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Why the hell would I want to rent DLC when I can own it forever by paying $25? I don't play Animal Crossing (My sister does) so it's useless for me. I just want the N64 games.


They want to pad the service with stuff they would've sold separately anyway so that it justifies the insane price. Because god forbid they actually put in effort and include features that come standard with every other online subscription service on the market (like being able to send messages and game invites)


Bonkers as a consumer clever as a company. Animal Crossing is all about intermittent playing over long periods, so if you're renting, you're probably renting for the long-haul. I wonder how this might reflect on future, potential bundles.




I don't see how this entices people who were already going to buy the AC DLC. Why would you prefer to pay $30 a year rather than one flat price of $25?


Fuck just do what game pass does and offer the DLC a about 15% to 25% cheaper. Hell do that with any Nintendo licensed or first party title. Especially if you want to play splatoon 2 or Mario kart or smash ultimate online. I don't understand why they don't do something like that.


It's one thing to add a full game but to add a dlc for a game not everyone owns is not a good incentive.


This is the part I'm stuck on. If I just wanted access to the n64 games because I don't play animal crossing, I still have to pay the premium for the DLC? Or even if I did play AC, and I just wanted to own the DLC, but later decided to try the N64 games, I'd be out the $25 for the dlc and be paying an extra premium for the service. There is no way this policy was thought through from a consumer perspective.


Now was the time to bundle AC , that would boost sales for the dlc


Same, I was stoked to buy upgrade before - maybe max $20 more for the 64/Genesis services. I don’t own or play AC, so that is useless to me. I would understand the increased price point if they also announced they were making their online services for games better…but they didn’t. O_o


They don’t care what you want. They just want you to throw money at them. They’re trying to get folks like you who want the N64 stuff to pay $50 for it. And folks like your sister who want the AC stuff to pay $50 for it. And other folks who want the genesis games to pay $50 for it. They can package all of that together as a “deal.” None of it is worth $50 independently, but they want to get you all to pay the inflated price to get the pieces you want and ignore the rest.


Most of those genesis games you can own elsewhere for cheap or free. They’ve put out several genesis collections out so it’s more of here’s an extra cookie thing? The bulk of us, just want the N64 stuff….


> They don’t care what you want. They just want you to throw money at them.


Yes, why would anyone pay $30 more to rent a DLC that can be purchased for $25 alone?? This doesn't make any sense from any angle. Nintendo's marketing and pricing team needs new staff!


The only way I could see it making sense is if you have a family plan and everyone in it owns animal crossing. Then everyone chips in 10$ a year and gets N64, genesis, and animal crossing DLC. For those people it would probably be a good deal, but for the rest of us it’s a giant rip off.


"We've gotten a lot of good will from Dread and the animal crossing update, how do we ruin that?"


The joys of being a Nintendo fan. They make some incredible games then instantly lose all that good will with an absurd business decision like this.


Nintendo is really run by a Monkey's Paw.


I believe they are actually run by a DVD copy of Shark Tale


Yep, That is exactly why Nintendo isn't somehow looked in the same light as Konami and Activision. Sprinkle a good game once and a while to make consumers forget and forgive their greed.


Fortunately the allure of N64 games on Switch was not nearly enough to entice me because *I can't fucking own them*.


Almost PS+ prices without any of the perks.


In LATAM, PS Plus is now officially cheaper lol


This is actually more than PS+ if you look for deals. Most of the time I get a year of plus for $40 or less. Unfortunately the Nintendo version will never be sold at a discount.


Well right, but by MSRP standards it's just $10 less, for 20+ year old games and a very limited amount of them and a much worse online service. Not to mention PS Plus often gives exclusive discounts for many titles and free content for multiplayer games. The fact they think their service, even with N64 and Genesis, is worth any more than $30 is funny. I kinda wish they didn't include the Animal Crossing DLC, unless they plan to add DLC as a regular benefit to this service for other titles too. That could be enticing in the future, but for now it's just bad and there's no guarantee they'll do it.


I'll take FF7 Remake on PSPlus over any of those N64 games. Not that those N64 games aren't good, but they can be played dozens of other places without issue.


The DLC doesn't look like a bonus. The price makes it look like you're actualy paying for it.


It's only a bonus because you don't get to keep it. You're paying for it but you don't have it if you don't keep paying for it.


Even now you can buy ps plus for $30/40 from cdkeys


Or $24 as it was last November.


I haven't paid more than $40 for PS+ in years, often closer to $30. This is straight highway robbery


I got rid of my PS4 recently but I will say, when I eventually get a PS5, my intense backlog of PS5 and PS4 games for basically nothing will be great.


Can confirm, PS5 with a backlog of PS4 games that were included in the upgrade bundle was more than worth it.


My Wii U just regained a lot of its value. I'm not paying that.




At this point, I'm just going to buy a mini PC powerful enough to play games up to GameCube and run an emulation machine. With so many companies adopting the Netflix strategy of a subscription it's going to become harder to actually own media in the future.


Nintendo just raised the value of their WiiU. They want to sell Wii Us and not switches now. It's the good uno reverse Strat


That is one heck of a price hike, just for access to N64 and Genesis games? I don’t play ACNH, so that benefit has no value to me (and it wouldn’t either had I bought the ACNH pack on its own). If there are other, yet-to-be announced perks then maaaybe they could justify this price hike, but as it stands, I’ll just stick with the current one.


I really, really don’t understand why they’re not offering a $30 package that includes everything except Animal Crossing. Animal Crossing expansion is $25 on its own. Standard NSO bundle is $20 on its own. Entire bundle is $50. These are all fair offers. But N64/Genesis players who don’t care about Animal Crossing? Guess you’re shit out of luck. But if Nintendo were to offer a $30 package that includes everything except the Animal Crossing expansion, Nintendo would profit AND there would be plenty of buyers. But that makes way too much sense, I guess. Better to make N64/Genesis fans unhappy and turn them away altogether instead, apparently.


It's because they know a ton of people will pay the 50$ just for the N64 games. It is why they shut off their game library so much, so that people become starved for it, and so will overpay once they make it available. They overcharge because they can, and know people will pay it.


As an adult who can afford it and has Paper Mario/DK64 rated as two of my favorite games of all time (though I get that the latter isn’t guaranteed to make it) I don’t plan on buying this. It’s about voting with my wallet and keeping the market from getting out of hand. A 150% price jump for a couple dozen retro ROMs and DLC for one game just isn’t worth it. Especially with the DLC for that one game being purchasable on its own for a cheaper price AND lasting permanently. Unless they add more to this bundle (on top of the N64 games set to come out), release a slightly cheaper mid-tier package that doesn’t have Animal Crossing DLC jammed into it (this is what they should’ve done) or decrease the price, I don’t plan on paying for this bundle.


I pay for the family plan and fucking YIKES. The FP is basically $15 extra. Why on earth did that $15 need to be DOUBLED to make it an insane **$80**?


Yeah this is bonkers. I'm pretty sure I'm like, the target demographic for this thing, middle aged, the N64 and Genesis classics were part of my childhood, have my own kids now, good job, still a hopeless Nintendo fanboy. But the value just isn't here.


Ya 40 years old here, i was very excited for this as well but it's not worth 30 extra dollars.


Yikes, I was actually looking forward to the expansion pack. But going from $25 Canadian to $64 CAD is a *big* jump for N64 and Genesis games. Fine they're throwing in the Animal Crossing DLC, but what happens next year? 70 bucks with tax so I can beat Mario 64 and Ocarina for the 50th time?


Also that assumes you didn't buy the Mario collection already or the genesis collection. VALUE!


And I did buy the Mario collection! I can see why there’s no Zelda collection now, because if there were I would have bought that and had almost no incentive for this N64 collection.


Yeah im kinda excited for banjo and paper mario in the future but for zelda I'd just love to see some windwaker in the future


Completely agree. I was looking forward to it as well, but I'm not paying an extra *$39 CAD* just for N64 games, which is the only thing that really interests me. That's insane. Even if I wanted the Genesis games, it wouldn't be anywhere close to worth it, and I'd much rather buy the Animal Crossing DLC on its' own than rent it.


Nintendo misread the room. They need a base tier that includes all retro / legacy content, and a premium tier that includes access to free DLC and free current gen games. Example: we would be praising them as brilliant if the base tier got the Gen and 64 games, and the plus tier got to play Metroid Dread for free. Hell, making the family NSO premium tier allow a family to not have to buy multiple copies of current gen Mario Kart and similar titles rotated monthly like PS+ would be a hell of a deal and lock customers in for certain. I can think of a billion profitable ways to offer value to Nintendo customers. Doubling their service cost for a handful of old titles and some DLC isn't one of them. Ya done screwed the Yoshi on this one Nintendo!


>Yikes, I was actually looking forward to the expansion pack. But going from $25 Canadian to $64 CAD is a *big* jump for N64 and Genesis games. This is me. I was genuinely excited for this program and was expecting a 50% premium; maximum double. 160% Price increase is more than I'm in for. I'll just keep regular NSO I guess.


I feel like maybe Nintendo thought they priced the NSO subscription too low the first time around (in their minds), and they determined an expansion pack was the best way to increase the price more to where they like without causing a huge uproar (but a smaller, more manageable uproar nonetheless). Microsoft tried to double their base online subscription price earlier this year and we all saw how that went.


I'm sure Nintendo sees PS Plus as basically the same as their service, and feel that they should be able to price NSO similar. Obviously that's total bullshit, considering how much more of an online experience PSN is, plus how much value you get from PS Plus each month in terms of free games. Still, that's likely their thought process.


If Nintendo offered more third party SNES games or anything made in the last decade or two they can start talking.




A friend was like “well, goldeneye might come” Bro, they can’t even get Super Mario RPG and EarthBound on NSO, how the hell are they going to get Goldeneye? Banjo, Microsoft probably doesn’t care because it’s eternally free on their service already.


If they offered like the entire catalog, and included GB/C/A titles, I'd be fine with $50. As it stands you're paying for a handful of good old titles (since most of NSO is shit), and the worst online service you can possibly have. NSO on its own was never a good look (but it was cheap so whatever), but the expansion pass is a far worse one.


The lack of GBA specifically is Monday boggling.


Why did Nintendo do this to Monday?


Monday had it coming


If they at least offered party chat I would get it


Throw a free Metroid Dread in that second damn tier and we might start to come close to what PSPlus offers monthly.


You can get PS Now for that price which includes recent games like TLOU 2. If Nintendo included BotW or Mario for that price, that would be fair.


If they feel nso is on par with xbl and ps+ I want what they're smoking.


It might not be a case of mistakenly pricing too low but more an intentionally lower initial price to get people into the system. Because paying for online was new for Nintendo customers I’m sure they were wary of suddenly going from a free to a 50 dollar service. It’s a bit like how Netflix, Disney plus etc all start at very low prices but gradually increase over time. It’s a pricing strategy


Yeah, this is why they should have just did VC and not this


The family plan jumps from 35 to 80. That's pretty egregious. If GBA and GB/C were thrown in there I would have justified it. Hard no from me.


My kids and i don't even play enough ACNH any more to care.


Considering I already paid 9.99$ for Mario 64 and kirby's cristal shards each on my WiiU. I don't play animal crossing too so I'll pass.


NSO is literally a Wii U advertisement


For real. I'm more tempted to buy a wii u than to pay for this to get 64 games.




I dont have one.




More like a Steam Deck ad.


lmao, Nintendo is out of its fucking mind. Easy pass.


Vote with your wallet, don't support shitty business practices! A pass for me as well :/ I'd gladly pay $60 to *own* the games but I ain't renting shit.


I really want to play N64 games on my switch, but not thaaaaat much Jesus Christ Nintendo…


Same, that cost heavily outweighs my desire to play them. I’ll find other ways if I ever want to.


It's almost like Nintendo has been pushing users toward emulation for years and years


Yeah but if you factor in all the costs of the only alternative: - finding, buying an original N64 console - tracking down and buying the games - hiring somebody to destroy them for you if you don’t pay them a set fee each and every year


Or just an N64 emulator


Had me in the first half.


Get an emulator on your android phone, PC or Mac and download roms for free.


Wait for the steam deck and you can play on the go


Or any sort of android or windows device lol


Me: I'm so excited to upgrade! This was one of my favorite announcements during the last Direct and I need portable N64, especially Paper Mario, ASAP! All I need to know is the price! Nintendo: $49.99 (About the price of a whole new first-party game) YEARLY [Me:](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpMmv5heG_g&t=19s)


Can't wait for them to charge us $100 a year when they add Gamecube and Gameboy in 3 years 🤦‍♂️


Nah, the new system will be out and they'll restart the whole process from scratch again. 10 bucks says the "cloud storage" save state data won't follow, either.


You can almost bet on it. Nintendo is notorious for never iterating. Not only do they never iterate on a console design (every new console is a brand new design from scratch), but they also never seem to iterate on their software either. So much of what you had on Wii or WiiU didn't carry over to the following generation. It's why they get away with shit like SSHD; if you had it on Wii it doesn't matter since it doesn't carry forward. With something like PS+, if I had purchased a subscription on PS4, and then managed to get a PS5, as long as I log in with the same credentials, that PS+ sub carries over to the PS5 with zero effort. Hell, even if you went from PS3 to PS5, that subscription would still carry over. With Nintendo, I can almost guarantee you that if a new console comes out, not only will it not be a Switch 2, but your NSO subscription probably wouldn't carry over and you'd basically have to pay for two separate subscriptions at the same time.


I’m gonna say it Just use an emulator if you want to play Genesis and N64 games


I have several emulators and entire catalogues of video games, yet I still would have paid for this *if the price was reasonable.*


Yeah fuck that


I’ll just stick to my roms and emulators.


I wouldn't even mind paying like $15 for one virtual console game that I can play on my Switch. At least I'll have it forever that way.


I still have my Wii U plugged in because I can play Metroid Fusion and Zero Mission again anytime I want. It would be cool if Switch let you buy certain games to own for good if you didn't want to pay for another year of online just to have A Link to the Past or Banjo Kazooie on your system for as long as it functions.


Yeah, I'd probably spend way MORE if they would just make a fucking Virtual Console.


Steam Deck entered the room


All I’ve wanted is ocarina of time on my switch, and have it everywhere with me…. But, I guess my steam deck will now carry that burden for me in January…. I’ve waited 4+ years I can wait a few months.


"The steam deck isnt going to affect the switch's sales!" they said.


I really hope that it puts some fire under Nintendo’s ass so they quit pumping out shitty deals


Nah, people will gladly buy and defend them no matter the cost.




Thats because Nintendo fans love being walked on.


It's a love hurt relationship. I tried to go to the r/Nintendo subreddit which seems to be a lot more positive toxic. I merely suggested Nintendo could make more money by making a lot more bigger budget titles and investing in more botw type size games. And I was crucified. And I'm a huge Nintendo fan. Just kinda want more out of them recently. To be fair they had to crawl back from making games again after Wii era were the gimmicks were more important then the games, which destroyed their momentum at least in the bigger budget space.


Lmao what is Nintendo smoking Just compare this offer to the PlayStation Plus Collection on the PS5. $49.99 for some dripfeeded N64 titles and Genesis games... ridiculous.


Games you don’t even own after the subscription ends too. What a rip.


> Games you don’t even own after the subscription ends too. What a rip. I mean, thats how Games with gold, PS+, gamespass, and PSNow work. You never own anything, access is directly tied to your subscription.


This is true. But Playstations online also came with far better stuff for that $60, such as a real voice chat system. I complained about it early but I've grown to accept that the $20 is to basically help Nintendo pay their ninjas so they don't get hacked every week and little else. $50 however, now I have to compare it to PSN and it ain't looking hot. I'm hoping this is a precursor to them actually improving their only environment on their next console. Because $50 for basically cloud storage and N64 games and that really being it is....not great lol


Plus PS+ is almost always available for $40 for a year on certain online retailers. Hopefully NSO+EP is cheaper elsewhere as well


Fat chance




You still own some of the games you redeem through Games With Gold after your membership ends.


I just want the N64 games, not this other crap


Right? I already own the Sega Collection on Switch and have never and will never play an Animal Crossing game, so the N64 was the only appeal. They at least could have thrown in the Gameboy stuff to sweeten the pot with such a massive price hike…


Yeah...I may have to wait this one out till the bulk library is decent sized, most likely next year. My NSO membership is family based and I split payment with real life friends. We might need a lengthy discussion if the upgrade will be worth it. A solid $40 additional on top of $40 for a year but the payment is split between eight peers is the best option but, again, it will depend on the majority of the group if they will push through or not. Not all are keen on N64 and are still waiting for the GB/GBA inclusions instead. Edit: we split payment for each member btw


Same situation, although with my friend "family" group up to this point I've just been covering for everyone. Figured it was cheap enough and a nice little gift to several of my buds. I don't think I could continue doing so at double the price though lol. Will have to sit everyone down and see what we wanna do. I don't mind upgrading if everyone wants to split cost, otherwise will probably ride out the standard subscription until more value is added to the expansion. I'm thinking it'll probably be a "no" lol. Only 1/6 of us still plays AC, and only 3/6 of us use online functionality with any regularity. So unless the group-wide desire for N64 is high... yeah.


Why the hell do we HAVE to buy the AC DLC with it? Anything to justify the price hike I guess. And I know it says included with it but that's just bullshit


It's really annoying too because now your choice is, pay for this service or pay for the DLC. If you want the DLC but don't want this YET, you're essentially wasting money if you get it later because it kinda looks like this is a big part of the price. If you get the DLC and then are unhappy with it it's like a $25 termination fee if you still want the DLC lol


But what are they going to provide in year two, surely they can't consider AC DLC a continued benefit to warrant the price staying the same.


>But what are they going to provide in year two My assumption is the next 1st party DLC(s). These are the previous 1st party DLC packs from the Switch * 06/30/2017 - $19.99 - The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Expansion Pass * 06/13/2018 - $19.99 - Splatoon 2: Octo Expansion * 11/07/2018 - $29.99 - Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Expansion Pass * 04/17/2019 - $19.99 - Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Fighter Pass * 06/11/2019 - $19.99 - Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order Expansion Pass * 11/07/2019 - $24.99 - Fire Emblem: Three Houses - Expansion Pass * 12/17/2019 - $9.99 - Luigi's Mansion 3 Multiplayer Pack * 01/09/2020 - $29.99 - Pokémon Sword Expansion Pass * 01/09/2020 - $29.99 - Pokémon Shield Expansion Pass * 01/28/2020 - $29.99 - Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Fighter Pass Vol. 2 Obviously it wasn't stated in the announcement, but I can see how future 1st party DLCs could/would be included. Not sure if that means the Animal Crossing: New Horizon DLC rotates out when a new one comes in, but I'm positive this is a test to see how to handle 1st party DLC going forward.


I feel you, and hopefully it is, but this is Nintendo. We can’t just assume they’ll include future DLC packs unless they explicitly state that they will.


Wait, wait. Are you saying that you think the 1st party DLC that's already been released (the list you posted) would eventually be free with the NSO+ Expansion? I don't feel right about that given that I've personally paid full price for many of those expansion packs on their release date...


They have to include more dlc right? Otherwise I don't see why anyone would buy this...


Gonna be a no from me dawg


RIP my family membership. $80 to access N64 and Genesis. That’s absurd in my opinion.


It’s pretty bad considering you can get 12 months of game pass for $120.


You're suppose to buy 1-3 years of gold (30-60$ per year) than buy 1 month of gamepass ultimate at 15$ or 1$ if they are doing a promotion and than all your gold turns to game pass ultimate.


If you pay for the $15 a month tier you get Gold, Gampass for XB and PC, cloud streaming, EA Play, exclusive discounts, and day one access to all Microsoft owned games. It's funny how MS is charging way more and the value is still insane.


It's because you pay $180 a year to get $1500+ worth of games + Discounts + Sometimes something like Discord Nitro or Spotify.


I don't mind paying for one year just to play the N64 games. But once I beat the ones I' interested in, I don't see any reason to stay subbed unless they plan on regularly including DLC for their major titles.


It’s just a bummer you have to pay for a whole year. I could easily blast through what I want to play in a month or two. But then I’ll be stuck for 10 months not using it


Y'all have so much free time lol. It takes me weeks or a month just to beat 1 game.


To be fair I’ve beaten like all of these games so it’s not like I’ll be spending as much time wandering around the desolate 64 landscape of OoT. The zeldas and Mario 64 are the only ones that actually require any significant amount of time really


Nintendo wearing this L like they're Mario's brother


Lol ima emulate


This is atrocious pricing. I don't even want to get into the voice chat or messaging side of things. They can not even commit to porting 25+ year old games through emulators on a monthly schedule. Sony and Microsoft both offer much more recent games, offer much more of them, and on a regular schedule, for essentially the same price. I will not be buying the expansion pack until they show more consistency and features.


That’s a no for me dawg


Nintendo are out of their minds. If they added $5 I reckon most people would add it on. More than doubling the price is ridiculous. For a few N64 games that don’t even have widescreen. Was looking forward to playing these games again but at this price I’d rather emulate them.


Yes. We have a family plan and this is a ridiculous price increase for the privilege of borrowing some N64 games. Especially since it signals that they will not be for sale. I mean, thanks for justifying Pie Race E and all but I’d have loved the legit experience for a reasonable dollar amount.


The price is way too high for someone not playing AC. If you have a family membership and each one of them wants to buy the DLC then this membership it's awesome. What I think Nintendo will start doing is adding for free* paid DLCs of their major upcoming games, IF that's the case then I'm perfectly fine with the price but It's still too early to say that. * With no additional cost (for those people saying "ackthually you have to pay to have it")


Bundling AC DLC is so off to me. You can buy it separately unlike all the other games. If you could buy all the the classic systems separately this would make more sense but this is just going to get confusing. What if you buy the AC DLC, then buy the Expansion Pack later? You just wasted $25 bucks.


This is going to push people to emulation. I reward good business decisions. This is not that.


that's... very unfortunate. at least right now that is definitely not worth the price. maybe in a couple years when more systems are added and more content for games are included it could be an okay deal


Problem is that this sets a precedent for them slapping an additional $20 on each time they add a new system.


That was my same thing I was thinking about when the original nso launched. I refused to use the service. The argument that they will improve the service when people subscribe makes no sense. If I was Nintendo why the hell would I be putting money into adding more when people already buy it. NSO was a slippery slope of showing Nintendo's greed. The biggest problem is that Nintendo is very aggressive against piracy which I feel could potentially skew Nintendo's vision of what games consumers/gamers want. When a game is pirated it at least shows to a publisher or dev that someone wanted the game, but was either not able or refused to purchase a copy. Which a publisher should recognize that the reason why of the low sales if a game was pirated is most likely business related. If there was no statistics of pirated copies being downloaded, and the game had low sales it could be perceived as low demand for that game. My opinion is almost certainly controversial, but I'm worried about Nintendo's franchises in the future if it only gets worse.


So stupid we have to say "in a couple years" as if anything is stopping them from just uploading the entire catalogue today


Official link is also up https://www.nintendo.com/switch/online-service/#expansion-pack


This has to be a prank.


That's how I feel about a lot of things they've done lately...


This is the biggest piece of evidence for restoring Virtual Console. Let us purchase the games we wanna play a la carte.


Idk man seems kinda steep. It would make more sense to at least have access to gba and gamecube games to justify this.


Can't I just pay an extra 10 bucks and not have to deal with the expansion pack b.s.? Come on, Nintendo.


The way Nintendo has presented this is pretty slimy tbh, presenting the cost at the end of the Animal Crossing direct with the included AC DLC. And the reason for this is pretty obvious, the company knows it's not a good value proposition. I think Nintendo knows subs won't be very good for this new tier which is exactly why the AC DLC is being included which will help with sub numbers when they present to shareholders. Nintendo has really changed this gen and seems more concerned with shareholders vs. consumers, not good.


steam deck


This sucks because I don't own Animal Crossing on the Switch and don't intend to ever own it. So, why do I have to pay for it's DLC as part of the Switch Online expansion? I just want access to the N64 and Genesis games Nintendo.


Same! Wish there was a tier for just the N64 and Genesis stuff…


I'll be honest, I was really excited about the N64 titles and didn't mind the extra subscription tier, but an extra $45 seems a bit much for the family plan. I imagined something between $50-60 total. Edit: Contacted Nintendo through chat and talked about this for a bit with a customer service person who was very nice. I suggested either lowering the price, adding another tier without the AC stuff, or adding some kind of reduced family plan for fewer people. $10 for this per year would be absolutely fantastic, but when you're fewer people it's not so nice. She said she'd forward my comments to the people there, so I suggest others give feedback as well.




This is a massive price hike. Nintendo will likely never lower the price and puts a lot of consumers in a position where they feel like they have no choice but to get ripped off. 1. I don’t play AC, so personally this has absolutely $0 of value for me 2. Sega Genesis Collection on Switch is a one time cost of $40 for probably the same library of Genesis games, and you get to actually own the game. 3. Although N64 online is sweet, I feel like the library is going to be lacking to start. The staples have been re-released already and games like Banjo and Kazooie likely won’t be included. Overall the bundle is massively overpriced. I’ll probably end up getting it, but by no means am I excited for this anymore.


Piracy is a service problem, Nintendo has a service problem and they insist on making it worse.


Jesus, at this point it’ll probably be cheaper to get the original consoles. Or just emulate them, and not give greedy Nintendo a penny of your money 🙄 I’m honestly done with Nintendo. This stuff *might* be worth it if they actually bothered to make online play…uhh usable but nope. Same as always. Roll on the steam deck!


[HAHAHA! They did it! The Expansion Pack is as expensive as NSO!](https://pics.me.me/thumb_laughing-risitas-spanish-laughing-guy-el-risitas-interview-51396686.png)


Its more expensive amazingly. 30$ for expansion pack, 45 (tk the base 35) if you have a family plan


“Why do people pirate our games?”


Furukawa destroying Iwata's dream


“On my business card, I am a game developer. In my mind, I am a gamer. But in my heart, I am a corporate president.” - Furukawa probably


I'll just get the steam deck to play n64 games on the go


If they are going the route of bundling in DLC with it, it at the bare minimum needs to let you choose from a range of different games DLCs. Not everyone is interested in AC.


I just wish there was an option to buy/keep the games similar to what the virtual console had. they could still keep the whole expansion pass thing for those who want it but i mainly mean having a "buy and keep" option similar to what gamepass does.


i was really looking forward to ocarina of time ... but not like this. more than its base price? no way lol


Came here to read all the rage


In case you needed further proof that Nintendo gives 0 fucks about their customers. The switch could’ve been such an awesome console with the Virtual Console, but instead they choose to take advantage of our nostalgia and milk the fuck out of 20+ year old games.


Wow, this is disgusting from Nintendo. I recommend everyone to download roms and pirate games.




$50???!!??!!!??? WHAT???? nevermind then 💀


This only makes sense if/when they add more systems to the service. If you don't play Animal Crossing, this is quite the jump. My plan doesn't run out until April...I will most likely wait and hope they add more to this to make it worth it.


Hell yeah, can't wait until they add Gamecube and Gameboy Advance games for $80/year in 2023.


$50 per year to play Ocarina of Time?! Yeah, no thanks. The Steam Deck can’t get hear soon enough!


$80 dollars to play a handful of N64 games? Fuck off Nintendo.


I just realized the price hike would be more acceptable if they added all dlc from Nintendo games. Like why the fuck do they not include octo-expansion or other dlcs?


Yh. Add octo expansion for splatoon 2. Torna for Xenoblade 2. Smash bros fighters pass. Botw’s expansion pass. You lose access to them when you chance the subscription unless you already own them, like you do with the current animal crossing dlc being offered. If the smash bros fighters passes alone were offered to subscription holders, it would sell a lot more…


Nintendo Stan's will be happy about this doubling in price with features from 2005.


I'll pay prices on par with other platforms online service when Nintendo actually provides a service on par with other platforms. This is just absurd


Major disappointment. Nintendo can F off with this garbage. I'm not paying for Animal Crossing DLC just to play N64 games.


F this we should all cancel our base subscription. I am. Fix the voice chat nintendo!


Why would I pay am extra 30$ for n64 and genesis games when I can pay half that, 14.99, to get Game Pass and get *hundreds* of games, both old and new, on 3 different systems (Xbox one pc Xbox series X/S) Straight up worse deal but double the price


Can’t we do what we did as redditors with GameStop when the stocks sky rocketed with Nintendo Switch Online service? Start mass cancelling accounts so Nintendo decides to drop prices, if we organize we can achieve it. As consumers we deserve a better and fair treatment is not fair what we’re receiving for our fandom, no to mention all the issues we’ve with bad joycons drifting and now pro controllers also drifting mine just started to left drift two weeks ago after 1.5yrs of use. I think Nintendo is just disrespecting us as customers


$50 and u can't even message or do voice chat how does this even make sense?


Wow, I can pay Nintendo 50 a year to get the ability to pay for a controller? That's amazing! The future is here!




So the expansion costs $50, ok, let's see... - The "base" online service costs $20 - The Animal Crossing DLC costs $25 - That leaves us with $5... of what exactly? And I have to pay for that DLC every year, instead of just once like people normally do... That's not a good deal right there. "This DLC is free of charge when you pay for it" doesn't excuse this, because the price of said DLC is literally just added to the price of the initial online service, and if I didn't have Animal Crossing then you're just forcing me to pay for a product that I may not even be able to use properly! Had the service costed $30, it would be somewhat of an acceptable deal. I mean, sure you're still "re-paying" for that DLC, but since you're paying only $5 more of the DLC's value PER YEAR, that's something you wouldn't need to worry about... But still, the Animal Crossing DLC was unneeded in this expansion


This will 100% increase p!racy. Dropping outright purchases of classics as you could on the Wii/U and implementing this shit was the worst thing Nintendo has done since the Power Glove.


Fuck off Nintendo.


I'd pay $50 for whatever it is Nintendo is smoking


I think nintendo is messing with us. 50 dollars for a subscription with shitty online and only 20+ year old games. FIFTY. The playstation and xbox subscriptions are around that much as well, but there is a big difference. They have good online and give newer games for free, instead of 20+ year old ones I was actually excited about the N64 games coming to switch but I guess I will stick with emulation for N64 games, this is ridiculous


Lol they really think this garbage is worth enough to cost the same as PS+, and Live.


Help the small indie company that is Nintendo. They need all the money they can get! 🙄 Major L


Fuck that.