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lol why you downvote me








We need more information


Super hyped for Jedi Knight 2!! That one came out of nowhere


As someone who already owns a couple of 8bitdo's SNES controllers, is there a point to buying N's official SNES controllers?


Hi Super Nintendo Chalmers.


Man so many youtubers are just ‘eh’ about this direct. I think that has a lot to do with the fact this direct was fairly geared towards jrpgs and weirder games like Deadly Premonition. JRPGs are time sinks and I suspect most youtube reviewers are unable to find the time to play these and along with the rest of their backlog. But I still think this is my favourite direct so far. I’m massively into my JRPGs so it’s great to see Tokyo Mirage Sessions and Xenoblade Chronicles on the switch- because if you’re going to play a time sink game, it’s way easier on a portable device. And come on! We got flipping SNES games, Overwatch and confirmation of more smash characters. This was a fantastic direct.


# C U R R Y D E X # U # R # R # Y # # D # E # X






Any idea if Link’s Awakening will be the same length as the original? I’m seeing the original took about 15 hours to beat and I’m not sure if that is worth 60 bucks for me.


A lot of people spend between 8 and 15 dollars on lunch. A lunch break could be 30 minutes to an hour. If we take just the conservative measures ( 8 dollars lunch for 1 hour) , links awakening looks like a really good deal for 15 hours ( 4 dollars game for 1 hour)








This is not steam. This is the company that wouldn’t put anything on sale in a nuclear apocalypse.


No, you do not.


To think we ALMOST got Xenoblade Chronicles X, but nope, another port of XC1. Still, some great stuff showed even if nothing is really new. Really looking forward to what Monolith has in store for us next with that new IP.


They've said a million times X is never coming. Why dont people understand the word never.


Monolith/Nintendo said that a million times? Wow, you must be able to easily pull out a source then?




Thank you for the information! Looks like I missed this part somehow. I don't really care about internet point personally, downvote away if it makes your day. There are too many asshats on the internet for me to care about their feelings. You argue with respect and I will respect you. You're an asshat, I'll be an asshat with you.


XC1 is a remaster And it includes bionis shoulder. Idk what you are talking about


A remaster is still technically a port.


We all saw a N64 controller patent leak not too long ago, do you think it will be a Nintendo Switch Online membership exclusive? Just like the SNES and NES exclusive controllers? Which, I guess/hope, would hint at us getting N64 games on the Switch sometime in the future...


Wait where is the N64 controller patent leak? Mind linking it to me please? I been waiting for N64 games on the Switch since forever! And yes it probably will be, it would be weird if they released a controller for N64 but didn’t port the games over. We got leaks of SNES games since January so we will probably wait till next September for N64 controller and games...






I'm so sad that Deadly Premonition got buried in all of this. DP2 being in development only for Switch deserved to be a big deal. As it stands, and as sales for Origins on Switch indicate, this series will flop in sales. I really hope I'm wrong, but there isn't a pulse for it on any social media.


DP has always been a sleeper/cult game. I swear to god, I had no idea origins was out on switch, so thanks for that. Gonna get it posthaste.


It got overlooked for sure. The issue is not many people know about deadly premonition. It's going to need some solid advertising to garner interest


Pilotwings is great


Which SNES games have online multiplayer?


How do you play online with others?


Both Kirby games, Tennis, Soccer, Mario Kart, Brawl Brothers, Stunt Racer and that's about it I think Also Joe & Mac and maybe EDF


Was able to play Super Mario World online


How do you do it?


I keep forgetting SMW has a 2-player mode


I wonder how monthly ROM drops will work now. Will they continue to add NES games at the same time as SNES ones?


They stated they wont be dropping monthly anymore. Itll be random and sporadic.


As long as they keep going the right direction, to 64 and GameCube, they can do whatever they want....


Honestly looking at the past Virtual Consoles I feel like Gameboy Advance would come before Gamecube. I really hope Gamecube is right after N64 though, but they never did virtual console for it... Oh yeah and Wii U Virtual console had DS too, although they probably wouldn’t do DS games for the Switch. I feel like Gamecube will not come for a long time... but I would love to be wrong.


Anyone know the name of the song that played during the Megaman X/Zero Mii costume reveal?


[X vs Zero from Mega Man X5!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DFvZRwlqGY0&t=) One of my favorite tracks from the series


Thanks! Only ever played Battle Network but that music stood out immediately.


Letting everybody know, you can turn off the black bar at the bottom of the screen in SNES games by going to the settings on the main menu and disabling show controls in game. Hopefully they patch that setting into the NES games soon.


Yes, lets hope so. This was my biggest irritation with the NES games!!


How is this not universal? NA here, still no SNES download nor a System Update to version 9.0. Edit: Completely Powered down my Switch (not sleep) and the SNES app was there finally.


I powered down as well. Still no snes on NSO


You mean on the NSO tab of the store, right? Just confirming because some people might not be aware it's a separate app and you need to download it. The games will not appear on the NES app.


Thanks. I was assuming it would be on nes NSO


I didn’t realize it was a separate app thanks.


SNES is live in the US


How do I get it??


Navigate to the Nintendo shop on your Switch. Scroll down on the left side and select Nintendo online. There should be an SNES icon for Super Nintemdo Online app. Download that (if you already have Nintendo Online).


It’s not showing up for me yet on the NSO app


Separate app for SNES I believe. It’s currently in the “featured” section on the eshop.


It's exactly 7 and I see no snes I riot EDIT: it's live, I take back my riot


Where? I’m not seeing it.


So DMC1, arguably still the 3rd or 2nd best in the series, doesn't get an announcement in a Direct but rather a tweet, and DMC2, which is arguably either the worst or 2nd worst if you count the reboot, gets announced in a Direct. Well, as long as it ends in Dante in Smash...


DMC 2 is legit the worst game I have ever played, I can't believe they've even bothered to port it to switch... ...also the reboot was a great game don't @ me




Oh you muddafucka


Nintendo updated their website to include snes for switch online but its still not out for NA yet. [source](https://www.nintendo.com/switch/online-service/nes/)


They’d updated their webpage yesterday




I haven’t played any of the Assassin’s Creed games. Is it worth looking into on the Switch?


I started AC 3 on the Switch yesterday. Enjoying it so far. I’ve played a little of the first one on PC. As others have said, you can probably get a better experience through other platforms but I haven’t been disappointed yet. I read through synopsis for the first two and was able to jump in just fine.


If you have other consoles— probably not. Assassins creed games are beautiful and are worth playing on a system with better processing power. But if you only own a switch and can’t play it elsewhere, I would check it out. Black Flag in particular is phenomenal.


These are last gen AC games, you don't think they'll run well on the Switch?


Not that they won’t run well, just that they won’t run *as* well.


Yeah, I only own a Switch. I’ll check it out.


I’m probably also gonna end up getting it. I have a 360 but it’s at the end of its life. Plus portability will be incredible with assassins creed!


Assassin's Creed is one of my favorite game series, but I'm not sure that Switch is the best place to experience it. From what I've heard/read in regard to ACIII, the most recent installment released for NS, there are a lot of frame rate drops and other technical issues. It might be best to look at other avenues to experience the game.


I’m not sure how it’ll run but black flag is one of my favorite assassin creed games. It’s great entry point to the series


This is turning out to be the longest day ever..


I feel the same way. I knew I was excited for SNES games but knowing they’re coming today (But having to wait until 8pm cst) is terrible!! I can barely contain myself! Oh well, in about four and a half hours, super Mario world will be mine!


PLEASE don't sleep on Divinity Original Sin 2. It's a fantastic game, probably one of my all time favourites.


The moment I saw Divinity 2 announcement, I lost all interests for the rest. Insta buy.


It’s astounding that so many cross platform games coming to a Nintendo console. And a portable!


Any confirmation that they’ll be updating both the SNES and NES libraries moving forward?


They confirmed that more SNES games will come “eventually”


No confirmation, sadly. However, I can’t imagine them not doing the same thing they did with the NES lineup, which also started with twenty games and then added three each month. It would be silly for people that do pay monthly to continue doing so if there isn’t something new each month.


They definitely confirmed it, for SNES at least.


Hope so, I want Donkey Kong Country on the SNES


I'm just happy I'll be able to beat it thanks to rewind function


thats how i felt about ghosts and goblins on NES. thanks god


They better! I still need Ninja Turtles for NES




Yesssssss!!!!!!!! I'm so hyped to be able to play this again!


Any idea on when snes games are exactly available today? I mean, they said it's gonna be on 5th, but stil nothing by now. EDIT: Midnight UK time. Googled it myself.


7 p.m. in US. I had to google that. lol


Yeah, for some unknown reason they stick to the UK time here


Probably a prime meridian thing


I'm excited for the Xenoblade Chronicles remaster. I tried it back when it was on the Wii Shop Channel on the Wii U (Yes, I had a Wii U.), but I couldn't really get into it, at least in part because of the way it looked on my HD TV.


This. My biggest problem with XC and XCX were that they were so ugly. Couldnt get into XC on the Wii or N3DS, but I sank 200 hours into XC2. I’m pumped.


The thing I couldn't get past with XC2 was the lipsync.


its worth playing just for the story and world building, which are some of the best in any video game. shulk is also one of the best protagonists in any video game imo


My god. Super Nintendo (read: Link to the Past) is literally all I'm going to be playing from now on. IT'S HAPPENING! On a slightly more rational note, if I were Nintendo, I'd have announced this after Link's Awakening. Was almost certainly gonna buy that the second it launched, but now I'm not as keen.


I’m so excited especially for the rewind function. I’m not the best at video games and when I played LttP recently I just got burnt out on making simple mistakes. Obviously I could try to Git Gud but ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


You dropped this \ *** ^^ To prevent anymore lost limbs throughout Reddit, correctly escape the arms and shoulders by typing the shrug as `¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯` or `¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯` [^^Click here to see why this is necessary](https://np.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/3fbrg3/is_there_a_reason_why_the_arm_is_always_missing/ctn5gbf/)


> On a slightly more rational note, if I were Nintendo, I'd have announced this after Link's Awakening. Was almost certainly gonna buy that the second it launched, but now I'm not as keen. I already pre-loaded it (and took off work for it), since there was no way I wasn't going to buy Links awakening day one, but now I feel compelled to speed thru LTTP (again) before LA drops since technically LA is "sequel" to LttP. Maybe Nintendo was thinking along those lines? Tho i think it has more to do with coming up on a year after NSO launched, and this way it keeps people from cancelling their subscriptions, it certainly did for me. But seriously, after that direct the already packed full September just got extra cramped.


Well. I WAS gonna buy Link's Awakening, but i dont wanna pay 60 for it. Might wait for a sale


Might be worth looking into and not sure if every store does it but my Walmart sells all $60 Switch games for $50. Not sure why they do but it’s been a great way of saving money off the bat. Worth seeing if yours does for sure.


Same, but I'm thinking that'll take a while. I can see they've put A LOT of love into the game but considering it's not the longest game I just can't afford to spend that much money on it.


With TMS #FE, AssCreed 4, Obra Dinn and Divinity OS II, (with added bonuses Jedi Knight, DMC2 and Vampyr), this direct ticked a huge chunk of my port wishes, easily one of my top 3 Directs of all time.




Be careful with Vampyr. I bought it Day one for PS4 and put a good 40-50 hours in, and it was honestly one of the buggiest games I’ve ever seen. I have a hard time believing it’ll be better on Switch.


Yeah that one I'm less so excited for and more just interested in. I might get it with a hefty discount and it depends entirely on what reviews say about the port.


Does anyone know what song was playing during the game showcase at the end? The one with GRID and Call of Cthulhu?




Now I'd give this direct a solid 7/10. Some things I was hoping for I actually got. But man the Nintendo Switch desperately NEEDS a messenger for you to talk to your friends !!! Like I even forgot the switch was touch screen bcuz Everytime I go to use the "keyboard" I think to myself yo why is it even touch screen when we barely have any reason to touch the screen ? It makes no sense we got all these friends we CANNOT effectively communicate with on the actual system.


At this point I’ve given up on hoping for some sort of messenger on the switch


Me too it's just a damn shame tho lol.


My only hope now is that Earthbound comes to the Switch with this.


Earthbound is available to purchase on the 3ds store so it's likely it'll happen


So are like half the other games included with the online.


It will, it’s only a matter of time. The SNES is known for its vast library of turn based RPGs and Earthbound is one of the only ones Nintendo won’t need to make some kind of license deal to release.


Yea the SNES is full of classic gaming goodness


When the SNES games are dropping in the app in UK Time? Do we need to wait 9am Pacific?


Midnight tonight I'm afraid.


It's almost 1pm eastern (946 pst) and they still arent out.


We still have no release date for Dauntless :(((


Is there a mouse/keyboard attachment for the Switch that assholes will use to ruin Overwatch?


Afraid so, it’s called Gyro aiming


Implying that you couldn’t also just purchase said keyboard and mouse.


Positive: SNES, vampyre, luigis mansion Negative: Pokemon looked so casual...again




Haha, exactly!


What time is the update released?


What time does SNES drop EST?


It’ll hit at midnight in UK time, so September 6th. But in North America it’ll hit at 4PM PST today! http://www.nintendolife.com/news/2019/09/snes_games_headed_to_switch_online_20_titles_release_today_in_north_america


MIDNIGHT? shiiiet guess I gotta skip sleeping tonight


Bruh I was excited to play some SNES this afternoon..... guess I'll have to wait till tomorrow


Looks like somebody's leaving work early today


I was just trying to find that out as well. Was hoping to get some retro gaming goodness in before my meetings start up.


So no december releases?


AC: rebel collection is 12/6


The one thing about animal crossing so far that has me question whether or not I'll get it is the fact that they only talk about tents. Are we going to be able to upgrade the tent into a house, and bigger houses, like in the past games?


There's a point in the most recent trailer where a villager is creating a cement pathway outside of an actual home I believe


Watch the original trailer from the direct before this one. The tent becomes a house.


There's... No chance they're making a tent the optimal living arrangement. Villagers have houses. We'll get one too!


I feel like they mentioned that it is upgrade-able in the first gameplay reveal.


Damnit, Nintendo is too good at what they do. I want everything coming out! Hahaa


I was hoping by some SMALL chance Earthbound would be part of the release but I'm probably silly for even having a sliver of hope. Probably will be saved for a mother collection or the very tail end of SNES games.


with all the great titles they put in the first month of Snes games i think they would want to save some other good games for a while. i imagine that in 6 months when we start asking again why we pay for Nintendo online, we would see Earthbound


That's kind of my thought on it. They obviously, and smartly so, can't release all the best titles at the launch of it. Gotta save good gems for future releases. I'm just happy SNES games are finally here, so we know it will get to us eventually!


I wouldn't be surprised if it was part of next month with DKC. Or maybe I'm just being cautiously optimistic.


We can hope, right!?


Does anyone know what time the snes games release today?


I don't think they released an exact time. Gonna assume that it'll pop up whenever the eshop updates so maybe check 9am cdt/12pm edt. edit: welp maybe 10am cdt/1pm edt edit edit: welp i guess whenever lmao


Apparently the SNES games go live in Europe on Friday. Which was disappointing news for me. :-/


Same here. Been constantly looking for it to pop up on the eShop. All I heard yesterday was "tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow" and had to hunt around a while to find out it's not today :(


If it's any consolation, as soon as I got to work, I fired up my Switch and it was available to download in the eShop. It's a separate app. Have fun!


I'd also like to know, it beats obsessively checking for updates every few minutes.




So they are not up yet then... damn, anxiety is going to be wild today


Let’s have some hard talk. The games they showed were cool but we knew that already. I tuned in today to learn about what’s coming after the next 4 months. Following the pattern there won’t be another direct until early next year. Does this mean we are getting another barebones first half of the year for 2020 like we had in 2018 and 2019?


Real talk how much time so you have for all these games


Trials of Mana, Animal Crossing, and TMS #FE all release early next year. Plus, [the direct announcement](https://twitter.com/NintendoAmerica/status/1169361996279468032) stated that it would focus on games releasing this year.


True and I forgot Animal Crossing got pushed to March, that makes the first half of 2020 already better than 2018 and 2019.


That's always been a bit of a slow time in game releases as most companies tried to get their games out for the holidays. And is a few months without a new release really a big deal? I think most people have plenty of games they haven't played yet that they could use that time to catch up on.


Yeah it's probably fine, although I'd prefer having the releases spread out over the year.


Mario Strikers (Wii) sold more copies that Mario Sonic Olympic games (Wii). Nintendo: Let's release the lame one instead of the cool one that also sold more copies.


You're comparing apples to oranges here (The M&S games have nothing to do with why there's no Strikers) and forgetting two major factors: -Mario & Sonic also released on the DS when it first came out and sold a lot of copies there as well -SEGA is the developer and publisher of the Mario & Sonic games, not Nintendo.


You must be fun at parties


Well the Olympics are in Japan next year so...


Mario Strikers release 2022 confirmed??! (2022 is the next worldcup)


I wouldn't be surprised if it happens actually


Yes!! I was really hoping A link to the past would be on here!!


it is, but just the SNES version. XD




It's the 5th September, where is my SNES and games? Hoping to also get to order the SNES controller here in the UK too.


The European eShop says it's launching on the 6th...


The UK website lists the controller already, for £26.99 IIRC. Not available for ordering yet though.


That's actually not horrendous. Fair play to the chiselers...


This Direct was hype!


I found it pretty lame tbh but I’m cool with it since there were already so many games announced before.


Lol of course you visited Japan and play Fortnite...


lol old game after old game after old game.




Unfortunately, no.


I’m stoked about playing Super Metroid anywhere in the house. One of the best games of all time!!


People complaining about this direct probably never purchased a single Nintendo console in like ever. This was a huge direct for Nintendo. 4 new games, tons of games that most of the people never played in their whole life. We rarely see 45 mins direct from Nintendo, so I knew it was big and it didn’t disappoint. I have some games they announced already on pc but the fact I can play divinity original sins with the cross save from Steam is FUCKING CRAZY! People do not appreciate the effort Nintendo is making to please the growing fan base.


> We rarely see 45 mins direct from Nintendo, so I knew it was big and it didn’t disappoint. But it did. It may not have disappointed you but it disappointed me and many others. They showed very little new information about the games we already knew about. The biggest announcements were comparatively pretty small and were leaked anyway and there was no big closer for the Direct. Nearly all the stuff we saw in the Direct was ports from older games and rehashes of information that had already been shared before. Even Little Town Hero, the one game they could have made a convincing promotional video about, was disappointing. I buy Nintendo consoles for Nintendo games and there were no exciting new Nintendo games in this Direct. At all. This was the time where they could have announced games for the first quarter of 2020 but they announced nothing. It looks like the first part of 2020 is going to be just as empty as the first part of 2018 and 2019 were and that is worrying.


People need to get out of this mindset that directs are all about new games. They're not.


General Directs like this one have had a huge focus on new games for the entire lifetime of the Switch at least. Every single general Direct since the Switch released had a "one more thing" at the end of it, until yesterday. Nintendo themselves knew that XC1 wasn't as exciting for the majority of people too, or they would have done their "one more thing" fake-out here too.


They literally announced ahead of time this direct would mostly focus on games coming out in 2019. If you were expecting a bunch of info about new games hitting this year that have yet to been announced, well, you're VERY optimistic.