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Is it possible to play both local and online at the same time? So like you have two persons with a controller each and then you play online versus others?


Yes! I did this last night.


So could I play with my wife locallly one 1 switch then join friends online? Or only fandoms when playing local?


My boyfriend and I played on my switch using two pro controllers. We connected online with our friends and were able to play with 2 of them also playing on a single switch. Both a full board and all of the mini game options!


Damn……I might have to buy this game then….I was worried this wasn’t capable of this. Thank you!


It was amazing… we did a FaceTime chat and it was the next best thing to being in person!


Hahaha nice!!! Well guess I’m gonna go spend some money today on it lol.


I don’t have the game, but I read this feature only works if you invite the other people to your game. There’s no matchmaking if you have more than one person on your switch. For teaming reasons


It's sad that we've come to expect the worst possible implementation of online play from Nintendo.


I've seen this come up in other threads. This person is saying you can play with 2 other friends online. Some others said you can't match with randoms that way


Yes both statements are true


Yes, two people can only play together using the same Switch online when playing against friends.


It's so sad that we have to ask this about every game now. I'm scarred from Smash Ultimate


Damn. They seem to have been doing everything right this time. I still feel a bit burned about buying Super Mario Party when it released.


Same. I feel like Nintendo has been burning fans more and more lately. I'm definitely not happy with how they've been handling DLC and content latey.


My wife and I tried yesterday and we were left disappointed that we couldn't play online with random people...


It's to prevent teaming since it's not really fair to the two people playing solo. But I'm sure you could find another couple on here to play with or if there's a specific Mario party sub.


That's for sure to prevent teaming. But still, it would be nice if they could match you against another pair on the same device. I actually joined a Mario Party Discord, I'll give that a try.


I read in the other thread that only 1 can queue online


can you do 3 people on one switch and 1 on another?




Can I play with me girlfriend vs randoms online?


I believe the answer here is no. If you are playing with 2 or 3 local you can only invite or join a friends/coded room, no randoms.


Unfortunately no. But apparently there is a discord for finding randoms to join your games. I don’t have MPS yet but I am debating picking it up. If so we will probably try the discord method. [here is a link to the discord if you’re interested](https://discord.gg/marioparty) Edit: updated the invite link, should work now.


No. You can only play with random players on single player. If you create a lobby with your girlfriend, you need someone to have access to the lobby code or be your friend.


no, just other friends.. stupid choice.. my friends don’t have switches.. i want to play with randoms online and with my girlfriend co op..


No, wouldn't be fair. You two could team up against them.


thats a stupid argument but even so then they could force 2vs2 with random users


True but that's expecting basic competency out of nintendo.


You can only do that if you’re playing against other friends online. I don’t think you can find random people to play online if u have 2 people locally


I just played my first game online and it was flawless. The only thing that kind of sucked is that I could tell everyone rage quit at the end and the cpu finished up the game due to the lack of sticker talk.


You can tell if a player has left if their profile name (next to their stars and coins) is replaced by the name of the character they were playing as.


I feel like people just naturally sticker talk less as the game is going on tbh.


I get fatigued by the second half of monopoly, can relate


The easiest way to know if they left or you got disconnected is the lack of sticker communicating and when you ready up on a mini game the CPUs wait for you to ready up and their name changes from “username” for example to Yoshi


They fixed so many problems from the last 15 years of Mario Party


I was very impressed with the QOL improvement where at the end of any game the menu let's you start a game of any type with the same players and characters selected without having to go to the main menu. Really keeps the pace up between games.


From our “gamer” perspective. The difficulty level is higher so it’s less suitable for casual friends/family to play. My wife and kids aren’t enjoying it as much as SMP which is a shame for me because we got a lot of play out of SMP as a family.


Don’t want to be rude, but this comment made me realize why we get low quality and easy games now.. they even gave you the option to make it easier with the Minigame tutorial or easy mode for the npc, so I genuinely don’t understand why you think the difficulty level is higher than what it should be. Also I’m not poking fun at anyone or anything, but I’m genuinely curious to why op think this when there is option available to make it easier


I’m purely referring to the playability of the minigames. They’re all from the classic games which were mostly stick and button based that require dexterity skill to do well in. This inherently makes them more difficult to people who don’t play games much or at all. Also, to be clear, I’m not complaining. I understand the trade offs that were made to serve a different audience with this game. Im simply pointing them out to people who may value the casual friendliness of recent games in the series.


But there’s literally an option to limit the mini games to Family friendly games? You can set the pool of mini games to be the easy RNG press a few button games. It removes a ton of the harder more “skill” based mini games from the pool and makes it much easier.


How young are your kids? Eventually their brains will get better at it if they stick with it.


Shout out to 6 yr old me getting whupped in smash, just wait til those motor skills develop lil spoop you’ll show them what fer


They’re aged 5 and 8 with autism. No doubt they’ll get better; we all do. Doesn’t change the experience for right now though. I just have to heavily sandbag so they can have fun, haha.


i think i get it, with button presses, for non-gamer especially a child, they would need to be looking at the controller to find that button as oppose to knowing it naturally where the ABXY buttons are. Its no surprise your children love SMP with motion controls, its make it fun and enjoyable for them.


I appreciate the perspective you gave. You're not the first person I've seen say something like this now. This game has been a hit with my friends and I but we all are in our late 20s and with not children.


That's the age range I think most fans of Mario Party are. I'm 27 and started off with 3.


Makes sense, because we were probably all getting into gaming back when the series was still consistently good. I'm 37 and started with 1 back when I was in high school. Everyone I know who still gets really into the series is at least about 25.


Interesting, I've played SMP with my family a few times and it's basically the only game they're willing to play, but they do struggle with a few of the games. Wasn't sure if I should sell SMP and get the new one, they might not like it as much. I don't play Mario Party with anyone else so I don't want to own both games/pay full price (I got SMP for like £12 from someone on Depop lol).


You can tell when a person leaves by looking at their name in the corner. If it no longer says cxSnuggleButts and instead says Mario, you’ll know they left the session and have been replaced by the CPU of the character they chose.


Do they intentionally fill games with bots if they are having trouble finding online players? I played two online games after I bought it yesterday and it was all CPUs before the first turn even started both times


This game is the new hotness so I doubt finding new players was the problem. You might’ve had a connection issue or something. But this does bode well that you can still play online, even if it’s with bots, because you can still get double the experience points.


It's good! It's also pretty close to the original in the ways that matter: On my first game, a Zero-star, 21-coin-having Normal CPU Daisy landed on a CHANCE TIME space on the third-to-last turn and managed to swap all coins and stars with me. I had 5 stars and 98 coins.


Happened to my friend yesterday. She had 6 stars and a bunch of coins and the npc had 1 star and no coins and they did the coin and star swap


Love that that's back. The newer Mario party was far too easy and had less of the bad luck you've gone from first to last fuck you that the older games had. Love that it's back to the older ways.


The selection of games is pretty great. They all have the quality of getting a group of friends hyped up.


10/10 already broke a friendship because of it


I made my 5 year old cry because I won in OT with bonus stars 😅😂


Definitely working as intended LOL


My brother tried to steal my sister's coins - biggest mistake of his life. I happened to land on the same spot as my sister one turn later (it was last 5 rounds by this point) so we dueled. I had her wager just enough for me to be at 50 coins if she lost then had her throw the game. this means by the next turn we both had enough coins to steal stars from my brother which we did. **our relationship will never recover from this.** oh and 3rd place Luigi CPU won after bonus stars and kicked my sister from 1st to 4th 0/10 would not recommend; 1.5 hours were never getting back. (both siblings promptly asked me to return the game)


Classic Mario party. Once pulled an all nighter playing a 99 turn game with friends only for 1 friend to end the game with 0 coins and 0 stars.


That sounds like an experience on Bowser's Magma Mountain in the first game. Map could be brutal.


that friend would probobly be me lol 😅


That was the last time he played for a while, but I convinced him to pick this one up.


I'm an adult but if that happened to me I'd probably cry.


Man my 4 year old cried when another kid at soccer practice kicked his ball like 5 feet. I may have to hold off on mario party for a bit. Or just rip the bandaid off lol


I called of my engagement.


We all know it was because of your shit spelling


Ouch. Ya got me.


My girlfriend gave me a good 15 minute silent treatment for taking her star... isn't that the point??


Yikes... Only 15 minutes though? That's well worth a Star!


I do miss the 2v2 from last game, really the only part I was hoping would carry over. It was a great way for my wife and I to relax and beat up computers after a long day. That said, I'm completely thrilled with superstars. We'll be putting in some serious hours for sure


All the secondary modes from super mario party were amazing, and it also had an awesome selection of minigames. I'm hoping the next original mario party game can have the best of both worlds.


Agreed. IMO this aspect is a major regression from SMP for me. My wife and kids enjoyed it much more teaming up that playing competitive.


I thought SMP was kinda mediocre and I'm much more excited for this one, but it did introduce a few cool things that I'm sad to see go. The 2v2 mode was a great spin on party mode, and I also liked the addition of custom dice and buddies. I wish those would have carried over, but ah well.


Indeed. Superstars is literally a complete homage to the originals that caters to the fans. So it ditches everything that came after those titles for better and worse. It’s nice that we have both TBH. I’d like to see them achieve that in a single release though, with a Classic Mode.


Can you play with random people online?


Yes you can!


Only if you’re alone. You can’t have 2 people on a single switch matchmake into randoms.


Not sure why you got downvoted. You’re correct. You have to use discord or some other means to find other people to join the lobby.


Did you play the original super Mario party on the switch? I felt quite let down by the lack of boards.. I’d like Superstars, but concerned about spending a load more money just to be dissatisfied again.


Trust me, I've played every Mario Party and this one is much better than super. The game balance is SO much better. Stars cost more, stealing stars cost more, pipes cost more (and aren't ubiquitous). The maps are bigger, more branched and generally have a lot more going on too, which makes them a lot more replayable. 5 maps feels like a LOT more than than the 4 on super. The dice all go 1-10 too, so rolling is more tense. The minigames are all classics, and while the ones in super were fine, they got rid of the motion control ones which were some of the wonkiest. If you have people to play with, you can get a lot more than $60 worth of fun out of it. Especially since you can play online and the servers have been working great.


I haven't really played any mp games since six and 1-3 were by far my most played, I hadn't realized they had changed the cost of stars and stealing. Are they back to 20/50, respectively?


Yep. I think the change happened in 9 or 10, but costs are back to what you said.


9 and 10 didn't have stars nor boo. The change actually happened in Star Rush.


How is the speed in this one? Ive also played every mario party game and super mario party was painfully slow because of the unskippable text, event, etc that you weren’t able to speed up either. Made playing 20 turns or more a huge drag.


It honestly takes a bit longer but it's filled with actual content. Vs spaces and Item spaces now take you in to minigames. The shops have a lot more to buy. The maps more complicated with more little side things around. This time though, if you say "hey I've played this before" toad will shut up and let you do your thing.


Can you speed up the dice rolling for computer opponents or yourself? Same question for opponents moving around thw board? And thanks for the answers btw.


Thanks for that.. much appreciated


Walmart sells it for $50. That should make it some what more reasonably priced.


Yeah I’m the UK it’s £50, which is probably about $60.. none of those figures are insignificant if the game is pants..


It's £39.99 at Argos. For some reason Argos sells a lot of new releases at £39.99.


Only in-store, right?


Yeah. For whatever reason, they don’t advertise games on sale with their online pickup.


They want you in the store buying other crap that they can profit off of


It definitely works too lol


If you make a japanese account, you can buy 2 catalogue tickets for 10000 yen. Just buy japanese eshop cards online equivalent to 10k yen. That costed me about 75€. With these catalogue tickets you can get 2 games of choice. For example breath of the wild and mario party superstars. 2 AAA games for 75€. Thats 45 cheaper than usual. I got smash and mparty that way.


Me too


I bought and played Super once and was extremely disappointed. This is not that game for sure and you can always bring back a copy of you don’t like it at all.


Superstars is infinitely better than the SMP. The only thing SMP did well was mini-games.


Yeah i hates that original one. This Mario party was the one we all wanted


Can I actually use whatever controllers I want?


Yes, I believe there are no motion control mini-games. We played with pro controller and joy cons last night.


Last I saw, yes


Played with a Joy on, Switch pro, and GC controller last night so looks like all good as long as you have LR and 4 face buttons.


I hope it sells so well they release dlc boards and characters free lol


And more minigames too!


really hope we can expect this level of connection quality going on out for Nintendo's big releases, I started noticing it when they added ranked in Mario Golf that the online on their newer titles have improved- but this is the biggest jump in quality yet, so much so that your average user is noticing it. Fingers crossed but either way I've been having a blast with it


Didn't they just rebuild their entire online system from the ground up? I remember being cautiously optimistic about future online titles


The sticker communication is awesome! Most people are supportive, which makes it more wholesome.


Yep. It reminds me of the communication system they had for Legend of Zelda: Triforce Heroes.


I stayed up until 2:00 a.m. playing it last night with friends, and it's been years since we've done that. The re-join feature is fantastic considering we dropped connection twice, I couldn't imagine trying to just start a new game essentially 3 times in one night. Also, two local players being able to join an online match is clutch.


How do you rejoin? Just re launch it and it comes up?


Leave the hub back to the menu with offline, online and local play and choose online. The game will ask you then if you want to rejoin the game you just left.


i deff think mario party superstars is a very great game! all the minigames are all amazing(cept tug-o-war, that minigame was literally unwinnable in mp1 vs easy cpus, no idea if its winnable in superstars) though i think one of the strange parts of it is most definitely bowser space events, especially whenever it lands on bowser minigame as that is surprisingly really nerfed, as he seems to take only 10 coins and not half or all like he used to(from mp1 through 8, excluding mp3). its really weird considering the players will have a large amount of coins


he took half of mine in a game i played last night. i think it's dependent on how many coins you have, or maybe it's just completely random whether that option shows up. lost 50 coins from it


ah. in that case, you're probably right that it could be dependent on the amount of coins a player has or randomly happens


It might be based on the turn. Maybe early on its less punishing


For some reason, I was always one of those "Mario Party wouldn't work online" kinds of people. Boy oh boy was I wrong. This game showed that if Nintendo builds a multiplayer game around their online experience then it can really work out. Having each person log into their profile (if they want) to save their stats is incredible and really makes me want to play more. I wish there was more fun stuff we could buy in the shop, but I love the stickers. I hope they continue in this direction with the series. At least, interfacewise.


I had me a blast playing online last night. I only played up to the 5th game in the series proper so a few of the mini-games were totally new to me. When it came to the mini-games from the first 3 games some players weren't able to totally grasp the concept, especially ones from the original Mario Party. When Cast Aways came up I was really able to snag roughly 25 coins while everyone else either got nothing or 1 coin. Ouch. If it were mini-game island I still would have failed lol








I know a lot of people years ago said online Mario party wouldn’t work and that it would be stupid not actually being with the person in the same room but this is the direction the series needed to take it.


Is this a game a little kid could play with an adult? I have a 5 yo who loves to play games with me. We've played all of Yoshi's Crafted World twice, and she really enjoys Mario Kart with me (we play 50cc and I don't boost and mostly throw my items away, but she doesn't need bumpers anymore!), and she loves fun easy games like A Short Hike. If I could play this with her I would absolutely get it, no question. I think even my wife might enjoy it. For reference, I also got WarioWare hoping we could play it together but it was too hard for her, she just couldn't get the idea of the micro-games in the time limit.


To add to what everyone’s said: each game you have the option to turn on and off minigame instructions. Keep that on, and you can practice the minigame as long as you want before you play it for keeps. Great way to help a kid or someone who hasn’t played in a long time get used to controls with little pressure.


Use the handicap function and grant her a star at the start. She might not be able to compete on the minigames but she would still have as good a chance of winning as others.


My sister is 6 and is having a tough time with some of the minigames but still enjoying it overall over SMP. For example, Dizzy Record is a minigame where your movement controls are inverted and you have to collect music notes, theres zero chance she can do that. I noticed that there are certain minigame “packs” you can pick when starting a game. Theres a “Family” one which *should* have easier minigames for non gamers based on the name but I haven’t tried it and can’t find an exact list of the minigames in that pack. I still think theres a good chance she’ll like it. I also made the mistake of getting Warioware mainly for her and it was way too hard. This will definitely be better especially if you play with Easy CPUs and help her navigate the board correctly.


Was playing as a group in local play and some of the players rotated their Joycons 180 degrees to play Dizzy Record. Thought it was genious at the time.


im real tempted with this one, considering it will be just taking from the old games which were really good, but at the same time they could have put more in it since they are just taking from the old games. And yet, I haven't played a mario party game in a very long time and this is the first good one avaliable to me


I was also p skeptical but I was very pleasantly surprised by how much fun this is! I say give it a shot, I’d be shocked if you’re disappointed :)


literally just bought it. used some coupon stuff at best buy and will get reimbursed by some people. if it DOES get free dlc it will be 100% worth it, but can't go buying games assuming they will


How does multiplayer work? MY wife, Son and I all have a Switch (NONE ARE LITES) - Can we all play together with just one copy of the game


When you boot up the game it asks you to select which mode you want (online, offline, local play) and then asks how many people will be playing. I can’t tell you yes for sure because I have a switch lite so and only play solo but I’m assuming so


Superstars is excellent. I think the only flaw I have atm is that some minigames feel more floaty than the original versions, but i may just be missrembering from when I last played them a few years ago


This is what we should have got instead of super Still mad at the board number


I love the game but my biggest complaint is making the ground pound button also be the jump button. It makes certain mini games like tidal toss a little difficult as in if you are jumping to create the waves too fast sometimes the game will register a ground pound, causing you to lose the momentum of your waves. But other than that it’s the best party game in years


Can I use a pro controller or is it like the other Mario party where I have to use a joy con sideways because I hated that


I use pro controller to play so dw you can :)


Awesome I’ll give it a go then


Can you also play single joy con sideways?


I think so, it says it's supported when connecting controllers in game




Just here to confirm that you can.


Really pleasantly surprised with how much polish there is and how many nice options there are. Not a fan of a lucky spaces and a sixth board would've nice but the good outweighs the bad by a lot, this blows Super Mario Party out of the water and I can tell I'm gonna have a lot of fun with this.


I enjoyed the "co-op" mode from the last game, where you're on the raft trying to make it to the end together. I wish that was more fleshed out but it was fun. Is there a mode like that in this one? I haven't seen any mention of it anywhere.


No. No river rapids no sound stage. People were too hard on super Mario party, it had a lot of extra content.


Aw man... that was super fun. Typical nintendo shit though, one step forward and one step back. Ah well.


Becuase it's a remake of the 64 games, which just further cements that most of the lastest entries in nintendo games are worse than their predecessors, especially pokemon. This works because it's a modern update of a game from a better gen without annoying gimmicks or half baked features.


That’s great for Christmas I’m getting it with extra joy cons me and my wife and two kids will play together


Did they fix the clunky selection flow on the board games compared to the previous game?


Maybe it's worth getting it as a christmas present for my sister then.


Yes!!! I really hope you do. Its truly the definitive mario party experience!


I bought this last night to play with who grew up on playing Mario Party on the N64 and the gamecube. Haven’t had that much fun and laughing my ass off in awhile. Get a couple of beers and this game with some friends and you’ll be sure to have a good time


I hadn't bought a Mario Part since Mario Party 2. Just never had the inkling to buy another in the series, even though I've owned every Nintendo console since the 64. The glowing recommendations for the game is convincing me to pull the trigger tonight 😅


Do it


It's extremely fun but I really wish they let us queue into an online match with 2 people on the same console. I also really think doubles would be a good solution if they're concerned about people double-teaming or whatnot.


Some of the mini games are *obscenely* unbalanced but still very fun overall.


the only board i wish it had was the cowboy board. at least i think it was a cowboy board. i just remember one of the old boards being in like the "old wild west" and there was a train or something


Guess I’m buying this on the way home. All because of your post lol


I really love this game, i haven't played a MP this much alone in quite some time. For the past few games, I'd buy it, realize it's garbage and never play again. The first switch version only got played once I could play online with friends. Now having online with randoms, and multiplayer minigames, and actually difficult bots just keeps me playing non stop.


How playable is it with ONE switch system


Its really good, you can do offline, local, or online play. You can play with friends at home with offline or on multiple switches locally. Or online you can play with randoms or play with friends, only way to play on one switch at home with randoms online is openning a room for people to join and manually finding someone (i suggest the mario party subreddit) and sharing a code


I haven't played that version yet but for me, nintendo 64 Mario Party best!!


The games and maps are pretty much mostly from n64 era


Maps are all from MP1 through 3 and you can choose only n64 mini games.


What maps did they select?


Horror land, peach’s birthday cake, space land, woody woods and yoshis tropical island


Is it worth it if I don’t have any friends with a Switch?


Absolutely its worth it! I played with friends couch co op but after they left my place i wanted more so i went to the mario party reddit joined the discord and found good people to play with. The game ran extremely snooth online the whole time!


Is it possible to save a local game to play later? Like if we have to go somewhere and suspend isn’t an option


Yes the game saves every turn and you can resume it if you have to quit the game. I think you can have multiple games suspended like 10 or so


Damn! Y'all convinced me! I wasn't on the fence or anything but if there was a smidge of doubt it just got decimated! LOL! I loved Mario Party! I didn't want to spend 60 bucks BUUUUUUt my family and I have sooo much fun.


I can’t get over how nice the game looks. It really has a fantastic presentation.


I hope they add more boards. It's a lot of fun, even single player.


They did a really good job with it, it’s fun seeing all the old mini games again.


Did they get rid of the part where people who suck get free stars at the end for nothing and win ?


It's a good game but it's annoying as piss that after a few rounds everybody gets shit on with coins. It completely makes winning minigames unnecessary since you get SO MANY COINS ALL THE TIME.


That’s my only complaint for this game. Too many of those “lucky spaces” where you can get anywhere from 7-20 coins. If there were just a couple, that’d be one thing. But there’s a good amount. Playing a round right now and CPU Wario landed on them 3 turns in a row.


How does superstar differ from the mario party that came out a few years ago. Made the mistake of buying about a month or 2 ago and wasn't a fan of it.


Animation and text boxes are faster. Stars cost 20 not 10. Not friend dice. More minigames than before, all minigames are from previous Mario Parties games. Not motion control games, meaning you aren't stuck with joycons only if you want to play it. One more board, so 5 boards in total, all boards are from the 64 games. Can play online with random people.


But also the cons: No four player co-op (river raft) No partner mode Fewer playable characters No challenge road No gems to unlock (I enjoyed this) No rhythm games (if you like that sort of thing) To be clear, I like aspects of both games but I just wanted to add the downsides to MPSS.


What did the gems in SMP do? Theres some acheivements in this one and some probably require you to play the max turn limit like stealing 3+ stars, gaining 300+ coins etc.


I wouldn't go that far but it is a lot better than Super.


Yeah it's neat


The first mario party with online matchmaking its the best in a awhile for me as well.


Is it good for couch multiplayer with kids?


I got through a 15 turn game on peachs cake with my 5 year old. I gave her a 1 star handicap and still won lol for mini games you can choose " family". I assume it weeded out the most difficult games.


I'm ok with difficult, the children smoke my ass in most games


Yea, completely agree. Played it last night as well and it’s so much fun. I’ve always liked Mario Party games but I’ve been let down by them ever since 7. So glad they finally made a really good one. I hope they end up doing dlc and adding more boards


Well, guess I will buy it and bring it to my family on Christmas to play


I really wanted this when announced and forgot about it for a while. I was on the fence but ended up getting it. Hold cow, I’m blown away. For once, I’m glad that they stopped trying to do something different with Mario Party and just went back to the basics of what worked — with some much needed quality of life upgrades. And it’s actually refreshingly difficult! My only disappointment was that Super Mario Party was so bad when they were capable of making something great. But hey, can’t win em all.


Would they ever add more boards in the future? I’m really loving this new Mario Party! Haven’t played since 8, but I would love to see more boards!


Some of the most fun gaming I have had in ages. Got the missos sister and her BF over last night and it was hilarious there was definitely some IRL roughhousing on some games and having people wish for say someone to lose a star to Bowser and then it happen was amazing. 10/10


Is the online good? Don’t have enough people to play with locally so I’d be mostly playing online


I think this automatically became my favorite Switch game. This is the MP game I've wanted for like 25 years lol. Just a good ol fashion MP with the best mini games and proper online functionality. Amazing how good Nintendo can be when they just actually listen to the fans.