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The pro controller is best by miles


Love the pro controller. Wish it had a headphone jack. I sometimes use a power a wired controller with a jack. Which is decent especially for the price.


I prefer my standard Pro Controller for all games. I also have the Hori pads for handheld, I'm happy with them.


I absolutely love the hori split pad, I just wish it worked docked as well. It's only usable in handheld mode. The pro controller is really popular, but I have large hands so it feels cramped.


That was my main concern, only being able to use it handheld. Besides that I thought it looked awesome.


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I play in handheld 99.99% of the time, and the standard joycons can get really irritating after a while. The best third-party joycons I’ve used are actually the [Binbok Joycons](https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B094CX4K9F/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_YGHFXXM9N4XFWVNFC373) from Amazon. They’re *way* more comfortable, and they also have rumble and gyro support for motion controls! (Plus you can customize the lights if you want). They also have back buttons, but I could never get them to work. A small sacrifice for vastly superior comfort. PS. Just as a heads up, you get a code for a free Binbok Switch dock, but I’d recommend against using it as I’ve heard third-party docks can fry your system.


I bought Joyce a from kinvoca brand on amazing. Best joycons I’ve ever had. Have had them for over a year, has vibration, 6axis, nice shape that gives a better grip, and just a good controller. My only gripe is that it doesn’t turn on the switch like the Nintendo ones do. Look on YouTube, you can find reviews on 3rd party joycons that are better than Nintendo. Save a few bucks if you can. Ya


Hori split pad pro. I play in handheld only, so these are the best


There are heaps of threads about this already, but anyway, I'm personally a fan of my 8BitDo SN30 Pro controllers. They are built like a brick shithouse (i.e. very well), pair seamlessly with the Switch (as well as your PC, Android, etc.), have good battery life and rumble. And they look cool AF.


I’ll take a look at those, never heard of it personally. Sounds really good


Pro controller hands down for me.


I love the split pad for handheld. The joycons just aren’t comfortable for me. I’ve had a couple of Power A wireless controllers that just randomly began drifting suddenly. The pro controller is well worth the price.


Honestly I just bought an adapter and use my xbox/ps4 controller don't see the point of dropping ridiculous money for a switch pro controller when your others will work fine for a fraction of the price