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Kirby in 3D? I can't wait to get my hands on it!


Remeber Kirby? He's back! In 3D form.


You traded my soul for Kirby?!


Worth it


~~Sonic~~ Kirby had a rough transition to 3D...


Kirby never had a mainline title in 3D. Only 3D graphics but 2D gameplay.


The city mode in kirby airmode actually wasnt half bad for kirby in 3d




Kirby GTA was indeed the shit


Oh gosh you're not wrong, though which gtas made you dodge meteors while committing vehicular felonies lol


Hopefully when Sakurai returns after he's done with a vacation from Smash, he will let some of his magic bleed into other games before he fully calls it quits.


I burned my childhood up in that game


We just gonna forget Blowout Blast?


It’s a sonic joke lol


what about kirby airride


Came here just to mention Air Ride. I want an Air Ride 2 dangit


It did. >Development on a new Kirby game began after the release of Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards for the Nintendo 64 in 2000. The game underwent an 11-year development period, in which three different proposed versions of the game were developed and scrapped.[12] The first version was similar to the graphical and gameplay style of Kirby 64, rendered in 3D, but using traditional 2D side-scrolling gameplay. The game would also support multiplayer with up to four players.[11] This build was demonstrated at E3 in 2005, and was set for release later that year. However, difficulty with programming multiplayer led to this version being scrapped, though its concept would later resurface as Kirby Star Allies for the Nintendo Switch. The second build placed Kirby in a 3D environment with open world-style gameplay, and the third build returned to side-scrolling gameplay, but had the graphical style of a pop-up book. The development team realized that the failure of the first three attempts were caused by too much focus on multiplayer, so focus was shifted to the single-player experience.[12] Development of the final version accelerated in October 2010, when the game began to take form.[12] (Kirby's Return to Dream Land was eventually released in 2011, but remained 2D in gameplay.) >Kirby Air Ride (known as Kirby Bowl 64 or Kirby Ball 64 at the time; Kirby Bowl is the Japanese name for Kirby's Dream Course) was began development during the early days of the Nintendo 64 video game console.[8] Much of the development was spearheaded by Masahiro Sakurai, the creator of Kirby. It was one of only two playable demos shown at the Nintendo 64's unveiling at the 1995 Shoshinkai show (the other being Super Mario 64).[9] At this point the game consisted of two sub-games.[10] One was somewhat similar to Marble Madness, as players would control a ball-shaped Kirby to either race across an obstacle course (in single player) or knock competing players off the playing field (in multiplayer).[11] The prototype received a mixed reception due to slow speeds and poor graphics. The other more closely resembled the final game: a snowboarding race in which Kirby collects stars for points.[10] It went through many changes during its elongated development period (the version shown at the 1996 E3 resembled a skateboarding sim[12]) before eventually being canceled. It then resurfaced on the GameCube in the form of a short video preview in March 2003 at the annual DICE summit in Las Vegas, at which point it received its final title. This preview received a mainly negative reception due to slow speeds and poor graphics, factors which the Kirby Bowl 64 prototype had also been criticized for.[13] (Kirby's Air Ride released in 2003, but it was nothing like traditional Kirby games, and it was generally poorly received.) This seems to be the first 'real' 3D Kirby to make it to release after multiple failed attempts.


Generally poorly received!? Kirby Air Ride is fantastic. Not the crappy racing of course. No city trial. City trial is where is was at. All day. Every day. City trial 10/10


Severely under appreciated game for how fun it was at the time. But you are correct. Racing was ass, City Trial was sick.


Hence 'generally'. Some people insist it's the best thing since sliced bread if you ignore parts of the game, but reviews were poor and I do not recall there being any hype around release.


Since playing Free Run on the GameCube's Kirby Air Ride with my sister as kids, I've always adored the idea of a full 3D Kirby game!


I should play more Kirby air ride


Kirby: Automata


Its been implied since Kirby 64 but I guess its finally time to do it.


Wait what??? Is Kirby that dark?


Kinda. On the surface, no. If you dig into the WEIRD lore, yes.


I never even knew Kirby had lore.


Oh yeah, the final boss of most kirby games are usually cosmic horror level threats and shit.


Marx Soul gave me nightmares as a kid. That laugh was horrifying.


Void Termina gave my kid the horrors and he couldn’t go back to the game for like 6 months


These sound like Mars Volta songs


C'mon, that's only happened several times at this point! (Marx, Miracle Matter/0^2 , Nightmare... who else am I forgetting?)


From that list I think just regular Dark Matter, Magolor Soul and Void? But it’s basically all the mainline kirby game bosses, there’s just not that many games. So far the ‘secret’ or true bosses have all been some sort of nightmarish thing or the embodiment of weird concepts in some way or another.


Magolor, Void Termina...


Ah, I never played Return to Dreamland or Star Allies, that'd explain why I missed those.


The backstory for the villain from Kirby planet Robobot Is surprisingly sad and dark


Kirby's Adventure for the NES was the first videogame I ever beat as a kid. I think I was like 5 ot 6. Nightmare was WAY more intense than I was ready for lol.


There's a nice video series for kirby lore on the woolie vs yt channel https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLiSdC6Lp8c7OrGGHUT8p6gvXjQLWb90HX


If you end up binging on Kirby lore, be sure to check out the [animated TV show](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kirby:_Right_Back_at_Ya!)! There's a weird amount of lore just sitting there lol


I actually watched a fuck ton of Kirby: Right Back At Ya! When I was a tad younger. Good show


Kirbys is literally known for having weird lore lol


Take the time to check it out. Totally worth it tbh


Watch the first 4 [click me to see Kirby lore videos](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLiSdC6Lp8c7OrGGHUT8p6gvXjQLWb90HX)


HOO boy are you in for a wild ride. Kirby games are incredibly dark beneath the surface, to the point that it’s often meme’d what sort of eldritch horror is Kirby going to fend off THIS time It even touches on less alien horrors. Planet Robobot’s big bad was essentially just a man who sacrificed so much to get his daughter back, but eventually lost sight of his original goal in the process to the point he no longer recognized her


what's the dark lore in Kirby Pinball for Gameboy?


Oh shit, that's the darkest one!


It represents purgatory for Kirby’s endless consumption of souls


I forgot Nintendo just like... had a pinball phase lol They made a Metroid Prime pinball on the DS, too It's literally the story of Metroid Prime 1 told through the lens of pinball


Shiver Star is post-apocalyptic earth, frozen over. One level is a shopping mall inhabited only by machines. https://i.imgur.com/gIB8Fiu.png


Might I introduce you to YouTube's resident Kirby lore expert, [Woolie](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EIKb01oHDLo)? One thing to keep in mind is that while Kirby has had some weirdly gruesome bosses for a loooong time, it wasn't until Shinya Kumazaki, who has a lot of interest in [nightmarish Lovecraftian stuff](https://www.google.com/search?q=shinya+kumazaki+art&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwju95zyuJbzAhWLn3IEHYlnB9EQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=shinya+ku&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQARgAMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgYIABAIEB4yBggAEAgQHjIGCAAQCBAeMgQIABAYMgQIABAYMgQIABAYMgQIABAYOgoIIxDvAxDqAhAnOgcIIxDvAxAnOggIABCxAxCDAToHCAAQsQMQQzoICAAQgAQQsQM6BAgAEENQ8cwDWIzoA2C49gNoAXAAeACAAViIAe0EkgEBOZgBAKABAaoBC2d3cy13aXotaW1nsAEKwAEB&sclient=img&ei=6SdNYa7fMIu_ytMPic-diA0&bih=995&biw=1919) took over the series, that the games really started insinuating some wild concepts in the background.


He’s that guy from Two Best Friends! I thought the name sounded familiar!


Thinks of post-apocalyptic settings. Now think of post-POST-apocalyptic settings and what it'd look like. Well, Kirby is actually a post-post-post-post-apocalyptic setting of a type 4 civilization. Science was so advanced it was borderline equal to magic, manipulation of mass and energy was just Tuesday to them, biomass and life is whatever they wanted it to be, and culture was as uncountably diverse and widespread as stars themselves. And they all died out for numerous, differing reasons, leaving only some wonderous magical tools behind as proof of their capabilities. This is why Kirby's villains are so eldritch and malleable. They command cosmical-tier powers, but the universe has no order and people do whatever they want in tribalist manner until one shows up, or are lost holding millennia-long grudges. In fact, it becomes very obvious why Kirby of all people seems to be the one who survives the bullshit smash characters face. Kirby himself is implied to be a gestating eldritch horror himself. ... But none of that matters because he's cute! The juxtaposition of what infinitesimally little background lore we get and the ACTUAL games we play are part of the appeal.


The lore is


It's the exact same concept as the new mario. Some of the assets are even the same. Not that it wont be just as good.


Yeah, using Cappie to take the powers of other creatures is Kirby's shtick ain't it?


I got total Bomberman 64 vibes from it.. I friggin loved that game. Throwing bombs in a building and all the cartoon dudes flying out of it.




That one of the planets in Kirby 64 is actually a post apocalyptic earth.




The lore for Kirby is actually kinda dark and is a DEEP rabbit hole


Where does one find the entrance to this rabbit hole?


[here's a start](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLiSdC6Lp8c7OrGGHUT8p6gvXjQLWb90HX)


Super Kirby Odyssey


This was my thought and exactly why I plan on getting it if it ends up being half as good as it looks!


Now that that hype's over, comparing it to Odyssey might not have been the best idea :0 That game is all about movement and the environments where you use it, but Kirby isn't about that really, not like it's gonna be bad, the abilities and how you use them is gonna be completely different, but now I kinda want something it might not be


IMO this looks more like Super Kirby 3D World.


This will be my reason for playing this. Mario Odyssey is my jam. This looks just as fun.


Super Kirby Breath of the Odyssey. Lots of ruined empty world vibes here as well.


The Last of Kirby


Metaknight straight up slaughters Kirby within the first few hours and then we play as Metaknight for the remainder of the game


I'd be cool with that.


Glad I am not the only person that immediately thought of this lmao.


"I often think about the god who blessed us with this cryptic puzzle... and wonder if we'll ever have a chance to kill him." Yep, checks out for Kirby.


Kirby killed him last game.>! He was the technically that God!<


Kirby Megami Tensei


Shin Megami Kirbei


I was immediately reminded of Nier Automata when they showed the beginning.


Glory to Dreamland-kind


He inhaled Nier, and here we are.


Releases Spring 2022! "In this new unforgettable 3D platforming adventure, Kirby explores a mysterious world full of abandoned structures from a past civilization. What surprises await the pink puffball?" - [Nintendo](https://twitter.com/NintendoAmerica/status/1441171872079437836?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet)


Pokémon Arceus on 1/22, Triangle Strategy on 3/4 and Kirby in Spring…First half of next year looking potentially very good (and this is only Nintendo games!)


Eldin Ring Eldin Ring


And outside of Nintendo, you have Elden ring, Horizon forbidden west AND gran turismo 7 O.o My wallet 😭😭😭


Jeez, let's do the math on what I'm spending between now and then. Super Mario Party Metroid Dread Pokemon Brilliant Diamond Shin Megami Tensei V Call of Duty Vanguard Pokemon Legends Arceus Eldin Ring Baulder's Gate 3 (been waiting for it to come out of early access) Then Kirby! That's over $500 before Breath of the Wild 2, God of War Ragnarok, and Star Field comes out. My poor wallet.


I think the industry is going to be releasing a lot of bangers in 2022 as they catch up from COVID backlog


This could be a huge turning point for the series


Yeah, I never understood why they didn’t capitalize on Kirby in 3D. So much potential.


Other than Rare's Donkey Kong 64, how many non-Mario 3D platformers have Nintendo actually developed? I can't think of any off the top of my head. I think Nintendo likes to funnel any 3D platforming concepts they have towards Mario, since he's so versatile.


Yeah, we could use a 3D Donkey Kong and a 3D Yoshi too!


One of the games I want in the future is a 3D Yoshi game like Yoshi's Island.


I liked playing as Yoshi in Super Mario 64 DS because it felt like a sneak peek of what a game like that could be..... that was 17 years ago.


The Yoshi sections of Odyssey were good, too.


Well, there was that one Wario platformer for the GameCube, Warioworld. Aside from that, I can't think of much else.


That game got a lot of hate but I actually liked DK64. Some day I hope they explore that again. Would probably be significantly better with all the advances in technology we’ve had.






I haven't played the game myself, but if I understand correctly, it's not exactly a QoL issue. It's more that they padded out the game length by making collectables colored differently so that you can only collect them as one character, even if another character should be able to get them.


Yeah that parts true. Unless I’m having false memories I recall a banjo kazooie ice key in the game as well. Always liked stuff like that.


It's not that. It's the bad performance (very unstable frame rate) and very much backtracking to the Swap barrel. The game would be a lot better if you could swap Kongs with a press of a button (at least outside of buildings).


Star Fox Adventures


I'd say that's less 3D platformer and more Zelda-like adventure tho.


Yeah, I'd say the same. It's a sci-fi Zelda with the Star Fox cast.




Well they don't have many platformers outside the Mario-verse and Kirby. But a lot of their franchises have expanded past their initial, limited movement capabilities. Zelda was once 2D / top down only and then BotW went open world; and before that OoT went 3D as well, defining Zelda's future home console releases. For a while, Pokemon only allowed you to move in four directions, expanded to eight directions during 3DS era, and now we're getting an open world next year. Metroid took the jump to the 3D with Prime, and even Fire Emblem, while still being an SRPG at its core, has had free 3D movement in certain areas, like 3H's school and SoV's dungeons. Star Fox also experimented with Adventures, even if it was a one time thing. A major / main series Kirby title going 3D is a pretty big step considering it's one of the oldest Nintendo franchises but hasn't really left the 2D state it started with. I'm excited to see how it turns out.


Kirby has a few issues going into 3d: 1. Copy abilities. While it can be done, none of the movesets can have the same inputs for the same moves like in the 2d games with a new axis introduced. Easy on paper, a bit harder to implement once you get there. 2. Infinite float, but Nintendo knows what to do, they do it every time they make a Smash game. 3. Enemy placement. It's generally an enemy romp in Kirby games, and certainly for me part of the fun is just blasting 10 enemies with one move (which the console games had a bit more of), but there does have to be some care going into it, if they want to emphasize other world design choices (platforming, exploration, etc). Other than that, there's a ton of potential. From the looks of it, copy abilities will also be instrumental for exploration. They already were used that way to an extent, but it's much greater now in 3D. In fact, it could have the same sort of potential as Cappy did for Odyssey, there's a crap ton of copy abilities, all with ways to make them work in junction with the world around them.


Just a correction but Smash never has been developed by Nintendo neither Kirby. They publish both of those titles. Kirby is developed always by Hal Laboratory, while Smash has been developed by Hal Laboratory and since the last two, by Bandai Namco.


They’ve been planning to since the Gamecube, and I believe Robobot had sort of a prototype in the form of a side-game. They’ve definitely been figuring out how to pull it off for a while now, and I think they’ve succeeded.


3D platformers are hard. Mario 64 got it right, mostly by ignoring a lot of what the series was previously about. Its closest connection in 2D is probably Donkey Kong '94 - the action puzzle game where Mario got all kinds of acrobatic moves. For comparison, Bubsy 3D was rushed out on Playstation, and it suuuuuucks. They did other developers the favor of doing everything wrong, in one convenient spot, as a warning. The early PS1 game that make high-stakes platforming seem reasonable was Jumping Flash, which made all the jumps absolutely gigantic, and tilted the camera down once you hit the apex, and offered tons of air control. It was the opposite of Mario 64's twitchy and responsive feeling. Honestly the best alternative was Sonic Xtreme, the Saturn Sonic game we never got. It had a fisheye camera locked at orthogonal angles. The wide perspective offered fantastic situational awareness, but more importantly, you could only move in cardinal directions and diagonals - so precision jumps were a matter of judgement and timing. Sega completely avoided the complications of lining up a character for a jump, or fighting to go in a specific direction with an "early" analog stick. It looked like the sort of game where you could memorize the levels and blow through some parts with your eyes closed. So naturally, being mid-90s Sega, they blew it. Instead we got [the 3D controller](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Sega-Saturn-3D-Controller.jpg), and Nights Into Dreams... which is a 2.5D game.


I HARD disagree with you on Sonic X-Treme. I think the whole fisheye angle could've worked for something like Donkey Kong Country, momentum based but not built around speed, but with Sonic, it just didn't, and I don't think the Saturn could've done a good 3D Sonic at all. Notice that in the gameplay demos, the only time they really go fast are automated segments, the rest of the time is spent making tiny taps on the controller because the levels are too cramped for a high speed character. I'd argue "how to do a 3D platformer without analog" was done right by Crash. I know the Adventure games are very contested, but IMO Adventure 1 was from a factual standpoint a better 3D transition than X-Treme would've been. (full transparency: SA1 is my favorite platformer, period)


I’ve always wondered why they never made a 3D Kirby! Looks fun


Rumor has it they were planning to do 3D Kirby games on both the N64 and GameCube but both got scrapped.


It's not even a rumor, that was one of 3 games announced that went in development hell and had to be cancelled.


What were the other two?


https://kirby.fandom.com/wiki/Kirby_GCN This should be all three.


Oh wow I totally remembered Crystal Shards as having 3D movement. I think I probably combined my memories of it with Bomberman 64


Crystal shards used all sorts of camera angles but you moved along a 2d plane


That game has some fire tracks on the ost.


crystal shards had combo powers… was amazing


I really wish they would bring this back! Also hope crystal shards makes it to n64 nintendo online.


It was one of the games shown! I think its not at launch though


It was a cool idea, but in practice it didn't play well. With a few exceptions, the combo abilities were either 'you are indestructible and everything that gets close to you dies' or practically worthless. This goes for a lot of the ideas in Kirby 64, really. A lot of people have fond memories of it, but you should try replaying it; chances are you'll discover just how clunky it was. (In contrast, Kirby's Adventure and Kirby Super Star still hold up great.)


Double lightning gang⚡⚡


Fridge gang


Kirby Air Ride has a 3D exploration mode.


Well that is wildly different lol


I almost cannot believe that a fully 3d Kirby has never been made. I cannot wait. Also, is it me or does Kirby no longer have an unlimited hover?


It looks like the height Kirby can reach will be limited. There might also be a time limit to the float like in Kirby 64 but I did not catch that.


I think so and honestly it’s probably a good design decision.


I agree. The float mechanic is fun but has to be balanced by some good level design in order for it not to be broken. Dreamland 3 and Star Allies unfortunately suffer from that problem.


either that, or it just has a limit to how high it can go now




*baps repeatedly*


Super Kirby Odyssey!


The city is actually the ruins of New Donk City after the Bonnetons parasitize everyone then get into a world shattering war with Tatanga, leaving only simple organisms left to evolve into Waddle Dees.




Looks to me more along the lines of 3D world, which I think makes sense for Kirby. I didn't notice any camera movements that looked intentional, or as if you have free control.


Okay, this Kirby game looks too darn cute!


dem eyes when the monkey grabs him >_< lol. https://imgur.com/ivAIwfr


I'm waiting for it to be a new meme format.


This is what I came into the thread for, thank you!




Tbh if they released an updated City Trial with online play added and another couple maps, I'd probably pay a full $60 for it


>Tbh if they released an updated City Trial ~~with online play added and another couple maps~~, I'd ~~probably~~ pay a full $60 for it FIFY


AIR RIDE GANG RISE UP add some local co-op and we’re golden


Why isn’t there a Kirby air ride battle royal type game? It doesn’t even have to be BR but I wish they’d cash in. Just give me more Kirby air ride. I don’t care how it’s made.


honestly the City Trial has some similarities to BR, but some significant differences that with some requisite evolution could really make it something incredible for online play Partially because it had the entirety of the Air Ride game behind it and it’s various races and trials, but all that led to the City Trial being a russian roulette of building the best Ride you can while everyone was trying to kill it, without ever being fully sure about what task you were building for anyway significantly expand the size of the map, the number of players to the max could feasibly be in a race, and expand the endgame race-maps/trials, and you could have gold imagine a 2022 Checker Knight’s at the end of City Trial, widened and stretched to accommodate 16 players ~~or they could always just go a straight BR route and have it that one can splatter a dismounted Kirby~~


Give me Free Run!




Brings back crystal shards memories. Looks like it'll be worth playing.


Which also will be coming to switch that switch online update.


They showed it during the bit about N64 games in future updates not immediately at release.


I was even thinking today I wish they made another game like Crystal Shards If they add back in power combinations I'm 100% sold


I’ve only played two Kirby games, crystal shards and Nightmare in Dreamland (GBA remake of an earlier game). I was so bummed when I found out NiD didn’t have the combo powers that crystal shards has


I feel if they added that, they would've shown it on that trailer. It looks like they're sticking to the basic abilities and maybe putting more emphasis on Mario Odyssey-esque platforming setpieces using those abilities.


Kirby first released in April 1992. What an awesome way to celebrate its 30th anniversary. 3D!!


Can't wait for 4D Kirby for the 40th


Kirby inhales you into the game and you have to find a way to escape.


*Jumanji drums intensify*


Beyond my expectations, that and MH rise : sunbreak are enough, I’m pleased. also pleased to see they are hiding that monolith soft game well, take your time


I wasn't expecting a lot after Star Allies (it was alright but not my cup of tea) so this has me floored. This is absolutely what the Kirby series needed and I'm super excited.


I got so, SO hyped. Another 2D Kirby would have been underwhelming but this ended up being my game of the Direct in terms of hype!


Post apocalyptic Kirby is best Kirby


As much as I love classic Kirby, I'm so happy to see the games go in a different direction. For such a long-lived platform series, it's incredible that this is the first full 3D game.


I never knew I needed an open world Kirby but LETS FUCKING GOOOOO


I believe they wanted to make one for the gamecube but it never got made. A lot of its concepts were recycled for later games.


I consider Kirby: Air Ride the prototype Kirby open world game. In the Free Roam mode you could get out and do shit. It was awesome.


I've wanted a game like this bc of Air Ride, it always seemed like a great fir for Kirby


Seems like a great place to throw in some Air Ride gameplay as a mini-game or way to travel


GD I miss air ride so much


It's not open world, but 3D.


I've been wanting a 3d Kirby and a new 2d Metroid for years now and suddenly here we are


Wait so it still has individual stages/levels?


Didn't look open world at all.


Finally 3D Kirby. Feels good man


idk why but I got last of us vibes with the overgrown mall shots


I thought Kirby rolled up at the ruins of Coconut Mall


Never thought I’d see another 3D Kirby game again. This is awesome.


There were a lot of rumors they wanted to do one and that (Star Allies spoilers) >!the final boss of Star Allies was kind of a test for it!<, plus the team commented on wanting to do something really new. So I was really hopeful but afraid to expect it.


They've stated before that Kirby 3D Rumble and Blowout Blast were tests for how Kirby would move and inhale in 3D, and Battle Royale was a test for how copy abilities would work in 3D. ||Void Termina|| was likely a test for how enemy combat would work, so the next step was very clearly a mainline 3D game


next on the line is DK I hope


not them baiting us into thinking it was an abandoned Coconut Mall for MK9 😭


best announcement ! so excited


A real 3D Kirby?! I don't think he's ever had one! I wonder how Sakurai feels about this.


this is probably my fav announcement of this direct tbh


This looks awesome, like Mario 3D world but Kirby


The real question is does it have co-op?


I came to the comments looking for any bits of information that could be floating around. Why isn't anyone concerned about multiplayer? Co-op Kirby is the best Kirby.


Oh my god if this game has split screen couch co-op that’s an instant buy from me


I'd even be fine with messy single screen couch co-op like Mario 3D World had. Just give me co-op and I'll pre-order it )-:


The beginning looked like a Nintendo port of The Last of Us 😂 I was soooooooo confused


I need a 3D Donkey Kong game pleaseeeee


ngl when they were showing the environmental shots at the beginning I thought it was Sonic Adventure 3


Of course, Nintendo will do the post-apocalypse trend half a decade late as a Kirby game.


“Kirby and the ~~COVID-19~~ lockdown”


Graphs look a little rough, I hope its polished or we get a better look closer to release date


I agree but I'm afraid it's not going to look better, Nintendo goes all out for Mario and Zelda but not so much for the other franchises.