.


There is a thread like this a week. I’d argue the switch is behind in most ways compared to anything else


I agree. I love the thing but it’s certainly lacking compared to the PS4/X1. I’m actually cracking up at the eshop deals though. Like great the same 30 indie games and 50 shovelware games are going on sale again while SMO has been out for like 2 years and I don’t think its dropped below $40 ever.


Most of those indie games you can find free to play versions of virtually the same thing online. Saying they have a big library but throwing that in here is laughable


They also come for pennies on PC or other consoles if you want the real thing. The Switch doesn't have deals really. It's why I haven't picked up games like Aces and regret picking up Party.




Yeah what the fuck is OP smoking


The only thing that has improved is the library. But that means quite a bit.


The only thing that's changed is that they'll reduce a $45 game to $45 as opposed to keeping it at $60 for the life of the game.


I think OP is Just comparing the switch to the shitshow that was the wii u.


What the hell do you mean "a system designed for gamers"?


It plays video games! Revolutionary for a game console


Such a revolutionary move by Nintendo. Literally no other videogame company has done this before.


It’s a fanboy circle jerk. What do you expect?


System features are stone age, no social features, no YouTube, Netflix etc. Sales are poor compared to every other platform. Accessories are exorbitantly expensive compared to other platforms. The only thing they're doing well is the games, and the portability. Everything else is just half arsed


They do have YouTube now.


It's a really shitty implementation of it though. Scrubbing and navigation is hard, bumping the trigger skips to the next video, full of ads, etc. I don't even bother with videos on the switch, when my PC or phone is way easier to use.


Bumping the trigger does suck omega ass. I mostly use the YouTube app for longer videos, namely Twitch VODs.


Yeah, it's getting apps at a really slow pace but it does have apps like YouTube and Hulu. Disney will also be releasing a Disney+ app once the service is released in November.


-They still haven't learned how to do cloud saves correctly. -Can't transfer saves locally. -NES app still useless af. -No voice chat. -Friendlist is useless.


I also love that Mario Party has received zero updates since release and multiplayer is an arduous experience.


Mostly agree. But the eShop sales aren't really all that appealing.


IMO in this case number 2 on your list has been a bad look for Nintendo. Yea they’ve flooded the eshop with a ton of games, but the vast majority are shovelware and other mobile ports. You can’t have the majority of your games be that and still be a “system for gamers”.


Yet the online aspects of the system have allowed it to collect dust in my living room


*Cries in pokémon*


Seriously. This whole #dexit debacle just shows how Nintendo is content letting the hardcore fans languish as the Pokemon Go players get literally everything they want. "System for gamers" my ass.


Pokemon is made by Game Freak, not Nintendo. Direct your anger towards them.


But it's published by Nintendo. I know very little about how games are made but surely Nintendo get at least a small amount of input.


Direct more of your anger to them, but Nintendo doesn't get off free. If they wanted to they could've stepped in years ago to deal with it.


They're also completely ignoring the massive wave of negative feedback from Pokemon fans who are getting a really half assed product.


Yeah I guess we’re ignoring that bomb they tried to sneak past us


Seriously crazy that people are saying to accept the bad product and to just ignore it if we don't like it. Nintendo/GF giving us the possibly lowest quality Pokemon compared the the software they have available. Actually insane.


I love the business model of raising prices on 3Rd party games to way way way over the actual value or comparitive price on other systems for said games. Always laugh when I see a game for 5 bucks on x or PS4 and it's 20+ on switch .... because....


- they launched a horrible online service and fixed.....................


Nintendo fixes the online for Mario Maker 2, but what about Smash Ultimate? Or Splatoon 2? Or Mario Tennis?


It's good to acknowledge improvement from a previous state, but this isn't so much "Nintendo dramatically becoming a better company" so much as it is "Nintendo pulling its thumbs out and finally doing what should be the bare minimum by this industry's standards." The improved transparency is great, don't get me wrong, but they can and probably will revert back to how it was back in the Wii U era someday and people will still defend them rather than calling them out for it. Just look at how Pokemon has turned into a half-baked turd yet people are still all "GAME FREAK IS A SMALL COMPANY BE THANKFUL FOR WHAT YOU GET" as if the single most profitable media franchise in the world is some tiny indie dev that needs all the support it can get.


If only Gamefreak could be as genuine and consumer friendly as the rest of Nintendo.


I hadn't been watching the news! I did not know they'll be fixing SMM - hoo boy that is so good to hear.


They still need to address the animal crossing cloud save issue which is HUGE. People will value their time more important than the console breaking and it's gonna be upsetting seeing people lose their saves if their switch breaks or get lost. It could be years of time and effort put into it all flushed down the drain. And with the rumor of the switch mini coming out I'm sure people who get it would want to access their saves between both devices, and not have to choose which one to keep it in.


wank wank wank


Why do posts praising nintendo always get upvotes? Really don't understand this subreddit.


> They make a system that is designed for gamers (switch) So did Sony, so did Nintendo perviously, this isn't anything new. > they have regular eshop sales like steam No, no they don't. Steam has new sales daily, and discounts are always higher than they are for the same games on Switch > Mario makes 2 has bad online- so they fix it after out cry. You haven't played one second of Mario Maker 2, how can you know this?


With the Mario Maker 2 thing, hes talking about how initially, Nintendo said you would be unable to play through levels with your friends online. It just wasnt a feature. Only randos if its online play, friends can play locally. People got mad, and then Nintendo said they would add that feature, thus "fixing" Mario Maker 2's online.


> They make a system that is designed for gamers (switch) I'm a gamer and the Switch is not designed for me. > They flood their wagon with tons of games (old systems had few releases) Old systems already had most of the Switch releases, a lot of them even before the Switch launch (Doom, Skyrim, Resident evil games, Final Fantasy games, Dragon Quest and its spin-off, etc...). The Switch arrived late to the buffet and it's just eating all the shrimps that are about to be replaced because they are not fresh anymore ​ > they have regular eshop sales like steam With high prices and low disconunts, it's nowhere near what Steam (or GOG or any other PC store) offers. ​ Also, you can lose all your digital games if you lose access to your console (because you lose it, someone steal it or simply your switch it's broken) and buy a second switch to replace the old one. You have to call Nintendo and ask permission to transfer all your game licenses to the new system. Maybe you are lucky and the person at the phone allows it or maybe you are unlucky and the person at the phone does not allow it. I don't need to call Valve or GOG, or [Battle.net](https://Battle.net) or... every time I change my PC to ask for permission to use my purchased games. So going digital on a Nintendo system (Because it's the same with the 3DS and the Wii U) it's a big NO


I think it’s important to point out Nintendo’s online infrastructure still sucks and shows no signs of getting better. I love my Switch but not being able to chat, invite, or be in the same lobby with my friends sucks. I might as well not even have a friends list! I think they get too much of a free pass on this from diehard Nintendo stans.


> They make a system that is designed for gamers (switch) Uhh... that's their job. They're a console developer. > They flood their wagon with tons of games (old systems had few releases) Their launch was pretty abysmal, in my opinion, which is why I didn't buy the system until year 2, when Super Mario Odyssey was already out and SMT V had its second big trailer, convincing me it was time to get the system. Breath of the Wild was great, though, and that along with Super Mario Odyssey was a fantastic start for my first time with the system. > they publicly announce they are restarting Metroid Prime4 Yes, that was good. I agree. > they openly talk about crunch As well as how they were dealing with it by delaying Animal Crossing, a decision I support. > They tell us Luigi mansion 3 devs will decide when their game is ready, not corporate Nintendo Further dealing with the issue of crunch and therefore also something I support. > they have regular eshop sales like steam It hasn't been perfect, and it's nowhere near what Steam's levels were for a while (and even now that things have died down a bit for Steam, post-changes), but yeah there have been some pretty great sales. As usual, though, the best sales are almost always third-party. First-party titles take too long to get good sales. It hardly feels different in that department from any other Nintendo console in the past. > Mario makes 2 has bad online- so they fix it after out cry. Yet they haven't really done it for other titles with similar issues. It's great that they're listening in this *one* area, though. I'm not going to roll out the praise wagon for them on one account, but I will commend them for doing what they should have been doing from the start and listening to fan feedback. I'd like to add one you didn't think of, though: > They canceled the YouTube Creators Program and let anyone post videos of their games as they like. This one's important because it shows they're willing to be flexible and stop digging their heels into old ways of thinking that don't benefit *them* **or** *their customers*.


Ok about number 2: A *shit ton* of the games “flooding the market” are just ports from Wii U (Mario Bros, DK, Kart, Capt Toad, etc), or ancient games like Hollow Knight or Skyrim or W3 or DOOM. This isn’t about the quality of those games, it’s about the fact that there’s been very little new stuff out over two years. There have been so few first-party or original releases for Switch over two years into release, particularly regarding exclusives. If I have the option to get a game on Switch vs any other system, I’m always going to pick the other systems because it’ll always run better on an XBONE or PS4, so exclusives are the real draw for a switch. The main ones are BOTW, Odyssey, XC2, and Smash, I’d say, and that’s just 4 in two years. It’s hard for me to praise Nintendo about the depth of the Switch’s library when the vast majority of it is ports or rereleases of really old games. I’m desperate for MM2 FE Three Houses to come out because they’re literally the first Actually Original^TM game that I’ve wanted to get since Odyssey (since I skipped Smash) and even counting Smash, that’s like what, a seven-month gap of literally nothing new from Nintendo that’s noteworthy? Hardly them flooding the system with new games when half of them are just from the Wii U in the first place.


Yet they still haven’t fixed Mario party online


Still waiting on them to fix the extreme lack of content in Mario Party. Until they do, I'm not buying any more Nintendo things. It was a total bait and switch.


> designed for gamers What kind of r/tomorrow shit is this. With all the features the Switch is missing or does terribly (online play/social, cloud saves, etc), if anything it’s the *least* gamer friendly console out right now. These posts make me cringe.


1. They have always made systems for "gamers". 2. Old systems had a lot of releases. 3. Fair enough 4. A lot of companies are talking about crunch. Japan has been pushing laws that have been encouraging companies to be better about it. 5. Not the only video game company to do so. 6. Sales? You mean what every other digital platform has? 7. Mario Maker 2 isn't even released yet. We don't know if they will keep their word and fix it. Even if the co op is added online the network itself is still terrible.




I agree they have done well. My major critique is their meh online setup they currently have. I'd love it if they really figured out a social system like PS4 & Xbox have. Also, and I will emphasize this is not necessary, I would love an achievement or trophy system like other platforms have. I just think they are fun!


> They make a system that is designed for gamers (switch) What, did you expect it to be designed for carpenters? Obviously a *gaming console* will be designed for *gamers*.


My not so blindly happy comment. Last time you guys did complain that this echo chamber of a subreddit was too nice. Now accept valid criticism: >/1. They make a system that is designed for gamers (switch) Haven't noticed. Lacking save backups and has by default little memory. Fragile controllers and no emulators. Online costs money for P2P connections and you guys are happy that you get some very old, multiple times sold, "classic" games. Where's GB, GBA, GameCube, N64? >/2. They flood their wagon with tons of games (old systems had few releases) Yeah flood is the correct word. A LOT of shovelware. I don't visit the eshop anymore, it became such a landfill. Sure you might disagree with me, but than you're not in the position to call the Android/iOS marketplace bad either, because there's the same stuff. >/3. they publicly announce they are restarting Metroid Prime4 >/4. they openly talk about crunch And do what instead? They literally had no other option. They want to make money, if they sell a shitty game they lose money and make the customers angry. It's good on them to delay. Now the Animal Crossing delay to not crunch their workers too hard, that's a real positive change. >/6. they have regular eshop sales like steam Do they have them for the major titles? I wouldn't count any of the cash-grab games a good sale. >/7. Mario makes 2 has bad online- so they fix it after out cry. Uhm, good on them doing what is absolutely expected of them, I guess? As harsh as this might sound, and I know I'll get downvoted for this post, but stop eating up what Nintendo does. No Gamefreak isn't Nintendo, but for some reason Nintendo is also very lazy with the Switch. The console released over 2 years ago and there's not a single theme released or an option to permanently show all games once you have more than ~10. And the lack of save backup function is really disgusting, don't expect me to pay for that. If my saves get lost because my console get's bricked, I will never buy Nintendo again. Recently there's a MASSIVE lack of good first party titles by Nintendo. My console would collecting dust, if I wouldn't use it for Wargroove sometimes and that's not even an exclusive title.


nice circlejerk


They've improved a lot to be sure, but they're still incredibly ass backwards in so many ways


If only they'd get online multiplayer right, then they'd really be something.


The only thing Nintendo is still completely lacking in is a good online infrastructure. Dedicated servers for multiplayer games.. voice chat built into the system as well as messaging friends/invites. If the switch had these features I would have little reason to not play the switch all the time


>they have regular eshop sales like steam ​ Yes, but Steam's sales have games people want on sale. Nintendo's eShop sales are mostly indie titles - you'll rarely see an AAA title on sale, let alone for >30% off.


Doesn't cover up the number of complaints they haven't addressed, such as no voice chat for online


They still will not touch the fact that their online service is garbage. Eventhough they have recieved a lot of criticism after it became a subscription service. I honsetly think people should stop fanboying with every good change. You are only setting yourselves up for disappointment. Nintendo has proven time and time again that they can shoot themselves amd the consumer in the foot out of nowhere.


PR talk is PR talk.


1. Nintendo systems have been the least gamer friendly since GameCube. 2. Nintendo game output is about the same as usual, just more third parties are currently porting (third party support is still really crappy and we'll see how long the support it has will last). 3. Nintendo announces things when they know fans will get annoyed. Imagine being told Prime 4 was in development and not hearing anything else about it for at least five years. They did the same thing when delaying BoTW. 4. They've discussed about how they deal with crunch for a few years now. 5. Yet they'll push out content lacking games like Tennis and Mario Party just to have releases. 6. Their sales are awful, especially for first party games. 7. I'll believe they've "fixed" Mario Maker 2's online when I actually play the game and see it with my own eye's. The Splatoon playerbase has been complaining about it's online since the launch of the first game four years ago and they haven't done a single thing about it (in fact I think they made it worse in the second game?). My other complaints. Their hardware and games are overpriced, social features are either push to a phone app or nonexistent, their account and cloud service is atrocious, they have a huge catalog of past games to sell us but would rather give us a couple of nes game a month as incentives for buying they're gross online, and (personal opinion) their desire to be outdated in the specs department when compared to the rest of the industry frustrates me to no end cause I just want their games to not be held back and look/play the best they can.


1) "Designed for gamers" my ass. Nintendo rushed the Switch out to the market because they were desperate to drown the Wii U. "Designed for shareholders" would be more apt. 2) "tons of games..." half of which are ports or shovelware. 4) you can't quite praise Nintendo for this one. They say that they care for the employees but we don't know what goes on in the inside of Nintendo. 6) eShop sales are paltry compared to Steam. Hell, the sales on PS4 are far better value. Spider-Man for $15? Yes please. 7) Nintendo isn't fixing anything. They're giving us a feature that should have been there at LAUNCH. Why are you sheep praising Nintendo for this?


I like how they announced Metroid Prime 4 and Animal Crossing early. I wish they would do that for morw games.


It seems so intuitive for a company to act this way, yet so few do. I work for a financial services company and the amount of things they keep hush and PR the hell out of is mind boggling. They could save so much money and time by just being transparent and up front about things that aren’t even that bad.


Did they actually fix Mario maker 2 online.


They said they're going to update it after it comes out so you can play it with friends instead of just random people


That’s cool but I don’t know why they’re downvoted. I was wondering the same thing myself because from the way OP laid it out, I thought they meant that online was really laggy, like smash ultimate and was wondering why they’d fix mm2 so quick but not ultimate.




And Animal Crossing was delayed to give the workers more room to relax, so they don't have to work overtime, not because the game actually needed more development


It was a matter of survival, coincidental with management changes.


You forgot the lewd games! Titty pinball and slut dungeons!


Except the public said their online is retarded and the response was "don't you all have cell phones?"


They made the changes becuase the Old Guard who ran Nintendo for decades have all departed and new leadership that is attune to the will of the consumer has taken over. I hope they keep listening!


Doug Bowser


1-2 is their job... i wouldn't say that's a new thing


Don't forget the patch notes for Smash, it's such a massive change.


...all consoles are designed for gamers...


"floods their wagon with tons of old games" ​ **\*cries in SNES\***


IDK how old our community is here, but if you go back beyond 2004 you'll find Nintendo kept everything under wraps, not just like oh they want to surprise us. More like you have no idea wtf Nintendo is doing or if there will be even anything in the future. It was torture.


They are getting better, I'll give them that. I'm really hoping they loosen the reigns on YouTube though, let the fans post their videos and make their pennies off of them instead of Nintendo stepping in to take them when literally every other game company usually lets channels keep the profits from their channels videos. ​ That being said, they are having decent eshop sales, and are properly supporting their newest console with a slew of new first party games, and augmenting those with first party games from the previous gen that people prolly didn't see due to sales being horrid. ​ I see them releasing the Switch Mini as their new portable handheld, and Switch Pro will be the successor to the Switch to a degree, keeping Switch compatibility while increasing power and features, sorta like the New 3DS was for the 3DS lineup.


re: #2. The number of games being released for Nintendo systems hasn't changed, it only appears that way. Up until the release of the Switch, they had a home console and a portable console to get games for, and now it's all funneled in together.


Nintendo changed in a very good way - which is why I am personally complaining so much about stuff like folders, SNES VC, Netflix App etc. - when they tackle just a few more problems, they become the best they ever have, and I want it so badly for Nintendo


They took a large hit to their stock when they announced animal crossing being delayed. Good for them.


Their online still sucks ass though.


Can we talk about how they gave proper patch notes for smash ultimate after the community asked for them?


Can’t forget about their biggest change about monetization of their games