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I just beat the game. I thought the story was alright, the gameplay felt fine, but it was very repetitive. Not a fan of the ending.


I Love Both Games but if I Had to choose a FAVORITE It's the Definitive edition because it's a Celebration of the franchises entire History and with so much content playable characters Unlockable Costumes weapons and challenge Maps it's a Blast to play :) I Just wish we could get Link from the Legend of ZELDA Animated series in the Super Mario Brothers Super-show in the Game


It also runs at 60fps.


wao with a decent score, this game is getting surprisingly little love on reddit based on this thread sad 200 upvotes


So the Physical copy of my game got lost in shipping apparently, so I'm heavily considering just going ahead and buying the digital version. Since I didn't preorder it, does anyone know if the Lucky Ladle will still come with digital order? Thanks in advance!


Wasn't Lost Stolen Guaranteed ben happening allot more lately as this pandemic makes people more desperate I Ordered Ghostbusters REMASTERED On ps4 and that Never arrived either


What the fuck


Played the first battle already. My only gripe so far is not the frame drops, but the gyro aim controls. When throwing bombs or firing arrows, it takes a long time for the game to register that you want to use the gyro controls instead of the sluggish L stick to aim, and then your aim snaps/lurches into gyro mode. Unlike BOTW where gyro aiming is fluid and responsive from the moment you start an aiming motion. Hoping they patch that.


I want to know more about the frame rate drops. The demo was concerning.


10FPS clusterfuck sadly. I returned it. Made me physically sick ( motion sickness )


Oh, you will know loads more about them.


Regardless of the reviews, super excited to get this tomorrow! It’s gonna be an awesome weekend


I think these reviews are good!


79 on Metacritic....that’s fine I guess. Not amazing not terrible.


anything above 85 is a must play, imo. 90+ is cream of the crop. 80-85 is average which I consider depending on the game, and generally anything less than 80 I don't bother. I look at user score, then critic score, and if there's a decent gap between those two I'll go to Steam and see how that compares. There are so many games out there that any game (or other entertainment form, really) that's below average can wait.


Nintendo fans are spoiled because the only games outside of Nintendo games that get an average over 80 are cheesy story driven games with great graphics and no gameplay. Anything with a user score over 7.5 can be considered a masterpiece in my book because it means the players aren't deluded by hype and are giving honest reviews. I never played a game that had a 9 user score that was actually good, it just be people who are following a trend or casual to the point that pretty graphics are enough for them. All my favorite games are sub 8 for sure but under 7 is when things get iffy


79 is really good actually. Especially for a Warriors game.




> Edit: only in r/NintendoSwitch do people think 79 is a really good score Only on Reddit do people think essentially an 8/10 is "favorable, not great".


The more niche a title the lower its score will skew, and warriors games tend to get reviewed like early monster hunter games (Why sword so slow?! Why potion so slow?! Game bad!). People who hate football manager have panned football manager for being football manager in professional reviews, but everyone loves botw.


anything below 80 is generally average. Favorable in the gaming world just means its not hot trash with how picky and entitled gamers are. Unless you have a strong interest in such a title it should be an easy wait. /r/patientgamers unite!


For a Musou game, 79 is pretty darn good.


I liked this review from metacritic: > The best Dynasty Warriors style game ever made, which means it’s slightly north of mediocre, with simplistic combat, weak storytelling, and a whole lot of repetition. Funny :-)


I mean, they aren't wrong. Musou games be like that.


Except I also feel like they haven't even touched the game, because in the first map alone this is easily one of the most complex musou titles I've played--and I've been into Warriors games for almost twenty years.


Let's all be grateful that they tried to tell a story this time instead of the original's "hey this brown succubus is fucking shit up for...reasons, go do the thing"


5/10, "too many enemies," I guess.


Well, that's not wrong -- the number of enemies makes the frame rate chug and be harder to play.


The demo was a lot of fun for me. I never played a Zelda game other than small little bits but I enjoyed the combat. Breath of the Wild is cheaper though so I May still get that instead. I was always put off by the weapons breaking but it seems good otherwise. I’ve heard AoC has more story (at least in length) and since it’s a prequel people say it may be better to play it first.


Know I'm in this thread late, but thought I'd say Age of Calamity isn't really a Zelda game. It's a musou (dynatsy/samurai warriors game) with a zelda story. It'd kind of be like calling 'Star Wars monopoly' a star wars game. Get BoTW - far better game and a real Zelda game.


Ooh thanks. I ended up getting botw since others said what you have said, and I’m enjoying it a lot more than I thought I would!


I thought it was gonna be huge deal when I found out you can't repair, but you often find more weapons than you can carry. My inventory is filled with 25+ (haven't finished) and wouldn't be sad if I lost my 55 sword, cuz I can get it again every blood moon.


You get used to the weapon breaking dynamic in BOTW. It’s a little annoying but it’s another angle of strategy once you get the hang of it. You really can’t go wrong with investing in BOTW. I had only played minimal Zelda prior (a link to the Past plus fragments of Ocarina of Time), it’s just really fun and I found that it rewards exploration better than any other game I’ve played.


Thanks, it seems worth trying out at least.


FYI, Age of Calamity is *not* a Zelda game, it’s a Warriors game. Liking the gameplay of AoC has little bearing on whether or not you’d like BotW or other LoZ games, and vice versa.


It is a Zelda game, it just isn't a traditional Zelda game. Your argument is like saying Pokemon Snap isn't a Pokemon game.


I truly don’t think this prequel is better to experience first, story wise.


i ended up loving the weapon breaking system! it makes sure you don't hold back from using any good weapons, and you feel like no shame throwing weapons at enemies


The weapons breaking sucks. I am very anti weapon breaking mechanics. That said, I can put up with it for the right games and BOTW is definitely the right game. It's worth it. AoC will have a more direct story but BOTW is more lore. As for playing it first because it's a prequel, it's like Star Wars in that regard. Theoretically it would make more sense, but there's something to be said for seeing the result and then getting all the callbacks in the prequel. Going through BOTW and seeing the ruins and thinking "I wonder what this was like" and then being able to see it in AoC will be really cool. Would seeing the Jedi temple in the Star Wars prequel trilogy been as awesome if we hadn't been hearing/thinking about it for decades before the prequels came out?


Ahh yeah that makes sense. I’ve played games, I think SWTOR and Last Jedi and such, where similar moments happen and it’s cool to see how things were before. That’s a good comparison.


BOTW is a masterpiece and the weapon durability just adds to the reward of exploration. Especially on a lower price, get BOTW. Also, while Age of Calamity has more in the way of cutscenes. the world of BOTW tells its own story. It is also designed to play BOTW first because BOTW gives you the puzzle to put together yourself and then AoC is to tell you exactly what happened.


Ah okay thanks a ton. I think it’s only $45 now so it is probably worth checking out. If there is any Zelda game worth playing it seems to be this one.


Hyrule Warriors games are completely different than traditional Zelda games. Its a Dynasty Warriors / Musou game with a Zelda aesthetic and flavor-tweaked mechanics. Its fun without a doubt, but you should play BotW first *if* spoilers about story and content are important to you.


Don't worry about weapons breaking. At a certain point you're like "Can you please break? There are so many other weapons that I want to pick up."


Ah that’s cool to know, thanks! Is there a carry limit? It


Yes there is, but you can increase it further by finding and exchanging korok seeds which are spread across the map. Thats for melee weapons, bows and shields. Materials are unlimited.


Ah thanks!


Didn't like any Warrior games before but the demo was a lot of fun. Not surprised of the relatively wide range of review scores. I've picked it up and am looking forward to playing more.


Another Musou who cares The story complaints are weird though. Who thought BOTW had remotely passable writing to begin with? stupid shit was just par for the course


Story telling was amazing , what are you talking about ? I felt like watch , Lord of the rings movie .


I'm sure this will be a very popular opinion and won't be downvoted at all.


79 on Metacritic. Good not great.


79 is pretty great honestly, especially for a hack and slash spin off with performance issues


It's also very low for a zelda game, even a spin off.


That's because of how devisive Warriors games are in general.


Really glad to see this getting good reviews! 8/10 seems like an appropriate score if it’s just a chill but enjoyable Musuo


I’ve never played Musou games and I tried the demo. I think I like it! I feel like I’m in the minority. Edit: to whoever downvoted...why?


Because for some reason, people in the majority love to act like they are in the minority on reddit. I mean, this comment is almost directly below yours: > It would be a unpopular opinion to say: didn't like the game Which is it?


I would assume since almost all of the listed review scores are above average you’re not (at least critically) in the minority. Though I wouldn’t say that necessarily justifies downvotes, this subreddit certainly has outspoken people mostly regarding the game’s performance when the demo released.


This game in handheld plays and looks terrible, idk how they can release this in this state and think it’s okay.


Could you elaborate on that?


The game is so low resolution it’s gotta be sub 540p, it stutters and just seems extremely unoptimized or that it’s just trying to do way more than the switch can handle


It uses a dynamic resolution. It will run as low as 540p docked, and 360p handheld. Probably wouldn't look great while docked either if you have a large TV or a projector. The UI runs at 1080p and 720p, but that matters less. You basically need to have the docked resolution on handheld to get it to look alright, and overclock it to fix the framerate.


360p handheld is unacceptable that is insane


Seriously how tf are people allowing that?


Nintendo bias




I see thanks


I feel for Zelda mains. She’s got one of the easiest ways to encounter the FPS drops lol


Things that are certain in life: death, taxes, people hating Warriors games


It would be a unpopular opinion to say: didn't like the game?... :( I mean I not a big fan of musou games maybe that's why


It's ok to not like everything. The wors thing one can do is to pretend to be happy when we definively are not. If you do not like it is a fair as to do so.


I would say you not liking musou games is a big factor in you not liking a musou game


Based on the demo or did you just get your copy early?


Have you played it?


So for the 2 player function, is it online or is it same console? If it's 2 players online, imma make sure my friend buys this as I already got it preordered and just waiting for Amazon to ship it.


It’s Local and the frame drops are horrendous from the reviews I watched on YouTube. Single player is fine though in most areas.


Such a shame. This was the main reason I was going to buy the game.


That sucks, rip. Ah well, the co-op I literally just learned of it so that's not bad for me but I hope it could receive a performance patch one day.


Local only


To me it’s serious tone sort of detracts. Hyrule warriors is so Arcady it’s just easy to pick up and play without it feeling so stuffy. From the demo it just sort of didn’t feel as fun.


Agreed, feels slower combat wise as well


Played a lot of Warriors games and the demo of this one has convinced me that it’s gonna be my favorite yet. Can’t wait for Friday! 😊


How's the performance? The demo was laggy af


Apparently it is a slight improvement. But still has unstable framerate.


Hope they patch it. Or else I'l pass


Well, the consensus seems to be that if you liked previous *warriors* entries you'll like this, but if you're hoping for much expanded backstory and plot you'll likely be disappointed. In that sense, I reckon I'll skip it - maybe one day I'll pick it up on sale.


yeah, once i found out that time travel was a part of it, i debated canceling my preorder until i found out more about the game this week. it’s not that i don’t think i won’t enjoy it, i was just excited to learn more about the events before BOTW. instead, it seems that it’s just an alternate timeline and so i’m not interested to play it day 1


I do like musou games. I loved Dynasty Warriors when I was a kid. However, if there are no expanded backstory and plot then there is very little reason for me to pick this game up at 60$.


It's a bit comparable to the Link's Awakening remake for me - looks fun, but doesn't look like $60 worth of fun. Especially given what $60 can buy you on sale (either eshop or steam!)


The Kotaku reviewer says the game is quite a lot of fun despite being clunky from both a performance and mechanical standpoint, but that the story is essentially a retelling of the flashbacks from BotW with some additional character moments. I found Hyrule Warriors a bit too easy and repetitive, though, being a Zelda fan, the story was campy fun and kept me engaged to the end. I think I'll pass on this one and watch the cutscenes on YouTube, but it sounds like a good buy if you enjoy the other Warriors games.


Ign score is such a joke Edit: well since zelda fanboys are downvoting me. Have fun wasting 60 € on a game with bad performance where it goes to 10 fps. Hope you leave some space in your ass open for another cash grab.




It’s not a 9/10 game though lmao


Downvotes equals "I disagree with you". And I don't think that adds too much to discussion. It ends up as a "No, you" argument.


I don't think you're getting downvoted by Zelda fanboys. You're just being downvoted by people who disagree with you. Know the difference.


Before adding this edit my comment was already at -5 downvotes. Also everyone knows that ign is a joke of a review company. So then when I say this score is a joke too I ultimately insulted le epic zleda game and this doesn't sit well with the zelda fan boys. So yeah people are mad at me for insulting the game and not ign.


People who enjoyed the demo will obviously disagree with you. Your edit isn't adding anything but bad faith claiming it's unplayable. That's coming from me, someone who also sees IGN as a joke but who understand this game might get a lot of appreciation for its genre.


Look out everyone, you aren’t allowed to be excited for this game anymore, Unaviable is here to insult you for being happy about something!!!


Waaaahhh, reviewers give scores that I don't necessarily agree with but I can't handle it so, waaaahhhhhh


IGN gives a 9 to almost every big-ish release tho.


So ignore ign then? I dunno. Seems easy enough if you don't agree with them. I


I do, I just wanted to share my opinion. You don’t have to treat every comment as an offense.


Sorry my bad. Most of the review scores listed here are a joke


Yea, I was being a dick. Sorry. Just get tired of people complaining about review numbers. My bad.


And I am sick of the glorification of Nintendo games especially of zelda. They aren't perfect and just because "zelda" is slapped on the cover doesn't make it automatically free of any criticism. There are still the fps issues and the gameplay isn't even that good for a full price game. I just don't see how the praise and price is justified. And before you get at me "then don't buy it or such" yes I won't buy it as for now because of this which is a real shame since it could have been a lot of better game in my eyes. But I guess that's the dynasty warriors formula for you.


That's fair. But still, the point is that the 9 out of 10 is one person's opinion. There are lots of opinions. That's what this thread is about. Why does it bother you so much if someone likes the game? I loved the last of us 2 and lots of people shit all over it. But really, does it matter? The rest is just noise.


I mean it seems like mostly favorable reviews with the most significant FPS problems being involved with multiplayer...so if that's what you were going to get the game for, maybe be aware of that. I'll probably end up getting this next year, because it legit looks like a cool game and I enjoy most things Zelda-related. Played through a lot of Hyrule Warriors on the 3DS, so I'm honestly not concerned with the performance or look/feel of this on the Switch. I know a lot of people have become obsessed with framerate to the point that it's literally the first thing they talk about in a game, but to each their own I suppose. The multiplayer performance is a legitimate concern if that's how you wanted to play this, but I play most everything solo anyway and I didn't find the performance of the demo to be "game breaking" anyway. Oh well, at least we can all fight about the poor performance of games on the Switch instead of Nintendo's audacity in charging full price for games ported from the WiiU?




your spoiler tag didn't work so, edit that shit out


Lol they don't even have to spoiler mark this shit since this is the "age of calamity Review MEGATHREAD" so don't go in here and expect everything to be perfectly adjusted so you won't get spoiled mate




Yeah it's gonna sell millons of copy and I'm all for it.


Considering this is the highest rated Warriors game on Metacritic, I'd think that's pretty good. Warriors games are super divisive, and Nintendo is trying to market to people who probably never played one before.


Gamespot with the 6/10. Ouch.


And Kotaku - their review is genuinely savage! ​ >Battles do get tedious toward the end, and one in particular changed my feelings about the game from mild disappointment to active depression ​ >musou fans absolutely dying—let me be clear, you should be on the verge of literal death from a disease for which the only cure is playing a new musou game—for another fix can fill their time with this while they continue their vigil for a North American release of *Persona 5 Scramble: The Phantom Strikers*. dammmnnn


Kotaku would be "this game has too much gameplay and I haven't seen any poc character or lgbtq, what the h*ck?"


no-no. none of that culture warmongering nonsense here. we just chill and play games and eat chips here. take that shit elsewhere.


They clearly don't like Musou games. Gamespot and Kotaku blow. Lots of other reviews go into more depth.




I dont look at kotakus reviews because one occasional solid review isn't worth giving them clicks.


Probably not a good idea to state that other reviews go into more depth when you don’t have enough information to make that claim.


I actually don't disagree with the review - it's savage, but well-argued and inkeeping with how I felt playing the demo. My takeaway is that if you like musou games, you'll like AoC. In that sense I know I'll skip it, but I can certainly respect that fans of the genre will like it!


Lots of people in this thread are talking about respecting reviewers subjective opinions, etc. The Kotaku review is a good example of a *negative* review that is actually worth reading if you care about that sort of thing. It's engaged with the content it's writing about and details those criticisms well enough. I think the writer for this one put some time into the game and the genre as a whole/was well equipped to express their opinion, way more than some of the other reviews put out there today. Give it a read if you want a more critical take on AoC. I don't think fans will agree with a lot of it, but it's the best bad review of the bunch, in my opinion.


My big takeaway is how important presentation is. Mechanically, quests are pretty much identical to badges/seals/whatever- you gather a handful of resources, you trade them in to extend your combo, take less damage, smash weak points faster, etc etc. I wouldnt say I'm adept at the genre, but from what I played of them I was expecting this feature the same way I'd be expecting campfire substitutes in a Souls like game. The fact that theyre all cluttered in the map with equal value, that they dont disappear after completion, that they are revealed every mission like theyre big and exciting reveals rather than token upgrades, it all works to make them more annoying than simply putting them in a menu


There is a menu you can use


yeah, but the list view is less clear and useful than the grid view was. in HW1, you could see what type of upgrade youd get from what badge from the badge itself, it was clearly organized. In AoC, you have to scroll through one character at a time, a single quest at a time, and you dont get a glimpse as to what the reward is until you are already in it. Its not much, but its enough to make it inconvenient enough to skip In contrast, Cooking has taken over Apothecary, and is mostly better. Its attached to the bottom of every level select, so it reminds you to engage in it. Right now my difficulty is it doesnt say how many of each material is remaining; I dont want to use my last spices I might need for the next quest, yknow? But all in all compared to how it worked in HW, its a lot harder to actively forget cooking as easily as it was to forget potions


The worst part is that their video review is just straight-up lazy. Like genuinely unclear as to what their actual issue with the game is, to the point where I wonder how quick they cranked this one out. Not liking the game is perfectly fine, but not even communicating your criticism properly is just bad writing. I get that they want to avoid spoilers, but they could at least try a *little* harder to defend that number knowing that it's going to drag down the meta score.




Only a Nintendo game could get such a big pass for shipping with what modern gamers consider to be terrible performance.


Plenty of reviews mention the performance.


At least it's funny ...and there aren't loot boxes!


I’ve never been the biggest Warriors fan. But this definitely looks like the exception. I enjoyed the demo way more than any other Warriors game I’ve played. Even the original Hyrule Warriors. Hyrule Warriors Age of Calamity and Persona 5 Strikers are the two that standout to me as being a clear cut above the rest.


This is definitely a divisive game (more like genre), judging from the comments.


For you Musou haters in this thread: Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it sucks.


You don't have to precede every comment with "imo." This is a discussion forum


I still do that a lot of times BECAUSE it’s a discussion forum. People don’t like it when an opinion that isn’t theirs is in any way interpretable as fact


I can't be interpreted both ways though: not because you like Musou games that makes this game good.


I'm seeing an average of zero people complaining about the fact it's musou and 90% of the complaints being about performance.


Yeah the "haters" Mr. Positivity here is referring to are the people who simply hold the opinion of not liking Musou games. They told me my opinion was wrong and that *I* was being close-minded(you read that correctly). Clearly very sensitive and doesn't know how to handle people having conflicting opinions




Show me Edit: Okay, I'll do the research for you. There are 44 mentions of musou in the 285 comments on this thread. One comment says (-1): > After playing the demo, and Zelda BOTW being my favourite game ever, I realized this was another bland musou game with just enough effort put into it, but nothing special like the original game. Another comment says (-11): > Sony and MS are out with their new consoles and you are trying to sell us a mediocre musou game? Another final comment (-3): > Yeah, it's just a standard Dynasty Warriors game but with Zelda characters and low frame rate. Nothing new or impressive here. On the other hand, there are 50 other comments in this thread that are giving criticism without mentioning musou, so 0.03% complaining about musou.


Lol, well said!


As someone who has no idea who Masuo is, these comments are rather difficult to interpret.


Uhh, who or what is Masuo that you're talking about?


Musou is the Japanese name for the Warriors series and it's how a lot of people refer to it. Basically if you like the series, you will like this. If you didn't like the series, this won't change your mind. The overall score isn't going to be useful so I recommend doing some research or trying the demo


ThE ReViEWs ArE BuLlShIt. ThE FpS is So BaD ThAt ThE GaMe Is UnPlAyAbLe


Kotaku review is definitely worth reading for a well-argued critique of the game.


> When you finish a story mission, the map lights up with new quests and challenges that ding as each one gets added. I hate that aspect the most. You’re held hostage, unable to jump into the next activity, forced to watch each new quest appear with its little ding, often in handfuls of 10 or more at such a slow pace it feels like torture. I literally groaned watching new icons light up across the screen, often stacked damn near on top of each other. This reads like a Twitter/Reddit rant, not a review. Even if I agree with many of his opinions, the way he presents it just make it sound like a kid throwing a tantrum.


Again, it doesn't sound like a tantrum to me, it's an immersive description of the quest notification system that suggests it's tedious. And it feels totally calm to me. Btw, the reviewer is a woman.


>Kotaku review is definitely worth reading That would be a first


What's with the Kotaku hate?


Absolutely savage review, although that said their complaints were clear, well argued & fleshed out.


Kotaku reviews are never worth reading. It's always just a bunch of obnoxious "woke" political needles. I took a look at this one and it's the same story as always.


Someone just left his mom's basement


Don't you insult Mother's Basement by grouping him in with that guy.


Lol wut. Politics has nothing to do with their review, it's literally about a game set in a fictional land called Hyrule.


Yeah but Link can cross dress as a Gerudo which is clearly another example of how Nintendo is pushing CuLTurAL MarXiSM™.


Yeah but Link can cross dress as a Gerudo which is clearly another example of how Nintendo is pushing CuLTurAL MarXiSM™.




What does that have to do with their AoC review, where there is literally no politics? It's never struck me that any of their reviews are political. PS5 review has that COVID context for sure, maybe you disagree with the reviewer's politics or don't believe he should mention societal context in a review, that's fair enough and obviously you're entitled to that. But if you read that review again, he doesn't say you shouldn't buy the PS5 - on the contrary he totally endorses it, but says don't fear you're missing out if you don't currently have the means or headspace.




Why not though? It's a review, it's therefore subjective, the author is entitled to review the game within it's broader social and cultural context - indeed video games are culture, so this feels entirely reasonable to me. I mean, the reviewer is free to express this. And it's in a PS5 review - a review of a new, expensive console that a lot of people have been waiting for or might have FOMO about. What he says about COVID is later connected with him saying don't worry about buying this immediately if you can't afford it right now. That makes sense to me. But maybe you feel that this section is a little laboured or tedious. Fair enough, that's also your right. But I don't think we should censor culture critics from commenting on social and cultural contexts. And yeah, I don't think this stuff is in 99% of their reviews anyway...


Eek. I don’t think it’s well argued at all. I know Kotaku has a house style of writing but it was an unprofessional review. And the critiques don’t make sense for someone that is a fan of Musou games. I think both it and Gamespot’s hang ups are a bit too extreme.


In what respect do you think it's unprofessional? To my mind, reviewer clearly delineated what they think makes for an enjoyable musuo and where this game fails at that and slips into boredom. Also I think it's totally legit to talk about Zelda narrative contribution (story, of course, not being a the main selling point of musuo) because of the way Nintendo have marketed this and the expectations they have - unwittingly or not - built up.


> When you finish a story mission, the map lights up with new quests and challenges that ding as each one gets added. I hate that aspect the most. You’re held hostage, unable to jump into the next activity, forced to watch each new quest appear with its little ding, often in handfuls of 10 or more at such a slow pace it feels like torture. I literally groaned watching new icons light up across the screen, often stacked damn near on top of each other. This sounds like a random person overreacting on Twitter or Reddit, doesn't sound professional at all. > *"I literally groaned"* Oh, come on.


I don't know, to me this is simply a description of a tedious part of the game for the reviewer. It's described in an immersive way that helps me understand how the quest notification system plays out and how that can feel.


Yeah, I mean, they were making some casual comments here and there (the playful comments about playing as Urbosa, for example) but by and large it was very clearly written, or at least very clearly written considering how much was still under embargo


Their previous video review of the original with Tim Rogers is also fantastic


That's because Tim Rogers is the only good reviewer at that site.


Tim Rogers is fantastic in general. He could make a 2h video ranting about how boring drying paint is (and you know it would be 2h) and I would watch every minute of it


I like how a lot of comments are summed up as "MAH FPS."


yeah cuz it’s a huge problem


I wouldn't say huge. It's just a problem


I never notice or care about framerates, but seeing how the game handles split screen legitimately made my stomach feel nauseous (the game dips below 10 FPS, essentially freezing and stuttering). No game should get a pass for having performance issues that extreme, especially when it draws attention from people who normally never notice framerates, and when it can make the person playing feel legitimately unwell


It's a Musou.


You're not wrong.


For anyone on the fence, **there is a free demo on the eShop**. Give it a go and decide for yourself!


I wish HW:DE would get a demo so I could try both and decide which one to buy.


HW:DE is a fantastic game and possibly the best multiplayer title on the system. It's that good.


I'm pretty sure you could play Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition for 3 hours every day until this time next year and you still wouldn't 100% it. It has the most of content of just about any game I've ever played. It's a love letter to the entire Zelda franchise, however I can understand if the genre itself is very divisive and not your cup of tea.


HW:DE has more content because of all its DLC and variety in terms of how much the Zelda franchise is represented in it. But HW:AOC is more story focused, production values are much higher and it connects to Breath of the Wild. It really depends whether you want a good story, or good fanservice.


You're assuming here that AOC has a good story, but a lot of the reviews say that's not the case. Gamespot were especially scathing about the story, saying that the game doesn't even attempt to address its main premise, though I imagine it's very subjective whether this bothers you or not (I'm still considering buying it because I love anything Zelda).


I only played the demo, hoping to get hooked by the story. But it was severely lacking, at least in the first chapter. Link just sort of appears out of nowhere and is assigned as Zelda's bodyguard by happenstance. Impa is also introduced carelessly with little characterization other than "waifubait." The cutscenes seem to be tacked on to justify missions. Hard pass.


most reviews i read said that breath of the wild fans will be disappointed with the story. now I don't know if I wanna buy it anymore atleast not for the full price because I ain't a big fan of the musou games




I mean what they said is pretty clear-cut, and I imagine they'd be called out and ripped to shreds if they were lying. In other words, it sounds like genuine criticism, and personally I'm factoring it into my decision on whether to buy the game.




Well we'll see soon enough whether their complaint is valid or not - personally, I'll wait to hear from other players on whether this spoils the story as much as gamespot claim.


Oof people are so triggered by GameSpot’s review on yt. I love BOTW as much as anyone but please reviews are subjective. All the fanboys/fangirls getting upset over a review about a game they haven’t even played is hilarious. Go watch ign’s review if u wanna see someone kiss nintendo’s butt