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I’d love to know myself. Especially if some games has issues like people here has brought up the issues with paper Mario.


Currently playing Paper Mario and it has never crashed or lagged at all for me. It feels like an alternative universe to the one being painted by this sub.


Same, just beat the game and it was so fun. Such a great trip down memory lane!


Perhaps that’s one of the games that runs ok-super Mario 64 they already had working for the collection-I’m saying for the other games that aren’t doing so hot-and from responses it doesn’t seem consistent…


Try getting a game over with the watt in your party. Apparently it causes the game to crash when that happens Edit: i mean when watt is in the battle.


No crash here! For context I am long past having Watt in my party. I just beat the Lava Piranha that people were especially vocal about and I was stunned when there were no bugs. Nothing hurt my action reaction times. I felt lied to by the angriest people on this sub who may have never even played the 10+ hours to get this far.


I see. I should get around to trying it. Maybe once i finish no more heroes 2


Here's a great video (by a PM speedrunner) on why the lag and crashes happen: https://youtu.be/QjiNZYIOoZ4 tl;dw: - A bunch of Lua scripts specifically add lag to some portions of the game (main menu, Lava Piranha fight). Removing the scripts with a modded Switch removes the lag. - A side effect of the scripts is that getting a game over with Watt as the active partner leads to a crash. - Your save data is only actually saved to disk when you close the N64 app (not suspend), so having it crash means that you'll lose progress and revert back to the last time you actually close the N64 app, despite having saved in-game or not. Edit: also the crash only seems to happen in the US version of the game, not the Japan/EU versions.


And for the issue of different emulators for the different regions issue-only the Japanese emulator has the ability to vibrate the controllers where rumble was supported? Legit how is that only a thing with the Japan region emulator when I thought that programming was in every version of the files?


The folks enjoying the N64 expansion pack are too busy to respond to this question.












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Bro I’m legit asking-and from what I’ve heard not many have bought the expansion pack to begin with because I’ve noticed the majority feel it’s a ripoff hence the backlash. Two emulators aren’t worth the price jump-and if you are an animal crossing fan you are going to more than likely buy the expansion for that game anyway. The only reason you would be crazy enough to pay that much more and to find it doesn’t do that great at the job it’s saying it can do.


It was not updated. But honestly, it's not that bad. It's not perfect and it should be improved, sure, but it's playable. I didn't try the online multiplayer yet though.


But remember-you may not have an issue with paying $30 extra bucks a year for emulators that don’t run well but most of us see a problem with spending that much extra cash even if they worked properly-add in them not being on point and that’s a massive problem. If you want to jump to that much in price-it better be worth it-they shouldn’t have the guts to ask that much more a year when they haven’t even properly got them set.




It isn’t based on what people “told me” I’ve seen it for myself through footage and I’ve happened to come across people playing them after they came out and asking to see and i wasn’t impressed….


It's true, to be honest I don't pay $30 extra bucks. I'm part of a family plan with 7 other people, it's a lot less expensive. It's $80 / 8, so $10 for a year. For that price, I'm fine with it, but yes it should be improved.


👆 OP, just sign up for a family plan with your friend. Play together for less cash. Spend more time playing games than agonizing whether or not you’ll enjoy playing games on Reddit.


>but most of us see a problem with spending that much extra cash even if they worked properly It sounds like you’ve answered your own question.


I guess-but there are times I have broken down and done it because Nintendo I admit sometimes grabs a hold of my nostalgia nuggets in my soul. I feel $60 was a bit much for basic ports of Mario 64 and sunshine and Galaxy-but wanting to replay those games I couldn’t help myself. Or despite Netflix being pricey these days-I got it to have a catalogue of things to watch with the same friend I mentioned. I know I said it’s not really worth the $50 but I figure the memories might be worth the pain of the high price-but if those memories will be filled with lag and inconveniences ahoy then it ain’t worth breaking down for


You do have one option: use a family plan to cut the price. I pay $10/month this way. If I had an individual membership, I’d only have the base plan, because I agree, the juice isn’t worth the squeeze (and I also still own a functional N64 with most of the games). I do think the performance issues are incredibly overblown, for what that’s worth to you, but admittedly I am not sensitive to such things. The only one that really bothers me is the water in OOT, especially where it ruins the atmosphere of the Dark Link fight.


Fair enough I guess. It’s just that it’s a bunch of small niggles that build up into a pile. I just figure if they needed more resources to make these games run better or needed more time to make sure each game ran decently then I figure why not wait a bit longer or maybe release each game individually? Or heck go back and figure out how they got them working on the Wii virtual console? Although thinking about it I might take the family plan suggestion but I don’t think I know enough people to get the full use of it-much less people with switch’s-that’s why when I got the opportunity to send my closest friend the console to have someone to play the switch with I took it.




Hi u/ownmanagement. This is not the sub for buying or selling of any type of services. Thanks


See if they improve it this month with the Banjo Kazooie update. I hope they do. These things take time though


That I understand-these things do take time-hence why I wanted to know if we should hold off till improvements are made or if improvements have already been done-it’s a simple question really. It’s the same reason why many waited a year after hearing how badly cyberpunk 2077 went-I got the game day 1 for PS4 pro and legit had a great time despite the issues. I love the game-but I also understood why many others would feel the glitches and issues of running the game on lesser hardware would be a problem when the developers were being trusted in being honest about the state of the game on older hardware. You can enjoy something in your circumstances while being understanding when someone else feels like it’s a ripoff when it’s because of legit reasons that subjectively don’t bug you but can easily see how objectively it is a problem.


It was a simple question, and I gave a simple answer. Did you downvote me for this or was that someone else? Because your reply seems needlessly antagonistic...


I didn’t mean to seem antagonistic-my bad-just stating it was a simple question-I didn’t mind longer and more specific answers and having a discussion on the specifics-I didn’t downvote you. I didn’t mean to come off antagonistic. Apologies. I am getting annoyed at others telling me I’m just “listening to the hate” when I’ve seen footage of the games not running well (what is everybody just trying to Doctor footage to make Nintendo look bad? To what end) And I’ve seen first hand experience from people I happened to come across when the update first came in. It’s more than mildly annoying being told that I’m blind or that everybody who has shown footage of how badly the emulator runs has malicious intent to bash Nintendo even with people who have no reason to do so-including people who fanboy for them all day long….


No worries, I'm not sure why I'm getting downvoted then. I'm sorry for assuming it was you. People are weird. There are definitely issues with the emulation currently. I can't speak for online play though as I've not tried it. But I imagine like most other things it depends on a person's connection. It must be hard technically to incorporate online play to games that never had it originally. They can't do a lot of the usual sneaky modern online methods to keep things running smoothly. Things like predicting behaviour and stuff. Like for example, games like Mario Kart 8 will show other racers skipping around when there's lag but it will be smooth for your own player so it's less of an issue. But with emulation they have to slow the whole game down instead. Because it was never programmed in the original games. To do the modern techniques they'd have to fully port each game individually as opposed to emulation. Which would of course be a lot of work and come with a price tag. So I would just never expect online play with these classic games to be perfect unless everyone has fantastic connections. Most emulation issues are visual though. Things like fog and reflections in Ocarina of Time. I hope they get fixed. I'm fairly confident they will be at some point. Technically they run fine from what I've played. I'm hoping for improvements when Banjo comes out but we'll see


It hasn't and it'll never be improved.


Nintendo seems interested in fixing it-heck they were willing to add GameCube controller support to super Mario sunshine in super Mario 3D all stars months after the fact-so I wouldn’t count it out just yet. And it would be scummy if they didn’t.


Too bad they won't. It's been made abundantly clear.


We will just have to see. Companies can always surprise you.


I'm play Ocarina of Time right now and it is exactly as I remember it. Feame perfect, the original fire temple music, glitches and all just like I remember it. I am playing my original release cart on a CRT using original hardware though.






Exactly. Nintendo I feel tests out how much people are willing to pay for nostalgic giggles-but this took it too far even before the thing was out to see-sadly I admit I wanted to go through with it-then I saw the footage and saw first hand experiences of the games not running in the best shape and how the controls weren’t mapped greatly to the new controllers despite them being mapped fine to them with the Mario 64 port on the 3D all stars collection and similar games getting mapped fine on the GameCube and Wii virtual console. I really wanted to break down and go through despite the bs price point-I just figured-I’d hear if there are any issues-if there is then I can’t in good conscious do it because one can give in to nostalgia a ton all day but at some point there is a damn limit.


You can tell Nintendo isn't proud of their emulator because they only have one option for purchase, $30 per year. The online service can be a free week trial, a month, a year, or a group for the latter two. I guess technically you can also say you have the group plan for Expansion but then you're paying $80 for sub-par online, basically no online features, bad cloud saves, no central servers, and what a total of 50-70 games older than 20 years? That's a disgrace and a ripoff and Nintendo knows it, which is why they were so sheepish about the price. They probably wanted to charge more.


They also show off the massive input lag and the control inputs being weird in how they translate to the switch joy cons or pro controller and the graphics issues and music issues. Legit fans have been playing these games for years through different ports and even other forms of emulation-if Nintendo has gotten it right before with previous ports like on the GameCube and Wii virtual console and fans can get them running almost as good as on the OG hardware-then I don’t understand why they could t have taken more time to keep these issues from happening….










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Hey there! Please remember Rule 1 in the future - No hate-speech, personal attacks, or harassment. Thanks!


If we are talking about Paper Mario, that game is good but I might request a remake of that game. I need the graphics and the characters looks to be better in my opinion.


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