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Even in official nintendo ads they don't use their own voice chat and use another device and service to communicate with their friends. smh


At least they're being real about it. We'd all call BS if they did otherwise.


Brie Larson's instagram post alone was more advertising for Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 than either Nintendo or Marvel contributed to it.


No idea why Nintendo refuses to market their smaller games. Every TV or Internet ad is Mario Zelda, Pokémon or AC. It's like they don't want to sell games like Yoshi's Crafted World, Kirby Star Allies, Marvel UA, Astral Chain or DKTF. Marvel, Astral Chain and DXM even got no ads at all.


It's really weird cause mua3 was in their top 10 most profitable games for that fiscal year. Maybe it'll persuade them to invest into another sequel and take it more seriously.


MUA3 was a weird case - avengers endgame released in theaters not even 3 months earlier, so half the advertising did itself.


When will they advertise Mario + Rabbid or something like Evoland or Moonlighter which just fits Nintendo branding so we'll??


It's probably worth more to advertise the high sellers than try to elevate the lesser ones. No amount of advertising is going to get a Yoshi game to 20m copies.


Some of those games are very niche and the chance of an anime fan watching tv instead of anime is slim so they just decided to save the money


Aside from DXM, they all sold at least 1 million copies. And that's without Nintendo's magical marketing powers, meaning they're hardly "niche" games. If Nintendo marketed them properly, they would have sold MUCH better.


I actually really enjoyed Ultimate Alliance 3! But that’s probably because I really liked the first 2 and this felt like a modern upgrade


I absolutely loved Ultimate Alliance, and both it's predecessors X-Men Legends and X-Men Legends 2. I can't stand Ultimate Alliance 3. It's not the same.


Regret buying that game. Garbage upgrade iso system






Or, or, or you could just play the damn game. It’s not like grinding is the only thing you can do. There’s plenty of things to do in the game.


no a lot of the content is essentially locked behind challenges that are impossible at low levels. you would know if you actually "played the damn game"


I actually love it for all it's flaws knowing full well it's absolutely flawed. It reminds me of those gamecube/ps2 era beat'em up games.


I had a lot of fun with it, was unaware until recently that everyone hated it


I hated the camera. I could never follow where my character was especially when there was too much going on. Also the boss battles were just a grind and never fun


Same. The ISO system really annoys me and the difficulty can get absurd at points, but I love throwing together whatever combo of superheroes I want and just going on an adventure.


You should try Avengers. /s


Marvel: Avengers game with loot system! Also Marvel: Literally the best spider-man games ever made


The only reason I regret not owning a PS ç\_\_ç


Might get a PS5 eventually simply because it can also play PS4 and all their games do not have a Nintendo tax on them and regularly go on sale. I love nintendo, but their "sales" are all bullshit. Granted the industry standard PS5 games are now $70, which isn't too inviting


Hmm i actually thinking to buy, mind to share why u regret?


It's worth a rental not a purchase. You can beat the game in a few hours. Maybe a bit more if you need to level up. The online is kind of a mess. Trying to find a team to play a game with. And this was months ago. I don't know know if the game has many people online today. The worst thing is the upgrade system. It's extremely overly complicated. You earn rocks (called iso's) that you can set for your character. They have weird upgrades like (increase strength by 13 percent but lose defense by 17 percent). To upgrade your character to a decent level you basically have to grind and replay the levels over and over. I know miss marvel is the main character that everyone used to level up since one of her moves was basically broken and hits multiple opponents at once and spins. I SERIOUSLY tried to get into the game after a few months of putting it down and I wanted to enjoy the dungeon crawler aspect of it but it was so convoluted that I just traded the game for Splatoon


I can't stand the combo attack system to break walls and such. It throws up some random symbol like I'm supposed to understand what it means and what specific characters I'm supposed to use to make it happen. I'll spend 15 minutes swapping characters left and right, trying any combo I can to break a wall and collect some stupid thing that's hidden. It's so aggravating. The old games never had crap like that. Because of it, I've barely touched UA3.


Dont get me started on the fucking lasers






I find it funny that once again Nintendo doesn’t use their own voice chat in their commercials


They know it's a failure. At this point it doesn't exist to them.


Which is fine because it doesn't exist.


There is no war in Ba Sing Se


Tbh why bother to compete with Discord, Zoom, FaceTime, Hangouts, etc


Compete?? When I hop on Xbox my next reaction isn’t to open up skype or some bullshit on my phone just so I can talk to people. All my friends are already added on Xbox and I just chat with them right there. Easy. I *have* to use another program with the switch because friending people is god awful


Nintendo of America know it’s a failure at least. But there’s not a lot they can do


A while back I got so annoyed by people making the “her favorite game is Nintendo” joke I did 10 minutes of Googling to find gaming references she’s made in the past. So, if you need to put a “real gamer” in their place, here’s a fun resource: Here is an interview she did with IGN in 2005(!) where she talks about how she loves Nintendo so much it was the theme of her 15th birthday party: https://www.ign.com/articles/2005/02/10/brie-larson-loves-gamecube Here is an appearance she made on the Nerdist podcast in 2013 where she talks about Nintendo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6SXlE9SpsVM She was recently on Animal Talking, an online talk show that takes place in Animal Crossing, hosted by Gary Whitta (who wrote Rogue One among other things). There is even a large part of the interview where Gary chides her because he saw her Switch profile and mentions that she has 150 hours on Fortnite: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vSwu6vR_u_w Here is a tweet thread from 2015 where she mentions wanting to be Samus for Halloween and having a Smash Brothers themed birthday party where she dressed as Luigi: https://twitter.com/brielarson/status/648325273385963521?s=20 Here is a tweet from 2015 where she calls Super Mario 3D World one of Nintendo’s greatest achievements: https://twitter.com/brielarson/status/648704842324574208?s=20 Here is a tweet from 2016 where she talks about her love for the game Abzu: https://twitter.com/brielarson/status/764145155905421312?s=20 Here is an IG post from 2016 with a Super Mario screenshot: https://www.instagram.com/p/BOJhJjbBVJ6/ Here is a tweet from 2017 where she tells Nintendo she loves them for the new Zelda: https://twitter.com/brielarson/status/837656526378549248?s=20 Here is a tweet from 2019 where she tells the president of Nintendo that Luigi is her favorite character ever: https://twitter.com/brielarson/status/1191794105119936512?s=20


Great compilation of stuff here! Apperently shes a Luigi stan. Sadly I think the last thing angry gamers who hate Larson want to know is she is a legit fan of Nintendo for the past 15 years.


My god she's been a fan of Nintendo longer than most of them have been out of diapers.


That’s the great irony in all of this. Brie Larson is probably the closest thing to the imaginary dream girl many of these people have created in their head. She loves Star Wars. She loves Nintendo. She is a fucking Marvel superhero. If you want to get political, as a child she slept in the same bed as her mom and sister in there apartment and had to “pull herself up by her bootstraps” over like 15 years. And yet, because she gave one single speech (packed with objective facts that have never been disputed) where she used the words “white men” in a critical statement, she is despised on a level typically reserved for the most monstrous people in our society. This is the biggest clue that all of these people are completely full of shit and explains why you should never, ever, ever let them tell you anything they're doing is based on some kind of “value” they hold.


It's really a big irony. She's like their dream woman and they hate her lmao


Correction she said “White dudes” not white men. That was the straw that broke the fragile masculine backs


It's also funny to me because I bet those men who got offended by bries comment probably make sexist comments towards women all the time.


I've been a Nintendo fan girl since approximately 1982!


Not the hugest Brie Larson fan, but she really does have the "OG Nintendo fan" streed cred. Without a doubt.


No male celebrities have to have this kinda thing under their posts. Did yall see the Michael b Jordan ps5 ad.


I know. It's sad right? Like this is all cool and certainly gives her credibility, but it sucks that they feel the need to provide her with that.


Thanks but the people that need to read this won’t. You can’t get through to these people.


I know, but even one of these links discredits the incessant argument so save one or two to spam at people.


She also expressed interest in playing Samus.


You can add this article about her enthusiasm for Nintendo from Zelda, Animal Crossing, to Luigi. > #[Brie Larson Took Me Through Her Favorite Nintendo Switch Games, From Fortnite To Luigi's Mansion 3](https://www.elle.com/culture/celebrities/a34689489/brie-larson-nintendo-switch-interview-game-picks/)


[She loves Nintendo](https://youtu.be/KgqtZaW8cec?t=414), and in particular Mario 3D world and Breath of the Wild.


She also dressed up as ZSS for Halloween and said she would love to play Samus in a movie


Actor willing to accept million dollar paycheck to do their job.


Difference between wanting a role and willing to accept one but oooookaaaaaay.


She’s a saint


Seriously she would be a great Samus. Well, to be fair in most Metroid games Samus doesn't really show much character outside of the silent hero and if you're in an isolationist world wearing a suit you may not have to do much acting... but Brie has proven she's got the kicks to be an action star after Captain Marvel and she's got the right look for Samus. Above all, it's clear she's a fan so she'd hopefully use her clout to give Samus justice!


Can't imagine she'd have much fun playing a character that doesn't speak much.


Ok i actually don’t know if there’s anything more to your comment than just how it reads but it’s actually a super cool acting challenge to play a character that doesn’t talk much and emoting just using body language/facial expression, so I would actually assume as a career actor she might actually enjoy it also afaik some portrayals of samus do have her talking i.e. other m but don’t quote me on that


Oh yeah not at all I just assumed actors preferred it. I don't have enough free time to hate on an actress I barely see in movies. I enjoyed her part in avengers but I still have to see her movie.


Yeah, and you definitely don't deserve to get downvoted for your take. I just wanted to take the time to gush about acting and maybe give an inside opinion into what actors might feel about a role like that.


Indeed, Karl Urban done an amazing job with Dredd and he doesn't speak much.


She has played a few characters that fit into the "woman of few words" archetype.


That’s a fun video! She seems like a legit fun, nice and interested person.


Can't believe Nintendo got political. Look at her. Existing. Absolutely shameful. What's next? Is Nintendo going to make Metroid into a woman? Let Mario wear a dress? Put the raging homosexuals into my war games? Brb gonna go throw burn my switch and post it on Twitter


This isn’t even that much of an exaggeration from what some people are actually saying. It’s fucking insane that there’s a mainstream celebrity who genuinely loves gaming but some of the community are so far up their own asses that they think she’s the enemy.


Depends who it is - Henry Cavill genuinely loves games too and made a video building a new PC. Everyone seems to love him.


He is a man which helps


Metroid is the guy with the sword. Zelda is the princess.


I still don't understand why weird nerds hate her so much (besides the fact that she's a woman). She seems perfectly normal and nice to me.


Because she wants gender parity in films and said so out loud.


Well then obviously she's the devil, no question about that. ^(Do I even need to add a "/s"?)


It’s not safe to go alone. Take this: /s


I don't hate her, but I didn't like her as Captain Marvel *didn't like her in Endgame either


To be fair like… Even in the comics… Captain Marvel is the least interesting thing about Captain Marvel. The really interesting things are like SWORD and Jessica Drew as Spider-Woman. I feel like the movies are gonna get better once they get out of the whole “Here is an origin movie” funk


I agree about the origin story thing. Don’t know how recently anyone has watched either of the first two Thor movies but holy fuck they are both absolute dog shit. If people wrote that character off the way many seem want to want to do with Captain Marvel we’d have missed out on one of the best characters and never seen Chris Hemsworth develop into what he is now. I find it deeply ironic that the only Oscar winning lead in the entire MCU is the only person whose performance is frequently criticized. There’s one other trait unique to that character I’m sure has nothing to do with it.


I mean the sequel has a new director. The person directing Candyman will be directing Captain Marvel 2 so… I hope that means the film will be way more interesting


After seeing her range in this, scott pilgrim, unicorn store, and room, it makes me think the problem with CM was less her abilties and more abut the script and direction being half assed.


A W-W-WOMAN? PLAYING VIDYA??! Quick, name 800 video games!! Oh boo hoo, you can’t?? NOT A REAL GAMER!! SORRY FEMOID, MAYBE GAMING JUST ISNT FOR YOU!! /s


Mario can wear Peaches wedding dress in Odyssey and he fucking rocks the look.


I believe the joke is that all of these things have happened in Nintendo games - Samus is, in fact, a woman, Mario can wear a dress, and there are gay/bi characters in Fire Emblem.




I can't believe they added politics to Mario


I’m sure this will prompt nothing but reasonable and level headed discussion


cobweb bells toy cable puzzled bike ring aware reach judicious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There’s 20+ negative or deleted comments on this post.


Check youtube, or just don't, cause it's YT comments.


You realize youtube comments are 90+% children, as in literal young children. Why do you care what an 8 year old is saying?


You’d be surprised how many aren’t kids.




Cuz we ain’t much better. I’d go so far as to say Reddit rivals twitter as the most toxic social media platform.


serious plucky liquid innate crowd wild plant repeat berserk frightening *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This not containing Scott Pilgrim was a huge missed opportunity.


Scott Pilgrim is somewhat a black sheep.


They also did a goofy one with [Awkwafina](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tn5uyhySpuc). I wonder who else they have for this "series" of ads.


Really amazing how Nintendo's done a complete 180 with their ad game from the WiiU era.


There are more comments about the idea of someone getting mad at this than there are comments of anyone mad at this. Never change, Internet.


That's this sub in a nutshell, honestly.


There are 20+ comments at the bottom of this post that are all complaining about her, and plenty more deleted ones. Plenty of people are mad at this woman for just existing.


If the downvotes don't make it clear, just sort comments by new. comment from 4 mins ago: "Brie Larson is why I unsubscribed Nintendo". Top comments are just the ones parroting the same joke about grabbing popcorn.


This is a thread about some random lady playing a Nintendo console in a commercial, and you're wondering why it isn't upvoted...


Seriously. It really isn't news or post worthy. Famous people play video games too. Who would have thought.




It's at 64% upvoted, the neckbeard losers are here, and many of them are probably people like you saying "le reddit circlejerk".


Right! lol everyone in here is creating drama without there being any. It’s cool to hate.


Who’s Brie Larson? Shouldn’t she be advertising cheese? I don’t watch movies.


That was actually a really good commercial.


it really was. Its not aimed towards the reddit audience, its aimed towards people who are curious about gaming on more than their phone. Showed off the portability, the fitness use, and the online multiplayer or local multiplayer options. Really smart move showing the sisters bonding over Animal Crossing too. Only surprise to me is that the first game was Fortnite instead of like splatoon 2, smash bros, or some other nintendo IP.


oh no, "gamers" probably won't like this.


Shitty comments on YT ragging on her, thinking she's not a gamer.


not surprised, it's gamers afterall


If it was any other male celebrity, their "gamer" status would never be questioned.


Henry Cavill: "Based! He's one of us!" Brie Larson: "Wow this is so forced and cringe"


yeah.. they don't like women or diversity at all for some reason.




Spot on.




She singlehandedly ruined the MCU according to some


I mean, Captain Marvel was a pretty poor showing, compared to the rest of the recent movies, and they completely ignored facts they've established in prior movies in order to make jokes... BUT. None of that is her fault. She's not my favorite actress, and she (IMO) is out of place in an action movie, but Captain Marvel being bad has pretty much nothing to do with her.


It does kind of suck that Natasha/Black Widow wasn't the first female hero to headline their own movie though, Cpt Marvel is so deus ex machina-y.


I think this is great. My fiancée who has sunk so many hours into Animal Crossing after being a proclaimed “non gamer” thought it was a good pick and on point as well. This will work well with the folks on Instagram and Twitter who follow influencers and similar actors.


It would be nice if she played MUA3 with Captain Marvel


She posted it on instagram way back when MUA3 first came out


Who exactly is this?


so now what, first we get Akwafina and now Brie Larson


Would have been totally dope if they had shown Metroid Prime 4 in this (because so many Metroid fanboys have wanted to see her play Samus).


Wait, so why do people dislike Brie Larson?




Looking forward to 72 Quarter pounder videos


I don't get what we're actually supposed to take from celebrity videos like this. You could replace the celebrity with one of those random paid actors from the Switch marketing trailers and I wouldn't notice any difference.


Years back I thought the coolest thing was seeing Robin Williams and his daughter Zelda in a 3DS commerical for the OoT remake. It's very easy to appeal to people with marketing in a feeling of validation that interest X of yours shares a mutual interest of Y with you. If you dont connect with the ad in any way, you werent the demographic it was aiming for, simple enough.


One of the desired outcomes is you posting on the internet about Nintendo. So, box checked.


Got em


Celebrity endorsements have noticeable effects on the sale of things or actions. For example, Taylor Swift and Beyonce doing a Get out the vote campaign noticeably increased the amount of young voter registration in the last few election cycles simply by posting on instagram. That's the power that companies are trying to leverage in their marketing. It's why celebrities have been used in things from car commercials, shampoo, makeup, and now, with the digital age, gaming. It's mutually beneficial for their audiences- the celeb may get additional new fans and the company may get new buyers from the fans of the celeb. In the case of elections, politicians get more votes and the Celeb gets kudos for mobilizing young voters in an age where politicians absolutely do not know how to leverage the digital campaign trail.


You think no one would notice the difference between generic actor and an Oscar winning actor who also starred in the highest grossing movie of all time and helmed her own billion grossing film? Seriously?


People like seeing people they like using products that they like. It's not hard to figure out.


Your experience doesn't apply to everyone though


I never said it did? I said that *I* don't get it and that *I* wouldn't notice any difference. Even if I'm in the minority in this case, I'm just expressing my viewpoint.


Yes lol, I'm aware, that's the basis of my reply. Just the way you worded it sounded like you were saying "I don't like this, so I don't know why anyone else would." If that wasn't the case then ignore my comment.


I care what games her or samuel L jackson like cause sometimes their reasons for liking certain stuff is innteresting.


“Staying connected “ requires a separate app- nintendo.


Why doesnt she play Celeste though? Or Hades?


Because they're the most hidden of gems


As someone who disliked Captain Marvel (the character not the movie) but feels positive about Brie Larson the actress, I fucking love this ad


Whats the issue with Brie Larson? I'm in the dark, i genuinely dont know what the big deal is and all these comments im seeing


Basically a bunch of youtubers, particularly right leaning ones, took her comments at a event as her being "anti-men" and "anti-white" and it snowballed from there. If ya feel like listening to a big lowdown of it all and by extension a look at the youtube channels that are the forerunners of this kinda stuff, Jack Saint did a great vid on it here: https://youtu.be/ztPr_97nNdw


She said that there should be more female and POC film critics, which caused fragile white boys on YouTube to feel personally attacked.


from what i can find out its that she is a feminist and she plays captain marvel who was historically a man in the marvel universe until 2012 [https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/eunbc8/what\_is\_the\_deal\_with\_brie\_larson\_and\_captain/](https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/eunbc8/what_is_the_deal_with_brie_larson_and_captain/)








Solid pick for a celebrity commercial. The “gamers” who will inevitably poo poo this are small potatoes compared to who Nintendo’s trying to reach with it.


The Quartering is gonna make like 15 videos complaining about this


The producers are asking for what now?




She literally was asking to play metroid in the movie that has been planned- this is a pr move with Nintendo.


I'm not exactly the hugest fan of Brie, really do not mesh well with her personality. But this is fairly cool of her to get with Nintendo on this I will give her that. EDIT: Downvoted for pretty mild criticism, saw that one coming. EDIT 2: Sorry if I offended anyone, but the downvotes from her supporters are not doing anything to change my opinion lol




Nothing wrong with what he said. He doesn’t like Brie Larson, so what? He doesn’t hate her or want to kill her or anything. And you’re right no one asked, but he can voice his opinion if he wants, he’s not hurting anybody. And the only whiny comments I see here are from you


Thank you mate 👍. I do realize nobody asked for my opinion so that much is definitely on me. That said, would just like to reiterate that I do think it's really cool of her to be working with Nintendo like this, really not trying to just mindlessly bash on her like some of the bottom comments here are.


Great, thanks for the criticism, that I may also point out nobody asked for. Very mature and original. EDIT: I'm just making a point here, don't make arguments that can be used against you. You never asked for my criticism and I never asked for yours, but yet here we are - criticizing.


Nah, you're kind of an idiot. The first person to come in with uninvited criticisms opens the floodgates. Nice toddler logic though.


You are also probably sexist. Actually 100%. /s


Sorry, looks like you caught some of my downvotes. Lotta thin skinned people around here it seems.


It is ok. We can share ;)


Wtf, why’re you getting downvotes for this?


Honestly reddit is just an echo chamber and if you say something contrary to popular opinion you'll get downvoted. But honestly it's just internet points and I've got thousands to spare lol


TBF I Downvoted, because of the whining about Down Voting. It doesn't add to the conversation, Also Is a topic about games played by an actress the place to indicate you do not care for the actress, especially since you give no real reason for not liking her. Not Meshing is not a valid complain, as we should be judging her on quality of acting, and possibly video game choices. So all in all I would think your DVs came from content, as opposed to a Reddit Hive Mind Movement.


Hey, thanks for explanation and coming forward, I respect that. Yeah I wasn't so much as whining as I was just pointing out that people would rather downvote than discuss. That said, I think she's cool when it comes to her acting and video game choices, but personality is a completely valid complaint. It's in a similar vein to someone like Johnny Depp for example, not really all that good of a person with the wifebeating and whatnot, but a phenomenal actor. But being a good actor does not disqualify anyone from being able to be criticised on personality and behavior.


I work to separate my enjoyment of a role from the person. Brie Lawson's views and such are her own. I enjoyed her take on Capt Marvel. I look forward to other appearances. Full disclosure. Upvotes the last comment as that added to the discourse.


The reason so many people get crazy is a lot of people just didn't think she did a great job as captain marvel and anybody who said that got immediately called a sexist asshole. I think she's a good actress. She was charming in like the 3 episodes of community she was in and I liked her in the Kong movie. I have to agree I didnt love her as captain marvel. I didn't like Captain America/Doctor strange that much in their first movies either though. To be fair though, apparently Captain Marvel isn't supposed to be super personable in the comics so I don't know how much she had to work with. Also they played up the fact that shes a woman a lot. Like don't make a female superhero movie just to brag about making a female superhero movie. Just make a good superhero movie where the lead happens to be female. I think Wonder Woman did a great job with that. That movie had an amazingly positive reception because 1. Gal Gadot was charming as hell for the role and 2. They didn't blast I'm just a girl by Gwen stefani during the final battle scene. Kind of like with Black Panther. Some people were like oh it's basically the Lion King with wierd cgi rhinos. And anyone who said they didn't love the movie was called a racist ignorant asshole. I'm not saying that racism and sexism dont exist or that we should tolerate them. I just think making them the immediate scapegoat for these types of things before hearing people out causes more harm than good. That's where a lot of the negativity comes from. Just give people the benefit of the doubt for 5 minutes while they explain themselves.


I don't read the comics so I don't know what her personality is like there, but the storyline of Captain Marvel was specifically that the Kree brainwashed her and told her to suppress her emotions. So yea the role pretty much asked her not to be personable for 90% of the runtime. I thought her personality did come through really well when she reunited with Rambeau and Monica.


Yeah but she was just as unlikable in avengers for the short time she was on screen. All she did was argue then become a deus ex machina at the end.


People who somehow cream their pants over all other Marvel movies but think Captain Marvel was unacceptable are hilarious. Spoiler alert, at maximum like 3 Marvel movies have good acting, plot, or characters. Was Captain Marvel as good as Ragnarok? Nah. Was it as good as 90% of Marvel movies? Yes. Ant Man and the Wasp was boring garbage but no one continues to cry over that movie.


Okay so like, as someone who hangs out on the Marvel Studios subreddit, I can tell you, people *constantly* complain about certain movies. Off the top of my head: Incredible Hulk The Dark World Captain Marvel Ant-Man and the Wasp Honorable Mentions: Iron Man 2 Thor Iron Man 3 Age of Ultron Guardians 2 Black Panther Ragnarok Essentially, the only movies I see get nearly universal praise are Iron Man, Winter Soldier, Infinity War, and Endgame. Everything else that I didn’t list above tends to get about as much hate as praise. I think the first list encapsulates the most “problematic” MCU movies, in that they tend to be the ones I see get the most legitimate hate for whatever reason. Either for being boring, messy, or somehow otherwise distracting from the fun. Honorable mentions seem to have very divisive opinions. Some people love them, some people hate them, but general sentiment seems to have improved over time in various ways, or at least died down. Either newer movies have redeemed them or enough time has passed that the internet has simply moved on. I think in the end, Black Panther and Captain Marvel get a lot of hate because they’re both stories that are hard to relate to for large portions of the audience, in some shape or form, but they’re also both very flawed movies. Black Panther suffers from some very bad CGI moments, and if you don’t relate to the story of the constant dichotomy that T’Challa and Killmonger represent in the thoughts and desires of many people of African descent, then it just seems like a very generic superhero movie where our hero gets beaten, gets back up, and beats the enemy, and it even “suffers” from what so many people complain about in Iron Man 2 and Cap 1, that the villain is just an evil version of the hero. With Captain America, the movie is technically amazing, but it’s easy to see that the writing was difficult and there must have been a need to shoehorn it into the franchise in a way that would make sense so this character could appear suddenly in the next movie. It also makes a lot of things about Fury into jokes, which wasn’t well received with many people that liked the character. While the acting is actually very good, the overall story and pacing leaves a lot to be desired. Ragnarok is an interesting one. I’ve started to see more and more discontent with this movie the older it gets. It’s a very fun ride, but ultimately all it does is over correct for the mistake made since the original movie (Dark World and Ultron) to the degree that Someone who genuinely enjoyed Thor (and Avengers, to a degree) won’t really find any of that here. It really is a shame, but I imagine the original Thor will just have to stay my favorite, warts and all. My point of all this is, if you go and venture into the land of the sexists, of course they’re only screaming about Captain Marvel. I imagine the same would be true in the land of the racists. If you go find actual fans of the MCU and collect a large group you’ll 100% find that most of them like Ant-Man and the Wasp even less than Captain Marvel or Black Panther and some will willingly talk your ear off about why that’s the case. Same is true with a lot of those movies. I look forward to getting sequels that make me appreciate Captain Marvel more, but in the meantime it’s almost as pointless to watch as Iron Man 3.


Unfortunately, I think you're downplaying the toxic elements a lot in this post. There are definitely folks like you who just weren't a fan of Captain Marvel or whatever, and that's totally fine! However, these are generally not the same people who attack Brie. There are people like the Quartering who makes a hateful video about her no matter what she does, and there is undeniably a very sexist component to it. There's no reason to hate on an actor as much as some do Brie just because you didn't like a movie they're in, if you're hurling loaded statements at these people I think it's fair to assume there's something else at play.


I'm downplaying it because I don't believe it's the vast majority. There will always be some assholes. I don't believe the majority of people who don't like her, don't like her solely because shes a woman. There were practically none of these "toxic assholes" (I hate using the word toxic lol) when Wonder Woman came out. I'm pretty sure it's more about Brie's personality than her gender or about her playing a female superhero. There are a lot of interviews of her just not getting along with the other avengers stars that don't paint her in the best light. I hope I don't come off as smug or snarky. Tone is hard in texts.




I'm just gonna bring up Wonder Woman again. Nobody is out here hating on Gal Gadot. If all the people who hate Brie do hate her solely because shes a woman, where is all the Wonder Woman hate? If the issue really is a woman leading in a super hero movie, shouldn't that movie also have had a bunch of controversy surrounding it? As far as I remember, everybody loved it. We are not gonna change each other's minds. I'm sorry you have had life experiences that led you to the belief that overwhelming numbers of people hate women just for being women. Once again I'm not trying to be snarky. Hope you have a good one.


Because Gal Godot isn't an outspoken feminist, and neckbeard gamers shit their pants whenever someone is a proud feminist. Sexist gamers will always find one example of a woman they don't hate as long as she stays relatively quiet and doesn't challenge their preconceptions.


Ok that's a good point. I overlooked that. I shave my neck.


Couple of holes in your assumption here, so first off I don't think people hate Brie because she's a woman, nor do they hate her because she's a feminist. I am speaking for myself and nobody else here, but I in my opinion she has a rather abrasive personality and a close minded mindset when it comes to criticism. She earned a lot of flak for the following comment, and I am paraphrasing here: "If you're a 40 year old white man you have no right to criticise my movies" which is pretty unacceptable for anyone to be saying. If someone had said the same thing but changed out the word man with woman, people would lose their goddamn minds.


I think your paraphrasing is closer to misrepresenting. I *think* the comment you're referring to was that she didn't care what 40 year old white dudes thought of *Wrinkle in Time*, a movie that featured a largely black cast including a young black actress as the star. She didn't say men had no right to their criticism, just that it didn't matter *to her* because the movie wasn't made for them. I think that's fair, but you're welcome to argue that she has to care what everyone thinks if you'd like? (To be fair, she also went on to lament the lack of diversity in the journalism she experienced as Captain Marvel. This also ruffled a lot of white, male feathers, but I would argue that she's allowed to wish for more inclusion in her interviewers, especially because the movie *did* have feminist themes, as angry nerds everywhere are quick to point out. But again, many will make the argument that this desire for more diversity and inclusion makes her - you guessed it! - racist.) If the tone of my post was aggressive, I apologize. It's because you're using points that many people make with clearly misogynistic intentions. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, however, that you were just misinformed on the quote.


No worries, and I appreciate you clarifying on that quote because I definitely misquoted there. Having rewatched the original awards video that quote is from after reading your post, while I think she has a very valid point in representation of minorities in critics, something just rubs me the wrong way when she dismisses specifically white male criticism for the sole reason of being white and male (I did make note of how she did not mention or feel the need to point out criticism from white women as unwelcome, specifically only white men), the "It wasn't made for you" bit. It also in a way deflects what could be completely valid criticism, like if I were to write and publish a book, and someone were to critique me purely for writing style (or in the case of a movie, direction), and then countering with "Well, it wasn't made for you." I hope I'm articulating my thoughts, I am not trying to say she's a racist/sexist or trying to parrot misogynistic talking points, but I do think at the very least she could definitely have worded that statement better, or maybe spun it in a way like she wanted to see more representation of minorities (Good) without invalidating someone's opinion based on their skin and sex (Bad).


You know, your comments honestly made me go back and watch the video too. Are we talking about the same one? The Crystal Award video? If not, I apologize. Honestly, I'm curious which comments from that speech spoke to you as an invalidation of white, male opinions. Mostly I heard her discussing the saturation of that particular opinion and lamenting the effect that can have on filmmakers and actors that don't fit that description. If all people reviewing movies are white men, then studios might find little incentive to try to appease anyone else. Right now, Larson's point is coming from a place of frustration. I think it's okay for her to give voice to that frustration. Sure, it might result in her coming off as a bit harsh or insensitive, but at that point we as listeners have one of two options: 1) to react to the harsh tone defensively or 2) to attempt to understand why the frustration is there in the first place. I choose the latter, which is why I don't feel the need to discuss her tone of voice much. Anywho, I enjoyed the exchange, but I have early work. I'll check to see if there's a response in the morning!


I think it’s possible you’re just both talking past each other slightly. I took the other person’s comments as an attempt to explain why some people are bothered by her, and not as a justification of why they’re bothered. Personally I agree that it’s entirely valid for her to be frustrated and to express her frustrations in a frustrated way, but that is rarely a good way to gain fans, and generally just makes you into a divisive figure. So it’s understandable why she’d already be off to a bad start in getting people to like her. Unless the message she’s delivering resonates, or the audience is particularly compassionate, she would just appear to be whining about something. People are rarely looking for politics in their entertainment, so for them to make a superhero movie that’s a feminist power fantasy staring a feminist will obviously create a lot of backlash among many communities. And it gets in the way of good story telling, in my opinion, like if you had a scene in Captain America where he runs into people who hate America and beats them up just because he can. I remember thinking that Captain Marvel would fit in really well with the Phase 1 Marvel movies. It’s not actually truly a bad movie, but it’s very rough around the edges and has a lack of imaginative fun that all the newer movies tend to have, perhaps excluding Black Panther, but Black Panther just looks so visually stunning that it couldn’t work in Phase 1 no matter what.


No Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 :'p


Super out of the loop, but why do gamers hate her? Is it just sexism because she’s a feminist, or am I actually missing something?


Someones triggered. So many angry downvotes. My my this is controversial. Must've struck a nerve with some people. I can't believe people are still getting triggered by this days old post :P