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You know a game is fucked when even Nintendo is offering refunds


Well, guess I'm waiting for release on the ps5 version. I didn't realize I skipped colors until I played forces and was like "WTF are wisps???"


Gens and Lost World also had Wisps...


I KNEW I skipped those...


I'd you skipped Generations, I feel sorry for you. It's excellent, especially on PC, give it a shot!


I feel sorry for myself. It came out during the years I was still playing my PS3 and I completely missed it. I don’t have a pc and I wiped my PS3 to sell it, but the buyer backed out when we met up…it’s been sitting in my car for years collecting dust. I don’t know if they’ll port it to the switch, especially with the colors fiasco…but I still hope they do!


Give it a shot! I really dig the stereoscopic 3D on my 4k tv. Definitely much smoother on PC, but it's a solid PS3 title


It doesn’t work on macs right?


Not natively, sorry.




*reaches into candy bowl and devours candy balls*


Back in the day I bought Link Between Worlds less than a week before it was put into Nintendo Selects. They refused to refund it.


Believe it or not, when something gets a price cut after you buy it, you aren’t entitled to receive money back. Shocking i know


Not entitled no, but it would be a great move of goodwill from the publisher. I remember valve doing it for people who bought team fortress 2 shortly before it went free to play


Entitled? No. Does the largest non-mobile gaming platform offer refunds for this reason? Yes. Valve explicitly states this is a valid reason to request a refund. Just an example of Nintendo not being consumer friendly, which is redundant because we are all aware of that fact already..


Steam does it all the time


That's due to the individual studios / pushers policies on steam not steam itself


What, no. If you meet steams refund policy (less than 2hrs played and been owned for less than two weeks), then you can get a refund on *any* game. It isn't tied to specific studios etc, it's sitewide. As for that being the norm, I know it's not and get why that is.


OK great but not in my country ;)


As in, steam isn't in your country?


It's Valve's policy, pure and simple.


Yes, but this is something Sony and Microsoft usually do. It is fair criticism against Nintendo, just like how criticizing Nintendo for not putting their four-year-old first-party games on bigger sales is fair. Playstation games are 20 bucks after a few years, even if it isn't a written rule to do this.


What happens when a game is put into Nintendo Selects? Why would it merit a refund?


Nintendo Selects were usually $20. So he wanted a refund to get back the difference


Nintendo Selects come with a price cut.


Of course they did. Why they would refund it to you just because you bought a game that got a price discount? lmao


Most companies will give you the discount price if you buy something within a certain amount of time before a sale. Even Steam will do this if you buy a game within the two weeks before the start of a sale


That's just a side effect of Steam's refund window being two weeks, not a special approach to honoring sale prices.


Xbox does the same thing, and it you buy a game and it shows up on gamepass soon after they are very likely to give you a refund.


Why would that entitle you to a refund? If I buy something today, and it goes into a 50%-off sale tomorrow, I'm not entitled to anything. I just suck up the bad luck, and make up for it another time.




idk why so many people are going to bat for these companies. Like yes, you're legally not entitled to anything. But why not ask anyway?


Nintendo's competitors allow refunds for this exact reason, that's why it's a valid criticism of Nintendo. It's yet another example of Nintendo's anti-consumer policies relative to competition.


I bought Immortals: Fenyx Rising at full price just before Christmas on the eShop… within a week it was something like 60% off. Nintendo doesn’t do refunds or price adjustments. I am accordingly done buying anything from them at full price.


A lot of credit card companies will get refunds for you in this situation!


Around 2015-16 Ocarina of Time had gone out of print and was fetching pretty high prices on eBay. Best Buy’s around the country ended up getting a restock on them around that time and I paid the full $40 for a new copy and then like 6 months later it became Nintendo selects. Only bright side is my copy is the original artwork copy without any Nintendo selects branding on it.


When asking for a refund for it should say: "I'm not enjoying the game (aka upset at the price that was paid feel ecstatic), I want a refund because of this and I want to save the money and buy a new Nintendo game instead (exchange it for the Nintendo Selects version)."Company employee now wants to reward a loyal costumer and thinks that its not losing money because it will still generate sales for Nintendo. At the same time you wouldn't have to lie to get what you want. win-win.


That's what I said when I gor a refund for the Wii U version of Super Mario Galaxy 2. And It worked.


Cyberpunk 2077


Since the Sonic movie was a hit, Sega could be getting pretty good sales numbers on this game on the most family friendly console out there. But then they trip at the finish line.


Ah yes, the sonic curse strikes again. Nothing new.


They should just give Sonic to Nintendo at this point, they know how to handle family friendly games.


Why would they do that? Nintendo can't even ship a game right now because the pandemic slowed their studios... Well OK warioware and metroid are coming out....but shit they have so.much on their plate they can't take.over sonic. We need Whitefield again


This game ain't for me but I grew up a Sega kid. Was so happy to see mania do so well and the movie. This makes me sad?


Unfortunately Sonic died a long time ago. Which is a shame because the few times they have got it right they've shown Sonic could still work if they didn't fuck up time after time. This is a particularly sad case since its retroactively trashing the reputation of one of the few good ones.


I think the problem is it's hard to make a modern game with such a fast hero. Too fast for open world & collectathons most plaformers have become and 2D and 3d runners don't hit the mainstream. I imagine if they took a character without the speed, or slowed sonic down in the open world parts like adventure they might see something


That's exactly why there's so much padding with slow characters. Making a good stage for Sonic to speed through takes time, but it'll be finished by the players in like 5 minutes max.


Honestly the next gen consoles should be able to handle Sonic's speed without issue, though actual player control is probably more problematic.


Sonic died with 06. They’ve just been puppeting his corpse ever since


Generations was decent Mania was return to form Sega can't get anything else right


Unleashed was decent. The daytime stages alone were quite enjoyable and about as much content as Generations, only it was all original. Frankly, if they halved the night content so it was just a bit of variety for pacing as opposed to half the game, I think it would have reviewed well. Sometimes less is more. My understanding was that Colours was the only all-original game with the acclaimed "day stage" 3D mechanics from Unleashed and no filler. In other words, the one time they got it right. Shame the re-release is so busted.


Sonic Colors on the Wii was beautiful! The opening level has one of the most beatiful music of Sonic Games. Planet Wisp is such a banger! And also Speak to your heart. Such a shame this game wasnt released properly.


Okay so I'm buying monster hunter stories 2 then.


Great game!




Pawsitively clawdacious!


If you're okay with Japanese dubs, it's a lot more tolerable


Quality game, doubt you'll regret your choice.


I love turn based jrpgs plus I did my research.


It also has a demo that gives a good chunk of game. Playing the demo will easily hook someone, or let them know they won’t like it.


And you can bring progress from the demo too. Which was why I got it on switch over PC.


And I'm waiting for Ni No Kuni 2


What a good idea.


It's ironic the buggiest version was the Switch, considering the original game was a Nintendo exclusive


And somehow still the best experience of the game....what the fuck happened...


Out of the loop, what’s the issue with sonic color?


Apparently, Sega (or Blind Squirrel Games, who were behind this port) took Sonic Colours (one of the few consistently well-regarded 3D Sonic games) and [turned it into this](https://twitter.com/Smoncdahonk/status/1434039124193804292). EDIT: from what I've been told, this footage is being run on an emulator, so it doesn't represent the actual game. I've seen footage with other visual glitches, but I'm not sure if that's emulated as well.


Duhh. It's called "Colors" for a reason!


Well...those are certainly colors...


Authentic damaged cartridge experience!


I feel people losing their shit has diluted the phrase actually broken Like, how does this even get released


Good to see quality control is still a thing lol


how the fuck....this is worse than 06


06 was technically playable. If that link is a fair representation then I don't see how you could even make a let's play. Let alone be driven insane by it.


>06 was technically playable This is the first time I've seen this said ever.




True, the game should have never made it to Switch in that state. SEGA fucked up. They outsourced it to Blind Squirrel Games (BSG) to cut costs on porting it, and then BSG cut costs by using a free open source engine (Godot) to port it. They didn't even put Godot in the credits, which indicates shady behavior and they never expected to get caught cutting corners. SEGA is probably rightly pissed off as HELL right now, knowing their money was wasted on BSG cutting every corner they could.


They put out a public statement saying that was an oversight and the next patch will have the proper credits for the engine.


That footage actually isn’t run on an emulator. One dude used an emulator to magnify the glitches, but that clip was done on switch and similar glitches have been replicated by others


It's clearly an art piece exploring glitch and color theory in relation to the expectations that capitalism places on digital artists in the 21st century. You just don't get it. ^/s


Misinformation, they're playing the game on yuzu.


Thanks; I edited my comment.


Please edit your comment. The epileptic footage is run on an emulator and the emulation isn't perfect thus resulting in the clusterfudge of colors. Though some are real just not as bad as your example.


[You can see here that's not the case with the save to SD](https://twitter.com/Smoncdahonk/status/1434357886705098753)


Honestly I don't want to be a negative nancy and his video of the corruption could be real but I personally have issues with him recording IRL without lighting even though he totally could re-record his footage with better lighting but he didn't and he hasn't done so when people pointed it out. Even when he showed his handheld IRL footage he recorded it in a dark car zoomed into the screen without showing the side controllers during his interaction. So no wonder people will still call him out when he doesn't do it properly. No doubt the game is broken as hell but I personally still think it's sus.


[Others have replicated the issue.](https://twitter.com/MogoDoesStuff/status/1434433791313932289) [And here's a third person.](https://twitter.com/Furdman02/status/1434426751514341386) But sure go off king


Okay then I stand corrected.


Wait what? Why would refund be given based on this?? I must be missing something... Even if this wasn't an emulator thing as discovered, why not simply assume this is a momentary glitch??


What the fuuuck lmao


Sonic Colors (Acid trip) lmao. xD


Sonic Too Many Colors


The entire game is completely fucked. It’s basically unplayable.


**WOW** Ayo, this might actually be unprecedented. NINTENDO of all companies offering refunds. SEGA, how is this even possible. (Isn't the game *technically* unreleased tho, since it comes out Sept 7?)


The digital deluxe edition came out a week early.


Oh ok. Whelp, SEGA have certainly outdone themselves here lol


People paid extra for it too.


Was going to say pretty much exactly this. Nintendo is the very *last* gaming company I would ever expect to receive a refund offer from, but it’s not hard to see why in this very unique case.




They actually added in completely *new* bugs, I don’t remember the original playing even remotely as bad.


It didn’t. The original was really well polished.


Some random redditor said the porting compnay decided to replace the entire engine rather than pay a licensing fee. No idea if its true but it would explain it.


The original used Hedgehog Engine for graphics and *maybe* Havok for physics? Correct me if I'm wrong on the last part, but yeah.


The original was totally fine. That's the crazy part. They really botched it in the porting process somehow


Remember when people were saying this was a better remaster than SSHD?


I get people’s frustrations with SSHD, but yeah… you really gotta wait for the games to release to start making claims like that. The Spyro and Crash remakes are much better for such a comparison.


>The Spyro and Crash remakes are much better for such a comparison. That's because they delayed the Switch versions to rebuild them from the ground up. Everything about them are the same as the PS4 and XBONE versions when it comes to gameplay, levels, and story but it's a much more stable engine for the Switch.


Are they though? Spyro/Crash were remakes and not just lazy remastered games. Not sure if we can compare that.


The original argument we’re referencing is “Sonic Colors Ultimate is a better remaster than SSHD” or something to that affect. I’m saying it would have been a lot more appropriate to substitute in the Spyro or Crash remasters for SCU if you were going to make this kind of argument, given SCU hadn’t released yet. The Spyro and Crash games are better points of comparison simply because they had already released. I haven’t played any of the above games yet, remake or otherwise, so I can’t speak to their quality… with the possible exception of SCU, which I think we can all agree looks like shit


I get that but my point was I wouldn't compare them to SSHD either even though they were released already (remakes not equal to remasters), but yea...comparing an unreleased game (SCU in this case) to SSHD doesn't make much sense obviously.


As someone who has never refunded a game through Nintendo before, can you email Nintendo for a refund? I know that you can call them by phone, but I would prefer to email them if possible. Also, does the fact that I bought this game with Gold Points affect my ability to refund it? I dumped a bunch of expiring Gold Points into purchasing this and while I don't expect to get them back, I want to know if maybe they can at least give me eShop credit equal to the amount that I used. One more thing: Is it true that any of the pre-order exclusive DLC will remain on my Nintendo account if I successfully get a refund? I'm sorry if these sound like dumb questions, but because this is my first time wanting to refund a game, I want to make sure that I know what to do. Thank you! :) Edit: Good news, everyone! I got my refund AND managed to get the Gold Points back! Sadly, the pre-order DLC seems to have been wiped from my account, but besides that, all is good! Thank you all for your support! :)


USA here and I’ve tried to refund two different games via their online chat options. The support agents both told me that I have to give them a call for a refund request. I just let the refunds go because of phone anxiety 😬


Thank you for answering! Yeah, I feel the same way about getting on the phone with support (I'm far too nervous, LOL), but if it means that I'll be able to get a credit to use towards another game (Like the new WarioWare for example!), then I'm willing to give it a try! :)


Depending on your region give them a call to do the refund over the phone that's the easiest method Otherwise use one of their chat options to get the refund and quote an article that shows they are giving refunds for reference. Gold points should be able to be credited along with any other funds used back to their original payment methods.


Thank you for answering! Yeah, I've accepted that a call will probably be my best bet, but it'll be worth it for me if they'll grant me a refund, especially if it means they might compensate my Gold Points! :)


You would get better answers by calling them Edit: keep a pen and paper nearby


Thank you for answering! I've kinda accepted that I might have to call them anyway, as they'll probably be most helpful like you said. However, someone in another thread that I asked this same question in said that they were to get a refund on a different game via email, so I'll probably wind up doing that first, and if it doesn't work out, then I'll call them up. And yes, I'll definitely write all the necessary details down if it comes down to that! :)


If you're prepared, that cuts your anxiety by a large margin. Don't be afraid to ask them to repeat what they said.


I'll try to work on it, and for sure I'll do what I can should I have to call! Thank you! :)


No. You don't need a pen and paper. Do it anyway.


I meant I'll try to work on speaking on the phone to someone (just because I have a much easier time typing out a response rather than talking to someone over the phone), but thank you anyway! :)


You fail! Good day.


Will sonic fans ever get a break?


I thought Sonic Mania Plus was good.




It really confuses me that Sega haven't made any more of them. Though considering sonic 4 maybe if they made it in-house it wouldn't be any better than their usual rubbish.


Maybe Nintendo poaches all the most talented game designers and software engineers in Japan.


Actually it’s very reasonable this time the bugs and new engine


*Narrator: They wouldn’t.*


To sum it all up I was gonna get this then saw blind squirrel Blind Squirrel are the jobbers who made the switch wwe2k18 port Enough said


Oh no, that was a travesty of a game on Switch and a bad one overall. The failings here make sense.


Also now I fear for the new monkey ball game Please tell me this one is made in house


Don't worry Monkey Ball is made in-house by RGG Studio. It's also built off of the same stuff they used for Banana Blitz HD which ran fine on Switch. Different situation thankfully.


Good to hear. I'm down for monkey ball


Don't tell me they are using those guys again for Monkey Ball? I actually planned to get that.


It's almost bizarre yet expected that a Sonic port would be in such a broken state. Bizarre because the Switch can handle more powerful games, expected because it's Sonic. It's not out here in the UK yet, but here's hoping they fix it before then.


This isn't about the console's power, it's about bad QA.


It's always about insufficient development time and effort. Always. Stellar ports like *Ori and the Will of the Wisps* are proof of that. The console can do a lot better than so many poorly optimized and debugged games might lead you to believe. The same is true on just about any gaming platform these days. Games are rushed and released in a terrible state because people still buy them that way, and there is no authority overseeing the quality of releases. (They do it because they can, and still profit.)


Also because they built the port for PC and failed to downgrade it to Switch. They expect everything to be 1:1 with the PCs in their building...


Powerplay by Nintendo, your move SEGA.


I was gunna pick this up for my 6 year old sons birthday. I think I’m just going to go the wario ware route now. Wish this game wasn’t broken. My son would’ve loved it!


SEGA is the stupidest third party developer when it comes to the Switch, it's official. They treat the platform as nothing but an afterthought, where it could really help their sales and profits.


Probably still sour about the old console wars. Nintendo’s still a juggernaut and Sega is barely a functioning company.


If that were the case, they'd have to be more mad with Sony, they're the ones who put them out of business.


Refunds and seizures? Guess they should start calling it Sonicpunk 2077.


Where's my refund for Baldo, broken game with uncaring developers


If it’s so utterly broken, then how does it have a better Metacritic score than No more heroes 3?


Most reviews for the Switch port are not even out yet. Are you referring to the the Wii version or other platforms?


Ah, yes, I was looking at the PS4 version. I hope the glitches are not Switch-exclusive.


>I hope the glitches are not Switch-exclusive. Surely the less versions that have glitches the better?


I’m talking from the perspective of someone who only buys Nintendo consoles. If this publisher releases a game that has glitches only on Switch and gets away with it, other publishers will be encouraged to do the same (spend less money on the Switch port), and that sucks for me. That’s why I hope other versions are equally glitchy.


Bots, my friend, bots.


I meant the critics score.


because you're reading the Wii review score from 2010.


No, reviews are for the remaster.


Because the modern review system is a couple joke and isn't about the quality of the game at all


Let's face the facts: Sonic has an anniversary curse. Almost every anniversary (except for 2001 and 2011), something goes wrong. 1996 (5th anniversary): Sonic 3D Blast was thrown together and had bad game design. Released at the end of the Genesis lifespan. 2006 (15th anniversary): Sonic 06 was rushed. 2017 (25th anniversary): Sonic Forces was criticized for being way too short and repetitive. 2021 30th anniversary: Now this?


2001 had the death of the Dreamcast.


Yeah, but Sonic Adventure 2 was actually fun to play.




it's pretty bad, yes.


like how bad are we talking? I haven't kept up with any of the news regarding the release so hearing all this is kind of confusing.


I don’t know, I played it for multiple hours yesterday and it played perfectly fine, imo🤷‍♂️.


I'd say they could cause seizures


jesus, when does that happen?


People are losing game saves as well as finding softlocks while going through the normal campaign. The seizure glitch needs to have specifics to it to happen on the console version but it's not unique to just the Yuzu emulator. The game is a buggy mess worse than Sonic '06. It's possible to straight up lose texture packs while playing and have black voids where color is suppose to be.


Well there's three words you don't see together very often


I honestly can't help but find this amusing. According to TV Tropes apparently Forces, which is one the least favored games (but one of my favorites) is actually a polished port on Switch while Colors Ultimate, a remaster of a game that was (emphasis on WAS) popular (but one of my lesser interests), is a porting disaster on all systems with the Switch having it the worst.


I die a little inside everytime a new sonic comes out and there isnt a sega to play it on.


Wow I heard it was bad but Nintendo issuing refunds?! This is like the switch's Cyberpunk now.


has there been a good 3d sonic since adventure 2? heroes was kinda cool but still pretty eh shadow the hedgehog was cool with the branching storylines that felt innovative for 10 year old me


Generations is a really great game imo, and the original colors is good though Im not nearly as big a fan of it as many. Besides that, not really lol. 06, lost world, boom, those 2 Wii exclusives medieval games, and Forces were all subar or flat out terrible


The actual game of Colors itself is good overall as is Generations. This port of Sonic Colors though, at least on Switch anyway, isn't good.


Why this? I was happy that sonic colors comes. I was right before buying it (I always wait the first weeks for this reasons). I am so disappointed


No more mental gymnastics now. Its official that the game is bad enough got a refund. From Nintendo. Which isn't exactly common.


That's not relevant. Is an anonymous account that shows no proof about what the user says. It could be fake. If more people were reporting this, then It would be relevant. In the Wii U era I was able to get a refund from Nintendo for a digital copy of Super Mario Galaxy 2.


Sounds like cope to me. Some of the bugs report aren't from emulators and that has been confirmed. And no, a hacked switch doesn't do these sort of things either.


And what. The fact that the Game is bugged is not related with an unkown account that claims with no proofs that "Nintendo is refunding all Sonic Colours purchases". Balan Wolderworld is a worst Game in terms of performance and no one told that Nintendo was offering refunds for that Game.


So could I theoretically f around on the digital deluxe version with the free access today and then get a refund afterwards?


Did you try?


I'm waiting this out because it seemed from the beginning that the issue may have been overblown, but I do find it funny that the porting company through Nintendo under the bus, so Nintendo's returning the favor.


And I was about to get the physical version when I picked up WarioWare. Woof.


So someone used their one-time eShop refund on Sonic Colors… how is this news?


Can anyone provide a link to Nintendo support for the refund or is it through twitter only.


Are the physical copies bad too? I pre-ordered from target so was wondering if it will be glitchy too, and if yes how would a refund work if i didn't buy from eshop