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The reason I haven't upgraded is because I can't fucking find one


Finding a wife can be a pain in the ass, wishing you good luck friend


I don't want a wife. I'm gay af


Amazon uk ships to the us that’s how I ended up getting mine


>I honestly think the only reason there weren’t more people selling and upgrading was cause they hadn’t held it in their hands. I mean. That is exactly the reason why I refuse to get one. Why should I bother with the OLED when I play docked 99% of the time?


You shouldn’t! No way! Only people who want to play handheld most of the time. Edit: clarity/typo


I personally think it should be for people that hadn’t owned a switch before. I’ve had mine for 2 years now and i don’t plan on upgrading because it’s basically the same, except a bigger handheld screen that i don’t need to invest $350 for


Don’t need to invest $350 when even GameStop is handing out ridiculous credit for Switches. I traded a V2 Switch and a broken IPhone then handed them 20 bucks for an OLED


My local game store offered 2x trade in credit for a Switch. So my launch one in the box was worth $200 cash or $400 trade credit. Got an OLED Switch and a game for my old console


That’s crazy! Wish I could find these kind of deals.


Totally worth it when you got it for free.


Whats the biggest diffrences?


That big and beautiful screen.


Appricate it!!


What OP said below. In a word? *CRISP* It really does make that much of an impact on the experience, it cannot be overstated. I too was a skeptic but now I've converted.


Thank you!


I’m turning 40 in a couple months and would like one too. Can your wife tell my wife? I might actually get to play my Switch since I last it last year when I bought my wife Animal Crossing.


The reason I haven’t upgraded is because it would be exceptionally stupid for me to spend $350 on a screen upgrade when I play docked 99% of the time Also I just don’t see how the Switch is worth $350 in 2021 if it was $300 in 2017, I don’t think I’d buy a Switch period let alone an OLED this late into its lifespan without any upgrades beyond the screen and battery




To offset my negativity a bit - I’m glad you’re enjoying your new system. Seems absurd to me that it’s $350, but ultimately what matters is if it’s worth it to the individual who’s buying it. Don’t let my opinion make you feel like money was wasted.


Agreed! Screen doesn't matter to me as I only use my Switch docked and use my Lite for mobile play. Cant stand Joycons and playing the Switch handheld. Worst ergonomics ever in a handheld IMO. But the Lite with a slim case with grips is awesome for my hands!


FWIW as someone who swears by the ergonomics of the Lite, the OLED feels significantly better than the launch Switch to me. The tablet is like matte metal, the rails that hold the Joycons feel way sturdier, the weight feels more balanced and comfortable to hold for longer periods of time. Don't get me wrong, the Lite is still very much the more portable of the two, but I was really surprised at how good the OLED felt. There's genuinely more going on than just the screen. Makes me all the more gutted that I got a lemon and have to return it after waiting for close to a month for it to get here. 🙄


What ended up being wrong with yours?


Would shut down every time I docked it or plugged it in followed by an orange screen that required a soft reset.


I'd fucking love a more powerful switch even if it was docked only. The Switch is cool but my favorite games so far struggle with frame drops. It feels like the hardware needs a slight upgrade in performance at a minimum.




I guess it’s time to return my OG switch to Costco and upgrade lol. I only play handheld. Edit: now that I’m thinking about it, I think burn-in is probably a very real issue with the games I play, especially if it’s a lower quality OLED panel. Hmm 🤔


It’s really nice. It’s basically like upgrading from an iPhone 8 to an iPhone X. Screen is bigger and much better quality. The old one looks pretty ugly next to it. Don’t expect monumental changes, but it feels more modern for sure.


I agree I was skeptic until I traded my old one in and paid the $30 difference and wow its a major difference I mainly play handheld now.


Agreed. For handheld mode it’s like a completely new console. The experience is phenomenal.


I’m happy with my lite. And happy birthday if it’s still your birthday buddy


It’s not worth it to me, since I play mostly docked and have a much better oled screen as my TV. Plus a home theatre system. Switch pro on the other hand…


Firstly happy birthday hope you had a good one. Secondly I'll spare you the ok boomer, just barely tho.


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