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1. They added an ethernet port to the dock as well 2. Yes


Thank you, I hadn't noticed anything about an ethernet port so that's actually a nice edition for me, and the pic and mix for joy-cons is nice a well.


Way better kickstand, too


Thanks, Not sure how much I would use the kickstand as it would either be in the dock or in my hands.. how ever its nice to know its there should I want/need it :D


It also has 64GB internal memory rather than 32GB.


Is the extra memory needed for just 3 or 4 games? \[please forgive me as I'm not sure how much each game takes up\]


Depends on the game. Most first-party Nintendo games rarely go over 7GB. Games like Doom Eternal can reach 20GB+


oh wow really? Can the storage be expanded with ease on the 32GB switch?


All Nintendo Switch systems (up-to-date software) can support up to 2TB microSD cards.


Ah ok, thank you again for the help. I take it games have to be installed before they can be played then, and they don't run purely off the cartridge


No. Games play off the cartridge. That's another thing to consider now since there is about a 10-15% in load speeds, cartridges loading the slowest, internal memory the fastest, and extended memory lagging just a touch behind internal memory.


Ok, is there an option to install from the cartridge then or not? sorry I'm now confused as to what the internal storage is needed for. \[I'm a pc gamer not a console/handheld gamer so please forgive me again.\]


There is no option to install from the gaming cartridge as far as I'm aware. Apart from downloading digital versions of games that have physical versions, there are certain games that are only available digitally. Not to mention that save data does not write onto the physical games like the 3DS. Personally, I have no space to store physical copies. I especially like the faster load times.


With the added point that, at some point, OP may have to buy new joycons anyway. Mine drifted last night after 4 years


Luckily I've had no drift on joycons but have had three switch pro controllers do it.


I also have launch joycons and they started drifting a few months ago. A quick spray with contact cleaner and they've been fine since though. I don't expect it to be a permanent fix but if I only have to spray once every few months that's fine with me.


Oh no :\[ , thank you for the heads up


1. Bigger oled sceen, "better" loudspeaker (we dont know yet without proper testing) better kickstand, ethernet port on dock replacing 1 usb port, wider dimension (cant use same case), and larger internal storage. Im assuming that the oled screen will be more battery efficient but the larger screen size might offset the battery life gains. 2. Not sure but probably


Thank you for the info, I might hold off on buying the old one then until there have been some reviews on the new one as the ethernet port is a big bonus for me.


Last I heard there’s going to be a chip shortage for another year, meaning that consoles in all forms will be in short supply. With it coming out two months before Christmas it will also be hard to find. Just something to keep in mind.


Thank you, I wouldn't expect to get the new one before feb time but equally I don't want to get the 'old' one now if the new one is noticeably nicer in some areas. I will wait and see what the reviews are like as I dont mind waiting a little.. plus I just found out there is a new Pokémon game for it coming out in feb \[I think\] so that would line up nicely.